Infinite Evolution of Devouring System

Chapter 201 The third level of the forbidden area

On the outskirts of the forest, Chu Yuanwu and several demon noses stopped in front of a medicinal field full of herbs and elixirs. Sentinel bees had been waiting here early.

You guys just listen to it from now on and do whatever it tells you to do. The herbs here are not yet mature and cannot be picked. You can go anywhere on weekdays and it will not restrict your freedom. Find a Just stay where you like. Chu Yuanwu gave a few words to the Demon Noses, then explained to the Amethyst Bee Queen, and left alone.

The Demon Nose group will stay at the outer edge of the forest until the danger in the outer edge of the forest is completely subsided.

The third level of the forbidden area, deep in the forest.

There is a very clear boundary between the depths of the forest and the periphery of the forest. The trees on the periphery of the forest are no more than 45 meters at most. Occasionally there are a few big trees of 70 or 80 meters, which is a rare thing.

But deep in the forest, the trees here are as low as a hundred meters high, like two completely different tree species.

Not only are the trees tall, but the alien beasts living deep in the forest are also huge, far larger than the alien beasts on the outskirts of the forest and on the prairie, thousands or tens of thousands of times larger.

A mantis over four meters long, a centipede twenty or thirty meters long, a grasshopper over ten meters long, and ants one or two meters long are all not uncommon on the third level of this forbidden area.

This place seems to be a world dominated by insects, but there are very few animals.

Chu Yuanwu wandered deep in the forest for a long time, and all he encountered were large insects, but no strange beasts.

Occasionally, there was the sound of birdsong above his head. Chu Yuanwu looked up, but his sight was obscured by the layers of leaves, and his eyes could not see through the leaves at all.

There was a thick layer of fallen leaves piled up on the flat open space, about one meter thick. The leaves turned yellow, obviously they had fallen for a long time.

But in this forbidden land that is like spring all year round, even the trees wither and bloom each year are omitted. How can there be so many withered and yellow fallen leaves?

Chu Yuanwu stopped a few hundred meters in front of the leaf pile, motionless, sizing up the leaf pile and the possible dangers underneath it from a distance.

Time seems to have stopped, and everything around is stagnant. Only the occasional breeze blowing up a few fallen leaves can prove that the space here has not been solidified.

Chu Yuanwu stood there like a statue, his body upright and unable to make any sound.

The same is true for the pile of fallen leaves. It was silent, as if it was just Chu Yuanwu's illusion. This place was just an ordinary pile of fallen leaves that could not be more ordinary.

Time passed by, and here it was so quiet that you could hear the rustling of the leaves in the wind, and the constant friction of the gravel and the leaves.

A strong wind suddenly rose and blew through a certain area of ​​the pile of fallen leaves. Chu Yuanwu keenly discovered that only a small piece of fallen leaves moved where the wind blew.

This obviously goes against common sense. Fallen leaves have no roots and fall everywhere in the strong wind. How can there be fallen leaves that cannot be moved by the wind?

Chu Yuanwu looked at it carefully and finally found something unusual. The pile of fallen leaves had a strange shape. It didn't look like fallen leaves, but more like a large piece of withered bark.

When Chu Yuanwu noticed something strange, the system made a sound.

Leaf deadworm, adult, level: 107

Combat strength: 1845100

Chu Yuanwu, who had always been vigilant, was a little surprised. It turned out that the thing that brought him such a sense of crisis was just a bug that had just reached level 100.

Chu Yuanwu shook his head. To be honest, the levels of the alien beasts he met along the way were not low, but there were very few alien beasts over level 150, let alone those over level 200. ? I don’t know if the guardians of the third level of the forbidden area have reached this level.

Then Chu Yuanwu walked towards the pile of fallen leaves without a care, preparing to go straight through.

There was a loud crunching sound from the surrounding fallen leaves. The moment Chu Yuanwu stepped into the range of the fallen leaves, at least ten dead leaf insects pounced on Chu Yuanwu.

These dead leaf insects are only six or seven meters long, and their level is low and their combat power is not outstanding. Even if they are together, they will not pose much threat to Chu Yuanwu.

Chu Yuanwu just swept his tail lightly, and all ten dead leaf insects flew out.

Except for the first few who were seriously injured by Chu Yuanwu's tail, the other dead leaf insects were only slightly injured.

The body structure of the dead leaf insect is far stronger than Chu Yuanwu imagined.

The dead leafworm quickly climbed up from the ground again, its short and thin wing sheaths quickly incited, setting off a strong wind on the spot, and the fallen leaves were flying everywhere.

The colors of the fallen leaves and the body colors of the dead leaf insects blend into one another, forming a very eye-catching landscape.

If it is just an ordinary insect beast, the line of sight may be disturbed, and the dead leaf insects may take advantage of the chaos to attack. But Chu Yuanwu was different. In his eyes, the bodies of fallen leaves and dead leaf insects could be clearly distinguished between the two.

More dead leaf insects flew out from the pile of fallen leaves. There were dozens of them in total. They used two claws that looked like a mantis to attack Chu Yuanwu.

It's just that an attack of this level couldn't even cut through Chu Yuanwu's skin, let alone kill Chu Yuanwu.

It didn't take much effort, and all the group of dead leaf insects were dead.

Chu Yuanwu began to clean the battlefield and ate all the dead leaf insect corpses.

A dead leaf insect can add more than 300,000 energy points to Chu Yuanwu. Such a large number of dead leaf insect corpses can almost add more than 10 million energy points to Chu Yuanwu.

After eating the dead leaf insect corpse, Chu Yuanwu, who was about to leave, suddenly spotted the eggs hidden under the thick pile of fallen leaves out of the corner of his eye.

So Chu Yuanwu turned his body in a different direction and walked towards the middle of the fallen leaves.

Arriving in front of the pile of fallen leaves where the insect eggs were found, Chu Yuanwu pushed aside the fallen leaves, and rows of insect eggs appeared in front of Chu Yuanwu.

Unhatched eggs, quality: ordinary

There are several nests of eggs around, and the number of eggs in each nest reaches hundreds. The total number of eggs in the nest is two to three thousand.

For these insect eggs, Chu Yuanwu had no plans to take them back to the animal pen to hatch them. It was not that there was no room in the animal pen, but that he simply could not afford to raise so many exotic beasts.

Chu Yuanwu lowered his head and swallowed fifty or sixty eggs in one bite.


One insect egg can increase Chu Yuanwu's energy points by almost ten thousand or twenty thousand, but the number of insect eggs here brought Chu Yuanwu a moderate surprise.

Chu Yuanwu then began to clean up the insect eggs hidden under the pile of fallen leaves. Eggs the size of watermelons fell into Chu Yuanwu's mouth. After entering his belly, they were decomposed into energy points and became the energy to promote Chu Yuanwu's upgrade.

It only took Chu Yuanwu a few minutes to kill dozens of adult leaf deadworms, and it took Chu Yuanwu more than an hour to search for the eggs. He rummaged through the piles of fallen leaves and found a total of two thousand Multiple eggs.

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