Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 167: underground tunnel

"Please, we must catch the prisoner!"

"Take my snacks back!"

Amidst the cheers of the team members, the three began to march towards the underground passage with Ghost Deng Maru.

The reason why I want to be called the corner of Madarame is that, in the current 13th Gotei Division in the Jingrei Garden, apart from the captain-level Reaper, very few have considerable combat ability, although Ise Nanao led the team. , But she was originally a combat type of death.

Except for the Death God who is currently at the captain and deputy captain level in the Jingling Garden, only Madarame has a powerful combat ability.

After the three entered the underground from the underground entrance of the fourth division, Ukitake Shiro and others immediately went to the monitoring room of the Technology Development Bureau to observe the situation.

"How's it going."

A Jin, deputy director of the Technology Development Bureau, pointed to the light spot on the map and said, "As you can see."

Jingle Chunshui looked at the screen on the wall and said, "This is where everyone is."

"Yeah." Ah Jin nodded and said, "It's a greedy plan to make an accurate map of the underground waterway while searching."

Uozhihualie also came to the Technology Development Bureau with them. At this time, standing beside Jingle Chunshui, he said, "It's a rare opportunity, isn't it great to kill two birds with one stone."

Toruyuki looked at the light spots on the screen with a worried look, and said, "Everyone is okay."

"It should be all right."

The underground waterway in the Jingling Garden can flow through the whole territory of the Seoring Palace without obstacles and can lead to any building in the palace. The structure is very complicated, and only the fourth division members responsible for cleaning, supply and rescue can fully grasp it.

Although there are torches lighting every other section of the road, Hanataro Yamada still brought his own light.

"The atmosphere is really good." Guidengmaru said at the end.

"It is indeed." Hanataro Yamada walked in front of him and said, "There are indeed many horror rumors here."

"For example." Gui Deng Maru asked interestedly behind him.

"It is said that in the depths of this underground, people who were killed and unaccounted for during the expansion of the waterway are still locked in it, and from time to time some creepy sounds will be heard."

Guidengmaru suddenly laughed and said, "That's not bad, maybe they are the thief this time."

"It's really stupid." Ise Nanao walked in the front and said softly, "Isn't this kind of strange talk that often happens? Besides, how can there be ghosts in the corpse world."

Just as she was talking seriously, a drop of water dripped from above and hit her neck, and she was frightened and screamed loudly.

"What's wrong." Guideng Maru asked immediately.

Ise Nanao covered her face and jumped down, "There is something on my neck!"

"The enemy?" Madara's corner suddenly began to alert.

"Ah." Hanataro Yamada stepped forward and said softly at this time: "I'm sorry, that, it's water droplets, just that."

"You see that." Hanataro Yamada raised the light in his hand to shine on the upper wall. "From the crevices of the stones, dripping water will be scared to death by the water droplets. Deputy Captain Ise Really timid enough."

Ise Nanao looked up, and as expected, drops of water descended irregularly. Yamada Hanataro smiled and walked forward, but just two steps out, he tripped on a thin line on his foot.

Then, there was a loud noise at the corner in front of them, and the flame of the explosion hit the elbow, and the water in the waterway suddenly rose.

Onitoumaru immediately grabbed Hanataro Yamada and Nanao Ise, and followed the corner of Madarame to another place.

"What is it, what is that." Hanataro Yamada exclaimed in panic.

"This is a trap." Ise Nanao helped his glasses, and said with a seriousness: "Touch trap."

"Yes." Madame Kazue said, "It looks like we have become unwelcome guests."

Ise Nanao continued, "The enemy may be hiding nearby, so we must proceed cautiously next."

As a result, several people moved forward slowly along the underground waterway.

After walking for a while, Madarame stopped suddenly as if he had discovered something.

Hanataro Yamada, who followed him closely, slammed into his back, clutched his forehead and said, "What's wrong."

"Look." Madame pointed at a yellow brick in front of him and said: "The place with different colors is a trap. It is a trap in itself, or a landmine, but it is too careless to set it in the middle of the road."

The corner of Madarame was not moving forward, looking at the trap in front of him, thinking of sweating on his forehead.

At this time, Hanataro Yamada had a flash of light in his mind and immediately came to the conclusion that he could not move forward from here.

So he took the lead to walk around the yellow brick, and said confidently, "So that's it, then just bypass here and pass."

"Wait, hello." Madaramo shouted immediately behind him.

But it was too late. Hanataro Yamada had just stepped on a brick next to the yellow brick, and the brick immediately sank. Several people were completely frozen in fright. Hanataro Yamada squatted down and covered his eyes.

But after a while, nothing happened.

Hanataro Yamada covered her head, turned her head and smiled awkwardly: "Nothing happened, I thought it was going to boom."

"Idiot!" Madaramo stepped forward, grabbing his collar and shouting: "Don't do such rash things!"


"You are lucky if there is no explosion."

At this time, Ise Nanao suddenly shouted: "Please be quiet."

"what happened."

"Didn't you hear me?" Ise Nanao said, pointing to the road when he came from behind.

"What's the matter?" Hanataro Yamada said suspiciously.

"It's the sound of water."

"No, there is no water leaking here." Guidengmaru said.

"No." Ise Nanao raised his hand to help his eyes, and said: "This is bigger... flowing water..."..


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