Uchiha Banma nodded and said, "I was a little scared when Zhishui said that, so I asked Zhishui to send me back to the station. Since there is such a terrifying rebellion, wouldn't it be more dangerous for me to go back alone? "

  "But Zhishui refused my request, but said that he wanted to protect Hokage-sama's family, and he didn't have time to send me back."

  Uchiha Itachi's expression changed.

  "Is that so."

  Compared with Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi attaches more importance to the village than to the family, but Uchiha Itachi is still a younger brother, which Uchiha Shisui does not have.

  Hearing Uchiha Itama's sentence made Uchiha Itachi a little dissatisfied with Uchiha Shisui.

  "After that, I went back by myself, and as for where the water stops behind, I don't know."

  Uchiha Itachi nodded.

  "I see, Banjian, thank you, let's go back first and bring that weasel."

  "Itachi, come here."

  Uchiha Itama shouted.

  The gray-white cat ran over immediately.

  The two, one cat, walked in the direction of Uchiha's station.

  This made Uchiha Itama feel a little better.

  At least Uchiha Itachi did not let Uchiha Itama go back to the station alone like Uchiha Shisui, but prepared to send Uchiha Itama back to the station first, and then come back here for investigation.

  However, this cannot determine Uchiha Itachi's position.

  The real Uchiha and Konoha high-level break, which side Uchiha Itachi will stand, Uchiha Itama feels that the more possibility is the village, then the two will eventually become enemies.

  "By the way, Itachi, Sasuke is also a very good genius."


  "Of course it's true. Now Sasuke's accomplishments in shuriken are considered very good in our ninja school, and Sasuke is ready to learn ninjutsu."

  "This is much earlier than the two of us."

Chapter 107

  Uchiha Itachi smiled.

  "Then next time, I'll go to the training ground to see your training."

  Uchiha Itachi didn't take it too seriously.

  Uchiha Itama glanced at Uchiha Itachi and shook his head slightly. Judging from Uchiha Itachi's reaction, Uchiha Itama knew that Uchiha Itachi didn't care much, and he must not believe his own judgment.

  After all, Uchiha Itachi is a "genius".

  And Uchiha Itama is just a "mediocre Uchiha".

  "Still as arrogant as ever."

  Uchiha Itama is even less hopeful that Uchiha Itachi will deviate from the original.

  If he can't get rid of his arrogance, it is impossible for Uchiha Itachi to listen to what others say, whether it is Uchiha Itama, Uchiha Fuyue, or Uchiha Mikoto.

  Uchiha Itachi will think that he is stronger than them.

  Then, their own ideas must be more correct than theirs.

  Uchiha Itachi will be dismissive of their views.

  This is sickness.

  be cured.

  "Itachi, I have a question I want to ask you."

  "what is the problem?"

  "You applied for early graduation after the first grade, didn't you?"


  "Can you tell me, what were your thoughts at that time? Why did you want to apply for graduation early, because it was so boring at Ninja School, or something else?"

  Uchiha Itachi glanced at Uchiha Itama and said, "On the one hand, this is the reason. My peers in the school are very naive, and I think completely different from theirs."

  "The second is, I am for the village."

  "For the village?"

  Uchiha frowned.

  Uchiha Itachi said: "Itachi, do you know how hard-won the village's peace is? This kind of life, in your opinion, an ordinary life, is the result of the efforts and sacrifices of countless ninjas."

  "I am a member of the village, so I hope I can contribute to the village as soon as possible."

  Uchiha Itachi paused.

  "Where the leaves are flying, the fire is still alive."

  "The fire will illuminate the village, and the new leaves will sprout."."

  "This is the will of fire."

  "Banjian, do you understand?"

  Uchiha Itama doesn't understand the so-called will of fire, and he doesn't want to understand it, because this is something used to fool people. It may have a good intention, but it has already been misinterpreted.

  "Leaves should be referring to the Qianshou clan, the Mudun of the generation of Hokage-sama."

  "And the fire refers to our Uchiha. After all, only our Uchiha is a whole family who is good at fire escape."

  "But now the Qianshou family has withered."

  "Trees and fires go hand in hand."

  "So, Itachi, the meaning of this sentence is that the Senju family has withered, and will our Uchiha family be the same as the Senju family soon? After all, the two are indispensable."

  "Without leaves, fire cannot burn."

  "Is this will of fire a curse?"

  Uchiha Itachi: "..."

  "Banjian, you misunderstood."

  "The meaning of this sentence is that young people are the hope of the future, and the elderly must trust and protect them. The sacrifice of the elderly is not meaningless, but will become the inspiration and nourishment for the growth of young people."

  Uchiha Itama sneered in his heart.

  Since the concept of the will of fire is to trust and protect young people, why are the young people of Uchiha not in this ranks?In the Uchiha genocide incident, even the newborn baby was not spared.

  Even babies don't trust it, what kind of shit is this will?

  "That itachi, you're doing something wrong."

  "What's wrong?"

  Uchiha Itachi was stunned.

  "You, who just graduated from the first grade, are only seven or eight years old. You are considered a young man at this age. If the village follows this so-called will of fire, you will not be allowed to fight so early in the morning."

  "That's what I applied for myself."

  "That's why I said Itachi, you did something wrong."

  Uchiha Itama said: "According to Itachi, the will of fire is the biggest rule in the village, but you broke this rule and forced the village to change this rule for you."

  "This, you are the greatest disrespect to the will of fire."

  "Second, you set a very poor example for others."

  "Those people will imitate you and can't wait to apply for early graduation, but they won't necessarily have such good luck as you, and they will most likely die in the process of performing their tasks."

  "Konoha will lose a lot of young people."

  "Even into a state of green and yellow disconnection."

  Why does Konoha have a green and yellow feeling?From Kakashi's group until the appearance of Twelve Xiaoqiang, Konoha was relieved, and there were only two people who passed by, Shisui and Itachi.

  A lot of it is because of the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

  The decision made by the village at the time was to let Kamijin back away.

  The lives of the following Shinobi and Chunin, go to consume the nine tails.

  The present strength is preserved, but the future is sacrificed.

  Uchiha Itachi was stunned.

  Uchiha Itachi has never thought about this aspect before, and now Uchiha Itama said these words, Uchiha Itachi faintly felt that something was wrong, but it seemed to make sense.

  Uchiha Itachi fell into silence.

  "¨ˇ I'm home, I'll go back to my room to rest first."


  Uchiha Itama returned to his room.

  Originally, Uchiha Itama planned to go to the medical department tonight to absorb all the black breath that permeated the medical department, but Uchiha Itama's return interrupted Uchiha Itama's chance.

  But Uchiha Banma was not in a hurry.

  Will the black aura of the medical department dissipate for a while?

  Going tonight will have the same effect as going tomorrow.

  But Uchiha Itachi lost sleep.

  One is because of the disappearance of Uchiha Shisui.

  One is because of what Uchiha Itama said before.

  "Am I really doing something wrong?"

  Uchiha Itachi had a trace of doubt in his heart.

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