
It’s done.

Lin Fan secretly rejoiced, his power was crisscrossing the old man’s body, enough to destroy all the vitality of the old man.

It can be followed immediately.

Something is wrong.

“Old man, go back on one’s word.”

An astonishing force erupted from the old man’s body, and the shocked Lin Fan was unsteady and suddenly retracted. Hand, standing far away, looking down at the hand, the palm is red, there are many red dots.

really strong power.

This is thanks to his powerful fleshy body, and at the same time he has the ultimate martial arts body, otherwise, the palm of an ordinary person would have been broken long ago.

Qin Yang and Xiang Fei were shocked, thinking that it was the old man who wanted to go back.

After all, the other party is Immortal Venerable.

Even if it’s just a remnant of the Immortal Venerable, he still has the will to live.

“Little friend, I’m really sorry, I’ve never behaved like this before, but I’m not used to it, but it’s okay, come back, old man is ready.”

The old man said indifferently, but his expression changed slightly.

Apparently his Sea of Consciousness had an amazing shock.

Remnant will completely replace his will.

It’s just for the old man, if he can’t even bear this kind of willpower shock, he really loses the face of the Immortal Venerable Powerhouse.

“senior, are you sure?”

If it wasn’t for the fact that the other party was a fairy, Lin Fan would have a glimmer of hope, he would never be fooling around with this old man here.

Definitely leave.

It’s up to you to do what you want, and I won’t mess around with you.

“Yes, little friend, you don’t need to worry about it.”

The old man said calmly, but inside this calm exterior, he had already set off a heaven overflowing giant wave, at the moment when he succeeded in revenge , the firm belief has been shaken.

Remnant wants to control his body.

Lin Fan clenched his fingers tightly, the power of martial arts mixed with the power of cultivation, and with a bang, he punched him, and a dull sound came.

This punch doesn’t feel the same as before.



The rumbling sound resounded continuously in the old man’s body.

“Okay, very good.”

The old man shouted, his eyes gradually became cloudy, but there were rays of light flickering, as if he had found something.

“Little friend, your path is not easy to walk, but as long as you keep walking, you will achieve extraordinary achievements.”


The old man’s body fell backwards, the rotten body lost its strength, dissipated continuously, the flesh and blood disappeared, and a golden corpse emerged, and the golden lines on the surface of the corpse gradually dimmed, and finally turned into a corpse powder , a gust of wind blows and dissipates between Heaven and Earth.

“It’s done.”

Lin Fan is completely motionless, he is waiting, this is the only time he has killed Immortal Venerable.

apart from this.

I am afraid that I will never encounter such an opportunity in the future.

“Brother Lin, let’s retreat.” Qin Yang shouted, we have done something big, but the destruction of Saint Sovereign is indeed enough to shock the world, and it is not good to stay for a long time.


Lin Fan raised his hand, at such a sacred moment, he didn’t want to move, because the fall of the Immortal Venerable has not yet arrived, here is Feng Shui Treasure Land, if you move at will, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

Even if the sky falls, he will not move.

[Get spirit root: Taopin Metal Spirit Root. ]

[Get Heavenly Dao Divine Ability: Great Slayer Technique. ]

[Get spirit root: Grade 9 Wood Spirit Root. ]

[Acquired skill: Formation (Dao level). ]

The prompt sound disappears.

Lin Fan stared, as if in disbelief, he didn’t expect to gain so much, he thought it was enough to give two useful things.

But look at the situation now.

It really is God bless.

Five Elements spirit root has reached Grade 9. Originally he has been missing Wood Spirit Root, but now it is complete, Five Elements spirit root is perfect and becomes holy immortal physique.

At the time of cultivation world.

He knew that when the Five Elements spirit root reached Grade 9, he could condense into a holy immortal physique.

But such existence is rare.

Once you have this immortal physique, it is an excellent cultivation physique.



A vortex was formed above Lin Fan’s head, Immortal Qi came frantically and poured into Lin Fan’s body.

“This is?”

Xiang Fei felt this amazing power and looked surprised.

As if he didn’t expect Brother Lin to have a breakthrough at this time.


A dull voice resounded in the sky.

purple thunderclouds loomed over the sky.

“Transcending Tribulation?”

“No way, what’s the point?”

Xiang Fei looked at Lin Fan in horror.

Lin Fan looked up, he pondered for a moment, and then clear comprehension, too good people are so miserable, he has long been used to it.

Even if the Immortal Venerable can do it.

They also have no holy immortal physique.

Because it is too difficult to achieve a balanced spirit root, such as the Dao-level Metal Spirit Root that just broke out, this is the rule of the Tao after the immortal verifies the immortal dao fruit. , condensed out the day after tomorrow.


A rough thunder fell down, and the breath was terrifying, as if Lin Fan was an evildoer, and evildoers should not appear between Heaven and Earth.

Lin Fan’s fleshy body is hard against Thunder Tribulation, Thunder Tribulation bathes his immortal physique, and Immortal Qi rays of light wrap around the surface of his skin.

“It felt good.”

He enjoyed it.

Thunder Tribulation didn’t cause him much trouble.

He’s really strong.

Having several kinds of immortal physiques, they are already not immortals. Even the strongest immortals cannot possess such powerful physiques.

If this happens to someone else.

Surely be scared to cry.

But for Lin Fan, this is all too commonplace.

Not long ago.

thunder dissipates.

Lin Fan discovers that there is a power within him that he has never had before, and that is the change brought about by the holy immortal physique.

“Brother Lin, what kind of wrath did you do? In broad daylight, you were struck by lightning for no reason.”

Qin Yang thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was. It must have been Brother Lin who attacked the young child, causing anger and resentment.

Lin Fan said: “What nonsense, you see that such a good person like me will be punished, hurry up and pack up and leave this place.”

“What do you mean? “Qin Yang asked, what to pack? Right now, there seems to be nothing to fix.

At this time, Lin Fan looked at the place of Saint Sovereign, which had been shattered by the aftermath of the battle, and the greed in his heart quietly appeared.

“You said that the land of Saint Sovereign is the Immortal World Holy Land. Even if it is destroyed like this, there should be treasures left. If you look carefully, you may find something, but you can’t say for sure.”

He had a little idea.

Qin Yang pondered: “Although I said so, I always feel that something is wrong. Let’s look for treasures in the ruins. What’s the difference between beggar and beggar, or forget it.”


Some people like to talk.

But the body is very honest and starts to pull the stones.

Xiang Fei is looking for it without saying a word.

The only thing that is quite frustrating is that there are many broken bodies scattered there, all of them were killed by the aftermath of the battle.

It was a tragic death.

Very tragic.

For them.

The battle between powerhouses is so unreasonable, they don’t know what happened afterward, and when they perceive it, they are already dead.

“Brother Lin, it’s hard to find. When will it be found?”

Qin Yang shouted.

He never imagined that he would one day find treasure in Holy Land.

“Don’t worry, take your time.”

Lin Fan is in a good mood, and the harvest can be achieved. The only pity is that the mana of Immortal Venerable was not released. Mana burst out, how good that is.

The youngest immortal in history really appeared.

At this time.

There are several silhouettes moved towards this side between Heaven and Earth in the distance.

They are all affiliates of the land of Saint Sovereign.

There is too much movement here, and it has long been noticed. For them, there is something big happening in the land of Saint Sovereign, and they must come and see.

Just when they get to the scene.

When you see a desolate place.

It’s really a bit confusing.

This…what the hell is going on here.


They saw three silhouettes sneaking in the ruins. Among them, they saw one person directly throwing away the body of an Elder in the land of Saint Sovereign, and they were filled with boundless anger and panic.

“What are you doing?” a black-haired old man yelled angrily.

The imposing manner is very strong, and his eyes are like falcons, staring at Lin Fan and the others.

The luck trio who were putting things in the storage ring with large and small bags all stopped their movements and felt a little panic when they saw so many people coming.

Lin Fan pretended to be calm and said: “Fellow Daoists, come here quickly, this place has been destroyed, I just waited here to find people who survived, I hope to save some more people, but unfortunately… this place is really It’s too big, it’s really hard to find a living person.”

Qin Yang nodded, “Yes, yes, that’s what it is, I don’t know who is so cruel, to be so cruel.”

“Who the hell are you?” The people who came here were not fools, they asked angrily, and at the same time they were shocked to the extreme, how could the land of Saint Sovereign become like this, where is the emperor, the land of Saint Sovereign absolutely powerhouse again Where.

Lin Fan said: “We are here to save people.”

“Whether you are believing or not, I will tell you the truth, what happened here has nothing to do with us, we are just passing by That’s it.”

“Since everyone has arrived, there is nothing to do with us.”


Lin Fan moved towards Qin Yang Wink with Xiang Fei, brothers, and retreat.


The three moved towards the distance.

The situation is somewhat unclear.

They were literally pulled in for the show, and everything that happened was an unfathomable mystery, what’s with us.

“Where to go.”

The old man roared, the giant palm broke open the sky, and the land of Saint Sovereign was turned into ruins. But it definitely has something to do with them.

More importantly.

Is the treasure of the land of Saint Sovereign upon them.

Lin Fan felt the power sweeping behind him. It was really amazing. The opponent’s cultivation base was very strong, and it might not be so easy for them to run.


Use Divine Ability.

The edge that contains the power of the Great Slayer Technique swept away, with a puchi sound, the void was torn apart by the edge, just like paper paste.


A scream came.

Lin Fan looked back and stared, the giant palm that had struck had been shattered, and one of the old man’s arms had been cut off.


He didn’t expect it to be like this.

The old man seems very strong.

How could the blow he just swung out with such terrifying power.

Could it be Heavenly Dao-level Divine Ability Great Slayer Technique.

It’s really that scary.

“Interesting, it turns out that I’m also very strong.”

But the situation is not good now, he doesn’t want to entangle with the other party, he left here to talk.

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