Cui Yu is a little worried about Runan. As long as he stays on Zhenwu Mountain and doesn't come down, Cui Yu will have nothing to do with him. But if Cui Tiger attacks Runan and uses Runan to force him, Cui Yu really doesn't know what to do. good.

Song Zhi nodded when he heard the words: Don't worry, we will never give Cui Hu a chance to take advantage of, and we will definitely make arrangements for you. Then Runan will go to the library with you.

Thank you, Brother Dao. Cui Yu bowed.

People do not blame.

On the second day, Cui Yu and Runan came to the Library Pavilion together. After meeting in the Library Pavilion, they went in to organize the books together.

Cui Laohu waited outside the mountain gate. After waiting for a long time, Cui Yu didn't come down the mountain. Finally he couldn't help but ask the second tour. The second tour hurriedly went to investigate and heard that Cui Yu didn't go down the mountain to chop firewood. He was very angry all the way. Looking for traces of Cui Yu, I finally heard from a handyman disciple that Cui Yu rushed to the Cangshuge Pavilion, so he rushed towards the Cangshuge Pavilion angrily.

Inside the library

Cui Yu and Runan are sorting out books. There are tens of thousands of books on the first floor. Runan is copying old books while Cui Yu is bored and looking at the humanistic deeds in Zhenwu Mountain.


At this moment, the door of the library was kicked open, and Eryou burst in from the door with a sullen face: Cui Yu, you dare to disobey the order, why don't you go down the mountain to chop firewood?

Er You's voice was full of coldness, and his eyes fell on Cui Yu, full of murderous intent. If he fails to complete the tasks personally given by Master Zhenwushan, wouldn't it mean that he is incompetent?

So at this moment, Eryou was furious. He now chose to join the main peak lineage. He couldn't handle the first task of the headmaster, so how could he be favored by the headmaster?

Upon hearing this, Cui Yu turned his head and glanced at Eryou, then lowered his head and continued reading, saying in an unhurried voice: I'm sorry, yesterday the God of Chunyang Peak personally ordered me to clean the library, and I will no longer be under your control.

What nonsense? You, a mere ant, deserved to have the eyes of a god? You even said that the god personally gave you a decree. Are you worthy? Eryou's voice was full of ridicule: Hurry up and follow me to the Deacon Hall to be punished. …”

Before he finished speaking, Cui Yu raised his hand, and a ray of yellow light passed through the void and hit Eryou's arms. Eryou hurriedly took the yellow light and was stunned. It turned out to be a bright jade slip. The slip has the mark and aura of Chunyang Peak's spirit, which cannot be faked.

Looking at the words engraved on it, Eryou suddenly turned pale, his eyes full of disbelief: Impossible! This is impossible! You are just a mere ant-like figure, how could you be placed under the influence of a superior god? In the eyes? How virtuous and capable are you, that you are actually favored by the gods?

Cui Yu turned his head and glanced at Er You, then took the talisman back into his hand with a casual move: I remember clearly the kindness of Brother Er You. Don't worry, I will repay you well in the future.

Are you threatening me? Eryou's pupils shrank when he heard this, and there was a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

Cui Yu is favored by the gods of Chunyang Peak. It's hard to say where he will go in the future, but he will definitely go further than him. If Cui Yu grows up and takes revenge on him, he will never be able to resist it.

Are you deaf? I mean I'm repaying you. How can I threaten you? There's really a hole in your head. Cui Yu directly turned on the taunting mode for Eryou at this time. He is now in Zhenwu Mountain. Even if you have a firm foothold, why would you care about a deacon in the second game?

Eryou's face turned pale when he heard this, and he stared at Cui Yu with his eyes. After a moment, he suddenly said: As expected, he is indeed a person favored by the gods. He speaks with a strong heart. I only hope that, junior brother, you can always stay strong. And why? One more thing, brother, no matter how talented the genius is, he is just a genius before he grows up. Only after he grows up can he be called a real strong man. I hope that junior brother will have the opportunity to grow up, so that I, Chunyang Peak There are also people from the town.

Er You's words were full of threats. The two sides had already broken up with each other. Why should he show mercy to Cui Yu?

What if Cui Yu is favored by the gods? The masters of the main peak lineage are still trying their best to kill him. Cui Yuneng has little chance of growing up.

After Eryou left, Runan stopped copying and came over and said, Brother, Eryou is the deacon in charge of the seven branches. If you offend him, your life will be difficult...

So what? We are still living well now, and you still have a job of copying books. You can rest assured to practice here, a mere second-rater is nothing! We are also people with backgrounds and backers now. Cui Yu He comforted Runan.

Runan nodded when he heard this, with a hint of joy in his eyes: Brother, you are really amazing. You just came to Zhenwu Mountain and formed a gang to create a great cause.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this: What is this? Just take a look.

After comforting Runan, Cui Yu looked outside the door in the direction where Eryou was leaving, with thoughts flashing in his mind: I wonder what other means Cui Laohu has waiting for me.

Moreover, Er You went all the way back to Cui Laohu to report, and said with added jealousy: Headmaster, the disciple has found out that Cui Yu has been favored by the Chunyang Peak Ghost God, and was directly appointed by the Ghost God to organize the library. The disciple is now I can't help him, he no longer cares about his disciples.

Cui Laohu frowned when he heard this, his eyes were filled with gloom. He waved his hand to signal the two of you to go down. He stood alone in the pavilion and thought: Cui Yu lied before and perjured himself for Yu Wenhao's masterpiece. I'm afraid it's just for the sake of the deceitful god. He values ​​​​it. Now he has done whatever it takes to get ahead. A good kid has taken a detour, and Zhenwu Mountain can no longer tolerate him.

He is hiding in the Sutra Pavilion now, what should we do? 'Finger' asked.

Cui Laohu pondered after hearing this, and after a long time he said: Cui Yu's flaw is Cui Li and Cui Lu. If you want to trick him out, you still need to make a fuss about this matter.

Send someone to send a message to Cui Yu, saying that we have kidnapped Cui Lu and asked him to come out of Zhenwu Mountain to redeem him. Cui Laohu looked at the ancestor of 'Finger'.

'Finger' heard this and said, How can you believe what you say without proof?

I once left little things from Cui Lu and Cui Li. You sent someone to send them to Chunyang Peak. Cui Yu couldn't believe it. Cui Laohu took out a small wooden tiger from his sleeve and gave it to him. 'finger'.

An inexplicable force emerged from the void, and the next moment the wooden carving disappeared.


Cui Yu was meditating on the breathing method in the library, thinking about how to break through and enter the realm of immortals. Suddenly, a shadow outside the library flickered, and something broke through the window paper and fell into Cui Yu's feet.

Paper ball? Cui Yu looked at the paper ball at his feet with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

After picking up the paper ball, Cui Yu opened it slowly, and a line of small words came into view: I heard that you have an innate spiritual treasure. I have always been curious, so I specially invited your two younger brothers and sisters from the etiquette. I wish you tonight I went to Huilongpo, eighty miles away from Zhenwu Mountain, for an appointment and asked me to view some spiritual treasures. Your Excellency has always been kind-hearted, so I thought you would not ask me to return without success! I offer you a unique token, and please don’t blame me. .”

Cui Yu's heart skipped a beat when he looked at the note in his hand, but he calmed down immediately: The Li Jiao has already received my instructions and secretly sent people to protect the two little ones. How could someone succeed? The other party wants my innate spiritual treasure. ? And he also used the name of the two little ones to force me to leave Zhenwu Mountain. It seems that this person is very familiar with me and knows everything about me.

Cui Yu thought about it and activated the Anima Ape. In an instant, he could feel the state of the two little ones from across the world. From the perspective of the Ape Ape, the two little ones were studying in a courtyard. Is there any sign of being kidnapped?

Looking at the token again, Cui Yu sneered: Cui Hu is so incompetent.

That night

Cui Laohu and the others waited until the moon was in the sky in Huilongpo, but there was no sign of Cui Yu. The 'navel' couldn't help but said: I said Cui Chen, can you do it? Is that guy still coming? Not coming? You swore before that that boy takes the relationship between brother and sister more seriously than the sky, so how come there is no trace of him yet?

When Cui Laohu heard this, his face was as gloomy as water. He looked at the bright moon in the sky with his eyes, and his words were full of disbelief: It shouldn't be! That kid values ​​family ties so much, why was he indifferent to my message? Could it be that he saw it? flaw?

Cui Laohu thought carefully for a moment. There was no flaw in the whole plan. He couldn't help but look even more ugly: Is that kid just pretending? Deliberately pretending to value family affection? But for what reason?

Cui Huhu couldn’t understand!

What good does Cui Yu do to him by pretending to value family ties, and it doesn't look like Cui Yu is pretending, so the question is, what does Cui Yu want to do?

What does Cui Yu want to do?

Facing the questions from the three ancestors, Cui Huhu replied with some uncertainty: Perhaps Cui Yu is tied up by something?

The three ancestors stopped talking until the sky turned white. The four of them stood stupidly in the mountain and waited all night. Cui Laohu took a deep breath and his eyes were full of anger: Asshole! Damn you bastard! This evil beast Why didn't he come? How could he not come?

Cui Huhu's voice was full of disbelief.

Then he angrily returned to Zhenwu Mountain and asked his informants: What was Cui Yu doing yesterday?

Reporting to the real master, Cui Yu was in the library during the day and went back to sleep at night. There was nothing unusual. The eyeliner whispered.

After hearing this, Cui Laohu's forehead popped out with veins: What a good boy, you really have great acting skills. You actually deceived me. You talk about deep love and righteousness and valuing your loved ones, but you don't even care about the calamity that the two little ones have suffered. I I really believe this wicked man’s clever words.”

Cui Laohu flew into a rage and was extremely disappointed with Cui Yu.

Anger is anger, the question now is what to do?

That kid can't make it out of Zhenwu Mountain, so why don't we continue to wait? Chun'er can't wait for that long. The ancestor of 'Navel' spoke, urging Cui Laohu in the Dharma Realm: If you delay for a quarter of an hour, for For Chun'er, it's just a little more dangerous. We don't care about the so-called innate spiritual treasures. The key is what to do with Chun'er.

When Cui Laohu heard this, he complained in his heart, You don't care about the innate spiritual treasure? You are just talking nonsense, why would you be so active if you don’t care about the innate spirit? ’, what does innate spiritual treasure mean?

Not to mention those who are strong in the imperial edict, even those who are in the 'disaster' realm can fight against the strange gods and the ancestors of the golden imperial edict with the innate spiritual treasure.

The importance of innate spiritual treasures can be imagined.

If the three ancestors can obtain the innate spiritual treasure, they can build another mountain in Zhenwu Mountain.

Now that the matter has come to this, we can only choose the right time to take action directly in Zhenwu Mountain. As long as we use thunderous means to take down the boy and seize the life-extending flat peach and innate spiritual treasure, the matter will be done. Cui Tiger's voice was full of solemnity.

Huh? After hearing this, the three ancestors looked at each other, and 'Finger' hesitated and said: If we start in Zhenwu Mountain, we will definitely cause a stir, in case the breath of the innate spiritual treasure alerts all the weird gods. …”

Cui Laohu had an idea at this time and explained: We just need to surround the kid and not give him a chance to communicate with the outside world or use his innate spiritual treasure. When the time comes, we will capture the kid and we will Can God Lu Gui fight with us just because of a handyman disciple?

After hearing what Cui Huhu said, the three ancestors looked at me and I looked at you, and they all thought it made sense. So what if Cui Yu had an innate spiritual treasure? As long as he is not given the opportunity to display his innate spiritual treasure.

We still need to find a good place to start. Cui Laohu said.

Why don't we start on the main peak? As long as we trick that kid into reaching the waterfall in the back mountain, the three of us can set up a formation and suppress him in an instant. 'Navel' spoke, with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Great kindness!

Cui Huhu nodded when he heard this.

He is the master of Zhenwu Mountain, and when he summons a handyman disciple, even if the other party has the blessing of the God of Creation, he will never be able to disobey the order.

Cui Huhu's heart moved and he summoned the disciples outside: With my decree, summon Cui Yu, a disciple of Chunyang Peak, to go to the back mountain waterfall to meet me. After seeing the decree, set off immediately without any delay!

After hearing Cui Huhu's words, the disciple quickly took the decree and left.

Inside the Sutra Pavilion

Cui Yu looked at the decree in his hand, and then at the disciple delivering the order in front of him. Countless thoughts flashed in his mind: Cui Huhu can't help but want to take action?

He had time to delay, but Cui Huhu couldn't afford to delay.

Senior brother, please come back. I will go to the back mountain to meet with the master later. Cui Yu said.

The master has an order. After receiving the order, I order you to set off with me immediately without any delay. The disciple stared at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu's heart moved when he heard this, and he became more sure that Cui Laohu wanted to take action, so he calmly said to Runan aside: Later, Junior Sister went to meet Senior Uncle Song Zhi and said that the matter discussed that day was completed. He’s prepared in advance.”

Runan was stunned for a moment, but nodded in agreement: I understand, I'll go right away.

Cui Yu nodded when he saw this, looked at the disciple and said, Senior brother, please lead the way.

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