Xiang Fei is being beaten.

Qin Yang scolded the harshest words.

It is to resist you physically and humiliate you mentally.

You contribute, I export water, and the two cooperate with each other, invincible in the whole world.

Xiang Fei was under a lot of pressure, and the pressure of the mysterious person was too terrifying. He looked towards Lin Fan and was quite anxious. brother to overcome such difficulties.

At this time.

Lin Fan’s body has undergone tremendous changes.

Only he knows that after swallowing the dive object, shouldn’t he directly get the immortal physique?

Why is it so painful.

Your sister’s little assistant.

The introduction is incomplete. If the introduction is clear and comprehensive, at least such a thing will not happen.

Lin Fan stays sane.

The pain is all over him, but he can bear it. For him, if he can’t bear it, what’s the point.

Now he is choosing immortal physique. He doesn’t know what these twelve immortal physiques are, but he can be sure that these immortal physiques are definitely the most powerful immortal physiques ever.

On the basis of the word ‘ancient’.

The conditions for formation are so harsh, I don’t even know how many times the group died in battle, and it still happened here, I can’t imagine it.


He felt it.

[The ultimate martial arts body: the martial Dao Body that does not exist, but the Supreme combat body born from the chaos of nothingness due to the obsession of all beings. ]


A picture came to his mind.

A muscular giant stepped on the Star River universe, gaze as if a torch, illuminated the dark Star River, and roared angrily:

“I build superworld ambition, Must be Supreme.”


The martial arts giant roared again.

“I make 48 vows.”

“The first vow: I wish the martial arts, no frailty, sickness, no wish, never to be an ancestor.”

“Second vow: I wish that all people in the martial arts have the same heart of righteousness. It cannot be a vow, and they will never be ancestors.”


“The 48th vow: I would like to Martial arts and immortals, coexisting in the heavens, must not be a wish, and will never be an ancestor.”

“If the wish is not satisfied, the vow will not be a Martial Ancestor.”

Suddenly, all directions, all kinds of Countless thoughts in the sky condensed and flocked to the giants, but darkness came…


The Star River shattered, the giants turned into little starlights, and dissipated in the Star River.


Lin Fan woke up, gasping for breath, just now, he felt the amazing pressure hit.

“What exactly is the picture just now?”

Martial Ancestor?

He was called Martial Ancestor by cultivation Wu Daoist in the cultivation world, but what he just saw seemed to be the real Martial Ancestor, made 48 great wishes, and finally condensed into the ultimate body.

But eventually dissipated and died.

Maybe it’s keeping hope alive.

At the expense of himself, the inheritance of hope will go away, and one day, the 48 great wishes will finally come true.

“Brother Lin, don’t be in a daze when you wake up.” Qin Yang’s voice came.

Lin Fan reacted and saw the surrounding situation clearly. Xiang Fei took out Holy Weapon and resisted something. Yes, it was coercion. The previous mysterious person coercion swept over.

“I’ve recovered, don’t panic.”

Lin Fan’s immunity to coercion has reached the extreme, and he feels the Wu Dao Realm is rising steadily. The arrival of the ultimate martial arts body has greatly improved his realm of martial arts.

【Martial Arts Realm: Shenwu 3rd-layer. ]

This is a huge leap, from Xianwu directly to the Martial Body system, that is, keeping pace with immortal dao.

didn’t expect to get the ultimate martial arts body, which brings such huge benefits.

It should be the terrifying power contained in this ultimate body that helped him grow to such a level.

And just when Lin Fan was about to make his move.

Mysterious person’s pressure suddenly dissipated.

“Yi! Strange, what immortal physique you got, why I didn’t see it.” asked the mysterious person.

Qin Yang scolded: “You despicable guy, you are really a guy who bullies the soft and fears the hard. Knowing that my brother Lin wakes up and can’t afford to offend, he will be good, right?”


Xiang Fei took back the Holy Weapon, showing a little weakness, and after all, he was a little reluctant in the face of the pressure of the mysterious person.

Lin Fan said: “It’s normal that you can’t see it. If you see through it, it’s not a joke.”

“You just shot at my brothers, trying to harm me, I really want to have a good chat with you about this.”

Qin Yang pulled Lin Fan and pointed to the hole in the ground not far away: “Brother Lin, the pressure just now came from that hole. In my opinion, he must stay inside and cannot get out. If you want to take revenge on the other party, you must seize his fatal point.”

Lin Fan came to the entrance of the cave, looked inside, It was pitch black, and then he took out the golden gourd of Hunyuan, aimed at the entrance of the cave, and cast the golden river water.

“I’ll give you a Water Inundating Golden Mountain.”

What a treasure is the Hunyuan Golden Gourd, and the golden river water inside is as heavy as a mountain, pouring into the cave Inside, a roar was heard.

“Brother Xiang, Brother Qin, quickly add some seasoning to him and we’ll leave.”

Lin Fan unbuttoned his clothes and urinated at the hole.

Qin Yang was overjoyed when he saw it, “Aiya, I like such perverted behavior.”

After saying this, he untied it and stood aside to instill.

“Recently, your Master Qin is a little angry, so I’ll give you some yellow urine, zi zi your face, and make you yellow and yellow.”

His behavior is quite unusual. There is no quality of the children of the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family.

“Brother Xiang, what are you doing, you can’t miss this opportunity, forget that you vomited blood just now.”

Qin Yang greeted Xiang Fei, and what are you still doing , He found that people like Xiang Fei are a little dull and honest, and this kind of person will definitely suffer. In the future, if there is an opportunity, he must train each other well.

Where does Xiang Fei want to do such a thing.

But he saw that Brother Lin and Brother Qin had done this kind of thing. If he didn’t do it, he would always feel that he wasn’t perverted enough and was a little out of tune with them.

So he came to the side and slowly undressed.

Heaven and Earth is quiet.

The trio of luck, with their backs against the common people, did such an outrageous thing to an innocent hole.

“Ah…comfortable.” Qin Yang showed a comfortable look, and even shivered. He had just held back his anger and gave it all back to the other party.

Lin Fan is not interested in knowing who this mysterious person is.

Not necessary.

I don’t know how long it will take to figure out who he is. It’s better to continue to see if there are any good things in Heaven and Earth Cave Mansion. Brother Xiang has a bit of an upside.


Lin Fan said.

The three of them didn’t stop, and immediately left the place, moved towards the distance and fled away.

Xiang Fei looked at Lin Fan, he found that Brother Lin’s breath became more powerful, deep and unmeasurable.

“Damn it, damn it, it’s gone.” The mysterious person roared unwillingly, and then he couldn’t do anything, but he really wanted to know what immortal physique this guy got, that Heaven and Earth divine divine object, there is only one strain, in fact, what more people don’t know is that the world divine object has spirituality.

It’s useless even if you don’t get the approval of this thing.

It will still return to its original place.

And he came into contact with Divine Object a long time ago, and finally…

Because Divine Object was suppressed here, it has been unknown for many years.

“Brother Lin, what did you just get? After you took it, it was as hot as the scorching sun.” Qin Yang asked curiously.

“Brother Qin, this matter has already passed, why bother asking.” Xiang Fei said, he doesn’t like to inquire about other people’s news.

Lin Fan waved his hand and said: “It’s okay, it is indeed a dive object, after swallowing it, you can get immortal physique, but as for what immortal physique you get, I can’t tell you, there are too many secrets involved, you may not know it. It’s a good thing.”

He was mentally tormented just now, but he still knew what was going on outside.

Xiang Fei and Qin Yang are both good.

It’s a lifelong relationship.

But the ultimate martial arts relationship is very important, especially in Immortal World, it should be taboo, reveal it at will, once it is revealed, he will definitely become the target of a group of ancient existences.

Before growing up, keep a low profile.

“I thought it was something, but it turned out to be immortal physique. I, Qin Yang, also have immortal physique. I don’t care.” I thought it was something amazing.

But only Xiang Fei learned from the information disclosed by Lin Fan that this immortal physique is absolutely unusual.

And there must be many ancient mysteries involved.

He rotted this matter in his stomach and would never reveal it, much less pursue it.

At this time.

A golden light blazed from afar, Lin Fan noticed it, slashed with his palm, and shattered the golden light directly.

“You sons of a bitch, I finally found you.”

Zuo Xian was a little embarrassed, but nothing happened, looked towards Lin Fan and the others But it was like a hungry wolf, trying to swallow their three people.

“Give me back the dive object.”

It took a lot of effort for him to escape from Zu Jiao’s hands, so he searched all the way for these three chops, thinking that since his debut , has never suffered such a big loss, even in the face of the Great Firmament Golden Immortal, he can beheaded.

Able to deal with ordinary Immortal Monarch.

But didn’t expect.

At such an important moment, he was pitted by some unknown people.

Lin Fan said: “This little friend, pay attention to your words when you speak. We are all civilized people. We are all civilized people. When we talk about chickens, we don’t talk about them.>

Qin Yang couldn’t help but said: “Zuo Xian, think about you being a person, how can you speak so unpleasantly, I am Qin Xiaoxian in front of me, don’t you know what to pay attention to?”

” I fucked your mother.”

Perhaps he didn’t want to be embarrassed in front of Lin Fan and Xiang Fei, he mustered up the courage to show the power of the Aristocratic Family, the little fairy.

“Qin Yang, how dare you talk to me like that?” Zuo Xian glared at Qin Yang, didn’t expect to see him for a while, but became so arrogant.

Lin Fan and Xiang Fei looked at each other.

Don’t get in touch.

I never know how many times Qin Yang was beaten.

A bloodline descendant of the Immortal Venerable should indeed ignore the law and of natural morality.

But the former War King and the latter Zuo Xian are both characters Qin Yang fears.

Nowadays, Qin Yang, who likes face, doesn’t want to be embarrassed in front of them. Brace oneself is fighting against Zuo Xian. I have to say that face can really kill people sometimes.


Qin Yang angered, pointing to the left immortal dao: “How did you talk to me, Xiao Xianzun, just set your attitude and then speak to me, Otherwise, I don’t want to pay attention to you.”

Domineering hit back.

The meaning is very clear

What are you doing?

No matter how hard the future is, no one can stop my toughness now.

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