Six hundred and thirty-three kilograms? Chu Yuanwu nodded. To be on the safe side, he directly took out seven hundred kilograms of energy stones. Before feeding them to the giant centipede, Chu Yuanwu specifically asked the system. With so many energy stones, Will it hold up after being eaten by a giant centipede?

After receiving the system's answer, Chu Yuanwu began to take action with confidence and fed seven hundred kilograms of energy stones to the giant centipede.

In order to make it easier for the giant centipede to eat, Chu Yuanwu also specially selected energy stones that were small in size and heavy in weight to feed to the giant centipede.

After the giant centipede had eaten all the seven hundred kilograms of energy stones, Chu Yuanwu asked the system to scan the energy accumulated in the giant centipede to see if it had reached 100%.


The energy accumulated by the giant centipede not only reached 100%, but also exceeded it by a lot.

The giant centipede, which had eaten seven hundred kilograms of energy stones, conveyed to Chu Yuanwu an emotion of wanting to go into hibernation. Chu Yuanwu conveyed an emotion back, appeasing the giant centipede, and then found a cave for the giant centipede to rest in. Molting inside the cave.

Whenever insect beasts shed their shells, they are at their weakest. Even a giant centipede that has just shed its shell is no match for a level 100 insect beast.

In order to prevent accidents after the giant centipede successfully sheds its shell, Chu Yuanwu swept through the surrounding strange beasts while the giant centipede was molting.

A soil-faced spider lies in the mud, with only its back exposed. Once a prey passes by, the soil-faced spider will jump out from underneath and bite the passing prey to death.

Only this time, the Earth-faced Spider met not the prey, but the hunter.

Chu Yuanwu slapped his claws hard on the ground. The terrifying force directly opened several huge cracks in the ground. The powerful shock wave spread outward. The earth-faced spider two hundred meters away from Chu Yuanwu was hit by this shock wave. He hit and was immediately stunned.

Chu Yuanwu walked towards the earth-faced spider and used his claws to dig out the earth-faced spider hidden in the soil.

The level of this earth-faced spider is level 153, which is not a weak level.

Chu Yuanwu stuffed the earth-faced spider, which was no more than two meters long, into his mouth. After chewing it, he asked the system to scan for all the strange beasts in the area.

Centered on the location of the giant centipede, the land boundary covering a thousand meters was scanned by the system.

This deducted 5 million of Chu Yuanwu's energy points, and an earth-faced spider only added more than 1.3 million energy points to Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu sighed. He still lost more than 3.6 million energy points. Adding in the energy points consumed when the system scanned the giant centipede's body, it exceeded 5 million.

On the front, it can clean up all threatening beasts around and replenish the energy points consumed.

There are not many strange beasts within a thousand meters, only about twenty.

After Chu Yuanwu killed the earth-faced spider, he continued walking towards the next place where there were insects and strange beasts.

On a large tree more than a hundred meters away, three aphids lived. They relied on the tree's resin sap to survive, and occasionally sucked the blood of other insects and beasts.

The levels of these three aphids are not high, only more than 110 levels. They are only one meter in length. They are all white and have translucent skin. You can vaguely see the internal organs under the skin.

Chu Yuanwu walked towards these three aphids. From the appearance, these three aphids did not have any strong attack power.

In fact, this is also true. If no alien beasts take the initiative to break into their chassis, they will not take the initiative to attack other alien beasts.

Chu Yuanwu walked towards the three aphids. The three aphids did not realize the seriousness of the problem at all and were still sucking the resin liquid leisurely.

Chu Yuanwu raised his paw and swatted at the three aphids.

The wind blew loudly, and the three aphids finally realized that something was wrong and sensed that the danger was coming. The three aphids released a very pungent odor.

This stench has a strong stupor effect. Even with Chu Yuanwu's physical strength, when he comes into contact with this stench, he will inevitably be dizzy for a second.

It's just that this second is really not a long time. Chu Yuanwu, who was suddenly awake, swung his paw horizontally and directly beat the three aphids into a pulp.

Chu Yuanwu then dug the meat paste out of the big tree and ate it, adding 380,000 energy points to Chu Yuanwu.

Continuing to the next place, more than forty meters away from the big tree, there is a scarab beetle crawling on the surface.

Chu Yuanwu jumped down from the big tree and rushed towards the scarab beetle.

Scarab felt the sound of wind coming from behind him, turned around and saw Chu Yuanwu rushing towards him. Scarab was stunned for a moment. Before he could realize what was going on, his head was bitten off by Chu Yuanwu.

The headless scarab body was still moving on the ground, crawling directionlessly. While Chu Yuanwu chewed the scarab head in his mouth, he looked coldly at the scarab body crawling on the ground.

Then General Chu Yuan swallowed the head of the scarab beetle in his mouth, pounced on the scarab beetle's body, bit down hard, pulled half of the scarab beetle's body, bit it off, and swallowed it.

The energy points increased by 800,000, and in one bite, the other half of the beetle's body was swallowed by Chu Yuanwu.

This beetle added a total of more than 1.9 million energy points to Chu Yuanwu, which was almost close to two million. Adding in the insects and beasts eaten earlier, the energy points obtained by Chu Yuanwu were almost replenished to the five that he had consumed. Millions of energy points.

Chu Yuanwu turned on the system and scanned the ground. The next insect beast was only more than 130 meters away from him.

Chu Yuanwu looked up and saw a big dragonfly flying in the air in front of him.

The big dragonfly flies extremely fast. It pauses in the air. The next moment, its body appears more than ten meters away as if teleporting.

Chu Yuanwu silently estimated the speeds of himself and the big dragonfly. Comparing the two with each other, Chu Yuanwu felt that he probably couldn't catch up with the big dragonfly.

Then, Chu Yuanwu could only think of other solutions. Or, just let this big dragonfly go.

But it was obvious that Chu Yuanwu had no intention of letting go of this big dragonfly.

Chu Yuanwu opened his mouth and wanted to directly use the energy ball to blow up the big dragonfly. However, after thinking about it, spending energy points to deal with a hundred-level alien beast was too much, so Chu Yuanwu gave up. A plan to blow up a giant dragonfly with an energy ball.

Electricity emitted from Chu Yuanwu's body, and a blue lightning ball condensed in front of Chu Yuanwu. A few seconds later, a fist-sized blue lightning ball condensed out and flew towards the big dragonfly.

The lightning ball reached an astonishing speed, far exceeding the flying speed of a giant dragonfly.

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