In great hall.

“Little Friend Lin, Celestial Court found a Secret Realm in the sky earlier, Yinxian Mountain has four places to go, I hope three can accompany Han Li to go together.”

Mao Zhenjun gave the three places to Lin Fan and the others, but the elders of Yinxian Mountain were very surprised. Some people objected, thinking that they should not pay so much, which is indeed a bit too much.

However, Mao Zhenjun overcame the opposition and vetoed the demands of all the elders of Yinxian Mountain with one veto, giving up three places.

Lin Fan heard the buzzing in his head and didn’t quite understand it.

Is it true?

Not only treat them as VIP guests, but also give up such an important place. Could it be that we are really handsome, so the other party can’t help making such a choice.

“Mao Old Ancestor, it’s easy to talk about this.” Lin Fan cup one fist in the other hand said.

Since this is all said, it would be too outrageous to refuse.

The Secret Realm of Heaven.

As soon as he heard this, he knew that this place was definitely not ordinary. He was going to meet Celestial Court again. Suddenly, he thought of Fairy Die. She was a good girl. Let’s chat, there’s no need to be fussy.

“Then there are three workers, I hope to take care of Hanli in the Secret Realm of Heaven.” Mao Zhenjun said.

He is betting on whether the legendary luck is really true.

Lin Fan cup one fist in the other hand: “It must be.”

Inside the house.

The Luck trio are talking closely.

“Heaven’s Secret Realm, I’ve heard of this thing, it seems to be a very amazing place, there was a human’s Secret Realm, when it first appeared, Celestial Court fought with the four domains, Occupy.”

“Then the Secret Realm of Earth appeared again, another battle took place, and Celestial Court took it.”

“And now the Secret Realm of the day Realm appeared, what did the Celestial Court think, even willing to let others in, Interesting.”

Qin Yang rubbed his chin with his fingers and fell into deep thought, as if a detective possessed himself, trying to understand Celestial Court’s true thoughts.

Xiang Fei didn’t know much about the Secret Realm in the sky, and no one had ever been there, so the ghost knows what’s going on inside.

Lin Fan said, “Will you go?”

“You must go, anyway, it’s a Secret Realm, and in my opinion, Yinxian Mountain There will be places, and there must be people from the four regions, when the time comes Heaven’s Chosen gathers, it is a good time for my Qin Yang to show his glory.” Qin Yang laughed, looking like a jerk.

Xiang Fei’s head was a basin of cold water, “Don’t be mad to the end, you will be beaten to death.”

Qin Yang said in disapproval, “I don’t have two people here yet. What’s the big brother here? Are you afraid that someone else will kill me?”

Xiang Fei was speechless, what you said made sense, and anyone who said ‘good big brother’ should not sit idly by.

“We have to keep a low profile.” Lin Fan said that their luck trio has been able to get to this point because of adhering to the concept of ‘low-key’ and bringing its concept to the extreme.

Qin Yang God is serious, nodding, yes, you are right, we have to keep a low profile, but this low-key criterion is a little broad, and it is not easy to divide.

Next day!

With the farewell of Mao Zhenjun and those reluctant female disciples, they left Yinxian Mountain.

Too enthusiastic.

Somewhat unbearable.

He was afraid that he would sleep well at night. Suddenly, on the second day, he opened his eyes and found the dozens coquettish and frightening female disciple lying beside him. Clear with death certificate.

Celestial Court.

They started from Yinxian Mountain and came to the Celestial Court range. When they stepped into the Celestial Court range, Lin Fan understood how powerful the Celestial Court was. It was indeed not something that some Great Influences could do. compared.

And there are many celestial beings who come here.

Golden Immortal, Taixian, Great Firmament Golden Immortal are all in the minority.

Although some of them are older, it has to be said that the cultivation base is placed here. Even if they are older, they are considered experts.

Lin Fan watched intently, and liked to observe the situation of these people. The falling is very good. It would be a wonderful thing to be able to catch them and put them into the pig farm.

Some things just think about it.

Wherever you really want to be, you can do what you want.

Qin Yangdao: “Brother Lin, we are now in the Celestial Court, we must keep a low profile, there are still many experts here, and the appearance of Secret Realm in the sky will definitely attract a lot of people. I know if my Goddess is there.”

“Hey, my dream Goddess, I don’t know if you are here.”

The Goddess in his mind is the dream Goddess, don’t It’s all scumbags. With his identity and background, he is definitely worthy of Meng Goddess, but the embarrassing thing is that Meng Goddess disdains him, which makes people very hurt.

Xiang Fei said: “Just now, I felt three lines of sight locked on us, and then turned away. I think our arrival has been recorded by Celestial Court.”

Xiang Fei said: p>

Lin Fan also felt what Xiang Fei just said.

didn’t expect Celestial Court to be so powerful, this is all people who enter the Celestial Court range, will be registered, and how many people will come to Celestial Court every day, I am afraid this is a terrifying number.

But Celestial Court can investigate clearly, and I have to say, it’s really powerful.

Not long ago.

A vast city appeared before us.

immortal city.

A city attached to the land of the Celestial Court is governed by the Celestial Court, as long as the Secret Realm of the sky will gather here.

“The majesty of Celestial Court should not be underestimated, didn’t expect a city to have the potential of a Golden Dragon flying into the sky.” Han Li exclaimed, as the Eldest Senior Brother of Yinxian Mountain, he has naturally been to many places, but Because Yinxian Mountain was not very popular in Immortal World, he never visited Celestial Court here.

Now that I see it, I am also shocked by the scene in front of me.

Qin Yang said indifferently: “It’s nothing special, Celestial Court occupies Tianyuan, all directions are gathered here, any city located here is very extraordinary, it can only be said that Celestial Court occupies Good location.”

city gate.

There are golden armor guards, the imposing manner is extraordinary, and the strength is very strong. The cultivation bases of the two golden armor guards are too Immortal Realm, and their bodies are covered by golden armor. The armor is also specially refined and belongs to a kind of immortal armor.

“Sign in.”

golden armor guard coldly said.

Han Li registered Yinxian Mountain. Lin Fan and the others were not invited. The jade token they held was also Yinxian Mountain, a symbol of inner sect in the city.

They walked in the city. This place has become a self-contained system. The dealers and the immortals live in harmony. Think about it, this place is in charge of the Celestial Court. Who dares to make trouble in it.

Qin Yang is like entering his own house, with a smile on his face. They have been abroad for so long, and it has been a long time since they have come to a big city to enjoy life.

“Everyone, let’s find a restaurant to have a good meal.” Qin Yang said.

Lin Fan thinks that little girl should be very hungry, so she really should find a place to have a good meal.

A restaurant.

Just as they were about to enter, they felt a line of sight coming from afar, a somewhat familiar gaze and a somewhat familiar aura.

They stopped and moved towards the distance.


Several lines of sight looked at each other.

Han Li is very puzzled. I don’t know who Brother Lin and the others have met, and they have been watching for so long. Since they know each other, why not talk to them.


Zuo Xian, War King, and Wang Jun mixed together, quietly watching Lin Fan and the others, while the young and talented people standing beside them were very surprised. The three Heaven’s Chosen Who is this looking at?


“We’ll eat later. It’s fate to meet each other, and it’s also a good thing to meet and talk.” Lin Fan said.

Qin Yang said seriously: “I agree.”


Lin Fan walked over with a smile, cup one fist in the other hand and said, “didn’t expect Brother Zuo, Brother Zhan, Brother Wang are all here, they have been together for a while, but didn’t expect. t expect to be able to meet here, this is fate.”

Qin Yang said: “War King brothers Essence, Qi, and Spirit are recovering well, and it seems that they have understood what I did that day. I’m glad.”

Speaking of this.

War King’s face turned ugly.

He could never accept that he would lose to Qin Yang.

For him, this is an eternal shame.

Dog day stuff.

If possible, he really wants to screw Qin Yang’s head off.

Qin Yangdao: “Brother Han, let me introduce to you, this Heaven’s Chosen is called War King, a child of the ancient Aristocratic Family, just like me, has a bloodline, and has a fighting immortal physique. , such an immortal physique is incredible, fight with heaven fight with earth, invincible in the whole world, the future achievements are very extraordinary.”

Lin Fan and Xiang Fei looked at each other, they knew Qin Yang What to do, you have already gotten used to it.

War King frowned, not trying to understand what he was going to do, even if you touted me now, you wouldn’t forgive you.

Just the next words.

But he almost exploded in place.

“Of course, he hasn’t grown to that level yet, and needs to go through a lot of training. Some time ago, I had a premonition that he was going astray, and there was no way to do it. Let’s take action to suppress him and see how his current mental outlook recovers. Yes, obviously I have understood my intention.” Qin Yang’s face showed relief, as if he was saying, good child, you are very good now.


Qin Yang pointed to the left immortal dao: “This Heaven’s Chosen is Zuo Xian, who has been cultivating to the Immortal Realm for thirty years, a rare genius, with Heart Demon immortal physique, and also destroying the sun. Immortal bow, such a treasure, oh, by the way, his Sun-destroying Immortal Bow was given to my brother Lin last time in the fight with brother Lin. With the help of foreign object, he did not find his own potential, and our brother Lin actually did too. With good intentions, I hope he can clear the comprehension.”

“As for this one… let alone, a nobody.”

He directly excluded Wang Jun. Not taking seriously.

Han Li watched in surprise, didn’t expect such a wonderful thing to happen, if Qin Yang hadn’t said it, he wouldn’t even know the secrets between Heaven’s Chosen.

“Qin Yang, you want to court death.”

War King clenched his fingers tightly, he couldn’t get angry.

Qin Yang said with a face full of disdain: “It seems that you can’t change much, this is the Celestial Court site, you show me the wildness, even if you dare to be wild, you can still be my opponent? Besides? Brother Lin is here, and Brother Zuo doesn’t dare to talk nonsense, it’s all you can do.”

War King was remarked by Qin Yang, making him angry.

Damn stuff.

At this time.

Lin Fan stroked Qin Yang’s head with his big hand, Qin Yang’s whole body trembled, my mother, he thought Brother Lin was going to smash his head, but fortunately, just stroking it made him relax a lot.

“Okay, how did you talk to a few Fellow Daoists, it’s fate to meet each other, the past is over, there’s no need to say it all the time, to let other fellow Daoists who don’t know know about these things , the next time it happens again, there won’t be that kind of shock.” Lin Fan said.

Qin Yang agreed with nodded and said: “Brother Lin, what you said makes sense.”


None of them are good things.

At this time, several strange young and talented people standing beside War King and the others looked at Lin Fan strangely.

One of the handsome men said: “If my guess is correct, you are Lin Fan, the recently rumored hand demon madman?”

“The hand demon madman dare not be, just There were some small misunderstandings with a few Huabang Fairy, which led to such a bad reputation from the outside world.” Lin Fan waved his hand and said, the title of hand demon madman is too ugly.

Sure enough.

His this remark made several talented people look bad.

They have ideas about Fairy, how can you not be angry that you brat has taken advantage of several people.

It’s just that this place is Celestial Court, not the place where they go wild, even more how, the opponent’s strength is not bad, they all know about the defeat of War King and the others.

Once you do it, it’s hard to say who wins.

Lin Fan said: “I’m a little hungry, so I won’t talk to you more. Anyway, I’m here because of Secret Realm. There are many opportunities to meet. Don’t worry, I’ll leave first.”

War King and the others looked ruthless as they watched Lin Fan leave.

Damn it.

I really want revenge.

“Brother War King, have you ever thought of revenge for being so wronged?” a talented man asked.

War King said: “I really want to, but his strength is really powerful. If you can help me, this matter is absolutely certain.”



Xiang Fei said earnestly: “Brother Qin, you need to change your temperament. After all, Brother Lin and I are impossible to be by your side for the rest of your life.”

Qin Yang said: “Brother Xiang, let me tell the truth, if it wasn’t for fear of affecting you and Brother Lin, I would definitely teach War King a good lesson just now. To be honest, I never joke.”


Xiang Fei, who never wanted to speak swear words, was also punished by Qin Yang for wanting to swear.


Lin Fan angrily slapped Qin Yang’s dog’s head, “Eating, don’t pretend.”

little girl buried her head to eat, and her character was a little cold.

The little caterpillar lay on the table and gnawed on a bone. He was the most pitiful existence, and he didn’t even know what he was in the eyes of the other party.


Or a pet?

The location they chose was by the window on the second floor. Lin Fan held his chin, tilted his head and looked towards the outside, his eyes were deep and deep.

Xiang Fei thought Brother Lin was thinking about something.

Actually what he didn’t know was…

Lin Fan looked at the female cultivator of to-and-fro and commented secretly, she looks pretty good, just like Huabang Compared with Fairy, the gap is a bit big.

Celestial Court.

A servant bowed his head, walked into a courtyard, and came to a young man with outstanding demeanor, and said respectfully, “Young Emperor, you have already found out what you asked your subordinates to inquire about.”

“He has come to Celestial Court, and now he is in immortal city, but they came in with Eldest Senior Brother Han Li of Yinxian Mountain.”

The servants don’t know Young Emperor Why pay attention to these people, he knows the situation of Yinxian Mountain, the forces that are not popular in Immortal World, and they are mixed with Yinxian Mountain, I am afraid it will not be much better.

Young Emperor said with a smile: “It’s gone without saying goodbye, making me wait so long in vain.”

What he cares most about is Lin Fan, the Heaven’s that can give him a sense of pressure Chosen, who is very interested in the origin of his identity.

“Well, let’s go.” The Young Emperor waved.

Heaven’s Secret Realm opened, and Heaven’s Chosen from the Four Domains gathered here. He had a lot of ideas in his heart, and now that he knew that Lin Fan was coming, he was not in a hurry to meet him.

“Yes, Young Emperor.” The servant retreated very quietly in a low voice.

in the restaurant.

Xiang Fei was eating leisurely, and suddenly, his movements paused slightly, his eyes moved towards the street and looked into the distance, he saw a few familiar silhouettes, although he calmly retracted his eyes, he regarded it as did not see.

In order to avoid being noticed by the other party in his eyes.

It’s just that Xiang Fei’s glance finally made the other party aware of it. The man had a strong telepathy and raised his head to look, when he saw the face exposed at the window on the second floor of the restaurant.

The complexion changed slightly, and then pulled the people around him.

“You know who I just saw?”


“The long-disappeared Xiang Fei.”

“How is that possible, didn’t it say that the Tiangang organization had already killed him? Did you read it wrong?”

“Is there anything wrong? Go and see if you don’t know.”


Lin Fan said: “Brother Xiang, why is your face so ugly, who did you see?”

“Nothing.” Xiang Fei shook his head.

Qin Yang glanced at it and said dissatisfiedly: “We are all hanging out together. What else do you have to hide from us? You don’t take us as your own.”

He said coldly, “I saw an acquaintance just now, so I’ll come down.”

He felt that he was here, so Xiang Fei was reluctant to say it.

Xiang Fei said: “It’s nothing, I just saw a few acquaintances in the clan, didn’t expect them to come to Celestial Court.”

You don’t need to think about it. , this is another family ethics story.

Not long ago.

A voice came from the stairs.

“I said who was spying on us just now. It turned out to be our Xiang Fei. Where have you been for so many years? It’s hard for people in the clan to find you.”


I saw a man with a smile on his mouth, came to their table, and then his palms fell on the table, and the wine in the wine glass spilled on the table.

Xiang Fei said with a gloomy expression, “Xiang Hu, what do you want.”

Xiang Hu said with a smile: “I don’t want to do anything, just take a look.”

Then his eyes looked towards Lin Fan and the others.

The corner of his mouth showed a disdainful smile.

“Did you know these people when you left the clan and came here? It doesn’t seem like they are very good. Think about it, you are like a stray dog now, what kind of recognition can you recognize? people.”


Xiang Hu’s palm fell on Qin Yang’s head and gently stroked, “Fellow Daoist, how long do you need to be, if you mix with the wrong person, you will be very unlucky. .”

“I’m fucking…” Qin Yang stared at the table with one hand on the table, turned his head angrily, and glared at the other party, “Do you really know who I am? Put it on my head.”

Xiang Hu was surprised, and suddenly laughed: “didn’t expect to have a temper, as expected, with who, this temper has become irritable. .”

“courting death.”

Qin Yang took action and slapped him towards him.


At this time, an old man standing beside Xiang Hu made a direct move, grabbed Qin Yang’s wrist and said, “Junior, this is Celestial Court, you need to think clearly.”


The old man’s hair stood on end, and he sensed a crisis coming, as if an ancient ominous beast opened a huge mouth behind them, trying to devour them completely.

Just when the old man thought he had reacted.

He felt that the back of his head was covered with five fingers, and the voice of dark came from his ear.

“You two guys are impudent.”

Lin Fan is not at all disgusted with this kind of troublesome thing, and even agrees very much, indicating that you have Bloody people, but sometimes, they also take a special look at the situation.

He grabbed the back of the two of them, and violently moved towards the tabletop, bang…the tabletop cracked, all split up and in pieces, and sawdust splashed and flew everywhere.

The faces of the two of them were broken, and there were wooden thorns piercing into their flesh, and blood was flowing across the ground.


The old man was furious, roaring with rage, his amazing imposing manner erupted from within his body, and wanted to resist, but his imposing manner just burst out, Under Lin Fan’s suppression, he reintegrated into his body, and was suppressed in the slightest impossible to move.

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

They didn’t expect this to happen within the Celestial Court.

It’s a bit ruthless to do it directly, without even a word of nonsense.

Qin Yang stepped forward unbearably, stepped on Xiang Hu’s finger, and said fiercely: “You dare to touch my head, you are so tired of living, you know Can anyone touch my head?”

Lin Fan said, “Come and let me touch it.”

“Okay.” Qin Yang stretched his head over.

Then said angrily: “I see, only my brother Lin can touch it, can you touch your special mother? I don’t know which armpit it ran out of, so regardless of the law and of natural morality.”

“Xiang Fei, you are so courageous that you let outsiders bully me, you know how much trouble you have caused.” Xiang Hu roared angrily, but as he shouted, The back of the head seemed to be about to shatter.


A scream came.

I saw Lin Fan spit out white breath and was extremely sharp. He directly cut off Xiang Hu’s hands, and his heart-piercing cry resounded throughout the entire between Heaven and Earth, and even attracted the attention of patrols in the city. .

Where did something happen.

Lin Fan said, “Brother Qin, see if I’m doing this well. If I touch it, I’ll break my hand.”

“It’s still Brother Lin’s domineering.” Qin Yang praised.

Lin Fan took the two directly into Heaven and Earth Cauldron. With a wave of his arm, the blood on the ground was disappeared. At the same time, with another wave, the broken wooden table was reversed and turned into its original appearance.

Senshi is naturally able to do this.

But the Divine Ability corresponding to cultivation is required.

Seizing Heaven and Earth Good Fortune of Lin Fan cultivation has the ability to create things out of thin air.

“Sorry, to disturb fellow Daoists, please sit down and continue to eat, don’t be affected by these little things.” Lin Fan moved towards the crowd around the meal cup one fist in the other hand.

The meaning is clear.

Sit down for me, just keep watching your dicks.

At this time.

The two men who followed Xiang Hu looked at Lin Fan in fear.

Lin Fan wanted to take these two guys too, but unfortunately, it was too late, and the patrolling guards in the city arrived.

“What happened?”

“Who dares to make trouble here.”

The two men immediately said when they saw the patrol guard: “It’s them, They arrested my patriarch and Heaven’s Chosen and asked them to let them out.”

Lin Fan turned back in confusion.

“What’s the matter?”

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