Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 259: Play with life

"Who said I would kill you with a ranged attack?"

When Inaba Yinglangzuo and Xie Chen were facing each other, the light of the sword flashed above his head, and Mu Jianba smashed it down.

With a sound of "Ping!", the blades collided, and the power of Mu Jianba made Inaba Yinglangzao's wrist a little numb.

"Everything is foreshadowing, for this final blow."

When the two swords were facing each other, Xie Chen also raised the Soul Slasher and rushed towards Inaba Yinglang Zuo.

Turning his head to look at Xie Chen who was rushing over, a weird smile flashed across Inaba Yinglangzuo's face.

Quickly raised his left hand, and released a red cannon to blast away even more wooden swords.

"It's a coincidence, I also made the preparation, everything is for this."

The double-edged sword in Inaba Yinglangzuo's hand began to rotate, and a gate through the world appeared out of thin air. The black flames released by Xie Chen just now burst out of the gate.

Xie Chen's pupils suddenly shrank, and even his own hellfire, with his current spiritual pressure, it was difficult to integrate with it, so he had to turn around in midair and withdrew back to avoid the black flame.

"What was that just now?" After Xie Chen landed, he looked at the piercing gate made by Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo Soul Blade and thought to himself: The fire of **** that was indeed the Evil King and I was right.

"Manipulate the space." Inaba Yinglang Zuo said after putting away the gate: "You describe my ability in this way. It is true, but there is a fatal mistake."

Inaba Kagewolza stroked the blade and continued, "It is not only the small world that I can manipulate. It is not an exaggeration to say that I can manipulate all dimensions."


"My soul-slashing knife, Laikong, can manipulate the space itself." The double-edged sword in the hands of Inaba Yinglangzao began to slowly rotate again, "Memory space, restore it, then I restored the boundary and saw you He’s attacked, remembering that space again, can you understand it? Captain Xie Chen."

Xie Chen frowned slightly, and sighed silently in his heart. If he broke through the door of the Technology Development Bureau at that time, Reiatsu would not be sucked away. If he was in his heyday, it would be just to kill Inaba Yinglang Zuo. Things happened in a flash.

If you were yourself, you wouldn’t think about so many things at all. Every battle is for survival. Fighting is a means and survival is an end. As for why you survive, there is no extra time to think about it, because it is necessary to survive. Do your best.

And after many battles before Gengmu Kenpachi, he has become scarred. The two captains who were seriously injured are really going to be planted here.

"I don't know." Gengmu Jianba came over with the Soul Slasher at this time, and said: "It's just a little trick. If you can't fight without the tricks of carving insects, I will lose interest in you. It's really an eyesore. Disappear for me quickly."

Kendaki Kenpachi said, cutting at Inaba Kagero Sa.

Inaba Kageroza turned the double-edged sword and raised a gate through the boundary in front of him.

Seeing the crossing gate in front of him, Gengmu Kenpachi changed a direction and cut from the side of Inabakage Langza.

The piercing gate appeared again, but this time in the piercing gate, the same fantasy as Gengmu Jianba appeared, and the posture of raising the sword and cutting people was also the posture of Gengmu Jianba just now.

The difference is that the speed of fantasy is faster than Gengmu Jianba. The blade in Illusory's hand slashed off, and the knife slashed Gengmu Jianba's shoulder, blood burst out, Gengmu Jianba slowly fell.

"this is……"

"That's right." Inaba Yinglangzuo said with some pride: "It's your slash."

However, Kenpachi Kenpachi's body just leaned and immediately stood up with strong vitality. He returned his hand and gave Inaba Kage Ryouza a knife. Inaba Kage Ryouza took it with a double-edged sword, but because of the strength, his footsteps still involuntarily retreated. Got out.

While Inaba Yinglangzuo retreated, Xie Chen slashed again, but because of the decrease in spiritual pressure, his physical strength also decreased, and the speed that no one could beat became slow.

After the blades collided, Xie Chen said coldly: "Can you recover even the slash of the Soul Slashing Blade?"

"What do you think."

Xie Chen jumped back, and a black flame shot from the blade towards Inaba Yinglangzuo.

"still the same."

Inaba Yinglangzuo raised a gate again, but before the gate was formed, Xie Chen's speed suddenly increased, and he was in front of him instantly. After the blade collided, Inaba Yinglangzuo was directly forced by Xie Chen. Under the pillar behind.

Xie Chen chased after him, and Inaba Yinglang Zuo immediately raised the double-edged sword to hold Xie Chen's Soul Slashing Knife. Although Xie Chen's inner spiritual pressure was nearly exhausted, Inaba Yinglang Zuo still had some difficulty in picking it up.

"I saw it." Xie Chen said coldly: "The way you manipulate the Soul Slasher, the memory of the space is to turn the Soul Slasher to the right. The principle of reversal is the opposite. Turn left. If you can seal your turn to the right. Memory space, you have no threat."

Xie Chen's wrist pressed slightly, opened Inaba Ying Langzuo's double-edged sword, and then cut it down with a single knife.

When the neck of Inaba Yinglangzao was about to be cut, a weird smile appeared on Inaba Yinglangzao's face again, and he turned the double-edged knife slightly to the left, and a piercing gate appeared between him and Xie Chen.

What appeared from the crossing gate was the illusion before Gengmu Jianba. The blade of the illusion directly cut Xie Chen's shoulder to the position of his chest, and a large amount of red blood spewed out.

Xie Chen endured the pain, took a deep breath, and withdrew back. After landing, he covered the bleeding wound with his hand.

Inaba Yinglangzuo looked at Xie Chen triumphantly and said, "It can be restored more than once. The space just memorized can be restored continuously.

The blood of Xie Chen almost stained the entire captain's coat. Xie Chen took a deep breath and suppressed the pain of the wound. His right hand tightened the Soul Slasher in his hand, and his left hand was holding the bleeding wound and slowly approached Inaba Yinglangzuo.

Xie Chen's face had an expression like playing with life.

Seeing Xie Chendan's eyes like stagnant water, slowly approaching him, Inaba Ying Langzuo couldn't help feeling an unprecedented sense of frustration in his heart. ..


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