“I don’t think he will let me down.” The Young Emperor firmly said, perhaps because he is a Young Emperor, when there is a mistake, even if it is a mistake, it is not wrong to slap the swollen face.

That’s right.

I am Young Emperor, Celestial Court Young Emperor, who dares to say that I am wrong.

The old man stood beside the Young Emperor and didn’t say much. He knew what the Young Emperor was thinking. Thinking about what he just said, it might make the Young Emperor feel ashamed.

Hong Si was startled to see that Heaven’s Chosen had left one after another. He calmly moved towards the distance. Of course, when he left, he also acted very scared and foul-mouthed.

Who says Heaven’s Chosen doesn’t swear.

When you scold someone, you will never show mercy.

The dangerous place where many Heaven’s Chosen gathered, now doesn’t even have a ghost shadow.

After a long time.

A silhouette appears sneakily.

The corner of Hong Sijing’s mouth showed a smile, “A bunch of fools, what a bunch of fools, I have to say that my character, Hong Sijing, is still very good, so that they will believe that I am not the kind of person who is lying , if there is danger, there is danger, I can’t stop it, and others naturally think it can’t stop it.”


Heaven’s Chosen laughed, the expression on his face It can be said to be very obscene.

And just when Hong Si was complacent.

A discordant voice came.

“Good you Hong Sijing, didn’t expect you to be so sinister.”


Hong Sijing was stunned , showing a look of disbelief, hell, who saw through it, but when he saw the person coming, he was not familiar with it.

But one of them was familiar to him.

Flower List Fairy Luo Fairy.

didn’t expect they found my secret.

Hong Sijing was a little embarrassed, but he forced a very calm cup one fist in the other hand and said, “It turned out to be Luo Fairy, just now I thought I couldn’t leave so easily, so I want to continue reading here. , but didn’t expect to meet Luo Fairy, disrespectful.”

When saying this remark.

Hong Sijing’s face didn’t change, but the change in his eyes made people know that maybe even he himself didn’t believe what he just said.

After all, isn’t this a scam?

Qin Yang said: “What to pretend to be, we have already found out whether it is good or not, and we don’t want to leave so easily. In my opinion, you just want to eat alone. We will accompany you to act, and you will take it seriously. .”

“Fellow Daoist Qin, what do you mean by this, I can still lie to someone Hong?” Hong Si said in shock.

Qin Yang disdainfully said, “You’re not cheating, you know better than anyone else, why should someone come to expose you.”

At this time.

There are many Heaven’s Chosen in the distance.

Hong Si was shocked to see these Heaven’s Chosen coming, and his head was dazed. Hell, it’s because my acting skills are too poor, or they are too smart, can’t they all see that he’s acting.

“Fellow Daoist Hong, amazing, we didn’t believe it at first, but we didn’t expect it to be true, you this move lured the tiger away from the mountain, plus Self-injury fleshy body, the illusion caused by deceived a lot of people.”

“If you want to take the baby alone, you have to see if you can deceive everyone.”

Yes Heaven’s Chosen saw Hong Si Jing appear here, frigid irony and scorching satire, to be honest, they at first really believed what each other said.

But later.

They feel something is wrong just thinking about it.

Check back.

didn’t expect exactly as expected.

Originally, Hong Sijing wanted to defend himself, but looking at the current situation, it seems that there is no need to defend himself.

“didn’t expect fellow Daoists to be so smart, but I didn’t expect it. Since you have already discovered it, I have nothing to say, so let’s go in together.”

What else could he say?

I can’t say a word anyway.

No way.


“You see, as long as it’s someone I like, it’s definitely not that simple.” Young Emperor was very proud, and when he saw Lin Fan back, he was naturally in a good mood.

It’s certainly not fiercely’s face.

The old man stood aside and said softly: “Young Emperor has a good vision, see sinister vision, how can this old slave dare to compare with the Young Emperor.”

“That’s natural, what do you do? You can compare your eyes with me.” Young Emperor said.

In the eyes of the elderly.

Young Emperor is still a child.

It is normal to have a heart for comparison.

But let him tell the truth.

That is the difference between the Young Emperor and the Heaven’s Chosen.

At this time.

Hong Sijing didn’t wait, but hurriedly moved towards it. Chang Hong had already entered here. He was afraid that it would take too long and miss the treasure.

When he and Chang Hong entered the depths.

The two started talking.

Chang Hong’s words made Hong Sijing understand that sometimes it is beneficial to be a little insidious.

At least two people here to hunt for treasures are better than a group of people coming in to fight for it.

Other Heaven’s Chosen were violently moved towards it.

Lin Fan said: “What is Fairy Luo thinking, the baby is inside, follow me in, there is no problem with safety.”

Fairy Luo was worried.

She couldn’t figure out what kind of person Lin Fan was. She was notorious, but it didn’t match the rumors, but she was afraid that once she stepped into it, she would have powerless to defend herself.

“What is Fairy Luo worried about? My brother Lin can still be a bad guy.” Qin Yang said.

He was quite helpless.

I don’t know what Fairy Luo thinks. Anyway, I’m going to be put to sleep in the future. It’s better to follow my brother Lin, at least there’s nothing to lose.

Perhaps she didn’t even know that Qin Yang and Xiang Fei were playing with Brother Lin, and the pockets they earned were bulging.

“Okay.” Fairy Luo thought for a while, then agreed without saying anything.

She has come to this step, what else can she say, if she quits, she will naturally be reluctant to give up.

At least they can feel safe following Lin Fan.

Lin Fan led the crowd into it, and the surrounding power was indeed amazing. It was not unreasonable that Heaven’s Chosen broke in and was directly killed.

The strength has not reached a certain level, and it is indeed unsteady.

Qin Yang said: “Brother Lin, look at how fast that guy Hong Sijing runs, he’s so cheap, this calf is so fast, he pretended he couldn’t hold it before, didn’t expect to see us all coming in, he was so startled that he was afraid of running slowly.”

“Immortal Treasure is important, so I’m afraid of being robbed. Before their three people, one died, but still There is another person, the strategy that the two of them came up with together, but it was seen through with no difficulty, can you not be in a hurry.” Lin Fan said.

“Bah!” Qin Yang looked down on Hong Sijing, “With his acting skills, he can’t fool Brother Lin, not even me.”

Xiang Fei Said: “Brother Qin, you didn’t think that way before.”

Qin Yang said: “Brother Xiang, why are you always taking down my platform, let’s communicate harmoniously and create a better future together.”

Looking at the friendship between these three people with envy, Han Li is really envious.

Besides, they have already come to such a dangerous place, and they can talk easily, so there is no sense of tension.

At this time.

The surrounding thunder roared, Xiang Fei opened the way, took out Holy Weapon long spear, hangs high above his head, no attack could take an inch, and moved towards the front safely.


Young Emperor said: “We should go in too.”

“Young Emperor wait.” The old man stopped and said: “Young Emperor, this place is reserved for Heaven’s Chosen of the Four Domains, If the Young Emperor enters, it will affect some things, and the master just sent a sound transmission, asking the old slave to bring the Young Emperor back, and I have something important to tell you.”

The Young Emperor said a little unwillingly: “This… …This Young Emperor will go in and take a look, and I won’t snatch anything from them, it should be fine.”

The old man did not back down and still stood in front of the Young Emperor.

“Hey!” Young Emperor sighed, he knew that some things could not be refused, “Okay, then go back, it’s a pity, I wanted to have a good discussion with him, but didn’t. t expect trifles.”

“Can only look forward to the next opportunity.”

After saying this, he left the place.

The old man glanced into the distance and followed Young Emperor away.


Lin Fan and the others crossed the most dangerous area safely. Of course, not all Heaven’s Chosen broke into it, and some Heaven’s Chosen discovered Hong Sijing’s conspiracy.

But because of his own strength, he fell here.

Hong Sijing is helpless. I won’t tell you, it’s all for your own good.

Check it out.

It’s all set now.

I have to throw my life here to believe it. I have already told you that it is very dangerous inside. I can come in, but it does not mean that you can all come in.



This person, sometimes he just doesn’t believe in evil, why bother.

“Yi! What’s going on in this place, I always feel that something is wrong.” Heaven’s Chosen looked around vigilantly. If you say that you will encounter something after breaking into that dangerous road, it must be It’s baby.

But now there’s a fart baby.

At a glance, it is desolate and the sky is full of yellow sand.

Hong Sijing was looking for Chang Hong’s silhouette, where did that guy go? He had promised to wait here, and the two of them would hunt for treasure together, but didn’t expect him to be untrustworthy and directly Run away.


Sure enough, there is no trust at all.

I trust you so much, but you are so unbelievable.

Qin Yang said: “Brother Lin, I remember we were climbing a mountain, not in the desert.”

“I also knew we were climbing a mountain, but now the situation is , it seems that something is not quite right.” Lin Fan pondered, for some reason, he felt a little restless in his heart, which was a sign of danger.

If it is an ordinary person.

I won’t care at all.


That’s cowardice, is it because you think too much and become too scared.

“Are you feeling uneasy?” Lin Fan asked.

Qin Yang shook his head and said, “No.”

Lin Fan looked towards Xiang Fei again.

Xiang Fei said: “Neither did I.”

Han Li was ready to meet Lin Fan’s inquiry, but didn’t expect Fellow Daoist Lin directly did not ask him , but stood alone and meditated, which made Han Li, who was trying to integrate into them, rather helpless.

Actually, you can ask me.

As long as you ask, I will definitely answer to your satisfaction.

Lin Fan said: “Just now, I felt a little uneasy, this feeling is very wonderful, it indicates that there will be danger, my idea is to not go in.”

Lin Fan said:>

Qin Yang said casually: “I’ll listen to you, you won’t go in if you don’t want to. It’s nothing to me anyway.”

Xiang Fei nodded.

That’s what it means.

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