【Heaven and Earth Cauldron: Made of rare Space Stone, the Artifact Refinement Master who refines this item belongs to the third-rate level, which can be stabilized on Dao Item, but can only become a low-grade Spiritual Artifact, which can store creatures in it . ]

Really good stuff.

He’s missing this thing now, and he’ll be able to take some guys in later and let them cultivate immortal art and Divine Ability.

The “Ancestral Dragon Buddha Body” given by Ao Wudi has a chance to perfect cultivation success.


Thinking of this, the smile on Lin Fan’s face made Mr. Huang shudder, with such a wretched smile, he wouldn’t want to train my daughter like this in the future.

Lin Fan reacted and knew that he had lost self-control just now, so he said with a smile: “Master Huang, don’t be surprised, just think of something.”

“I can make Fellow Daoist Lin has a sincere smile on his face, which is obviously a happy event.” How could Mr. Huang say that the smile just now made people very scared, and the pores all over his body were opened.

Mrs. Huang Fu grabbed Lin Fan’s hand and said, “Xianchang Lin, Jiu’er will be handed over to you. If she refuses to accept the discipline in the future, the fairy can be beaten or scolded, but please show me. mercy.”

“Madam, rest assured, one day as a master, I will be a father for life, and I will be her father. I will surely discipline and love.”

Mrs. Huang is very emotional , In the face of her daughter leaving home, she was quite reluctant, but she knew that this was the best home for her daughter.

Master Huang feels something is wrong.

This is a good statement, but with the current situation, it seems a little different from what he thought.

Then he stepped forward, patted his wife’s hand lightly with his palm, and took the initiative to grab Lin Fan’s hand, “Madam, Fellow Daoist Lin is too Martial Immortal, so he will naturally take good care of Jiu’er. , and Jiu’er can enter the Martial Immortal gate, it is also her blessing, as parents, how can we delay Jiu’er’s future because of the pain of separation.”

In fact, he shouted in his heart. .

Fellow Daoist show mercy, this is my wife, I’m still beside me, you want to be the second father when you say ‘one day as a master’, some are overbearing, others can be divided, madam cannot be divided.

Lin Fan smiled.

How could he not understand what Mr. Huang meant.

What a stingy man.

He can guarantee that there is absolutely no unreasonable thinking, it is just a normal communication, why is he so nervous.

“Master Huang, Madam, I’ll stay soon and say goodbye.”

Lin Fan cup one fist in the other hand, and then left with Huang Jiujiu and the crazy old man.

Master Huang and his wife looked at the distant back, waved their hands, and wiped away the tears from the corners of their eyes, quite reluctant.

In a few days.

Getting along along the way, Lin Fan found that after Huang Jiujiu left the house, he seemed to let himself go completely. , has not stopped since the beginning.

Lively, talkative, innocent and innocent.

Huang Jiujiu was a little scared when the mad old man called little sister, because in her opinion, she should call grandfather for such an old man.

But when calling grandfather.

The mad old man just sat on the ground and kicked his legs coquettishly, shouting that he is not a great grandfather, but a little child, neither growing up nor old.

“Master, isn’t our Sect very big?” Huang Jiujiu held Lin Fan’s arm, raised his head, and his big eyes revealed curiosity.

“Well, big, big.”

“Master, will we be bullied in Sect.”


Too Martial Immortal Door.

“Wow…” Huang Jiujiu opened her mouth when she saw Xianmen, her eyes were full of little stars. She lives in Huang’s residence and rarely comes out to play, because her father always said it was dangerous outside.

Lin Fan was thinking about one thing.

There is no problem with taking Huang Jiujiu back.

It is normal to receive a Disciple.

But the key is the crazy old man. If you bring it back, I am afraid it will lead to some small misunderstandings.

Forget it.

It is not normal to have a son, even though the son may be a little older.


It seems to be fine.

Enter the fairy gate.

“Senior Brother Lin.”

“Senior Brother Lin.”

Passing Disciples saw Lin Fan coming back, they were very respectful, and they looked towards the old man beside Senior Brother, Senior Brother go out and bring back a senior?

Just next.

“Father, there are so many people here.” The mad old man shouted happily.


A Disciple fell to the ground.

There are also Disciple who are stunned to see the scene in front of them.


My God.

Senior Brother Lin came back with a son after a trip.

Of course…

It’s not impossible to have a son.

But the key is that this son doesn’t seem to be quite equal.

Mountain peaks.

A group of people gathered around Lin Fan.

Xixi stared at the mad old man in a stunned manner, raised her hand, her hands were shaking, “Junior Brother, what did you experience when you went out, how come you even have a son.”

“Senior Sister, this is not the point. If you can’t explain a word of it clearly, just treat it as my son.” Lin Fan was really hard to explain, he didn’t even know what to say.

Besides, he wasn’t trying to make them acceptable.

Tell them instead.

Let them know this is the way to go.

Yang Gang and Chen Zhiyu looked at each other, their hearts trembling violently.

Could it be Junior Brother he…

Can’t imagine.

It’s like finding some big secret.

“This is my newly recruited Disciple, Jiu’er can’t hurry to introduce myself.” Lin Fan said.

Among the two people who were brought back, the only normal one was Huang Jiujiu.

You have Disciple at a young age, and the pressure will be much greater in the future.

Huang Jiujiu’s cute appearance attracted their love, and Jiu’er also respectfully said: “Jiu’er pays respect to the aunt, Martial Uncle.”

“hehe, didn’t expect, I can also be called Martial Uncle.” Chen Zhiyu patted his fat stomach with a bright smile on his face.

Just soon.

He had a headache.

Because it’s normal.

This is for a welcome gift.

But…he’s really poor, don’t look at him as an inner sect disciple, and he really doesn’t have anything to hand, which is embarrassing.

Xi Xi squeezed Huang Jiujiu’s face gently, “What a lovely little girl, in the future in Sect, let the aunt protect you, there will be no one to bully you when the aunt is there.”


Afterwards, seeing Xixi rummaging for something,

soon took out a sachet, “Here, this is when I first entered Xianmen. The sachet given to me by Senior Sister has the effect of meditating and warding off diseases, so I can put it on my body in the future.”

When Huang Jiujiu laughed, two dimples appeared on his face, and sweetly said: “Thank you, auntie.”

When Xixi was called auntie, she was a little overwhelmed, as if she wanted something happy.

“I’ll go to my mother’s place first, you help me take care of them, especially him, don’t let him run around.” Lin Fan came to the crazy old man and touched his head, ” Son, don’t run around, wait for Dad to come back.”

“Oh!” The mad old man likes it here and has a lot of fun.


Lin Fan came to the mountain where her mother was, “Mother, I’m back.”

Wei You stood under a tree, quietly. Quietly in a daze, as if he was looking at the leaves falling from the tree, when he heard the sound, he turned back with a smile and said, “Enough crazy, I know I’m back.”

“Mother, child is just going out to practice. That’s it, and the harvest is not small, I have a ten-year-old female disciple.” Lin Fan said.

Wei You was surprised, “Oh? My son even has a Disciple, don’t delay the good seedlings.”

Lin Fan is helpless, how could a mother say such a child .

This is a delay.

He is a thick golden flower ham with infinite potential. Whoever can be his Disciple is a great luck.

“Mother, child would like to ask you, what kind of cultivation art should Profound Yin Physique cultivate, and what kind of immortal art is the best?” Lin Fan asked.

Wei You said: “The Disciple you recruited is Profound Yin Physique?”

Lin Fan did not hide: “Well, when a child passes by a city, the daughter of a big family He was kidnapped by the Thirteen Thieves, and he was rescued later. After asking the reason, he learned that he was kidnapped because it was Profound Yin Physique.”

“Later her parents asked her to take me as a teacher, Just in case something unexpected happens in the future.”

“Disciple thought, how could this kind of thing stand by and take it as a Disciple.”

The devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

He could swear.

It’s definitely not because of the other party’s remuneration.

Don’t care about others believing or not, he really believed it himself.

Wei You said with relief: “Yes, what you did this time, Faner, is really good. Profound Yin Physique is indeed a good physique. For the evil way of cultivation, which is a special cultivation technique, this is a good thing. physique is an item of great nourishment.”

“You can bring her back to Xianmen, so she can grow up safely. And immortal art, which is a good match for physique cultivation, can also be advanced by leaps and bounds.”

“Since it’s Fan’er’s recipe, then it’s natural for my mother to help me.”

“This immortal art is called “Xuanxiu Jiuyin Law”, which is suitable for Profound Yin Physique Cultivation, although it is not a peak immortal art, it is not an ordinary immortal art.”

Lin Fan pondered.

My mother’s cognition of immortal art, what is Peak and what is ordinary.

For this category.

He still doesn’t quite understand.

Lin Fan talked with the old lady for a while, and then left.

Zhentian Peak.

“Senior Brother Lin.”

“Senior Brother Lin, okay.”

The passing Disciple said respectfully.

Now in Xianmen, who can not know the identity of Senior Brother Lin, that is the son of Supreme Elder, the local tyrant of Xianmen.

And even the number one genius of Xianmen asked the fairy to point finger towards the peak of Senior Brother Lin after he was out of the customs, saying that the mountain was good, but the Supreme Elder angered him, which is enough to show that Senior Brother Lin is in the Supreme Elder. What a place in my heart.

Ye Zhentian is bored in every possible way, and the recent situation has not been kind to him.

Ask the immortals to get out of the customs, and the other True Disciples that were overwhelmed by their tyrannical strength were somewhat unable to lift their heads.

This makes them very distressed.

Even, there is a vague tendency to become Sect Eldest Senior Brother.

This is to completely oppress everyone.


The voice Ye Zhentian never wanted to hear came from outside.

“Ye Zhentian, I, Lin Fan, are here, so I won’t come out to greet you.”

Lin Fan’s voice spoke to Ye Zhentian.

That’s like the devil.

Like a cultivator.

Everyone hears about it and wants to punish it.


He still has to see.

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