With Mao Zhenjun leaving.

Xue Laoxian was very unwilling in his heart, but there was no way he could go against Old Ancestor’s wishes, so he could only hide his unwillingness in deep in one’s heart, and he even knew that he would be severely punished when he returned.

He just couldn’t understand why Old Ancestor would do this.

What is amazing about these three people.

If it is Qin Yang, then there is no need. Old Ancestor is an Immortal Emperor character, so why should he be so polite to a descendant of Immortal Venerable?

Not long ago.

Yinxian Mountain is just ahead.

The location of Yinxian Mountain is relatively remote, perhaps because it is really unpopular in Immortal World, as a result, there is no one party within ten thousand miles around Yinxian Mountain, not even a city.

Nothing but bare mountain range and dark dirt.

“Uncle Mao, this place is really desolate.” Qin Yang was close to Mao Zhenjun, but he had already heard what he suspected earlier.

Mao Zhenjun said with a smile: “Virtuous nephew, there is no way.”

For this reason, to be honest, Mao Zhenjun didn’t know whether to cry or laugh , Just because Yinxian Mountain’s Divine Ability is a little weird, it’s not welcome, and Yinxian Mountain was once close to the extinguish sect.

If it weren’t for the fact that there was an ancestor who cast a blood curse and scared away many powerhouses, I’m afraid Yinxian Mountain would not exist long ago.

“If possible, I suggest planting some green plants.” Lin Fan said.

He suggested that it is more important to green the Yinxian Mountain first. To make the top of the mountain more likeable, it must be more green.

There are those guys who use Divine Ability, can you stop using it and vomit blood at the same time, the scene is too bad to watch.

“Are you green plants?” Mao Zhenjun pondered for a moment, “Go back and let your disciples and grandchildren try it out.” In the back, bowing his head silently, he always felt that this was a little different from what he thought.

Qin Yang came to Xue Laoxian happily and said: “Old man, see it, you want me to say, why bother, your Old Ancestor treats us as guests, and you still want Our lives, I think you will definitely be punished when you go back, how can you say it clearly with a single word…”

Xiang Fei found that Qin Yang was really cheap.

That’s not ordinary.

Xue Laoxian was very angry with Qin Yang, but he kept the anger in his heart all the time. He really wanted to kill Qin Yang, so much that he wanted to kill Qin Yang more than he wanted to kill him. Kill Lin Fan.

“hmph.” The blood old fairy coldly snorted, expressing dissatisfaction in his heart.

Qin Yang cry out in surprise: “Uncle Mao, he yelled at me, I saw the killing intent in his eyes, and I didn’t dare to go to Yinxian Mountain.”

Mao Zhenjun Looking at the blood old fairy coldly.

The frightened old blood immortal was in a cold sweat and dared not speak.


It’s really a dog.

Qin Yang looked at Xue Laoxian with a smile, very much moved towards Xue Laoxian, sticking out his tongue, slightly…

What can you do with me.

Xue Lao Xian clenched his fingers tightly, blue veins floated up, hatred in his heart, hateful guy.

“Here we are, this place is Yinxian Mountain.” Mao Zhenjun said.

They fell into the mountain, surrounded by a large Innate formation covering this area. Of course, the feeling here is very different, and there is always a gloomy feeling.

It’s not the terrain here.

But those cultivation Disciples in Yinxian Mountain will try to use Divine Ability, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Mao Zhenjun led the Lin Fans to walk inside the mountain gate, and when countless Disciples saw the people, they respectfully shouted that they had seen Old Ancestor.

For Disciples.

They were all curious who the three men were following Old Ancestor.

When they saw the blood old fairy, they found that Elder’s face was gloomy and terrifying, as if he was wronged, but his eyes were full of killing intent, which was the feeling of wanting to kill.

Who are you going to kill?

It’s kind of scary.

Mao Zhenjun invited an Elder and instructed: “Get the inheritance Disciple from Yamauchi, and Old Ancestor will bring back three Heaven’s Chosen from outside, hoping to show them.”

“Yes, Old Ancestor.” The Elder looked at the bloody old fairy with an ugly face and hurriedly left.

He didn’t know how Xue Lao Xian came back with Old Ancestor, and his face was still ugly. Could it be that something happened outside?

Lin Fan said: “Mao Immortal Emperor, isn’t it a little bad to play against Guishan inheritance Disciple?”

“Yes, yes, Uncle Mao, in case we This hits their self-confidence, how good is it, my brother Lin has no other ability, it is still very good at destroying Dao Heart.” Qin Yang said.

Suddenly, Qin Yang noticed that Lin Fan looked towards him. It was right that you were beaten to death. Your immortality was enough to show that God didn’t have eyes.

“Look at what I do, Uncle Mao, what I said is true.” Qin Yang said.

Mao Zhenjun said with a smile: “It’s okay.”


The scenery here is very different from other places in Yinxian Mountain. The scenery is very beautiful. At this time, there is a booming sound, and a waterfall strikes down a boulder in the pool like a galaxy.

If you look carefully.

You can see a silhouette sitting cross-legged under the waterfall.

“Eldest Senior Brother, stop cultivation, Old Ancestor brought three young people back, it seems that Old Ancestor wants to open our eyes to see Heaven’s Chosen outside, I am a little dissatisfied, but I think it was brought back by Old Ancestor, it must not be simple, in order not to lose the face of our Yinxian Mountain, we must ask Eldest Senior Brother to support.” A man shouted.

This man is short in stature. If there is a fortune-telling Master here, he will definitely be criticized out in surprise, hit five shorts, but he can survive until now. Your life is really evil, evil. .

With the voice falling.

The waterfall that was rolling down incessantly stopped abruptly, as if Time Freeze, and then saw the torrent rising into the sky, sweeping up a white mist.

“What’s the matter?”

The man in the waterfall got up and walked over. .

He came to the shore, picked up the clothes on the rocks and put them on, and curiously asked: “What’s the way? If Old Ancestor can bring it back in person, it must not be simple.”

“I don’t know, anyway, Old Ancestor is very interested in it.” The short man said, and then saw the bone behind the Senior Brother that had pierced the skin refining into the body, cry out in surprise: “Eldest Senior Brother, you This is the successful integration of the keel into the body?”

“Well, there is nothing at worst in retreating here for a few months and refining the keel into the body.” The Eldest Senior Brother looked calm, as if It’s like saying something very common.

But the short man almost jumped up in shock, “Eldest Senior Brother has excellent innate talent, refining keel, what are those Heaven’s Chosen outside, as long as the Senior Brother is willing to go out, the first Heaven’s Chosen The title must belong to Senior Brother.”

Eldest Senior Brother said: “Junior Brother, there is no such idea, there is Person beyond the Person, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, if you think that you are refining The keel can be invincible in the world, then the future will inevitably die without knowing how to die, just say Celestial Court Young Emperor, I have met him once, and he has never gone through a hundred moves in his hands, even now, I have no absolute His confidence can overcome him.”

“Go, let’s go and see how the three Heaven’s Chosen brought back by Old Ancestor.”

Those who are integrated into the keel will naturally have arrogance , Although there is a lot of low-key in his words, he is extremely proud in his heart. Even if he admits that others are stronger than him, he will never admit defeat easily.

At this time.

great hall.

Old Ancestor said: “These three are the three Heaven’s Chosen I invited back from outside. This little friend is named Lin Fan, and he is quite famous outside. Although you are all inside the mountain gate, but You must have heard of it.”

When Old Ancestor introduced Lin Fan.

The Yinxian Mountain inheritance Disciples exclaimed.

Of course they have.

“Old Ancestor, this is Lin Fan, the madman of the hand demon. He is known as the killer of the flower list. He has taken advantage of Yaochi Fairy.” A Disciple couldn’t help but cry out in surprise.

Pu chi!

Qin Yang couldn’t help laughing out loud, then looked at Lin Fan with a blushing face, “Brother Lin, your reputation is too loud.”

Lin Fan is embarrassed, Madd, why do I only remember this thing because of my brilliant record.

Is it necessary to memorize so long?

It’s really terrifying.

The Disciple may have thought something was wrong, and hurriedly said: “I don’t mean anything else, I just admire it. Although I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, when I hear others talk about it, it’s also a yearning. , I am convinced that Old Ancestor can bring such Heaven’s Chosen back to the mountains.”

“Hahaha…” Mao Zhenjun laughed, “Since ancient times Heroes come out from the Youth, young heroes love beautiful women, It’s been like this since ancient times. Thinking of when Old Ancestor was young, Heaven’s Chosen in that era was no weaker than you. If Little Friend Lin was born in our time, it would be a remarkable existence.”

Lin Fan cup one fist in the other hand modestly said: “Mao Old Ancestor, love.”

Afterwards, Mao Zhenjun began to introduce again: “This is the Aristocratic Family Qin Family Qin Xiaoxianzun Qin Yang.”

Qin Yang raised his head and said indifferently: “Uncle Mao doesn’t need to introduce me, they should all know who I am, the War King was suppressed by me. Of natural morality, I couldn’t see it, so I tried to teach him a lesson, hoping that he could cultivate well and be a low-key person. Although I don’t know what War King is doing recently, I must be able to understand my good intentions.”

Xiang Fei sighed helplessly, Brother Qin is really talented, and most people really can’t match him.

Look at the inheritance Disciple of Yinxian Mountain, they are all talking in low voices.

It seems to be an Immortal Treasure person.

It depends on Immortal Treasure instead of strength against the enemy. Whether it can be stable or not depends on whether Immortal Treasure is strong enough.

Then Xiang Fei didn’t wait for Mao Zhenjun’s introduction, cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Fly next.”

Mao Zhenjun said with a smile: “Xiaoyou Xiang took a look It’s not a person from the wasteland, it should come from another place, if I guess correctly, it should be someone from desert in the West Plains.”

Xiang Fei cup one fist in the other hand Dao: “Mao Old Ancestor bright vision like a torch, Junior is indeed desert from Nishihara.”


I saw Mao Zhenjun looked towards inheritance Disciple and said: “Old Ancestor invited three Heaven’s Chosen to come here, I hope you can learn from the three Heaven’s Chosen, after all, you often say that you are invincible in the mountains. , I want to kill your arrogance, in case you go out and lose your life for arrogance in the future.”

Lin Fan thought.

Could it be that Mao’s Old Ancestor invited them back to train his Disciples?

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