Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 194: Stabbed

Compared to other teams, the tenth team has just changed its captain. Although it has experienced two major events, the team is still not very mature.

In terms of qualifications and experience, the eighth division led by Kyōraku Chunsui and the 13th division led by Ukitake Shiro may be more competent.

"Not because of the captain..."

Matsumoto Ranju murmured.

Only the high-seat **** of death understands that the reason why Jing Lingting gave the important task of escorting the "Wang Yin" to the juvenile team this time is because Xie Chen, although he may be too young, is better than that. With experienced captains like Jingle Chunshui and Ukitake Shiro, his methods of handling things are more direct.

And whether it was the Bavent incident or the Soul Slashing Sword incident, he was the undisputed greatest hero.

What's more important is his strength, whether it is the overwhelming defeat of the Karishi God on the Bipolar Hill, or the killing of Mura Masa and Wufeng in the Soul Slashing Knife incident, he has shown his powerful side to people.

All the reasons added up, Xie Chen currently leads the Jufan team as the best candidate for this mission.

Several team members nodded and returned to their respective positions. Under the leadership of Xie Chen, the entire team was full of confidence.

Matsumoto Ranju's figure flashed, appeared in the air near Shenyu, and slowly moved to Xie Chen's side.

"Matsumoto?" Xie Chen said lightly, staring straight ahead.

Matsumoto Ranju nodded and said, "There is nothing unusual in all positions."

After listening to Matsumoto Ranju's report, Xie Chen looked back at her and moved his gaze to Shenyu again.

Matsumoto Ranju also turned his gaze to Miyuki and said, "It looks more spectacular up close."

Xie Chen said blankly: "Because authority needs decoration."

Matsumoto Ranju's mouth raised slightly, smiled and said, "The captain of the company also said such things. If you say such things, you will be reprimanded."

Xie Chen said indifferently: "Compared with this kind of thing, you...what."

While talking, Xie Chen's pupils suddenly shrank as if he had sensed something in vain.

At the next moment when Xie Chen felt the rein pressure hit, a purple rein pressure like a sharp arrow shot through the gods.

Next came lightning and explosions.

The sedan chair carrying the miracle was instantly knocked over. Because of the impact, most of the ghosts who carried the miracle were blown away, and the miracle began to tilt greatly.

Xie Chen hurriedly said, "Matsumoto, take action."


The two disappeared in place at the same time.

In the process of rushing to Shenyu, Xie Chen habitually frowned slightly. He thought that this task would be completed effortlessly. Although it is said that escorting the "King Yin" is almost equivalent to the highest-level task, he I never thought of anyone so bold who would dare to hijack.

The gods began to burn a raging fire, and the two light **** with electric lights burst out countless thunder and lightning, and began to attack those ghosts who were busy in the corner because the gods were attacked.

They also had no idea that someone would be so bold and dare to hijack Wang Yin.

The ghosts and daoists who touched the Daoguang ball almost turned into flying ash before they even had time to scream. The wood chips and golden shards peeled off from the gods are scattered in the forest below.

Matsumoto Ranju arrived here and assembled the team as quickly as possible.

"There are intruders, ready to fight."


After receiving the order, the team members flew to the gods above at the same time.

The ball of light gradually grew larger, and as soon as the three players approached, they were hit by the lightning protruding from the ball of light.

Although their physical strength is stronger than those ghosts and Daoists, they will not be wiped out in the ashes, but they lost their fighting power in an instant and fell into the forest.

Seeing the power of the light ball so powerful, Matsumoto Ranju immediately pulled out the Soul Slashing Knife and rushed upwards.

But at this moment, a white rope flew out of the smoke and was tightly wound around her blade.

Then a woman with long dark blue hair appeared from the smoke, pulling tightly on the other end of the rope.

"Go to hell."

There was an electric light on the rope, and it flowed along the rope to Matsumoto Ranju's blade.

"Moon, gray cat."

Matsumoto Ranju's blade turned into a gray smoke and hit the lightning.

The blue-haired woman missed a hit, and her figure disappeared into the smoke behind her again, and Matsumoto Ranju immediately chased it up.

At this time, on the other side, near Shen Yu, a fireball appeared out of thin air, ruthlessly burning the Qi Yuren who had finally gotten up.

The fireball had just touched the human bodies of the people who carried them and burned them all in an instant.

As if to wipe out all these people, the fireball ran wildly around the miami.

And Shen Yu also fell to the ground because he lost the person who carried him. When the fireball made a big roundabout and was about to rush into it again, Xie Chen suddenly appeared, using a knife blade to put the fireball under the crotch.

The red flame seemed to have been absorbed by Xie Chen's Soul Slasher, and the flame gradually extinguished. From the fireball, a woman with red hair collided with his blade.

The woman has long red hair tied into a ponytail, a white sleeveless top tied a knot on her waist, wearing a scarlet miniskirt, and her feet wearing ornaments like a pair of black boots.

Seeing her flames extinguished by Xie Chen, the woman opened her fresh-water-colored pupils and looked at Xie Chen in surprise.

"Who are you?" Xie Chen asked indifferently, holding the knife in her hand.

The red-haired woman did not answer, but turned back and laughed, jumped on the gods, and disappeared in the smoke caused by the fire explosion.

Xie Chen immediately chased after him, standing on top of the gods, but could not see the red-haired woman.

Just as he was looking for an enemy in the smoke mixed with the light peach color of the burning incense and the gray black of the burning wood, a breeze passed by him.

Immediately afterwards, there was a pain in his abdomen. When Xie Chen looked down, a blade had accurately pierced his abdomen, and blood was flowing from his body to the blade.

Xie Chen immediately opened the distance with Shunbu. ..


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