Jade Lake Holy Land.

“Tang Xing, why did you come back by yourself?” an old man asked.

Tang Xingdao: “I like that Fellow Daoist very much, and the conversation is very enjoyable. The matter between Fairy and Yaochi is purely accidental, so forget it.”

“Yaochi Fairy until now has been praised by countless people as aloof and remote. If you are a little wronged, we need to solve it. Isn’t it a waste.”

“If you want revenge, you have to rely on yourself.”


“Anyway, let’s just let this matter go.”

Tang Xing speak frankly, let it go.

The old man frowned, “This is about the face of Jade Lake Holy Land. If the little girl knows about it, I’m afraid it will be noisy again.”

“Believe me, I did it That’s right, don’t worry about it?” Tang Xing said with a serious expression, he was friends with Lin Fan, and he didn’t want anyone to destroy it, if he didn’t go, and sent someone over, it wouldn’t be good after all, and it would easily cause some misunderstandings.

The old man was stunned, then reacted, shook his head and said, “You, you, it seems that you have a good relationship again, but you also need to see how many good relationships you have formed, and finally you have a good relationship. A few results, hey…”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s up to you.”

Imperial Mausoleum.

Lin Fan piled the immortal stones around, and at the same time deployed auxiliary Formation to absorb Dragon Qi in the imperial tomb, and he found that there is Dragon Vein underground, which can continuously provide Dragon Qi from afar.

Although Dragon Vein is not of high grade.

But it has to be said that Dragon Vein is a rare thing, but it is not popular. There are indeed very few people who need Dragon Vein Spiritual Qi.

He is going to refining Zhen Shiding first.

This thing seems to be quite domineering. Although the Shangbaoqin golden rake is good, it is a bit tricky to wield.

Lin Fan pinched the secret art, waves formed around it, countless immortal stones were suspended, slammed, and instantly shattered, Immortal Qi condensed into a vortex, and at the same time pulled Dragon Qi in the imperial tomb.


I saw a drop of blood essence floating on Lin Fan’s fingertips, and with a bang, it merged into the vortex, and poured into the town with the guidance of Lin Fan.

Zhen Shiding is now only Holy Weapon, but there is still Dao Rhyme in it.

Refining takes a lot of time.

Fortunately, there are enough fairy stones for him to splurge, and at the same time, there is Dragon Vein for him to absorb, and the speed of refining will reach the extreme.

An imperial city.

A child innocently pointed at the golden light of the distant mountain peak, and excitedly said: “Mother, Old Ancestor has appeared again.”

The woman elegant beside the child and poised , looked towards the mountain the child pointed to, showing a worried look.

She knew what was going on there.

But she couldn’t say it.

Because it cannot destroy the sustenance in the hearts of children.

“Your Majesty, Old Ancestor is in cultivation, to protect the Dayun Dynasty, and also to protect Your Majesty, but you must cultivate well, and Old Ancestor will be able to rest well in the future.” The woman whispered .

Since the fate of the dynasty fell on this child, some immortals have no fear of the Great Cloud Dynasty, and for several years, immortals have broken into the imperial mausoleum to find things.

Sometimes there are also immortals who use the Dragon Qi cultivation in the imperial mausoleum.

If it was in the past, this kind of behavior is a great sin.

Available now.

I can only open one eye and close one eye. I only hope that those who are in the cultivation in the imperial mausoleum will be able to leave after the cultivation and not do anything excessive to the dynasty.

The child was still childish, and said in a milky voice: “Well, I will definitely work hard.”

It turned out that Lin Fan and the others broke into the imperial tomb, and they had already been arrested. People know, but because the dynasty is too weak, even if they know what they can do, the other party dare not come to seek trouble.

Inside the imperial tomb.

little girl squatted on the ground and stared intently at Lin Fan’s face. She was very absorbed in it. She watched the little girl’s face turn rosy. Then she smirked and started cultivation.

As Qin Yang said earlier.

little girl thinks badly about Lin Fan, not afraid of people wanting to kill you, but afraid of someone thinking about your pure fleshy body.

I don’t know how long it took.

cultivation world.

Jiangdu City.

A girl was walking down the street with a candied fruit stick. The people around looked at the girl and felt that the girl just came out of a painting, tall, cute, beautiful and attractive.

Beside the girl, there was a Big Fatty standing.

He was holding the drumstick in his hand, and without caring about his own image, he ate big mouthfuls of oil.

“Jiu’er, it’s not Martial Uncle who said you, such a big girl, why do you still like to eat candied fruit stick.”

Huang Jiujiu said with a smile: “Martial Uncle Chen, are you ashamed, you are still a Sect Elder, but in public, you don’t care about your image at all, and your mouth is full of oil.”

Chen Zhiyu touched his growing belly and said: “You Martial Uncle, this is my true temperament.”

“Martial Uncle should lose weight. I have never seen anyone who cultivated as fat as Martial Uncle.” Huang Jiujiu said.

Chen Zhiyu pretended to be angry and said: “You thankless wretch, why is Martial Uncle so fat, it’s not because you were greedy when you were a child, and I made Martial Uncle so delicious, not only did you not have it? I’m getting fatter and fatter.”

“When your master comes back in the future, I have to talk about it.”

When it comes to the master, Huang Jiujiu misses it very much. “I don’t know when the master will be back. I miss him so much.”

Chen Zhiyu also sighed softly, Junior Brother walked too fast, and there was nothing to explain.

I don’t know how Immortal World is.

Is it okay?

But it’s irritating to say that Jiu’er’s strength is even more powerful than his Martial Uncle. It feels a bit hurtful to think about it.

Senior Sister Xi told him that Junior Brother Lin said that Jiu’er has some physique, which is a bit complicated, but she couldn’t tell, anyway, that’s the reason why cultivation is rough and fast.

The two of them came to a mansion.

The palace.

The guards at the door saw the two of them and recognized them, and quickly opened the door to welcome them in.

At this time, there are people in the house.

After Huang Jiujiu entered the room, he saw two middle-aged men saying, “Hello, Uncle Wang.”

“Jiu’er is here.”

Wang Zhou and Wang Baoliu both looked happy when they saw Jiu’er.

Nowadays, Wang Baoliu is middle-aged. He has always kept a bald head, very bright, just like a light bulb. Compared with his youth, his whole person has changed a lot.

Exudes a sharp imposing manner.

Although he still looks a little silly, his strength should not be underestimated. He already has a great reputation outside. An iron head beats invincible in the whole world, hits rocks and cracks, hits people Broken, terrifying.

Several decades have passed since Lin Fan left.

Everyone has changed in appearance, but has made great progress in martial arts and cultivation.

“Jiu’er, is there any news today?” Wang Zhou asked.

This is the place where Martial Ancestor went out. It has long become the Holy Land of countless Martial Artists in mind. Of course, this is just a secret name. After all, there is still some friction between Martial Dao and Xianmen. .

But it’s not as intense as it used to be.

“Yes, the demon is going to start with the common people recently. Grandma Wei told me to tell you, be careful. If possible, I hope some Martial Artists can join forces with the Xianmen Disciple to defend against the demon.” Huang Jiujiu said.

Thinking of the demon, Jiu’er, who is cute and picturesque, is very angry.

Because these are so damned.

Nowadays, the demon path site has been completely annexed by the demon, and countless demon path cultivators have joined the fairy gate to jointly resist the demon. If the fairy gate, the demon path and the Monster Race can resist the demon family together, then There is no such thing as now.

Huang Jiujiu asked: “The two uncles, are there any problems? In fact, I also know that there will be problems. After all, there was a lot of friction between the Martial Arts Alliance and Xianmen in the past.”

Wang Zhou said with a smile: “If someone else came forward, there would be a problem, but if the niece is willing to come forward, then all the problems will be solved.”

“Me?” Huang Jiujiu stared Eyes, hurriedly waved: “How is this possible, I am a little girl, and I am a little girl who loves to eat, how can those martial arts seniors listen to me.”

“Niece, you forgot, head. But you are the master, and your master is the martial arts Old Ancestor, all the idols of martial arts Daoist in mind, as long as you come forward, what is the problem.” Wang Baoliu touched his bald head and said with a smile.

He has the habit of touching his bald head, which he learned from somersaults.

Now he even has a grandson.

Three generations of the family are bald, and whoever doesn’t get bald will be picked up and beaten by him.

Say bald ugly?

It was difficult to get out of bed for a month.

Anyone who dares to doubt the leader’s vision will be beaten, even his own son.

“Can I really do it?” Huang Jiujiu had some self-doubt.

Wang Bao Six Paths: “That’s natural, you don’t know your master’s status in their minds. Now that mortals can cultivate martial arts, that’s all your master’s credit.”

“Nowadays, the martial arts stone tablet is the sacred relic in their mind, and your master is the spiritual pillar in their mind.”

And at this moment.

Space fluctuates.

A dangerous aura came through.

Wang Baoliu and Wang Zhou’s expressions changed in shock, furiously shouted, and suddenly, the sound wave moved towards the air, “demon dare to come here to impudent…”

They both Martial Arts Realm very deep.

Although not the strongest powerhouse in Martial Artist, it is also a character in Peak.



A silhouette appeared in the air.

“Junior Sister…” Huang Jiujiu looked confused when she saw the voice wearing black clothed, how could Junior Sister be here.

Little Sun has grown up, and her expression is cold, which makes people shudder at first glance. She spreads her fingers and holds the demon’s head, her eyes are very cold, and the demons are panicked.

“You have the breath of a demon, why do you want to help Human Race…” the demon angrily said.


Little Sun’s five fingers grew black nails, and with a little force, the nails pierced the demon’s head, directly pinching the demon’s head, and blood and flesh were scattered all over the place.

Afterwards, a flame burned on Little Sun’s palm, and the blood stained on his palm was burnt clean.

Huang Jiujiu happily ran over and said, “Junior Sister, why are you here? You haven’t been out for a long time, how do you know I’m here.”

Little When the sun saw Huang Jiujiu, he smiled, but the smile was very stiff, “I know the demon’s movements and I know it’s going to be bad for you, so I came.”

Chen Zhiyu laughed: “It’s still from our family. The little sun is so powerful that it kills the demon.”

Wang Baoliu and Wang Zhou looked at each other, feeling a little helpless. When they first learned that Little Sun was Lin Fan’s Disciple, they Very enthusiastic, but the result is…

They were almost chased by the little sun and wanted to find a pit and bury them.

I really can’t figure out why the little girl is so irritable.

We are your uncle.

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