It’s a pity.

Those sneaky guys have good skills. If they catch it, they may have the opportunity to become a new batch of piglets.

“Why are you here?”

Qin Yang proudly descended from the sky with a rebellious expression, returning to the way he used to live in Qin Family. It’s scary, showing the temperament of the second-generation aristocracy vividly and thoroughly.

The Qin Family children were in a panic, hearing familiar voices and seeing familiar faces.

He shuddered.

Qin Family fiend in human form.

“Little Immortal Venerable, why are you here?” Their expressions and attitudes were very respectful.

Qin Yang snorted: “I’m not here, can you still stand?”

These words are a bit offensive.

If you have a bad mentality and have a strong self-esteem, you will naturally be angry, whether your mother can speak, and whether you can speak well.

But they dare not.

Who Qin Yang is, they know it, that’s absolutely terrifying.

“What Xiao Xianzun taught is, many thanks, Xiao Xianzun saves us.”

Qin Yang said: “I didn’t save you, it was my brother who saved you, If you want to thank me, thank my brother.”

These Qin Family children hurriedly moved towards Lin Fan to thank them.

Qin Yang moved towards Lin Fan with the corners of his mouth raised, that is to say, if you see it, they are very afraid of me, they are all honorifics when they call me, what is the name of Xiaoxianzun, no bragging Bar.

If there were no outsiders, Lin Fan would definitely slap Qin Yang on the head.

Don’t pretend to be forceful in front of me.

But that’s all.

With his clansman here, he must be pretended to be a member of the luck trio.

“What about you, why are you here and how did you meet these people?” Qin Yang asked, his tone unquestionable.

A man said: “Return to Xiaoxianzun, we went out to practice and returned to prepare to go back, and we don’t know who these people are, they suddenly appeared, and they didn’t say a word, they attacked us. If It’s not that Xiao Xianzun appeared here, we are afraid that we have become dead souls under the sword.”

Qin Yang dissatisfied: “hmph, it’s really a blind dog’s eye, and he actually did something to the children of Xianzun’s Aristocratic Family, go back After that, I will definitely find out.”

Afterwards, he looked towards Lin Fan and Xiang Fei said, “Brother Lin, Brother Xiang, just met my clansman, why don’t you come to my Qin Family for a walk? How about going.”

“Alright, let’s go and see.” Lin Fan Family nominated, but he wanted to see how the immortal Aristocratic was, he is a person who has never seen the world, and it is not bad to gain knowledge. s Choice.

Xiang Fei has settled with Lin Fan. Naturally, he will go wherever Lin Fan goes. Moreover, he comes out to experience, and it is beneficial to have more knowledge and experience.

In a few days.

When they stepped into a territory, Lin Fan felt that there were fluctuations in the air, as if there was a Formation in this world.

Qin Yang said: “Brother Lin, Brother Xiang, now we have entered the Qin Family territory, those fluctuations just now are a large perception formation, anyone who enters the territory will be recorded, if it is a stranger, Then someone has already appeared here to stop you, of course, you are following me, naturally this will not happen.”

The territory is very wide.

Lin Fan did not see the location of the Qin Family. It seems that the territory of the Aristocratic Family of Immortal Venerable is similar to that of the dynasty. The territory is very large, but an area is controlled by the Qin Family.

“As the Aristocratic Family of Immortal Venerables, the Qin Family occupies a large territory and is outstanding. There are hundreds of forces under the Qin Family, and they develop independently, but they all obey the Qin Family’s orders.”


Qin Yang explained the situation of the Qin Family, and spread it to his two good brothers to let them know how powerful the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family is.

The immortal Aristocratic Family, which has existed for tens of thousands of years, cannot be imagined at will.

The Qin Family disciples who followed were surprised.

I was very suspicious.

How on earth did these two get together with Xiao Xianzun, Xiao Xianzun is so irritable and can bear his unruly temper, I really admire it.

Also, it’s rare to see that Xiao Xianzun’s attitude towards the two of them is very enthusiastic.

In the distance, a golden light came and stopped in front of Qin Yang and the others.

“second uncle…”

Qin Yang smiled when he saw the person coming. If he had the best relationship in Qin Family, it was naturally the second uncle, and he Being able to live so comfortably is also because of the strong support of second uncle.

“Brother Lin, Brother Xiang, this is my second uncle, Qin Xiangtian.”

“Second uncle, let me introduce to you, these two are my brother, Lin Fan, Xiang Fei, I practiced with them outside for a while.”

Qin Yang introduced enthusiastically.

“Senior Qin.”

“Senior Qin.”

Lin Fan and Xiang Fei cup one fist in the other hand.

Qin Xiangtian said with a smile: “haha, don’t be so restrained, didn’t expect our little fairy to bring friends back, but it’s rare, rare.”


Qin Yang said: “Second uncle, what I said, I, Qin Yang, as a little immortal, naturally few people can catch my eyes, these two are as good as me, and they are very righteous. If I get into some trouble, if it wasn’t for them to protect me, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to come back.”

“Okay, okay, if you have something to say, how can you let your two friends stand here, then We Qin Family are disrespectful.” Qin Xiangyang said with a smile.

Qin Yang reacted, “Yes, second uncle is right.”

A group of people moved towards the front.

“Brother Lin, Brother Xiang, my second uncle is a very good person. Whoever treats me the best in Qin Family is my second uncle.” Qin Yang said.

Lin Fan looked at Qin Xiangyang.

He is indeed a powerhouse.

Immortal King Level other powerhouse.

But it seems that there are some problems, it is not a problem with the person, but a problem with the body.

It’s been a long time.

Lin Fan saw a Holy Mountain in the distance, the Holy Mountain penetrated the sky, naked eyes could not visit the top of the mountain above the clouds, as if there was some kind of terrifying prohibition.

And there are many hills around Holy Mountain.

The so-called hill is just a little small compared to Holy Mountain.

At the same time, natural phenomena occur frequently in the distance, as if someone is breaking through, or someone is cultivating, the speed of swallowing Heaven and Earth Immortal Qi is extremely fast, directly forming vortex, and breathing wildly.

It seems that the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family is indeed not simple.

powerhouse as clouds.

Qin Family, great hall.

Qin Yang, who had been talking and laughing all the way, restrained his smile and stepped into the great hall with heavy steps. In the great hall, there was an uncommon military might man sitting in the main seat, surrounded by people. There were quite a few people who appeared to be powerhouses.

“Child, meet the father.” Qin Yang bowed his head and said respectfully.

The man sitting in the main seat ignored Qin Yang, as if he hadn’t seen him, and kept talking with the people around him.

Although no one spoke to Qin Yang.

However, sweat dripped from Qin Yang’s forehead, as if for him, being here was a kind of torture.

It’s been a long time.

Qin Yang’s father turned his head, his eyes were sharp, and his voice was dull and angrily: “I’ve been out playing for so long, and now I know how to come back?”

“I…” What Qin Yang wanted to explain , but the other party obviously did not give him a chance.

“Don’t say it, I feel like Emperor Qin when I hear your words. How could there be such a waste as you.”

Qin Xiangtian coughed lightly, “Big brother, little one. Yang not only came back alone, but also brought two good friends, which is something that has never happened before, which shows that Xiaoyang has grown up and knows how to make friends.”

Qin Emperor looked towards Lin Fan and Xiang Fei’s expressions slowly and gentle, “Since I brought my friends back, I must treat them well. I’ve lost the face of the Qin Family. I want you to look good.”

“Yes, child knows.” Qin Yang replied.

Qin Emperor didn’t want to talk to Qin Yang anymore, so after that, he continued to talk with the people around him, completely treating Qin Yang as air.

This is not what a father should do.

Lin Fan and Xiang Fei looked at each other.

All are quite surprised, but helpless.

Qin Xiangtian smiled, “Xiaoyang, let’s go, take your friends to look around the Qin Family, your father has something to discuss with the elders.”

Outside .

Qin Yang relaxed, with a reluctant smile on his face: “Actually, it’s not what you think, the competition of the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family is so fierce now, my father just used some harsh words to motivate me, if If I can’t even see these, then I’m not a little fairy for nothing, right?”

Xiang Fei said: “Well, in fact, I have also experienced these, and I said it on purpose. .”

“Right.” Qin Yang smiled, but this smile was a bit bitter and embarrassing.

Lin Fan changed the subject and said, “The Aristocratic Family of Xianzun has never been here, so why don’t you take us for a walk.”

“No problem, there is me in Qin Family. Xiao Xianzun is here, I promise to make you a local tyrant.” Qin Yang patted his chest and promised, and then said: “Second uncle, if you have something to do, go to work first, and I will show my brothers around.”

“Oh, yes, those clansman who just came back with me, they encountered danger outside, a group of ghost-faced people surrounded them, I don’t know who eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder, who dared to surround and kill our Qin Family People.”

Qin Xiangtian was surprised and pondered, ghost-faced people, even he doesn’t know what organization or power in Immortal World wears ghost-faced people.

“Well, I will investigate this matter, you can take your brother to play.”

Qin Yang nodded, then greeted Lin Fan and Xiang Fei to leave.

Passers-by will hide far away when they see Qin Yang. If there is really no way to avoid it, they will brave oneself to step forward and call out Xiaoxianzun respectfully.

If it were in the past, Qin Yang would definitely hold his head high and say proudly, “Look, I said it, I was tyrannized in Qin Family, and no one dared not respect me.”

It’s just that Qin Yang is not very interested.

Lin Fan and Xiang Fei knew that Qin Yang had experienced what had just happened, and his mood would definitely be affected.

I really didn’t expect it.

Qin Yang was so disliked by his father.

“Brother Qin, I forgot to tell you one thing. Don’t tell me about the True Dragon tree, and don’t tell me about the Holy Weapon we got in the ancient mountain.” Lin Fan said.

“Well, I understand, if you don’t tell me, I’m going to give me a Holy Weapon for the second uncle.” Qin Yang said.

Lin Fan said: “Don’t let people know about it for now. When the opportunity is ripe, you can do whatever you want.”

His idea is very simple.

Save it for us to explore together later.

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