All the strange beasts who heard the howling put down their hands and rushed towards Chu Yuanwu in the same direction.

Chu Yuanwu suddenly raised his head while running, and a large number of black and green beetles fell down like rain.

In less than a moment, Chu Yuanwu's body was covered with beetles.

The beetle's body is light and hollow. Even if Chu Yuanwu has twenty or thirty beetles hanging on his body, he still doesn't feel any weight, and his speed is not hindered at all.

Suddenly there was a pain in his back. Chu Yuanwu turned his head and looked at his back in shock, and found that the jade armor covering his body had been chewed through by beetles?

A group of over one hundred level beetles actually gnawed away a layer of the jade armor.

Chu Yuanwu rushed forward suddenly, his head touched the ground, his body flew into the air, and then he hit the ground hard.

Most of the beetles hanging on his body were thrown off, but there were still a few beetles that bit Chu Yuanwu's back and refused to let go.

Fortunately, Chu Yuanwu removed the jade armor and allowed the beetle to bite his back. He relied on his terrifying self-healing speed to withstand the beetle's bite.

No matter how the beetle bites, its mouth is so big, how much damage can it cause to Chu Yuanwu?

The regeneration speed is far faster than the beetle's gnawing speed. The beetle wanted to bite Chu Yuanwu to death, laughing to death, but it couldn't kill him at all.

The beetle that had been thrown away caught up again, its wing elytra opened, and its wings as thin as leaves vibrated extremely fast.

Chu Yuanwu was surprised to find that the beetle was dragging such a large body and flying faster than he could run.

At this speed, the beetle would catch up with Chu Yuanwu in almost a few minutes.

Chu Yuanwu suddenly stopped, stopped running, and took a deep breath.

A large amount of air poured into the bulge in Chu Yuanwu's throat, and the bulge expanded rapidly.

Roar! ! !

The terrifying sound wave struck the beetle like a sea wave, and the beetle was caught off guard and faced Chu Yuanwu's sonic attack.

In just a few seconds, the beetle's wings were damaged by the sonic attack, and its speed was greatly reduced.

Chu Yuanwu twisted his body like a snake and bit the beetles hanging on his back. With a click, several beetles were bitten into two pieces.

After such a short delay, Guardian Spider caught up with Chu Yuanwu again.

Chu Yuanwu originally opened a distance of more than three thousand meters, but after a while, the distance between the two shortened to two thousand meters.

After Chu Yuanwu bit the beetle on his back, he didn't even have time to clean up the beetle body hanging on his back, and continued running forward with it on his back.

Before Chu Yuanwu could run out, his vision blurred, his vision was disrupted, and there was a faint smell of burning in the air.

The next second, the skin on Chu Yuanwu's face smoked, as if it was burned by fire, and blood blisters formed one after another.

Chu Yuanwu was stunned and looked up. Although his vision was blurry, he could still see things clearly.

A huge butterfly, more than twelve meters long, was flying in the air.

What disturbed Chu Yuanwu's vision and burned Chu Yuanwu's skin was the phosphorus powder from this butterfly.

Baby butterfly, adult, level: 201

Combat strength: 4510600

Chu Yuanwu's eyes narrowed. A butterfly with a level of over 200 was enough to cause him considerable harm.

The skin on the face is still breaking down, and the butterfly's phosphorus powder seems to have the ability to suppress the speed of self-healing.

Chu Yuanwu lowered his head and kept it as close to the ground as possible, hoping to avoid the phosphorus powder.

But no matter how Chu Yuanwu dodges, the phosphorus powder follows Chu Yuanwu like a shadow.

The phosphorus powder is light and can adhere to Chu Yuanwu's body with the breeze, and cannot be shaken off no matter how hard he shakes it off.

Suddenly, a surge of electricity surged from Chu Yuanwu's head.

At the moment when the current comes into contact with the phosphorus powder, the phosphorus powder is ignited by the high temperature brought by the current, and then explodes violently, forming a series of chain reactions.

The huge explosion instantly enveloped Chu Yuanwu's entire head. Chu Yuanwu's body froze, but he continued to rush forward relying on inertia.

The impact of the explosion caused Chu Yuanwu to fall into a brief coma. After a few seconds, Chu Yuanwu regained consciousness.

A layer of skin on the head was peeled off, revealing bright red muscles. Fortunately, it was just some skin trauma.

Seeing that Chu Yuanwu was not dead, the butterfly flew up again, flapped its wings and sprinkled a large amount of phosphorus powder.

Electricity condensed on the surface of Chu Yuanwu's body. After a moment, an electric snake rose into the sky and collided with the phosphorus powder falling from the air.


The impact of the explosion made the butterfly's flying figure unstable, and it flew backwards staggeringly.

A black ball condensed in Chu Yuanwu's mouth, and then Chu Yuanwu suddenly raised his head and spit it out towards the butterfly.

The butterfly seemed to be aware of the danger contained in the black ball. It flapped its wings, raised its body and hid upwards, barely avoiding the black ball that passed by it.

But the beetles following the butterfly were far less lucky.

The black ball exploded among the beetles, and a mushroom cloud composed of chaotic energy flow slowly rose. All the beetles affected by the mushroom cloud were destroyed in an instant, and not even the scum was left.

Such a small energy ball condensed Chu Yuanwu's one million energy points. The power of the explosion could instantly kill any two-hundred-level beast. This group of beetles, which were only over one hundred level, could not stop them. It is also normal to attack the black ball.

The butterfly fell from the sky, and the previous series of horrific explosions had basically zero impact on it.

The wound on Chu Yuanwu's head was healing in a terrifying way. It only took a black ball to explode, and the wound healed as before.

Looking back at the butterfly that was still chasing him, Chu Yuanwu reversed his direction and jumped towards the butterfly.

The butterfly flew upwards, keeping a certain distance from Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu's forward momentum weakened, and when he was about to pounce, his body became larger and the distance of his attack also lengthened, just enough to touch the butterfly's body.

The butterfly finally panicked, and its flying movements became irregular.

Chu Yuanwu's mouth rubbed against the butterfly's body and only bit the butterfly's wing.

The butterfly flapped its wings hard and tore off the wing bitten by Chu Yuanwu.

Although a small section of its wings was missing, the butterfly's flight speed was not affected at all. At this time, the butterfly was desperately flying high into the sky, trying to leave Chu Yuanwu's attack range.

Chu Yuanwu's body was still in mid-air, unable to move up or down. He had no point of strength to draw on, so he could only keep falling downwards, and he was about to let the butterfly escape. Chu Yuanwu took a deep breath and roared towards the butterfly.

As Chu Yuanwu's body grew larger, so did his bulge, the amount of air that could be compressed more than doubled, and the power and range became even larger.

The butterfly, which was only more than 700 meters in the air, could not avoid the sound wave attack at all. Its body was enveloped by the sound wave. It only lasted for a short ten seconds before it was knocked unconscious by Chu Yuanwu's sonic wave attack and fell from the air. .

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