Cui Laohu hurriedly hugged Chun'er's body and rushed to the back mountain. Now that Zhenwu Mountain's Patriarch has come out of seclusion, of course he wants to help the Patriarch.

There is a temple in the back mountain. The temple is not very splendid. It looks like an ordinary small thatched house in the human world. There is a sculpture in the house. The sculpture looks like the founder of Zhenwu Mountain.

Cui Laohu rushed into the temple anxiously, quickly knelt down under the sculpture, and said in an urgent voice: Cui Chen, the headmaster of Zhenwu Mountain, pays homage to our ancestors and asks our ancestors to show up.

The next moment, the divine light was seen flowing on the sculpture, and the legal and material realms were penetrated. Then a figure appeared in front of Cui Chen: Why are you so panicked?

Cui Chen's eyes were full of panic when he heard this: Ancestor, look at Chun'er. She is actually infected with the maggots of the real dragon. Now that her life is in danger, please help me.

How could Chun'er be infected with the True Dragon's Maggots? The old Heavenly Master frowned: Chun'er has been staying on Zhenwu Mountain all the time, how could she be infected with the True Dragon's Maggots?

His voice was filled with disbelief.

There was no way he could pull out the real dragon's maggots. If he had the ability to pull out the real dragon's maggots, why would Cui Laohu have to seek medical treatment everywhere in the first place?

I no longer have the elixir to extend life on Zhenwu Mountain. When I tried to extend life for Chun'er, I fed all of it to Chun'er. The ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain looked at Chun'er with a look of helplessness in his eyes.

He didn't pay much attention to Chun'er's life and death. Although Chun'er was the daughter-in-law of the Cui family, she was just an outsider after all. He didn't know how many of his own children and grandchildren had died, let alone an outsider.

When he was able to spend a huge price to extend Chun'er's life, he was extremely benevolent and worthy of her.

Ancestor, please take action to freeze her body, and I will go find a life-extending elixir to extend her life. Cui Huhu's eyes were full of anxiety: Ancestor obtained the Xuanbing Coffin in the past. It is said that the human body placed in it will be immortal for tens of millions of years, so I ask my ancestors to show their love and buy time for the child to find the elixir of life-extending elixir.

After hearing Cui Huhu's words, the Heavenly Master stretched out his palm, and the cold air in the void condensed and turned into an ice coffin. Seeing this, Cui Huhu quickly put Chun'er into the ice coffin: Madam, don't worry, I will definitely do it for you. You seek the elixir to extend your life.

Chun'er lay in the ice coffin and didn't speak. She just blinked her eyes. She no longer had the strength to speak. Then, a feeling of sleepiness came to her heart in the coldness, and she gradually fell asleep in a drowsy state.

I advise you not to waste any effort. Now that immortality is locked up, the elixir to extend life is so precious. Who will give it to you? No matter how high the price is, you can't borrow the elixir to extend life. Besides, she has a real treasure in her body. The dragon maggots are here, and the real dragon maggots will continue to devour her life. She is now like a big tank with the bottom leaking. No matter how much life you give her, you are just feeding the real dragon maggots. . If you want to solve the problem of her lifespan, you need to find ways to get rid of the real dragon's maggots. The old Heavenly Master said.

Disciple will definitely try his best. Cui Huhu's voice was full of determination: The maggots of the true dragon will be eradicated, and the life span will definitely be extended.

My Cui family didn't expect that there would be an infatuated species. The founder looked at Cui Huhu with his eyes. He couldn't tell whether he was laughing or praising: I advise you not to waste your efforts. Chun'er is destined to be like this, you might as well accept it. , and then marry ten or eight more wives to continue the legacy of my Cui family.

The Patriarch's voice was full of expectation: Chun'er is jealous. Although he has some intelligence, he is not a good match.

After hearing the words of the Patriarch, Cui Laohu lowered his head and did not speak to refute. He was a filial man and could not refute the words of the Patriarch face to face, but he did not agree with what the Patriarch said in his heart.

The Patriarch glanced at Cui Laohu meaningfully, without saying anything more, and then disappeared from the spot. Cui Laohu looked at the ice coffin, his eyes full of sorrow: Chun'er, I owe you. , if I hadn’t obtained the Three Corpse Killing Technique back then, all the major sects in the world would not have gone to Zhenwu Mountain to force the palace together, let alone cause you to be implicated. Don’t worry, even if you go to poverty and fall into hell, I will definitely think about it. I will do my best to heal you, and I will definitely ask you to grow old together with me and live for thousands of years.

Cui Laohu stood up, walked out of the temple and turned into a stream of light, disappearing on Zhenwu Mountain.

He is going to seek the elixir to extend his life, and he must extend his life for his wife.

On Chunyang Peak

Cui Yu stood there thoughtfully. Of course he heard the conversation between Cui Laohu and Lao Tianshi through the three corpse insects in Chun'er's body.

Are you going to borrow the elixir? It's ridiculous. There are so many elixirs for you to use in the world. Cui Yu muttered, then turned to look towards the back mountain: I didn't expect that there is such a strange thing in Zhenwu Mountain. The land has actually opened up the barrier between the material world and the legal world, just like Kunlun Mountain, the barrier between the legal world and the material world has disappeared.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of wonder, and his eyes were full of all sorts of incredible things.

Then he continued to comprehend the 'Celestial Immortal Avenue'. Although his breathing method was enough for him to reach the realm of Golden Immortal, he still needed to comprehend and break through each level.

How to break through the Immortal Avenue? Cui Yu thought with countless thoughts in his heart, lowering his head and looking at Chi You in the shadow.

Don't look at me, ancestor, I was born in the realm of Golden Immortal. Do you need to break through to become an Immortal? When I was conceived in my mother's womb, I was already an Immortal. Chi You's voice was full of weirdness, and there seemed to be a trace of pride and pride. ridicule.

Cui Yu's face turned dark when he heard this, and he looked at Chi You with a pair of eyes, his expression a bit unkind: What are you proud of? No matter how powerful your cultivation is, aren't you still being suppressed by me now?

The smile on Chi You's head disappeared, and then he returned to the shadow with a muffled voice, looking at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes resentfully.

You are also a great monk. Haven't you ever heard of the way to break through the Heavenly Immortal Avenue? Cui Yu thought for a long time but finally had no clue, so he couldn't help but ask Chi You.

Do you think a prime minister of a country would listen to the gossip of a village lady? Chi You said angrily.

This makes sense.

But how to break through the Immortal Avenue? Cui Yu said angrily.

The body of the Heavenly Immortal Avenue is perfect, and the accumulated merits will appear automatically. I heard people say that if you want to cultivate the Heavenly Immortal Avenue, you need to accumulate merits, and then you can condense the immortal energy in the soul and transform the soul. Chi You was not joking this time. Instead, he directly stated the information he knew.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this. Chi You's words were too general and he still couldn't understand them thoroughly.

If I had known that I was in chaos, I should have asked the ancestor Hongjun... Hey, that's not right. The method of the ancestor Hongjun was also learned from the creation of the jade butterfly. Although I didn't have the guidance of the ancestor Hongjun, I There are jade butterflies created by nature. Cui Yu's eyes lit up.

Just thinking that the creation of Jade Butterfly was still suppressing the head of Tiandao, Cui Yu had to give up this idea, his eyes were full of helplessness and said: Without the guidance of the master, I only relied on my own understanding, and the process of cultivation was greatly delayed. leg.

In later generations of novels, the Immortal Avenue has three flowers blooming on the top of the head. The three flowers of essence, energy, and spirit gather at the top, and only then can one have incredible power. Countless thoughts flashed through Cui Yu's heart like lightning.

But how to produce three flowers? Cui Yu didn't understand again.

Everyone in the world says that three flowers gather at the top, but how can we say that three flowers gather at the top?

If I can obtain the ninth level of the dream enlightenment method, I can test it again and again in the dream, quickly deduce it again and again, and try it again and again. This is the ultimate method of guiding the saint to create the dream enlightenment method. A great place. I must obtain the ninth level of enlightenment in the dream as soon as possible! Cui Yu's eyes flashed.

Days passed day by day, and after the seventh day, Cui Laohu came from outside Zhenwu Mountain dejectedly. His whole body was stooped, and he seemed to be more than ten years older, with a few wisps of wind and frost on his cheeks.

It was obvious that Cui Laohu had failed. The life-prolonging elixir was so precious now. All Taoist temples regarded the life-prolonging elixir as a treasure at the bottom of the box. How could it be lent to Cui Laohu?

It’s basically borrowing without repaying it! No one would do that stupid thing.

Cui Laohu's whole body was filled with an aura of decadence. When he was riding the escaping light and passing by the plank road, he suddenly saw Cui Yu from the corner of his eye. Then, as if he was struck by lightning, Cui Laohu seemed to have remembered something, and he lowered his escaping light and landed on Cui Yu's body. In front of you.

At this time, Cui Yu was cleaning fallen leaves in the mountains. When he saw Cui Huhu descending to escape the light, Cui Yu stopped cleaning the fallen leaves.

The two looked at each other and were speechless for a moment.

Why are you here? Are you thinking clearly about following me to kowtow in front of my mother's grave to apologize? Or have you found a way to drive me down the mountain? Cui Yu looked at Cui Laohu with his eyes. At this time, there was no expression in Cui Yu's eyes. Instead of hatred, there is only peace.

I came to you today because I wanted to borrow something from you. Cui Huhu spoke, his voice was so hoarse that he could no longer hear his original voice. Cui Huhu had been wasting a lot of time in the past few days.

What is there in me that you can borrow from me? You, the superior master of Zhenwu Mountain, think too highly of me. Cui Yu's words were full of ridicule.

I know that the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations that was lost at the foot of Qunyu Mountain is in your hands. I want to borrow the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations for use. Cui Huhu stared at Cui Yu with unquestionable determination in his eyes.

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, and his heart was full of doubts. How did this guy know that he had obtained the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations? Could it be that Cui Huhu saw him when he was watching the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations?

What about the golden elixir of all calamities? I have no idea what you're talking about. Cui Yu denied it.

Hearing this, Cui Laohu stared at Cui Yu with his eyes: You don't have to deny that you drank a gourd of strange potion for me and your mother in the past. I know that potion is the power of the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations. Then you were just Thirteen or fourteen years old, although I don’t know how you obtained the Golden Elixir of All Tribulations, I am sure that the Golden Elixir of All Tribulations is in your body.”

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this. He originally analyzed the molecular structure of the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations and could use material transformation to create the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations. The Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations was no longer a precious thing to him, so he secretly prepared it for Cui Laohu. He mixed it with Qi Qing Saint Aunt and drank it. Fortunately, he was foolish enough to want to fulfill his filial piety for his parents, but who knew that he would end up being the sixth child in the end.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of surprise, he didn't expect that he would have been exposed at that time.

I only want half of the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations. Cui Laohu looked at Cui Yu with his eyes.

No! I ate him! Cui Yu said angrily.

Ask him to take out the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations to extend that woman's life, unless he is crazy?

I don't believe you took the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations. You didn't even take it in the first place. You are still far away from the end of your lifespan. I don't believe you took the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations. I beg you... Cui Laohu said this. Her voice choked with sobs: He is your aunt after all, I beg you to save her.

Looking at the choked Cui Huhu, Cui Yu was stunned for a moment. He couldn't tell whether the Cui Huhu in front of him was infatuated or unfeeling.

He is too heartless towards Saint Qi Qing, but yet he is so cowardly for Chun'er.

He couldn't understand the man in front of him.

But I really ate the Golden Elixir of Ten Thousand Tribulations. Cui Yu said angrily: Besides, that bitch woman actually dared to send people to assassinate Cui Lu and Cui Li, and wanted me to save her life. It's simply ridiculous. Idiot’s dream.”

When Cui Huhu heard this, a flash of lightning flashed across his mind, and his eyes moved: Did you inject the real dragon's maggots? In order to take revenge on Chun'er, you gave him the real dragon's maggots?

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Cui Huhu with his eyes. This guy's brain is really good, and his unintentional words actually made the other party make associations.

How could Chun'er be infected with the real dragon's maggots when she was so good? After assassinating Cui Li and Cui Lu, she suddenly became infected with the real dragon's maggots. You were the only one who had contact with Chun'er before... Cui Huhu stared at Cui Yu with his eyes, his red eyes full of disbelief.

Don't talk nonsense. How can I inoculate people with real dragon maggots? You put a shit basin on me, why didn't you say that you were infected with real dragon maggots and then inadvertently infected that bitch. Cui Yu quickly denied it.

There are many things you can do, but you can never say them out loud.

The two of them looked at me and I looked at you. Seeing Cui Yu's denial, Cui Laohu naturally didn't believe it. But now that he had something to ask for, he didn't dare to continue to struggle with this issue, because no matter whether he wanted to ask for something or not later. Whether Cui Yu pulls out the real dragon's maggots or asks for the golden elixir of all calamities, he cannot offend the other party.

Even if Cui Yu really did this, he could only pretend not to know and admit it by pinching his nose.

I'm just suspicious. Don't be angry! Don't be angry! Cui Huhu quickly comforted Cui Yu, his voice full of anxiety.

Hearing this, Cui Yu raised his eyebrows and said angrily: If you have nothing to do, don't disturb my work and leave quickly.

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