Lin Fan inside.

He is conscious, but his consciousness is locked in his body.

At this time, he is fighting with the mass of matter in his body.

“I said brother, you have to fight with me until now, listen to me, get out of my body quickly, I will treat this as never happened, and even open hell for you The passage, let you reincarnate.” Lin Fan said.

That mass of matter has spirituality and can speak.

“Your Divine Soul, flesh, and mana will all be my nourishment.” The sound of matter was sombre, making it uncomfortable to listen to.

Lin Fan said: “Why, I’m fighting against you. Although I can’t do anything for the time being, you can’t do anything about it. Leave peacefully and don’t provoke each other, isn’t it?”

“Your Divine Soul, Flesh, Mana…” The substance continued to repeat what it said earlier.

“fuck your mother…” Lin Fan felt that this was playing the lute for a cow. You said so much, but the other party just couldn’t understand it. What can you do with others?

He was very convinced.

I was very careful at first, but didn’t expect was caught. This force was so powerful that he couldn’t get rid of it, and he didn’t know how Qin Yang and Xiang Fei could save him.

But think about it.

I feel like I have to help myself.

If talisman’s Heaven and Earth treasure is still there, he will definitely have a way to get rid of this so-called mysterious substance.

Just now…

There is no way.


Material came up again to fight Lin Fan desperately, but Lin Fan could only fight back. According to this situation, no one could do anything about it. As for what happened in the future.

That can only be seen later.


Xiang Fei found a hidden place to hide with Lin Fan on his back. They have provoked a lot of enemies. If they are discovered now, it will be a headache.

He didn’t know what Qin Yang could do.

At least from the time of the contact.

Qin Yang doesn’t seem like someone who can do things.

There are so many enemies to provoke, where can I find a way.

Qin Family.

The news of Qin Yang’s return has spread within the clan. The Little Demon King who used to be a mess is back. Few people don’t know what happened outside.

At first they didn’t believe it,

Just because Qin Yang didn’t have the support of his family, he was able to suppress War King outside.

Killing them will not believe.

But when they learned that the news was true, they were all dumbfounded.

My God.

What the hell is he going through outside?

It’s too strong.

“Xiaoyang, how did you remember coming back after playing outside for so long?” second uncle Qin Xiangtian curiously asked.

Qin Yang said: “After playing for a long time, I will naturally feel homesick, second uncle, you already know everything about me outside, just ask you how you feel, I haven’t lost face of Qin Family. .”

“No, no, it has greatly grown the Qin Family’s prestige.” Qin Xiangtian said with a smile.

He knew Qin Yang’s smug look on his face, that this kid was going well outside and had a very happy life.

“Go and see your father.” Qin Xiangtian said.

Qin Yang waved his hand and said, “I’m not going, what are I doing, and I’m looking for scolding again, I’ll just go back to my own nest and wait for a while before I have to go out.”



Qin Xiangtian is very helpless and doesn’t know how to mediate the conflict between the two fathers and sons. There are a few fathers in the world who don’t love children, but they are just One hopes to become a dragon, and the other insists on confrontation, which eventually leads to misunderstanding.

Qin Yang said: “Second uncle, I don’t need to worry about my affairs. With my current situation, my future achievements will definitely shock him.”

“Okay, okay. , then the second uncle has to wait for it.” Qin Xiangtian said with a smile.


Qin Yang returned to the house alone, and he shut himself in the room.



The purpose of his return this time is to steal the essence of the Immortal Venerable in the family.

The treasure enshrined in the ancestral hall.

He knew that his behavior was not good, but he couldn’t just watch Brother Lin die like this, his feelings came out slowly like this.

Qin Yang’s character is rather strange.

For outsiders, they are relying on their own identity regardless of the law and of natural morality, arrogant and arrogant, whoever dares to provoke me, I am a descendant of the Immortal Venerable .

But when it comes to making friends, it is cautiously, and sometimes flattery makes you happy.

“It’s difficult.”

Qin Yang has a headache, and he is now thinking about how to steal the essence of the immortal from the Qin Family ancestral hall.

There are elder guards there.

It was basically impossible for him to quietly steal the essence of the Immortal Venerable.

With the help of someone else’s hand?

I can’t even think about it.

This matter is too important. No one in the entire Qin Family dares to do it. He can only do it by himself.

Having lived in the Qin Family since he was a child, he is very familiar with the place and the situation in the ancestral hall more than anyone else.

This night.

Qin Yang didn’t close his eyes and kept thinking of a way.

The next day.

His brain hurts, but he still can’t think of any way. He doesn’t ask others to not know who stole the essence of Immortal Venerable. His purpose is to steal it, even if it is exposed later.


I asked Xiang Fei if I knew it.

But it’s useless to ask, that guy’s head isn’t as bright as mine.


For example, if I told those elders that my father died, you should go take a look?

No, it’s too fake.

My dad is looking for you and letting you go?

No, it’s too easy to expose and impossible.


He wandered around the Qin Family and came to the place where the Immortal Treasure was exchanged.

The old man said: “Little Immortal Venerable, patriarch said, you can’t get an Immortal Treasure from here.”

“Get a fart, look at me like this, Like someone who needs to receive Immortal Treasure? Tell you, the War King guy was suppressed by me, and my strength is not what you can imagine.” Qin Yang said.

The old man said with a smile: “I’ve heard that Xiao Xianzun is really powerful, War King is a Heaven’s Chosen who is very difficult to deal with, especially his immortal physique is amazing. , but didn’t expect to be defeated by Xiao Xianzun.”

“That’s natural.” Qin Yang smiled, and then said: “Give me some fans that can fascinate Immortal King. Medicine, I’m leaving in a while, an Immortal King impudent with us some time ago, we’re going to kill him.”


The old man was stunned. Look at Qin Yang.

He was completely stunned by Xiao Xianzun.

What is your cultivation base? It would be a bit arrogant to fight the Immortal King, even if you suppress the War King, that one is just a Heaven’s Chosen after all.

Not some Immortal King.

“Why do I feel that you see a trace of disbelief in your eyes?” Qin Yang looked at the other party, and then urged, “Hurry up, as long as I suppress the Immortal King, my reputation will soon spread. Throughout the Immortal World.”

The old man had no choice but to take out the potion, “This potion is not very useful, but it can indeed stun the Immortal King.”

“Okay .” Qin Yang took the drug, put it away, waved his hand and left.

The first step is done, the next step is the Second Step.

The elders at the ancestral hall are very difficult to deal with, and he has to be careful.

Next day!

Qin Yang prepared some meals and moved towards the ancestral hall with the meals.

He had already sprinkled the drug on the food, it was colorless and tasteless, even the Immortal King couldn’t detect it, and he was the Qin Family Xiao Xianzun, so the elders were naturally very at ease with him.

There is absolutely no doubt about him.

In front of the ancestral hall.

“I’m back and I’ve made delicious food for the elders. Come out and taste it.” Qin Yang shouted.




Suddenly, three silhouettes appeared, all of them gray-haired old men. They had been sitting in the ancestral hall for a long time, and they had stayed here when Qin Yang was a child.

“It turned out to be Xiao Yangzi. Since he became an adult, he has rarely come here to chat with our three old bastards.” An old man said.

Qin Yang said: “What’s the matter, I’m not working hard on cultivation, I suppressed War King outside some time ago, and the results of cultivation are not bad, this time I come back and stay for a while, just come and see everyone. Elder.”

An old man took a breath and said, “Yes, yes, it smells so good, you brat has a conscience.”

Qin Yang smiled, ” That’s natural, my conscience is very good, these delicacies are what I intend to honor my elders.”

They naturally trust Qin Yang a lot.

I didn’t think anywhere else.


It was Qin Yang who poured wine for them, served them around, served them well, and told them about the outside world.

“The War King is merely this, I thought it was so strong, and it wasn’t because I was kicked to the ground with three punches and two kicks.”

“It’s the last cry, this little one. Immortal Venerable only let him go.”

The three old men couldn’t help laughing when they heard Qin Yang’s exaggerated boast.

“Little Yangzi, you have to keep a low profile, the War King has a fighting immortal physique, which means that he has not completely controlled the immortal physique, and his strength is a little weak. Once the strength is improved, the immortal physique will be activated, That battle strength is no joke.”

“There was once an Immortal Venerable who possessed an immortal physique, and that battle strength was incredible. It swept across all directions, and ordinary Immortal Venerables would lower their eyebrows when they saw it.”

They just told Qin Yang to listen.

Let him not underestimate any Heaven’s Chosen.


The medicine efficacy of the drug has been exerted.

“Yi! My head is a little dizzy.”

“Me too.”


” You, little Yangzi…”


The three old men fell to the ground and fainted completely.

“The three elders, don’t blame me, I really have no choice. If you were me, you would definitely understand me.” Qin Yang muttered, then quickly moved towards the ancestral hall.

Inside the ancestral hall.

He looked at the signs of the ancestors and prayed.

“My ancestors, grandfather, I am eager to save people. That is my brother. You are all Immortal World heroes. You must understand my behavior.”

“I will Knowing that you will understand my actions, I only need the essence of Immortal Venerable, and nothing else.”

Qin Yang raised his head and looked at the top of the tablet, the golden beads enshrined on the top. Just take it off and put it on the storage ring.

It didn’t stop for a moment.

Insanely moved towards far away.

The Immortal Venerable Essence has been obtained.

Then leave here quickly, the drug may not last long, and he is also afraid of being discovered.

Brother Lin wait for me.


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