Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 180: remote control

"Why is it happening like that."

Akari Renji saw nothing but two women. He rolled his eyes and said to himself: "Really, comparing it to the captain's Senbonzakura has caused me a lot of trouble."

This sentence directly hit the pain point of the two of them, and the two of them pulled their faces directly, stood up and said: "This is really sorry."

"Huh? Where are you going?"

The long-haired woman said as she walked: "Go to the Technology Development Bureau and send the Broken Soul Slashing Blade that became a sword beast."

"What about regrets?"

"It's already written."

The long-haired woman waved her hand, opened the door and walked out.

Asani Renji sighed in the room alone, and said silently, "These are unpleasant guys."

I couldn't help but swept across the table, and saw five big characters written with a black brush on the table: I care about you, idiot.

"What! Those guys..."

Outside the closed door of the Technology Development Bureau, the long-haired woman shouted: "Hey, is anyone there, hello."

No one responded after calling for a long time. The red-haired girl waved her hand and said, "No one is there."

"It seems so."

"What should I do? Come again next time?"

"This is too troublesome..."

After some thoughts, the long-haired woman and the red-haired girl directly climbed up the window on the top floor of the Technology Development Bureau. Since this is a secret place, only the top of the wall was pressed against the window with iron railings.

"All right."

The long-haired woman separated the iron railings, creating a large gap, and the red-haired girl got in directly through the middle.

When she wanted to go in, her **** got stuck.

The red-haired girl just jumped off from above, the two of them were still chained, and one side of the chain was tied to the collar around the red-haired girl’s neck, as if hanging, the red-haired girl could not breathe directly. gas.


The red-haired girl was hung in the air, waving her arms frantically, shouting: "What are you doing, you big-ass woman."

The long-haired woman’s **** was still stuck between the two iron railings and couldn't get in at all. She shouted at the red-haired girl below: "Annoying, don't complain so much, just pull it fast."


The red-haired girl had no choice but to hit the wall with her toes and rushed up, pulling the chain inward, but she didn't respond at all.

"What are you doing there."

Suddenly a man's slightly magnetic voice came from below.

The long-haired woman didn't even notice who was standing underneath, and she didn't have time to worry about it. She replied casually, "I know it at a glance, I can't pull it out..."

With the efforts of the two at the same time, the long-haired woman's **** finally broke free from the shackles of the iron railing, and the two fell at the same time and hit the floor in the corridor of the Technology Development Bureau.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the man standing next to them, the man who was questioning just now, it was Senbon Sakura.

"Senbon Sakura." Senbonzakura looked at the two and said, "It's really a despicable behavior to sneak into other team houses."

"What did you say!" the red-haired girl yelled and jumped from the ground.

"Forget it, snake." The long-haired woman pinched her waist and said, "Senbon Sakura, what are you doing here?"

Senbonzakura replied: "The master asked me to tell the sword beast to send it."

"What?" the red-haired girl said, "just like us."

The long-haired girl looked at the empty hallway and said, "It seems that there is no one here today."

"Yeah." Chibon Sakura nodded and replied: "It seems that all members have gone to participate in the expedition experiment."

The Technical Development Bureau is different from the other teams in that the walls are not only very high, but the corridors are also very wide, and the walls are impervious to wind, only the small windows at the top have fixed points of sunlight, just like a prison.

"I don't leave a personal guard, it's really bold to do things."

"Huh?" The red-haired girl asked suspiciously at this time: "Then Qianben Sakura, how did you get in."

Senbonzakura stretched out his hand and pointed to the wall that had been smashed into a hole behind him, and said triumphantly: "Of course he came in from the front."

"You are trespassing, OK!" the two shouted at the same time.

Senbon-sakura said indifferently, "It would be a waste of time to come again next time, let's go."


Seeing Chibon Sakura walking in front, the two were whispering behind them.

"That guy is so childish."

"It seems that the Grim Reapers don't know his true character."

The three people entered the room where the Technology Development Bureau was researching the sword beasts. The large test tubes in the room contained the sword beasts captured from different places, each with their teeth and claws, and their faces fierce.

There are men with darts, men with octopus, men with cloaks, etc., which are put in test tubes in different places.

The three stopped in front of an empty test tube in the front.

"It's empty there."

The long-haired woman walked up the stairs in front of the test tube, picked up the remote control placed on the side shelf, and pressed a few buttons at will, and a small valve in the center of the test tube opened.

The red-haired girl couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Why do you know how to control it."

The long-haired woman waved the remote control in her hand and said, "I have been here with Renji several times, and I will remember it after seeing it."

And Chibonzakura, who stood by, looked thoughtfully at the remote control placed on the shelf by the long-haired woman.

The red-haired girl had already turned the sword beast into a soul-cutting knife and placed it on the valve opening of the test tube. After the soul-cutting knife was put on, the valve closed.

"Senbon Sakura, your..."

When the long-haired woman turned her head, she happened to see Chibon Sakura secretly pressing the button on the remote control.

"What are you doing?" The long-haired woman hurriedly shouted at him.

Suddenly shocked by the long-haired woman, Chibon Sakura couldn't hold her hands for a while, and the remote control fell off.

After watching the remote control fall on the ground, Senbonzakura still held his arm and said pretentiously: "Don't be scared, okay, it made me fall off."

The long-haired woman yelled at him dissatisfiedly: "If you press and mess around, something big will happen!"..


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