Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 162: Lost snake

"Forget it."

At this time, Asani Renji also caught up from behind, looked at the blood stains left by the dart man on the ground, and said, "That guy is injured, and he shouldn't escape very far."

"Really." The long-haired woman said in a dissatisfied voice: "As soon as you untie the chains, run to play immediately. You will be punished for a while, you know it in your mind."

The red-haired girl turned her head to the side capriciously, looking like she had been wronged.

Asami Renji waved his hand and said, "Anyway, chase it."


So several people started separately again.

By the pavilion in the nearby park, the red-haired girl rushed and ran here.

As soon as he landed, he mumbled dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing? It is rare to be able to act alone. What does it matter if you play a little?"

Just a few steps out, a drop of blood was found under a tree. The blood ran on the lawn, forming a red-brown mark.

When the red-haired girl looked up, the dart man was hiding in the shadow on the branch.

The corners of his mouth suddenly rose, and he thought to himself: Is he injured? Then I can deal with it alone.


The red-haired girl flew up, staying in the air, and stood in front of the dart man on the branch.

"I found the ellipsis." The dart man clutched the wound on his arm with a pained expression.

"You better accept your fate."

The man darts mumbled: "It's hard to get free, how can I just give up like this."

"Freedom?" The red-haired girl asked suspiciously, "Is this kind of good?"

"Huh?" The dart man turned his mind and put down the just lifted dart, pretending to say proudly: "Freedom is a good thing, kid, you can act according to your own will at any time. It is a miracle that we can never taste. ."

"Miracle?" The red-haired girl leaned forward.

Seeing that the other person became interested, the dart man continued to nod his head and said: "Ah, yes, I said, let me run away. In this way, you can also be free. If you catch me, you will Bound."

The red-haired girl couldn't help but remember what the long-haired woman told her before she left: you will be punished for a while, you know it in your heart.

Seeing the red-haired girl beginning to show a pensive expression, the dart man took the opportunity to escape again.


When the red-haired girl silently landed on the ground, Asari Renji's shout came.

"Damn it, let him escape again."

The long-haired woman complained to the red-haired girl, "What are you in a daze?"

"No, that..." The red-haired girl was like a machine stuck.

Assani Renji looked at her suspiciously, and couldn't help saying, "Are you..."

"Annoying." The red-haired girl turned her head to the side and said, "I didn't let him go on purpose."

"I can't help it, I'm sorry, snake." The long-haired woman lifted the chain in her hand, trying to link the two again.

"Wait a minute." The red-haired girl immediately stopped her voice: "I don't want to, I'm always bound by chains." "But you are clearly in the way, snake."

"What's in the way?" The red-haired girl's tone became dissatisfied, and she said loudly, "Do you want to complete the task quickly and return to the normal Soul Slasher? What are you kidding about, you can finally move freely. I don't want to be locked again."

Hearing the red-haired girl speaking so loudly, the long-haired woman couldn't help being taken aback.

Taking advantage of this moment, the red-haired girl disappeared in a flash.

"Snake." The long-haired woman called.

"forget it."

Akari Renji stretched out his hand to block the long-haired woman who was trying to catch up.

Asari Renji said softly, "Just leave her alone."

The long-haired woman nodded.

The red-haired girl at this time walked alone in the street after leaving them.

Putting his hands behind his head, he kept muttering: "I don't want to be with them, I have to act alone."

"Alone?" Then, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help but murmured: "Lonely means..."

Immediately afterwards, raised his hands and exclaimed excitedly: "Yes, you can do anything."

As if the whole world was lit up, then she began to think of another question that was of vital importance to her now.

"Well, the first thing a person wants to do is..."

Looking to the side, he happened to pass a snack shop.

So he opened the door, walked into the store, and took a pile of desserts from the shelf without authorization.

"Without being restricted by anyone, I can eat as much as I want. I started."

"Wait a minute." Just sitting on the ground and trying to put the dessert in his mouth, a girl's reprimanding voice came from next to the shelf.

"Ah? What are you doing." The red-haired girl raised her head and saw Ishida Yulong's sister Ishida Xia Li, of course she didn't know her.

Xia Li Ishida said loudly, "What are you doing? You didn't buy it, so why do you want to start eating."

"Huh?" The red-haired girl didn't understand the rules of the world, and said of course: "What's wrong with eating if you want, if you get in the way, I will fly you."

Xia Li Ishida shouted at the shop at this time: "Is anyone here? There is a kid who eats free food here."

"Stupid." The red-haired girl also exclaimed very angrily: "Don't call anyone, it will be troublesome if the monkey and Renji know about it."

"What's the matter." Coming with Xia Li Ishida, her sister Yuzi Ishida and the owner walked out of the room.

"There was a strange kid who took rice **** without authorization..."

When I was about to look back, the red-haired girl was gone, leaving only a spot of snacks.

"There is no one."


At this time, the red-haired girl returned to the nearby park, muttering as she walked: "Really, what's the matter with that kid."

But the bad mood didn't last long, and he saw a group of pigeons eating on the nearby lawn and threw on excitedly.

After dispersing the pigeons, he went to a nearby pond to catch fish and frogs. ..


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