Chapter 73 Promotion to True Dian Lao

Bang bang bang Tang Yan was hammered by 50% of his own mirror image.

What happened?

Why is my mirror image so strong!

This is the second one.

The first time he entered, he was beaten by the mirror image and kept being beaten. The mirror image used incredible skills to break his golden body.

It takes 5 minutes.

Tang Yan was already prepared for the second attack just now, and he attacked fiercely as soon as he came up. Then the mirror image used skills to defeat his moves, seize his flaws, and break his golden body.

It takes 10 minutes.

In just 15 minutes, 2,000 points were gone.

Damn it, even if I go gambling, I can’t even go that fast.

Dear, do you want to continue? 666C intelligent customer service asked.


Dear, you just recharged 3,000 points and got 1,000 points as a gift. You still have 2,000 points available! 666C intelligent customer service continued to persuade.

No, that's it for today.

Oh~ Compared with the time last time, the guest's time this time is too short! 666C said while eating carrots.

I was wronged last time, but not this time!

. Tang Yan was too lazy to be serious with this customer service.

Now, he has understood that this thing is indeed a gold-selling cave. The points spent are essentially learning the combat experience of the God of War in the God of War Space.

The higher the skill, the worse the beating will be, unless the combat experience exceeds that of the God of War! But you have surpassed the God of War, so naturally you will not come to a place like this.

After all the calculations, only the kind of martial arts masters who have been fighting for decades, who have just entered the main god space and have the experience of martial arts, can defeat their own mirror image 100%.

Once there are bonuses such as internal strength, you may not be able to beat 100% mirror image, or even 50% is quite difficult.

As a God of Martial Arts above the Nine Stars, he can often turn decay into magic. He is more experienced and stronger than you in internal energy and other martial arts powers.

For example, if you have a few more years of inner strength, you think you have gained 500 more combat power. Little did he know that the opposite mirror had added 5,000 combat power!

That's what Tang Yan was like before there was The Demon Lord Gong of Heaven and Earth. 50% of the mirror images over and over again are Devil's Innate Sword Finger, Purple Blood Dafa and Magic Sword.

With 130 years of skill and a mirror image of only 65 years of skill, Tang Yan could still hold on for more than 20 minutes.

The beatings came and went.

As a result, after Tang Yan learned the Demon Master Technique of Heaven and Earth, he had more mirror images! He also used methods that Tang Yan had never thought of to break his indestructibility.

It was really an eye-opener for Tang Yan!

No wonder no one in the forum has ever asked about the mirror record of challenging yourself.

Everyone is the same!

If it's different, it's a big boss you can't even get in touch with!

Overall, this is really a great place to challenge yourself, check for omissions and addendums, and understand your own martial arts deficiencies, which is worth the money.

It's just too expensive.

You can only experience two of each mission world, then take the video back, watch more, think more and practice more.

Now Tang Yan still has more than 7,000 points. After thinking about it, Tang Yan went to the martial arts area and bought seven inner power stones! I also bought some martial arts techniques from other unpopular worlds.

Martial arts experience is important, but the foundation of martial arts is also important!

Tang Yan's heart bleeds when he thinks that he spent so many points inexplicably on Challenging Himself last time!

Now he only has one or two hundred points, which is really poor. Fortunately, the supplies I bought last time were not used much in the Naruto world and can be used in the next world. Otherwise he wouldn't even have enough supplies.

In the reincarnation world these days, he can only fill his stomach with Shaxian snacks!

I can’t even afford the buffet, it’s so shabby!

Returning to his main god space plane, the quantum computer crashed unexpectedly.

Damn it, your quantum computer can also crash? You are not a classic machine like Pentium 486!

All I can say is that the program Qi Tianxing created is very capable of running.

After restarting, he imported the newly purchased martial arts skills into the quantum computer. Tang Yan was refining the internal skills stone and waiting.

Once it crashes, it restarts, like an Internet cafe administrator.

As the database and martial arts model become more and more complete in the program, the number of quantum computer crashes becomes less and less.

In the end, the basic operation only crashed once after half a day.

At this time, the martial arts simulation program can already modify Tang Yanmo's exercises. Tang Yan was no longer a novice in martial arts. He took the magic modification method and modified it, then imported it into the computer again.

Through this cycle, Tang Yan's martial arts knowledge improved greatly, and the martial arts simulation program became more and more perfect.

After screening so many martial arts techniques, he now mainly modifies Ultimate Infinite Qigong, Hell God of War and Bing Xin Jue.

Ultimate Infinite Qigong comes from the Hong Kong comic Martial God. The ultimate monk created it himself. It uses true energy to simulate the propulsion of electric current and uses electricity to generate magnetism, thereby mastering the magnetic field rotation.

[Magnetic Field Rotation] is a special power in [Martial God]. As long as it can be possessed and cultivated, it can strengthen the body, reorganize cells, read thoughts, reorganize matter, control natural phenomena, and other incredible abilities. Tang Yan also went to the main god to ask about the price. He could only say that when he saw the series of 0s at the end, Tang Yan knew that it was not something he could afford.

[Magnetic field rotation] 1 to 1 million horses, 250,000 horses breaking stars, 500,000 horses resisting gravity, 750,000 horses splitting atoms, until the final state of 990,000 horses, and the self-destruction state of 1 million horses. It can be said that the power is exaggerated.

And practicing Ultimate Infinite Qigong can reach up to 500,000 horses. Even with the power of 500,000 horses, anti-gravity phenomena will appear around the user, and they can fly regardless of [gravity] without consuming power!

As for Hell God of War, it is the ultimate skill that Hell in Sea Tiger finally developed after arduous training, longing to leave the chance of life to his brother (God of War), countless simulations, and countless thoughts. .

To put it simply, you can summon and create a clone-like existence. The strength of this clone is almost the same as the original one, similar to the stand-in in JOJO, but slightly different. Tang Yan jokingly called Hell God of War Two vs. One of Justice!

The power systems of Sea Tiger and Martial God are both [magnetic field rotation]. If you practice Ultimate Infinite Qigong but don't practice Hell God of War, you will lose your soul!

With Tang Yan's magically modified urinary properties, these two exercises naturally have side effects - that is, they will greatly amplify the emotions and paranoia in his heart.

For example, Tang Yan's normal state now is one of compassion and gentleness. Once he takes action, he will be as crazy as a demon, like a gangster.

Now...the symptoms are getting worse.

In order to prevent himself from really having a schizophrenia, Tang Yan thought of a way to magically modify Bing Xin Jue.

After running Bing Xin Jue, he became ruthless, without desires and desires, like an ice demon. With a ruthless demonic heart, he controls both emotions.

What was originally a good Taoist mentality was abruptly changed into a demonic skill.

As for the effect, whether it is really effective or more confusing, that's a matter of opinion.

The seven internal power stones allowed Tang Yan's power to reach 200 years, and promoted the Shangtianxiadimozungong to reach perfection.

Practicing Ultimate Infinite Qigong also went very smoothly, allowing Tang Yan to reach the level of 100,000 horses in no time.

Not to mention Bing Xin Jue, with the magic changed like that, it is naturally easy to practice.

Only, God of Hell is not going well.

What should I do? It feels like the pig's feet are getting more and more crazy.

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