Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 212 Seven Star Insect

When Chu Yuanwu didn't enter the third level of the forbidden area, he didn't know that there were different levels of insect eggs. He only learned about it recently, so he couldn't blame the Amethyst Bee Queen.

Next time if blue or other different eggs are laid, let me know. Chu Yuanwu said.

That kind? Blue insect eggs? The Amethyst Bee Queen said with some uncertainty: It seems that there is a blue insect egg that is hatching now.

Yes? Chu Yuanwu was slightly surprised. Although blue insect eggs are very rare, once the number increases, the chance of appearing will increase, which is normal.

Where? Chu Yuanwu asked.

Master, come this way.

The Amethyst Queen Bee had a big belly and was inconvenient to move, so she did not come out to lead the way in person. Instead, she asked the Queen Bee who stayed in the hive to come to Chu Yuanwu and take Chu Yuanwu to the place where the blue insect eggs were placed.

Sure enough, as the Amethyst Bee Queen said, there is a blue insect egg here.

The eggs are only halfway through their incubation time, and they still have three or four days to hatch, so there's no rush.

Chu Yuanwu put the blue insect eggs into the storage space, and after a moment's hesitation, asked the Amethyst Bee Queen to take back all the latest batch of eggs.

Although the Amethyst Bee Queen didn't understand what Chu Yuanwu was doing, she still did it.

Amethyst bees flew into the hive one by one, grabbed the newly hatched eggs, and flew towards the place where the Amethyst Queen Bee was.

Chu Yuanwu also rushed in the direction of the Amethyst Bee Queen, so all the eggs that had been incubated for more than three days were sent there. The hive was suddenly empty, with two-thirds of the eggs missing.

Arriving in front of the Amethyst Bee Queen, Chu Yuanwu looked at the Amethyst Bee Queen's bloated belly and was always worried that the bee eggs inside would burst the Amethyst Bee Queen's belly.

Chu Yuanwu took out all the insect eggs placed in the storage space, plus the eggs laid by the Amethyst Bee Queen herself, the total number exceeded 10,000.

Stop laying eggs now, eat all these eggs, and then lay eggs. Chu Yuanwu ordered.

The Amethyst Queen Bee had no objection and began to eat the eggs.

After the Amethyst Bee Queen's level increased, her size also increased. The current Amethyst Bee Queen's body is eleven meters long, including eight meters in the belly.

According to the speed at which it eats, it would take at least twenty days to eat all ten thousand eggs.

Before leaving, Chu Yuanwu did not forget to say: If you really can't hold it in and want to lay eggs, just give birth. Don't burst your belly.

I understand, Master.

Chu Yuanwu left the hive and went to the second place where a large number of blue light points gathered on the third floor of the forbidden area.

This time, it took Chu Yuanwu two hours to get to the location where the blue light spots gathered.

A fairly large area of ​​bush.

The bush is low, no more than three meters high, and is covered with small orange-red fruits, which are particularly conspicuous against the red leaves of the bush.

When Chu Yuanwu came here, he looked around suspiciously. According to the map, this was indeed the place he was looking for.

But why can't I see any insect eggs anywhere?

Just when Chu Yuanwu was confused, a buzz suddenly erupted from the bushes, and an overwhelming number of insects flew towards Chu Yuanwu.

These bugs are extremely small, only the size of an egg, and are yellowish in color. They look like beetles but not like beetles.

Seven-star worm, adult, level: 64

Combat strength: 435100

The bugs were as small as their size, and Chu Yuanwu admired their courage.

First there was a flash of electricity, and suddenly there was a crackling sound in the air. The seven-star insects flying in the sky were scorched black by electricity and fell like raindrops.

Then the power of the curse spread, and all the seven-star insects contaminated by the power of the curse moved slowly and lost most of their attack power.

The seven-star bugs in the bushes were still rushing towards Chu Yuanwu without mercy, and Chu Yuanwu had no intention of being polite to them. He opened his mouth and took a big gulp.

The Seven-Star Insect, affected by the power of the curse, could not escape Chu Yuanwu's terrifying suction force.

One after another, they flew into Chu Yuanwu's mouth and were swallowed by Chu Yuanwu.





The energy points continued to soar, and each seven-star insect could add approximately 10,000 energy points to Chu Yuanwu.

The overwhelming number of Seven-Star Insects here is obviously much greater than the number of Fruit Melting Ants.

Chu Yuanwu suddenly felt that finding rare insect eggs was no longer so urgent, and began to concentrate on dealing with these seven-star insects that did not know whether to live or die.

In one bite, you can eat hundreds of seven-star worms.

In just a few moments, tens of thousands of seven-star insects were eaten by Chu Yuanwu.

Ten thousand.

Twenty thousand

Eighty thousand

Ninety thousand

One hundred and ten thousand!

Chu Yuanwu ate a total of 110,000 seven-star insects from dusk to dawn.

There were not many seven-star insects left in the bushes, only a few scattered ones, still attacking Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu killed the last few Seven-Star Insects and began to pick up the corpses on the ground to eat.

This terrifying number of seven-star insects gave Chu Yuanwu a full 12 levels.

It took me a day to eat these seven-star worms, and I gained a lot. Chu Yuanwu grinned and looked around again. There were no seven-star worms and no eggs.

Opening the map casually, Chu Yuanwu's eyes widened all of a sudden. The blue light spots on the map were less than half?

Chu Yuanwu was a little confused. Did he accidentally injure a rare insect egg when he was fighting with the Seven-Star Insect? But where the rare insect eggs were, Chu Yuanwu couldn't find them.

System? Chu Yuanwu secretly asked the system.

Look at the back of the shrub leaves yourself. The system prompted.

Chu Yuanwu was thoughtful and began to look at the red shrub leaves.

Sure enough, behind the leaves of the shrubs, there were densely packed insect eggs.

It was not long after his third stay in the forbidden area. The smallest eggs Chu Yuanwu saw were those of Melting Fruit Ants. Even smaller? Never seen it again.

But the eggs of the seven-star worm are really ridiculously small, only about the size of grapes.

A palm-sized leaf can hold more than a dozen eggs of the seven-star insect. The whole shrub is three meters high and has countless leaves. There are more or less insect eggs on each leaf.

This is the largest number of insect eggs that Chu Yuanwu has ever seen. The number of insect eggs here is definitely several times greater than the number of seven-star insects.

You know, there are as many as 110,000 seven-star insects, so the number of eggs here can be imagined.

Chu Yuanwu began to collect the eggs of the seven-star insects, found the rare eggs and the common eggs, divided them into two piles, and temporarily placed them all in the storage space.

There are at least a thousand blue light spots here, which means there are at least a thousand rare insect eggs here.

But I don't know how long it will take to find more than a thousand rare eggs among hundreds of thousands of eggs.

Next, Chu Yuanwu spent more than ten days collecting the eggs of the seven-star insects.

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