
It was so easy to die.

No one thought that the Great Wilderness Emperor didn’t even see the silhouette of the other party, and it would be too scary to die like this.


A silhouette came out of the imperial tomb.

Qin Yang and Xiang Fei followed, and finally little girl appeared with a little caterpillar.

The child knelt down and said, “Jian sees Old Ancestor.”

Qin Yang stepped forward to help the child up and said, “Well, it’s good to be young.”

Then he pointed at Lin Fan and said, “That’s your great ancestor.”

Pointing to Xiang Fei and said, “That’s your third ancestor.”

“And I am you. The second ancestor.”

Finally, Xiang Fei thought of little girl and said with a smile: “That’s your fourth ancestor’s milk.”

The child’s round eyes are very Excited, he didn’t expect to have so many ancestors, and then excitedly knelt down and said:

“Jian visits the second ancestor, the third ancestor, and the fourth grandfather.”

Lin Fan all Want to spit out a mouthful of old blood, Qin Yang, are you still human?

Even children are deceived.

General Huang looked dumbfounded. When he saw that the other party was taking advantage of Your Majesty, he wanted to stop it, but was stopped by the Queen Mother’s eyes and could not be impudent.

Qin Yang didn’t care about other people’s eyes at all, but lifted the child up, “Well, good, really good, the second ancestor likes you.”


The sky is full of red clouds.

The old soul demon sat cross-legged, pinched Immortal Art, and all around countless souls and dark red light spots merged into the body.


He opened his eyes, two bright light glittering, very surprised, the Great Wilderness Emperor shouted for help, he was beheaded?

“Strange, the Dayun Dynasty doesn’t have a powerhouse, and who killed the emperor of the Great Wilderness.”

“No, it’s bad for me, how can I let him go.”

“It’s weird. p>

He had been acquainted with the emperor of the Great Wilderness for several years, and seeing that the other party had ambition, and he also needed a fighting spirit, the two hit it off and became friends of cultivation.

The Imperial Mausoleum.

Lin Fan and the others wait a moment.


The surrounding violent wind erupted, and the yin wind swept over. This is the Immortal World yin wind, which can blow the Divine Soul, the will is not firm, the Divine Soul fragile, when blown by this wind, the Divine Soul will leave the body, Three immortal souls and seven mortal souls are gone.

“Who is the cowardly person who made me Fellow Daoist, do you know who I am?”

The voice has passed before the person arrives.

Xiang Fei looked at the situation in front of him, lost in thought, as if he had seen it somewhere, and suddenly he remembered it.

“Brother Lin, if I remember correctly, this person should be from Yinxian Mountain.”

Lin Fan does not know where Yinxian Mountain is.

He didn’t come to Immortal World for a long time, and he offended some big bosses, some unremarkable forces, he really didn’t know.

Qin Yang said: “I know Yinxian Mountain, people from this place are relatively insidious, and the methods are quite strange, such as the seven needles on nails, bloodline curse, etc. Some Yin evil Divine Ability all come from this place. Yinxian Mountain.”

Perhaps Qin Yang’s voice was not small.

The old soul demon heard what Qin Yang said, and said gloomily: “Since you know who this seat is, why do you dare to harm me Fellow Daoist?”

Qin Yang said: “You guy is very interesting. I didn’t know he was familiar with you. It was not until he died that I reported your name. Unfathomable mystery.”

The old soul demon shouted, Appears insane.

“Damn, it’s really ****, so rampant, let’s see how this seat will take your life.”

It followed.

A silhouette appeared in front of everyone. When he appeared, the strange aura emanating from his body made everyone very uneasy.

The old soul demon has a rather down-to-earth look, wearing a robe made of burlap, in tatters and tatters, just like a scavenger.

If you have to describe it.

It’s like a western wizard.

Lin Fan took a look.

【Soul Demon Old Immortal: Immortal Realm 3rd-layer Golden Immortal Realm. ]

[There is a chance to drop: Bloodline Curse, Bloodline Killing, Flying Centipede, Immortal Technique…]

On this look, Lin Fan looks a bit stupid.

What are these things?

He can promise.

Never seen Divine Ability like this.

Lin Fan said: “This Fellow Daoist, you are wearing such a shabby dress, you can smell the stench on your body from far away, I really don’t know how you cultivated, I don’t know how you Do you clean up yourself?”

“You are so brave, you dare to talk to me like this, and since that’s the case, let you understand how miserable it is to go against my old soul demon.” Soul. The old demon was furious.

He had never seen such an arrogant person.

even more how the other party dares to humiliate him, how can it be tolerated.


I saw the old soul demon’s robes tossed, and a red rag was spread in front of him. At the same time, he took out a palm-size incense burner and threw it into the air. Finger pinching secret art, black lips mutter incantations, as if to display some kind of amazing Divine Ability.


I saw that the incense burner was smoking and rustling, and a tiny centipede crawled out of the incense burner, with its hundred feet wrapped around the incense burner, very scary.


Old Soul Demon furiously shouted, pointing his finger at the Incense Burner.

The centipede wrapped around the incense burner disappears instantly.

In an instant.

I saw that the centipede of centipede didn’t know when it appeared on Lin Fan’s body, and its size became very large, wrapping Lin Fan’s body tightly.


Lin Fan was stunned, it was like magic, and it was disappeared with a snap.


The old soul demon laughed loudly, and then his face became extremely ferocious: “Go to hell.”

centipede Open your mouth and spit poison mist.

“Dead, die well, even the Great Firmament Golden Immortal can’t resist this poison mist.”

At this time, Lin Fan was already shrouded in poison mist.

Just suddenly.

A slap slapped centipede’s head angrily, with a bang, centipede’s head cracked, and then his body softened and fell directly to the ground.

“What poison mist, choking my nose.”

Lin Fan waved his hand, simply didn’t take the poison mist in his eyes, he had immortal physique of bad luck, and these poisons he faced mist is simply unable to withstand a single blow.

“How is that possible?”

The old soul demon turned pale in fright, he didn’t expect the other party to be safe and sound under the centipede poison mist, which is incredible.

It’s even more amazing.

The little caterpillar lying quietly in the little girl’s arms seemed to smell some kind of delicious food, jumped directly on the centipede’s body, and devoured the centipede’s flesh and blood.

At this time.

The old soul demon screamed: “didn’t expect some means. If that’s the case, then see how the people around you deal with it.”

His pair of evil spirits Sexual eyes locked on Xiang Fei.

weng weng!

The void shook.

The eyes of the old soul demon were like light bulbs, flickering and flickering, imprinting Xiang Fei’s silhouette in his heart.

“hahaha, go to hell.”

He sat cross-legged on the red cloth, holding his handprints in both hands, and said incantation again.


The pupils of the old soul demon widened sharply, and her expression became extremely ferocious. A big mouthful of blood gushed out of her mouth, and at the same time, there were strange inserts crawling out.




At this time, the old soul demon was using Killing from the air, using a pair of evil eyes to remember the face of the opponent in his heart, forming an implication, using Divine Ability, so that the opponent is not hurt, he vomited blood frantically, and finally vomited the last drop of blood in his body, and died completely.

Xiang Fei calmly said: “The Divine Ability Fruit of Yinxian Mountain is really weird. There is a connection between him and me, but I have Holy Weapon body protection, which is useless.”

Originally, the old soul demon’s clothes were very dirty. At this time, because he vomited blood and vomited the insert, it became even more dirty, which was unbearable.

I really don’t know how the previous Great Wilderness Emperor tolerated it.

Anyway, they really couldn’t help it.

Time passes by every minute and every second.

The old soul demon vomited a pot of blood.

The only thing that made the old soul demon unbelievable was why the other party did not respond at all.

Qin Yang covered his nose, the blood he vomited was smelly, and he said bluntly: “Hey, can you stop vomiting, he has Immortal Treasure body protection, your Divine Ability is useless, don’t look at it Look at how much blood you vomit, it tastes nasty, unpleasant, and disgusting.”

“Immortal Treasure body protection, so that’s how it is, it is because of Immortal Treasure that it dares to be so arrogant Is it?” The old soul demon glared at Xiang Fei, “Okay, okay.”


“You just said I was disgusting, they If you have Immortal Treasure, then see if you have Immortal Treasure too.”

tone barely fell.

Qin Yang screamed, “Ah! My hand is broken, my hand has a wound, and he stole my blood.”

The blood seems to have spirituality The moved towards Soul Demon Lao Xian flew away. If you look closely, you can find that there is a Flying Insect carrying this drop of blood under the blood.

The old soul demon opened his mouth, swallowed the blood in one gulp, said with a sneer: “Since you like talking so much, then I will curse you with bloodline, making you dumb for generations, and Your corpse will rot and become food for maggots.”

“Hmm, is it so very ruthless?” Qin Yang cry out in surprise, a little flustered.

The old soul demon closed his eyes and recited incantation, “Bloodline curse, Heaven and Earth three decays, fleshy body putrid, Divine Soul turbid, bones shattered, curse this bloodline descendant to be born deaf and dumb, with a tragic fate.”

“It’s done.”

“It’s done.”

The old soul demon screamed, her voice gloomy and panicking.



The old soul demon screamed miserably, fell to the ground, rolled on the ground, grabbed his body with both hands, the itch was unstoppable, his flesh was blurred in an instant, and there were bursts of rotten smell.

“Ah! Save me, save me, what kind of bloodline is this, why is it like this.”

“Dad, save me, I cursed the Immortal Venerable Lineage, I’m going to die .”

“I don’t dare any more.”


A white air floated up from the soul demon old immortal, and the soul demon old immortal at this time had already been disappeared and turned into a pool of blood.

Be quiet.

The surrounding Heaven and Earth is very quiet.

Xiang Fei was fascinated and blinked, as if he didn’t understand.

Qin Yang was stunned. He dared to swear to God that he didn’t do anything, and he didn’t do anything.

“pa! pa! pa!”

There was applause.

Lin Fan applauded and exclaimed: “It’s wonderful, it’s really wonderful, the juggling just now is really wonderful, a living person, with his manipulation, it turns into a pool of water in front of our eyes. , I can’t do this kind of ability.”


“It’s too wonderful.”

Qin Yang and Xiang Fei were also arrested. Lin Fan was a little shaken by what he said, and felt that he would be a little sorry if he didn’t applaud.

pa pa pa!

They both applauded.

“It’s really good.”

The child shouted excitedly, “What a powerful trick, even better than those in the palace.”

If The old soul demon is still alive.

He might actually change careers to be a juggler.

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