“Fellow Daoist Lin…”

Seeing Fellow Daoist Lin and the others standing still, Han Li was very puzzled, thinking about something, standing there for such a long time, if he said What kind of treasure is there in this place is the most eye-catching.

It must be the sword inserted in the grave.

Ordinary people must go forward to take a sword when they encounter this situation. There may be danger, but the danger will never be too scary. Even if the other party is a powerhouse, they have been dead for many years.

Even if the earth-shattering means are deployed, after such a long time, even if there is still a trace of power, there will definitely not be too much danger.

Lin Fan raised his hand to interrupt Han Li’s words, “wait a minute”

I’m waiting now.

Don’t worry.

The trio of their luck has experienced too many beatings by Secret Realm. They once saw the treasure and could not walk. of.

Han Li didn’t speak, Fellow Daoist Lin said to continue to wait, then wait, he didn’t know what he was waiting for, but he had no opinion, if it wasn’t for Fellow Daoist Lin, he might not appear it’s here.

Qin Yang said to himself: “I don’t know how many innocent passers-by will die here on the back of this sword. None of them are good things, just like the True Dragon tree. It’s not the True Dragon tree, but it’s so sinister, it’s really hurtful.”

“Just be careful, we don’t seem to be using swords here, so it’s better to give up.” Xiang Fei said.

He’s not very interested in this thing that is still a treasure.

Lin Fan said: “Don’t worry, wait, let’s see the situation, don’t worry too much, maybe there will be new changes.”


Qin Yang and Xiang Fei have little hope for this.

Not even hopeful.

Han Li feels like a fool, standing here with them, waiting quietly, maybe there will be changes.

The grave is very quiet.

The withered grass growing on it swayed slightly with the breeze. Occasionally, the sword inserted in the grave was exposed, just to attract the greedy and tell people, see if I am a sword , an extraordinary sword, you have no interest at all.

I don’t know how long it took.

There was movement in the sky above the abyss, and a silhouette slipped into the distance.

“What are these guys doing?”

The man hiding in the dark was very surprised when he saw the scene in front of him, as if he had seen a ghost, which was a little different from what he saw.

He also went through a lot of things.

For example, a group of Heaven’s Chosen are fighting for the baby. The scene is very intense.

He simply ignored these situations.

It feels like a bunch of idiots fighting.

“Brother Lin, someone is here.”

“I have already felt it, and the strength is very strong.”

He is not aware of the unknown who is hidden in the dark Heaven’s Chosen doesn’t have any opinions, and being able to come shows that the other party is also someone who has a chance, and may be able to bring them a little change.

“Fellow Daoist hiding in the dark, come out.” Lin Fan said.


Something is coming out.

A silhouette slowly came out of the dark.

He was puzzled.

When he found out that there was an abyss crack in this place, he didn’t want to come in at first, because he thought that there would never be any treasures here, but for some reason, a strange feeling told him that there were treasures in the abyss.

Come in and take a look.

That’s why he came in.

But what people didn’t expect was that someone was here, and he was still standing there motionless, which made him very strange.

Lin Fan looked at each other.

【Death: Immortal Realm 5th layer Great Firmament Golden Immortal. ]

[There is a chance to drop: one kill in ten steps, the eye of death, …]

The whole is down.

It is really strong.

This is one of the strongest two Lin Fan has encountered so far, one is the Young Emperor, and the last one is the death in front of him.

The power of the other party is very sharp, and whoever stands with him will suffer the pain that seems to be about to split the fleshy body.

“What are you doing sneaking, come out when you have anything, do you think we look like bad people?” Qin Yang looked at the other party and didn’t know who the other party was. Anyway, he didn’t take it to heart. Heaven’s Chosen so many, how does he know who is who.

No matter how powerful.

Can you compare with our brother Lin?

That’s right, for Qin Yang, the strongest is Brother Lin, and the rest are scum, not worth mentioning at all.

Xiang Fei was alert to the other party, he had already discovered it.

The other party is really strong.

It’s definitely not as simple as you think.

Miesheng has a cold temperament, that is, rejecting others beyond a thousand li, looking towards others, as if looking at a corpse, without any anger.

“en? ”

Destroying Life means looking at Lin Fan and the others before looking towards the front. Found out that something was wrong.

The aura of that sword is terrifying…

It is a treasure.

He knew it at a glance.

Meeting the treasure that you like, naturally makes Miesheng ecstatic, and really wants to immediately take the treasure into the bag.

Just as he was about to shoot.

He stopped what he was doing.

Originally, Lin Fan wanted the latecomers to try the ability of the sword on the tomb head first, but didn’t expect the other party to suppress the restlessness that had just been unbearable.

Something is wrong.

His first feeling was danger. It was indeed a treasure in front of him, but it felt dangerous to him.

Do not shoot at will.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will suffer a great disaster.


Lin Fan said, “That’s a treasure.”

He said this to Deshengsheng, and the meaning is very clear.

Dude, the baby is right in front of you, don’t you have any ideas? Just go up and grab the baby, we’ll just watch here and have absolutely no idea.

Miesheng didn’t answer Lin Fan, and just watched very quietly. Like Lin Fan and the others, he was completely motionless, staring at the sword.

Qin Yang said: “This Fellow Daoist, I see that you are a good person. You should have a relationship with this treasure. Why don’t you give it a try, maybe you can get it or not.”

Qin Yang said. p>

Destruction still ignores it.


The other party didn’t pay attention, which made Qin Yang want to jump up and smash the other party’s head. You must be too don’t give face.

Didn’t you hear me talking to you?

Is there really no idea?

That’s a real baby.

Han Li can’t understand what’s going on now, oh my god, what the hell is going on, the latecomers are standing here just like them, just looking at the sword stuck in the grave.

You can leave if you are not interested.

Is this necessary?

It’s been a long time.

In the abyss, the five bosses just stood dumbfounded, no one spoke, no one moved, they were all waiting.

Xiang Fei’s eyes have been locked on the other side.

He had no interest in the sword in the grave.

The only thing that made him feel uncomfortable was the latecomer in front of him.

It is definitely not something that ordinary Great Influence can cultivate.

Even the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family may not be able to produce such a character, even if he didn’t do it, he still felt it.

I don’t know how long it took.

A few more Heaven’s Chosen passed by.

“Hey! Look at the tomb over there with a sword stuck in it. This sword is very ancient, and it is definitely an unborn treasure.”

” Yi! How come there are people standing still here, what are they doing, don’t they look dumbfounded.”

“Don’t worry about them, it’s the real who gets the hand.”

A handsome man coldly said, then turned into a stream of light moved towards the grave, and at the same time sent a sound transmission to his accomplices to let them pay attention to the few people who were standing still, and if there was any movement, they would shoot directly.



Lin Fan and Mie Sheng both focused on the man who went to take the sword.

“hahahaha… I have such a treasure, didn’t expect that there are still people standing here stupidly, this is the Secret Realm of the sky, if you have a treasure, you have to take it.”


tone barely fell.

His hand touched the hilt of the sword, and he pulled the sword out violently.

“I got it.”

The man laughed.

Lin Fan and Desheng are looking forward to the next situation, this sword is extraordinary, and the crisis is coming.

It can be gradual.

Something is wrong.

They saw the man put the sword in the storage ring, nothing happened, it was a bit of a hell.


Lin Fan was a little confused, it was different from what he thought.

And can’t.

What about the danger?

Is your mother-in-law safe and sound like this?

In an instant.

The killing intent boils, disappears, and directly casts Divine Ability.

Keeping staring at Lin Fan and those Heaven’s Chosen who killed the life, cry out in surprise: “Be careful, they killed them.”

The companion got the treasure, the other side shot instantly, they Can’t just sit back and watch.

Lin Fan also shot directly, in any case, will not let the other party get it.


The Heaven’s Chosen, who got the treasure, didn’t realize anything yet when he saw a flowing light flashed past. Just as he was about to speak, he found that his fleshy body was broken and his consciousness dissipated.


Flesh and blood.

The storage ring was directly smashed by the sharp breath, and the thing inside was spinning in the air, and there was that sword in it.

“Cutting Void against chaos.”

Lin Fan waved his arm, the space reversed, and he was cut directly. , he felt a crisis hit, and with a clanging sound, a fairy sword flew out into the air and slashed into the void in front of him.



rumbling sound resounds.

The opponent directly blocked the Divine Ability of Reverse Chaos Cutting Void.

Those Heaven’s Chosen who wanted to help their accomplices saw that their accomplices were directly beheaded, they stopped in an instant, criticized out in surprise, and moved towards the distance.


What a horrible thing.

The other party is too strong.

Where are they opponents.

Let’s run away.

As for the accomplice, it can only be said that he was unlucky.

Lin Fan said: “This Fellow Daoist, you have to have a first come first come first come first come first. You have already earned money by beheading a Heaven’s Chosen, so why bother with me.”


“hmph! Heaven’s Chosen is like an ant, I don’t call Heaven’s Chosen, who would dare to call Heaven’s Chosen in front of me.” Miesheng’s eyes were cold, he knew that Lin Fan was very strong, but what could he do?

“hahahaha…you’re so brave, then let’s see how strong you are.” Lin Fan also wanted to play against each other well.

Look at each other’s ability.

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