“Brother Lin, there is a Major Sect here, we’d better be careful.” Xiang Fei reminded.

They traveled away from the lake and crossed a dozen mountain ranges to come here.

Qin Yang disapproved and said: “Major Sect is just Major Sect, what’s there to be afraid of, as long as I tell my origin, those Sect Lords of Major Sect have to greet me politely.”

Xiang Fei wanted to say something.

But think about it, Qin Yang is indeed a bit arrogant, but what he said does not make sense. The bloodline children of Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family will indeed be entertained when they come to a Major Sect.

Lin Fan slapped Qin Yang’s head angrily, “Do you understand in a low-key manner.”

Qin Yang covered his head, “Brother Lin, we’ve known each other for a long time, you pat me like this. The head has a great influence on me, although I know you want to step on my head to prove that you are awesome, after all, one day in the future, I, Qin Yang, will definitely become the number one figure in the Immortal Venerable Aristocratic Family, but you can’t tell anyone, Qin Xianzun, who is handsome and eloquent, once got a headshot by me.”

“Although this will make you admired by many people, it is too blunt to pretend.”

Lin Fan looked at Qin Yang, to be honest, he wanted to send Qin Yang back to the Aristocratic Family.


With him, even if he wants to keep a low profile, this guy will jump out from time to time to provoke a group of people.

Looking at the situation in the pig farm, Qiankun Island Lord is indeed in cultivation, it seems that Emperor Scripture is really attractive to him, maybe the innate talent of Qiankun Island Lord will be very good, really Be able to get started with Emperor Scripture cultivation.

For Qiankun Island Lord, when he learned that the other party asked him to cultivate an Emperor Scripture, no one knew how hot his heart was.

Although the other party should use him to try his skills.

But so what.

As long as you hide it, when the Emperor Scripture Great Accomplishment goes out and kills the opponent, it will be beautiful.

“Hey, piglets really work hard, but the number of piglets is too small.”

Lin Fan has a headache, no one knows the hardships of a pig farmer, What we often see is the joy of pig farmers after a bumper harvest.


It was so red that the sky seemed to be on fire.

“It’s a bit strange over there. It’s broad day now, where can the red clouds cover half of Heaven and Earth. If it’s artificial cultivation, it’s terrifying. This kind of qi and blood is too rich.” Lin Fan pointed out far way.

Is it possible that Immortal World also has cultivation martial arts.

And with such a blatant culture, Hongxia is blood.

It is a bit of an exaggeration that Martial Artist can cultivate to this level.

“Come on, let’s go and see.” Lin Fan said.

Xiang Fei is quite curious about this.


They were standing beside a sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces, their eyes moved towards the bottom, and a big hole had been dug out of the original flat ground, several hundred meters deep, with dozens of footballs The size of the field.

Hongxia is not formed by one person, but there are many brawny men below, naked, carrying blocks of boulders as large as one person from a hole, step by step moved towards the deep pit Go above.

Those brawny men are blood red, I don’t know if it’s blood, or the qi and blood in the body are boiling, and countless people gather together to form this amazing scene of red clouds burning the sky.

“This is bloodstone. I heard that only Eastern Wilderness is rich in such peculiar stones, which can isolate mana fluctuations. They are usually used to build buildings.” Xiang Fei, experienced and knowledgeable, recognized it at first sight. out these stones.

Lin Fan said: “Then these people can’t be kidnapped, right? If so, it’s time for us to be chivalrous again.”

Xiang Fei He shook his head and said: “It shouldn’t be, these are all for the immortal stones, and the work is done for the immortal stones. After all, these stones can isolate the mana and can only be moved with strength.”

“Who would be willing to do the Major Sect Disciple? This kind of drudgery.”


Countless burly men have worked hard to remove the bloodstone, but it seems that the surface of these bloodstones is sharp, the cut skin is cracked, and blood is mixed, so it is called bloodstone for a reason.

The Major Sect here is called the Hunyuan Major Sect.

It belongs to the Taoist tradition developed by a supreme almighty once. The inheritance is very old, at least tens of thousands of years.

“Brother Lin, nothing happened here, let’s go.” Xiang Fei said, he didn’t want to be involved in these Major Sects, any Major Sect contained many secrets.

It’s not a bad thing to be involved with these Major Sects, but it’s definitely not much better.


The cave rocks.

There was a commotion below, and many brawny men ran out of the cave.

“Ah! Run, there are alien beasts.”

“Quick, quick…”

“What is that, his eyes have The size of a mountain is a monster.”

It’s messed up, totally messed up.

The bloodstone was transported in an orderly and disorderly manner, but because of an unknown beast, such a huge movement occurred. I have to say that the unknown horror is so amazing to anyone. .

The cliff under Lin Fan’s feet was shaking, rubbing, and a crack quickly extended from the bottom. In the blink of an eye, the cliff under his feet completely collapsed, and countless rubble fell, as if falling into the abyss.

“What the hell.”

The four of them rose into the air and looked down, still not seeing the true face of the beast.


Lin Fan found that there seemed to be a problem in the surrounding space. Those brawny men who fled, as if they had been immobilized, stood motionless and kept the previous escape posture, but they But have consciousness.

Every brawny man had a look of fear on his face, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

They were really scared.

But the body can’t move.


The piled up rocks shattered in an instant, and a caterpillar with a length of several dozen feet crawled out of the hole, with white fluff all over its body and two long tentacles on its forehead. Similar to an antenna that sends and receives signals.

The caterpillars are cute, but their behavior is anything but cute.

It slowly crawled to a brawny man in the distance, opened its mouth, obviously wanting to eat, very hungry, really hungry.

And the big guy who was selected by the caterpillar had been scared to wet his pants.

What the hell is this monster.

There are so many people present, why do you have to choose me, you eat others, why do you have to choose me, it really hurts.

Lin Fan made a bold move and rescued the big man. The caterpillar was in unbearable pain from being slapped by the palm of his hand.

The big men who escaped fell to the ground with a thud due to inertia, but quickly got up and moved towards the outside with all their might.

Running and yelling.


The caterpillar looked towards Lin Fan angrily, a good meal was right in front of him, but this guy ruined it.

“Little caterpillar, don’t look at me like that.” Lin Fan said.

【Larva: Immortal Realm 2nd layer Heavenly Immortal Realm. ]

[There is a chance to drop: ? ? ? ]


This is the first time Lin Fan has seen a question mark appear. There was nothing to hide in front of him.

But what the hell is this now.

Does it mean that this larva is just a piece of scum, simply nothing drops, or is it hidden too deep, this is an amazing thing, so it can’t be viewed.

Pondering, pondering.

Maybe there really is this probability.

But it’s hard to say exactly what’s going on.

“What kind of alien beast is this, I’ve never seen it before.”

Xiang Fei frowned. He had read countless ancient books. But also from ancient books.

This alien beast is very mysterious.

Never seen.

Of course.

The most important thing is that this alien beast is a little weak, and its cultivation base is not high, but it has the ability to live in the surrounding Space Imprisonment, which is really wonderful.

“Brother Lin, this may be a strange beast that has never been discovered before. It can be kept for research.” Xiang Fei reminded.

Lin Fan said: “That’s what I meant.”

The caterpillar moved towards Lin Fan fiercely, Lin Fan didn’t cast Divine Ability, he was afraid accidentally, so he cast Divine Ability Just blow up this weak caterpillar.

So he raised his fist and moved towards the caterpillar’s head.

The caterpillar took a blow to the head, and the head shook, as if a star was spinning overhead, Heaven and Earth turning upside down, Heaven and Earth were shaking.

“The skin is thick enough.” Lin Fan said with a smile.

Ordinary Heavenly Immortal Realm alien beasts suffered from this fist, and must faint to death, but this caterpillar seems to be very fierce, and there is no feeling of fainting.


At this time.

The caterpillar made a strange noise, Lin Fan looked surprised, and the surrounding space seemed to freeze.

“A little capable.”

Lin Fan praised, the body trembled, the forbidden space burst directly, and then turned into a stream of light, jumped to the tail section of the caterpillar, and fiercely with both hands Grab, lift, blast.


The earth is shaking.

In Lin Fan’s hands, the caterpillar is like a Wind-Fire Wheel, with energetic and bustling spinning, smashing the ground into deep pits one after another.

Wails resounded.

Qin Yang put his hands on his shoulders and said indifferently: “Hey, I don’t even know what this strange beast is thinking, but looking for Brother Lin instead of looking for others, do you think its head is a little bad? Make?”

Xiang Fei closed his eyes slightly, thinking about the ancient book he had seen before.

Have you ever seen it.

It’s unpredictable and mysterious to be able to confine space, but now it appears on an alien beast that only has Heavenly Immortal Realm, which is really amazing.

Any kind of beast, he knows it.

He had no clue about the strange beast in front of him.

Not long ago.

Oooo sound came.

That was the caterpillar’s begging for mercy, the bloody nose and swollen face of the caterpillar being beaten was indeed miserable, bowing its body to Lin Fan and bowing its head.

As if to say.

Don’t beat me, it hurts too much, I’m already scared of being beaten by you, just let me go.

Lin Fan looked at the caterpillar playfully, “You also have Heavenly Immortal Realm in your inspect cultivation base. You should be able to understand what I’m saying. I don’t like your body very much, can you make it smaller.”


The caterpillar shrinks and transforms into a caterpillar that is only the length of a finger.

Lin Fan hooked his fingers, grabbed the caterpillar and watched it carefully.

“Well, Interesting, it’s not bad after seeing your size down, and it’s pretty good looking. Let me study it well, and I’ll let you go when I study you thoroughly.”

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