Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 178: embrace

In the evening, Matsumoto Ranju waited quietly in the room where the Jufan team stored supplies.

Just as the gray cat wanted to open the door from the outside, Matsumoto Ranju relied on the door and said softly, "What's the matter? Gray cat."

Knowing that sooner or later he could not hide his affairs, the gray cat did not panic too much, but leaned on the door outside and said, "Did you find it."

"Of course, where have you been?"

"Something is wrong."

The two talked across a door.

"And then? Is there anything wrong?"

"Well, that..."

Matsumoto Ranju suddenly raised his voice and said, "Speaking of it, it seems that medicines and food in our team have been stolen frequently recently, do you know?"

"Huh?" The gray cat hesitated for a while, or said, "I don't know."

"Really, it's really not peaceful."

"Okay, nothing happened."

Afterwards, there were footsteps outside, and the gray cat ran out in a hurry.

When I came to the mountain cabin again, it was already dark.

Since the door of the storage room was not opened, this time the Grey Cat did not bring food and medicine to Narusuke as usual.

Naunosuke's headaches became more frequent and intense.

When the gray cat arrived, Narutosuke's body exuded a slight white light, and he screamed while covering his head.

"What to do, if this goes on..."

"What will happen if this continues."

"That... it's okay." Seeing Narunosuke's strong reaction, the gray cat had to softly comfort him: "As long as you take a good rest, you must..."

Narunosuke suddenly threw the gray cat to the ground, pressed her arm, and shouted: "You lie to me, what the **** is wrong with me."

Then, the pain suddenly struck again.

"Narunosuke-kun, are you okay, cheer up."

"It hurts, I..."

As soon as the light on Narunosuke's body disappeared, Matsumoto Ranju's voice came from outside the door: "It will become a sword beast."

"Ranju." The gray cat looked to the door and saw Matsumoto Ranju standing at the door, and moonlight just hit her.

Matsumoto Ranju stood outside the door and said, "I think it's a little weird, so everything will be right."

"You follow me?" The gray cat said to Matsumoto Ranju with some dissatisfaction.

And Matsumoto Ranju also said angrily: "Why didn't you tell me earlier, why did you hide it."

The gray cat lowered his head.

Matsumoto Ranju continued: "Please recognize your position a little bit, I am the deputy captain, and you are my Soul Slasher."

At this time, Matsumoto Ranju pulled out the Soul Slashing Knife inserted in his waist, pointed at Narinosuke and said, "Anyway, leave this sword beast for me."

When the gray cat saw Matsumoto Ranju drawing his sword, he immediately stood in front of Naruto's help and shouted, "Wait, he is not a sword beast, he is in pain." "After this painful period, he will lose himself and fall into a state of loss of control. This is the sword beast."

Narunosuke heard Matsumoto Ranju's words, held his head with both hands, and muttered, "I will become a sword beast?"

"No." The gray cat suddenly exclaimed: "There must be a way to save him."

"There is no way." Matsumoto Ranju said softly.

"how come."

Facing the blade of Matsumoto Ranju Senhan, Narunosuke suddenly grabbed the gray cat by the shoulder and asked for help, "Miss Gray Cat, please help me."

At this moment, Nairosuke suddenly burst out with a strong blue light, and the snake that usually looked like a jewellery wrapped around his arm also stretched out suddenly, and several snake heads ran wildly behind him.

The blue light rushed, the wooden house exploded, and Narunosuke rose into the air. The handsome face became extremely hideous, and he let out a tragic cry.

Matsumoto Ranju stepped back and shouted, "Get out of the way, Grey Cat, kill him to save him."

The blue light disappeared again, and Narunosuke also fell on the ground, falling into a sea of ​​roses.

The gray cat stood in front of Narutosuke, pulled out the Soul Slashing Knife and faced Matsumoto Ranju, and said, "No, I must save him."

"Why don't you understand."

The gray cat said with a sullen face: "If you want to kill him, then get rid of me as a sword beast."

Matsumoto Ranju sighed, and had to say, "It seems that persuasive words are useless."

"Moon, gray cat."

The blades of the two men turned into gray smoke at the same time, entangled in the air, and finally offset.

Matsumoto Ranju jumped into the air, thinking secretly about the countermeasures: There is no way, and the gray cat's actions must be sealed with a tie.

Just as Matsumoto Ranju raised his hand and wanted to use Bound Dao, Narunosuke did not know when he appeared in the air again, with a snake head behind him, directly knocking Matsumoto Ranju away.

Seeing Narunosuke suddenly attacked Matsumoto Ranju, the gray cat hurriedly shouted at him: "Stop, Narunosuke-kun."

Ming Zhisuke had a grim face, and saw the gray cat standing on the ground, leaning over and rushing towards her.

At this time, the gray cat was unable to attack him from the depths of his heart. Just as the snake head behind Narutosuke was about to penetrate the gray cat's chest, Matsumoto Ranju rushed away from the other side, blocking the way of Naruosuke.

But then Matsumoto Ranju was thrown aside by the snake head behind Narinosuke.

Narunosuke made a hideous shout in front of the gray cat, but he did not act for a long time, as if something was constantly restraining himself.

The gray cat's eyebrows were drooping, and he stood up quietly, pressing his hands on Narunosuke's chest, and Narunosuke suddenly stopped his tragic cry.


Gray smoke rose from the gray cat's soul-cutter knife, circling around them at high speed like a whirlwind.

Matsumoto Ranju got up from the ground and shouted: "Stop it, gray cat." This kind of attack is undoubtedly suicidal.

Grey smoke rolled up the rose petals on the ground and drifted between the two.

"Sorry, I can't keep the promise."

Narunosuke opened his eyes surrounded by the gray smoke, and his eyes became as clear as before.

"Miss Gray Cat..."

"Mingzhi helps you."

Narinosuke held the gray cat tightly in her arms and whispered in her ear, "Thank you, Miss Gray Cat."..


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