Chu Yuanwu couldn't hide, and he didn't want to hide, so he let the big fish bite his body.

From the depths of the pool, several large fish of about the same size rushed out. Their silver-white fish scales were shining and their teeth were sharp, deeply embedded in Chu Yuanwu's jade armor. But no matter how big the fish bites, it can't break through Chu Yuanwu's outer defense.

While the big fish bit Chu Yuanwu, it released electric current to attack Chu Yuanwu's body.

A blue electric arc lit up in the water and hit Chu Yuanwu's body.

Chu Yuanwu's eyes were slightly narrowed. The strange fish could discharge electricity before, which can be understood as the racial talent of the strange fish. But now there are several big fish appearing, all of them can discharge electricity, which is very strange.

Chu Yuanwu swung his body violently, shook off the big fish, turned around and bit a big fish on his side, bit hard, and directly bit off the big fish's head.

The blood stained the waters red. The big fish that bit Chu Yuanwu's body gave up on Chu Yuanwu and turned to attack the big fish whose head was bitten off by Chu Yuanwu.

There was a moment of chaos, and at least one-third of the body of the headless fish was eaten by several other big fish.

Chu Yuanwu was fierce and wanted to bite several other bold fish to death, but the remaining big fish nimbly dodged him.

With a flick of the tail, several large and well-fed fish disappeared into the depths of the pool.

In the chaos, the strange fish had already disappeared without a trace.

Chu Yuanwu's target temporarily changed, from the strange fish to the pool.

While swimming downstream, he looked around to see if there was anything strange.

Do you want to start the detection function?

The system prompt sounds.

What is the detection function? Chu Yuanwu asked curiously.

When an abnormality is detected five hundred meters around the body, it will tell you the location of the abnormality. After it is turned on, it consumes 100,000 energy points every minute.

One minute is one hundred thousand? Doesn't ten minutes cost one million? Chu Yuanwu muttered, but still let the system turn on the detection function.

In an instant, an invisible wave swept across the entire pool, and soon, the system's feedback appeared in Chu Yuanwu's mind.

Chu Yuanwu confirmed the abnormal location of the water pool, turned off the detection function, and quickly swam towards the abnormal location.

The water pool is more than 600 meters deep and less than 300 meters in diameter. Now Chu Yuanwu is located more than 400 meters away from the bottom of the water pool, still 200 meters away.

Fifty meters away from the bottom of the pool, Chu Yuanwu stopped, and a dark wall appeared in front of him.

Different from the cold lake water, the temperature around the wall is very high, making it warm and comfortable.

Chu Yuanwu approached the wall and lightly scratched the wall with his claws.

The black stone skin peeled off, and a blue light lit up in the dark water.

What appeared in front of Chu Yuanwu was a jelly-like blue crystal wall. Inside the pure blue crystal, electric current flows from time to time.

What is this? Chu Yuanwu was surprised. He could feel that the wall in front of him was different. It was definitely not an ore like energy stone or luminous stone.



Thunder marrow, a rare treasure, can control weak electric current after swallowing it. The system said.

Controlling electric current? Just like the fish I met earlier, it can discharge electricity? Chu Yuanwu's eyes lit up and he swam to the thunder marrow.

Yes, but there are too few of these thunder marrows, and they can only give you a weak current. The system said.

Whatever, let's eat first before talking! Chu Yuanwu opened his big mouth and was about to gnaw down the thunder marrow.

A strange beast with a flat and wide body, resembling a hairtail, appeared beside Chu Yuanwu without any warning and took a bite.

The sharp teeth bit through Chu Yuanwu's jade armor and directly bit off a piece of Chu Yuanwu's flesh.

Mutated Sea King Belly Fish, Level: 166

Combat strength: 4,150,000

Chu Yuanwu was surprised to find that the combat power of this mutated Sea King Belly Fish was higher than some level 200 beasts. It's just a pity that it met Chu Yuanwu.

The toxin-containing flesh and blood was spat out by the Sea King Belly Fish, and then it opened its mouth, swam to Chu Yuanwu's back and bit it. The moment he bit through Chu Yuanwu's jade armor, a large amount of electric current was poured into Chu Yuanwu's body, causing Chu Yuanwu's body to be temporarily paralyzed.

A few seconds later, Chu Yuanwu's stiff body returned to normal. In these short seconds, a wound of about one meter was opened on his back.

The culprit who left this horrific wound began to twitch abnormally, and after a while, he lost his life.

Chu Yuanwu swam over quickly and swallowed the body of the Sea King Belly Fish into his belly in one gulp.

Obviously, this strange beast, which was only over a hundred levels, couldn't stand the toxins in Chu Yuanwu's blood.


After eating the sea king belly fish, Chu Yuanwu swam to the thunder marrow again, opened his mouth and gnawed on it.

This time there was no obstruction, Chu Yuanwu gnawed directly on the thunder marrow.

In one bite, Chu Yuanwu chewed up the thunder marrow several meters in size and swallowed it into his belly.

A slight warmth spreads from the belly to the whole body, making it tingling and comfortable.

But after a while, this warm current disappeared.

Chu Yuanwu came to his senses and continued to eat the thunder marrow.

After a while, all the thunder marrow was eaten into Chu Yuanwu's stomach, and a strange feeling arose in Chu Yuanwu's heart.

Chu Yuanwu closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes in his body.

On the jade armor, a subtle electric arc flashed and then disappeared. Then another arc flashed and then disappeared.

The arc appeared faster and faster, and finally connected into one, like a layer of power grid, covering Chu Yuanwu's body.

Chu Yuanwu experimented repeatedly for a while, until he completely mastered the surge of electricity in his body, and said with some regret: It's a pity, the power is too weak, and it has no effect.

System, is there any way to improve this ability? Chu Yuanwu suddenly asked.

Yes! the system replied simply and neatly: Just swallow things with lightning properties. Ore, strange beasts, and even lightning in dark clouds can be swallowed by you to increase the power of the current.

Then if I eat all the strange beasts in the pool, can I become stronger? Chu Yuanwu asked, looking at a big fish swimming by in the distance.

Of course you can, it's just that the improvement is too small, just insignificant. The system said.

Chu Yuanwu stopped talking nonsense, accelerated, and began to hunt fish and strange animals in the pool.

A long time had passed since the last strange beast in the pool was eaten by Chu Yuanwu. Chu Yuanwu spent far more time in the pool than in the abyss.

Chu Yuanwu swam back to the shore of the pool, shook off water drops, raised his right paw, and looked down. A layer of blue current emerged, covering Chu Yuanwu's entire right paw.

Hot electric current surged, and Chu Yuanwu waved his claws toward the ground.

The thunder started!

A pit was instantly blasted out of the ground.

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