“Come out, what are you hiding? You are hiding deep, but you can’t escape my eyes.” Lin Fan moved towards all around and shouted, he was not used to the Innate Divine Ability of thermal perception.

Look at the flower eyes.

Xiang Fei said: “They came to me, didn’t expect to actually catch up to the Eastern Wilderness domain.”

“Brother Xiang, didn’t expect you You are also a person with a story, what the hell did you do to let people chase you here, you are not being serious, but you are actually doing something outrageous, such as…” Qin Yang couldn’t even imagine it. For example, breaking into someone’s bridal chamber and doing things for them.

It is very probability.

The more honest people are, the more wretched they are.

He firmly believes that Xiang Fei is such a person.

Xiang Fei said: “Brother Qin, can you be a little more serious, even a little serious.”

Then he looked towards Lin Fan.

The meaning is clear.

You don’t have to learn to be serious, as long as you can be like Brother Lin.

Lin Fan Q&A: “What is the origin of these people, the hidden Divine Ability is a bit powerful.”

Xiang Fei said: “72 Earthly Fiend, 36 Heavenly Stars, a The mysterious force, rumored to be the lineage of an immortal, is proficient in the Divine Ability of concealment, capable of killing people and being invisible, and is specially responsible for some assassinations.”

“This is difficult, how did you offend others? “Lin Fan asked.

Xiang Fei said: “It’s a long story, I didn’t provoke them, but someone wanted me to die. As for who it is, I don’t know in my heart, but didn’t expect me to come. Eastern Wilderness, they are still chasing after them.”

Lin Fan felt Xiang Fei was tragic.

They were all hunted down.

I don’t even know who did it.

If you know who it is, it’s not easy to deal with, assassinate each other, you can afford the reward, and I can also take revenge, it depends on who has more.

At this time.

There was no sound around, even if Lin Fan said I had discovered you, no one appeared, as if they didn’t believe they had been discovered.

“Why do you guys do this, I said that I have found you, why don’t you believe it.”

“Immortal World is not about fighting and killing, but also with worldly knowledge, I see you all It’s not too far away, I must be hungry, why don’t we have a good chat.”

“Maybe we can talk about something.”

Lin Fan moved towards the surroundings said.

But still silent.

No way.

Lin Fan raised his hand, flicked his fingers, huh, huh, several cold glow moved towards all directions.

There is no one in the direction of the attack.

But a dull sound can be heard.

Several silhouettes appeared. They were all wearing iron masks and couldn’t see their faces, but the expressions hidden under the masks were absolutely shocking. Maybe they didn’t expect the other party to actually find them.

“It’s been said so clearly, why don’t you believe it.” Lin Fan said.

Xiang Fei was attentive, although the cultivation base of these people is merely this, but their Divine Ability is really powerful, killing people is invisible, and if they are careless, they can be planted in the opponent’s hands.


The other party is also in the same mind in terms of combination, and the power that erupts is very terrifying.

“Brother Lin, be careful, these people are from 36 Heavenly Stars.” Xiang Fei reminded that he had played against these people before and knew their horror.

Lin Fan said softly, “Leave it to me.”


He looked at the six killers who appeared, cup one fist in the other hand and said, “This is my brother, everyone is entrusted to come and kill him. This is business and it is only natural, but since If it’s business, then we can talk about it, and we can talk about business, don’t you think?”

Qin Yang said, “Brother Lin, what’s the situation, they’re here to kill us, What else is there to talk about, anyway, we are all about Holy Weapon refining, and we will kill them and they will be fine.”

“Don’t talk, look at me.” Lin Fan said.

He wants to settle this matter for Xiang Fei now. He will shoot when they meet, either you will die or i will die, which is really interesting, but he wants to see if he will attack from the side. reward.

Qin Yang was helpless.

What else is there to look at.

Look at the killing intent that these people are sending out, it is obvious that they are here to kill.

A silhouette with an iron mask said solemnly: “Tiangang performs the task, our target is him, irrelevant people can leave on their own, and we never kill one more person.”

It’s good to have principles.

Lin Fan likes principled people the most.

“Is that all you can say?” Lin Fan asked, then said with a smile: “You are believing or not, I know who you are, your name, your Divine Ability of cultivation, I know.”

The six killers are still completely motionless.

They have locked the killing intent on the fly.

At the moment of the shot, they can take the opponent’s life with the strongest ultimate move.

“Don’t believe it?”

“Yes, yes, no, it’s good if you don’t believe it, it shows that you are professional enough.”

Lin Fan sighed.

Xiang Fei looked at Lin Fan in shock. He didn’t quite understand what Lin Fan meant. He really couldn’t understand. These Tiangang killers were ruthless and had an obsession with their goals.

It’s not just random fooling, you can fool.

even more how Lin Fan said he knew the name of Tiangang killer, which is even more impossible.

Every Tiangang killer’s name is unknown to even the people in the force, let alone others.

Lin Fan pointed at the leading Tiangang killer and said, “Let’s start with you, your name is Ji Chong, no matter what your name is now, your real name is this name.”

Originally, the Tiangang killer standing there was already condensing murderous aura, ready to strike certain kill.

It’s just that when Lin Fan said his name, he trembled all over, as if he had seen a ghost.

The expression hidden under the mask became very surprised.

But he still stood there forcibly calm.

Not even a little action.

The same is true for the six Tiangang killers. Even if the other party said the name of the Tiangang killer, they didn’t have any response, because they didn’t know what the other party said true or false.

“You know if what I’m saying is true, but you’re very calm, and your inner quality is very high, not bad, not bad.”

Lin Fan smiled and then pointed to another A Tiangang killer said: “Your name is Zhang Yun, um, yes, it’s hard to tell whether you’re a man or a woman from your figure, but I know you’re a woman.” Fan said the proven Tiangang killer, and his heart was very uneasy. Who is the other party and why does he know this.

Qin Yang stared at Lin Fan stunned.

Somewhat confused.

He was really surprised by Lin Fan’s actions.

Is this really known or guessed.

But impossible.

Even if he blows his head off, he will not believe that Lin Fan guessed right.

“The two of you know what I’m saying is true or false, and you all understand in your hearts. Since that’s the case, I won’t tell you any more. For the remaining four, let’s say your names together. “

“Zhang Guan.”

“Li Dai.”




Lin Fan looked indifferent, as if he was talking about a very common thing, then took out the wild beast he had grabbed earlier, made a fire, and started roasting the meat.

Both Qin Yang and Xiang Fei didn’t quite understand what Lin Fan’s operation meant, but seeing that Lin Fan was roasting meat, they also sat there with Lin Fan.

Lin Fan looked towards the six Tiangang killers and said: “You can leave, or you can stay and have a good talk, I know you have many doubts, but there are some things that you can’t understand. .”

There’s a lot going on in his remark.

It is easy for people to have all kinds of fantasies.

Leading Tiangang killer Ji Chong’s expression hidden in the mask is difficult to keep calm, and there is a terrified look in his eyes.

He cast Divine Ability sound transmission and asked, “Is he right?”

He rarely communicates with others, because he doesn’t want to get involved too much, any one Peak killers are heartless and unjust, and any emotion will affect their most perfect state.


“Mine is also right.”

“It’s not wrong.”

The remaining five Tiangang killers All sound transmission goes back.

They are confused now.

Who is the other party?

Why do you know so clearly.

“Head, is he a great character in the organization, and now he is an ordinary teenager here?” Zhang Yun sound transmission said, a girl is a girl, whether it is a killer or not, I have seen it Romance biography of Immortal World version of “Domineering Immortal Falls in Love with Me”.

How can some people who are not cultivating, but quite literary, survive in Immortal World?

That’s a fantasy, of course.

After years of summarization by the scholar, it is found that women prefer to buy his books than men.

So he set his sights on women.

Specially written about domineering immortals who hide their identities and fall in love with cultivation women, which eventually became a good story.

When Zhang Yun was on a mission, he bought a copy later. Since then, he has been out of control. He has this kind of fantasy in his heart, but naturally he can’t let others know about it.

Especially as a Tiangang killer, how could she be confused by these.


There is another very terrifying thing that she didn’t tell anyone, that is, she arrested the scholar, locked him in some deep mountain, and asked him to write those novels based on her.

Because what she sees will be more immersive.

Ji Chong frowned, “How is that possible?”

Zhang Yundao: “Head, there is nothing impossible about this, some powerhouses like to hide their identities, become friends with some people, like Expose his identity at the most critical moment, shocking the other party.”

“According to my speculation, this matter has great probability, otherwise how could he see through our location at first glance, and still know Our names, after all, those who know the names of every Tiangang killer are real high-level executives, even high-level executives that we have never met.”

Ji Chong was concentrating, not knowing what to do with this matter. Good, but he felt that what Zhang Yun said seemed to make sense.

“Are you going to ask the other party’s origin now?” Ji Chong asked.

Zhang Yundao: “absolutely no, he didn’t claim his identity, he just wanted to continue acting in front of these two people, if we expose each other’s true identity, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction, head, you should know Tiangang The horror of punishment.”

Ji Chong thought of Tiangang punishment.

He shuddered.

That is indeed an unimaginable punishment.

At this time.

Ji Chong looked towards Lin Fan and the others who sat there calmly and roasted the fire.

He felt a little uneasy in his heart, and at the same time he was even more sure that the other party was a great person.

After all, they are Tiangang killers.

Here, become terror-stricken at the news.

How many people can be so indifferent?

Qin Yang and Xiang Fei are always vigilant about the situation in the distance.


They saw the six Tiangang killers moved towards this side, and they were all tense and ready to fight. Both of them were ready to take out the Holy Weapon and give each other a heavy blow. Prepare.

“Calm down,” said Lin Fan.

Qin Yang whispered: “Brother Lin, it’s already this time, how can you keep calm? In my opinion, they are the real thing.”

Lin Fan ignored it. Qin Yang, but the six Tiangang killers who came towards him said: “What’s the matter?”

“As you said before, killing is a business after all, and it can be talked about if it is a business.” Ji Chong’s voice was still very cold, but maybe he guessed the identity of the other party, and his cold tone was slightly trembling.

At this moment, neither Xiang Fei nor the others could hear it.

Xiang Fei looked at the Tiangang killer in surprise.

It’s a little weird.

According to him.

Tiangang Killer will never say a word of nonsense to others, even a single word is impossible.

But now.

What the hell did Brother Lin do to the Tiangang Killer? He even asked the other party to answer, and he was even willing to talk.

“That’s right, anything can be discussed, and that’s what I’ve always thought about.” Lin Fan said.

Something was going through his mind.

He said the other party’s name just to give the other party some deterrence and let them know that you are not a god walking in the dark. Even if you think you are well protected, someone still knows who you are. .

With the vigilance of these killers, you will definitely feel that something is wrong.

But now.

What these killers did makes him a little unclear.

Could it be… who do they take me for?

The specifics are not yet known.

It is possible to try a wave from the side.

Ji Chong is not good at words and doesn’t know what to say next.

Zhang Yun sound transmission: “Head, have you heard that there seems to be a change within the organization.”

Ji Chong said: “Change? I have indeed heard of it.”

The way they communicated belongs to a special Divine Ability, which is difficult for outsiders to know.

Zhang Yun said solemnly: “Just now he said that anything can be discussed, even killing people. Maybe he incarnates here to test this matter.”

“You think , Xiang Fei is the target of our pursuit, and there are people so familiar with us around the target, do you think this is a coincidence?”

Zhang Yun pointed out the most critical situation at this time a little.

Ji Chong was stunned, the more he thought about it, the more likely he became.

There are no coincidences.

Any coincidence must be done by secret mastermind.

Lin Fan was a little anxious when he saw that they didn’t speak, but nothing should be rushed, and he needed to be guided slowly, “Do you know who I am?”

“I don’t know. “Ji Chong shook his head.

He can now be sure that the other party does not know who he is, but is willing to talk, that must be who he is, based on various situations and inferences.

He must be regarded as a high-level figure in the organization, and now he hides his identity and stays with Xiang Fei.

This probability is great.

And now.

He knew in his heart that there were a few points that he absolutely could not ask, and would be exposed when he asked.

You can’t ask who wanted to kill Xiang Fei.

What kind of remuneration the other party gives.

These two points are the most important.

Once he asks such a question.

As long as your head isn’t too stupid, you can definitely feel that something is wrong.

Qin Yang has always been wary of these killers and has no good feelings for them. He asked bluntly, “Do you know who I am?”

The crowd did not answer.

Qin Yang didn’t care at all and said: “Tell you, I am the bloodline descendant Qin Family, Xiaoxianzun Qin, this is my brother, if you dare to hurt him, you are against the entire Aristocratic Family. .”

Ji Chong and the others heart startled.

Xianzun Aristocratic Family…

Sure enough.

The hidden information here is very complicated, not as simple as it seems.

Xiang Fei asked: “Since you said you can talk, then I want to know, who asked you to kill me, and what price did they give to kill me?”

Ji Chong glanced aside with his eyes hidden under the mask, and found that Lin Fan was smiling, and smiled lightly.

Does this mean to tell them without saying it?

It’s the rule after all.

Ji Chong said: “No comment.”

Lin Fan said: “Brother Xiang, sometimes rules are more important than life, especially for me…their profession, More importantly, if it is leaked at will, who will believe it.”

He pretended that he almost said the wrong thing.

Ji Chong heard the mistakes in Lin Fan’s words, and he was more convinced that Zhang Yun had said earlier that the other party was very likely to be a senior in the organization.

Xiang Fei nodded, “It makes sense, but just now Brother Lin, you said I…is there any problem with this?”

In their luck trio, Lin Fan is as smart as Xiang Fei, but Xiang Fei’s thinking is very flexible, and he can find some potential problems from some simple conversations.

Just like the word Brother Lin revealed to him just now.

“hahaha…” Lin Fan said with a smile: “There is no problem, it was just a mistake.”

Ji Chong didn’t expect Xiang Fei to be so vigilant.

The mysterious executive nearly exposed himself.

At this time.

Lin Fan looked at the six Tiangang killers, didn’t say a word, just watched quietly, then opened the mouth and said: “You go back and tell each other that they have been killed and will not appear in the future. .”

Could it be Ji Chongwei: “But this requires…”

“Who is he suspecting?” Lin Fan’s voice gradually became more severe, “It’s distrusting again. Who?”

Ji Chong suddenly trembled when he saw Lin Fan’s anger.


Ji Chong knew that there was no need for them to take action in this matter. When this high-level executive wanted to let the other party know who he was, then when Xiang Fei died, And now it’s just the difference between dying early or playing dead.

“Go ahead, don’t tell us where we are, and don’t tell anyone that you’ve seen us.”

“It’s the price of talking, be good at changing.”

Lin Fan takes six Immortal Pills and throws them at them.

Ji Chong took the Immortal Pill and said, “Okay, this is the transaction after the conversation.”



In an instant.

The six Tiangang killers disappeared in place.

Qin Yang stunned: “Brother Lin, how did you do it? I’m confused right now. I think Brother Xiang is the same as me.”

Xiang Fei didn’t say anything, but he probably did. This expression.

Lin Fan looked at the two of them and couldn’t tell them clearly for a while.

“If…if I say I have some unfathomable mystery, would you believe me?”

The expressions of the two were obvious.

You think we are fools.

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