Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 15 Chapter 133: By instinct

"Stop spreading rumors there."

The victory of the war has just been ushered, and the future is still clear, and it is inexplicably framed. The Raging River is like sinking from the sky to the bottom of the cold lake. If it were not for the presence of the silver bell, he would definitely not hesitate to frame it. His people beheaded on the spot.

"We are the victims of his greed and desire." It seems that he didn't pay attention to the angry eyes of Dao Kuchu Xianghe, the fallen **** of death still said non-stop.


"Grab it." When Kuchuki Xianghe was about to step forward and wanted to seal his mouth forever, one of the three people who followed immediately shouted: "Get Kuchuki Xianghe for me immediately."

"Wait, please listen to me explain."

Without giving him a chance to explain, a dozen or so Xing Jun dressed in black tights immediately surrounded him and Cun Zheng from the eaves.

"What to do, Xianghe." The village Zheng asked softly.


Kuchuki Xianghe gritted his teeth, and he must not sit here and wait for death. Once he was caught and handed over to the Central 46th Room for processing, it would be difficult to have a chance to explain, so he raised the Soul Slasher and prepared to fight.

"Stop, Xianghe."

Kuchuki Yinling said from the side: "Don't move, don't act now."

Kuchuki Xianghe asked unwillingly: "Your Excellency Yinling, why?" His voice was full of unwillingness.

"Okay, don't move."

Facing the strong attitude of Kuchuki Yinling, Kuchuki Xianghe had to sigh for a long time and put down the lifted Soul Slasher.

"Xianghe." The village was quietly calling him from the side.

Kuchi Xianghe raised his head, struggling quickly in his heart, and finally put the Soul Slasher into the scabbard around his waist.

Mura Masa glanced at him with disappointment. As Kuchuki Xianghe Soul Slasher was put away, he gradually turned into smoke and disappeared in place.

Afterwards, Xing Jun stepped forward and found his Soul Slashing Knife, tied his hands and took away. Standing by the side, the three Grim Reapers in white clothes showed triumphant smiles after the plan succeeded.

The Palace of Confession, located in the center of Jingling Court, on the high ground south of the 13th Team House of the Guarding Court, where serious criminals are imprisoned.

Xing Mu Xianghe was taken away by Xing Jun and was detained here.

After noon, Kuchuki Yinling came to the cell alone, standing on the iron railings, watching Kuchuki Xianghe slowly said: "Your punishment has been determined, and in the next 100 years, you will be deprived of your seat of office."

This kind of punishment is already extremely painful for Kuchuki Xianghe. If he can't be in a high position, it will be better than death for him. Not to mention that he is now the son-in-law of the Kuchuki family. If he spends a hundred years in the ordinary, If he can't defend the honor of the Kuchuki family, let alone say that he can't bear the cold eyes of others.

But that's not all, Kuchuki Yinling continued: "Moreover, your Soul Slasher is considered a dangerous factor to disrupt the situation, so it has been ordered to be completely deprived of its ability."

"How can this be done." Hearing this, Kuchuki Xianghe couldn't help it finally, and shouted at Kuchuki Yinling: "Your Excellency, did you believe their words, you really think I want to kill Are they?"

Kuchiki Yinling looked at him deeply and said, "Do you think I would think that way."

"Do not."

"Do you understand? The problem is that the upper levels have opinions on your Soul Slashing Sword ability. They are not afraid of you, but Murata's runaway."

"What are you talking about?" Kuchuki Xianghe asked in a hoarse voice, "not because of me, but because of Mura Masa?"

"Xianghe." Kuchuki Yinling said meaningfully: "I have said before. People with abilities must also have a strong heart. You rely too much on your soul-slashing ability. I have always believed that my judgment is correct and I am getting deeper and deeper. The Chief Captain is afraid that you will lose control and arranges you to join his direct troops."

Rotten Wood Xianghe was very dissatisfied with the judgment of the upper class in the Soul World, "I was framed, framed by those who are intrigued by profit."

"No." Kuchuki Yinling interrupted him without hesitation, but said: "It is your overconfidence that led to this result."

Kuchi Xianghe finally lowered his head and said softly: "Then what do you want me, my life is threatened." His voice gradually increased, and finally yelled like uncontrollable emotions: "You want to tell me Am I going to die like that."

"Calm down, there is still some time before your execution. You have to learn to be patient. Learning this is good for you."

After saying this, Kuchuki Yinling turned and left. Only the dead wood Xianghe stayed in the cell alone, and finally did not let the tears of grievance stay.

On the way back to his homeland, Kuchaki Yinling thought to herself: I was so impatient, but, in this case, he must quickly think of a countermeasure, otherwise he will really lose his strength.

After that, the figure disappeared in a flash.

At this time, it was late at night, and the dead wood Xianghe had been in the cell for a day.

"Why don't you let me explain, why don't you recognize my strength and my existence, Sir Yinling, why can't you understand me."

Kuchi Xianghe kept mumbling.

At this moment, Muramasa suddenly appeared in front of him, looked at him and said softly: "You don't need to seek his understanding. Didn't I say, trust me, and believe in yourself."

Opening his eyes, Kuchiki Xianghe saw Muramasa standing in front of him.

"Mura Masa, why, why did you materialize."

"Your instinct, I heard a grievance in your heart." The village was standing in front of him and said.

"My instinct?" Kuchiki Xianghe didn't understand what the "instinct" was in his mouth.

So Mura Masa continued: "As long as you call, I will appear in front of you no matter where I am, because I am your soul-slashing knife, and I will live according to my instinct."

There was a flash of blue-purple light in Cunzheng's hand, and a soul-slicing knife appeared out of thin air, instantly severing the shackles on the dead wood Xianghe and the iron pillars of the cell. ..


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