In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 974: Capturing the Heavenly Ruler

Although Taoist Mosquito is suppressing the head of the Heavenly Dao, it is not difficult to exert the power of the quasi-sage realm.

The power of the quasi-sage coupled with the Qiankun in the sleeves is enough!

There was a sparkle in Cui Yu's eyes. He raised his head and looked into the void in the distance with a serious look in his eyes. He casually gave the Qiankun in his sleeves to Chi You, and then Chi You took the Qiankun in his sleeves to the mosquito Taoist.

The Mosquito Taoist took the Qiankun in his sleeves, and the next moment Pangu's blood activated, and then the Qiankun in his sleeves opened, crossing the void and suppressing it into the chaos.

The Pangu blood in Zhi Daoren's body is actually increasing continuously, but he is not afraid of consumption.

It should be noted that the Mosquito Taoist was born in the sea of ​​blood. He originally evolved from Pangu's blood and shares the same origin with Pangu. The integration of Pangu's chalcedony into it will only strengthen the Mosquito Taoist's power.

And the mosquito Taoist devouring the power of heaven and surrounding mountains and rivers will also feed back Pangu's chalcedony and Pangu's blood.

It should be noted that people in the Mosquito Way are innate beings and have no shackles of acquired beings. As long as there are enough opportunities, Pangu's blood and Pangu's chalcedony can continue to grow stronger.

Even the power of that day's Dao was too great, causing Pangu Chalcedony and Pangu's blood to increase rapidly, causing the divine power in the Mosquito Daoist's body to skyrocket.

Moreover, the Mosquito Taoist was carrying the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation on his back, so it was natural that he could not bear it.

Gonggong's true spirit mark was activated, and infinite divine power was poured into the Qiankun in the sleeves. The Qiankun in the sleeves crossed the void, directly penetrated into the chaos, and enveloped Yu Wenhaojie and Liu Bang.

Then he saw the place enveloped by Qiankun in his sleeves, where the pure and turbid air between heaven and earth opened up, as if the world was created, and terrifying energy was flowing between heaven and earth.

Liu Bang and Yuwen Heroes, who were enveloped by the power that created the world, were like small boats in the sea. They were suddenly shocked, with a look of horror in their eyes, and they quickly sacrificed their innate spiritual treasures to resist.

However, Yu Wenhaojie's Sky-Measuring Ruler was mainly used for offensive purposes and was not good at defense. He saw the power of the universe in his sleeves crossing the void and descending directly, grabbing the Sky-Measuring Ruler and taking it in.

Then the mosquito Taoist in Qiankun in the sleeve flicked his fingers, and Yuwen Hero was hit by a force of energy, fell into a mysterious place and fainted.

Then Taoist Mosquito looked at Liu Bang. Unexpectedly, Liu Bang turned into a golden light at this time, and used the technique of golden crow to transform into a rainbow. Even Taoist Mosquito's sleeves were unable to catch it, and he disappeared directly into the vast chaos. The mosquitoes couldn't catch up.

This is the characteristic of assholes: thousands of miles away, yet so far away.

After receiving the measuring ruler, Cui Yu's clone of Taoist Mosquito suddenly looked overjoyed: My way has been accomplished!

Originally, Cui Yu planned to wait until the completion of the Small Thousand World, and then use the Dinghai Divine Pearl to open up the twenty-four heavens to break the shackles of destiny and make the Small Thousand World evolve into the Great Thousand World, but now he can't wait any longer!

Cui Yu plans to open up the twenty-four heavens first. When the twenty-four heavens absorb the energy of chaos, they will inevitably speed up the refining of the Small Thousand World. When the Small Thousand World is complete, he can use the jade butterfly to create the world. Can easily cross barriers.

With the creation of the Jade Butterfly, the biggest obstacle to advancing from the Small Thousand World to the Middle Thousand World no longer exists, and the twenty-four heavens have been opened, adding twenty-four worlds to help the Small Thousand World absorb the energy of chaos. This is very important to Cui The benefits to fishing are immeasurable.

It is at least twenty-four times the amount of chaos throughput in the Small Thousand World. By then, Cui Yu's background in the Small Thousand World will be truly complete.

The most important thing is that in the future, the Small Thousand World will be promoted to the Middle Thousand World, and the twenty-four heavens will also be promoted accordingly. As the Small Thousand World advances all the way up, from the Middle Thousand World to the Perfect World, there will be indescribable things. benefit.

If the twenty-four heavens are opened after the Small Thousand World is promoted to the Middle Thousand World, then the twenty-four heavens will still be the twenty-four heavens, and there will be no change.

However, if the twenty-four heavens are opened before the Small Thousand World evolves into the Middle Thousand World, and the Twenty-four Heavens evolve together with the evolution of the Small Thousand World, then the Twenty-four Heavens will not be the Twenty-four Heavens. Hell, maybe twenty-four small thousand worlds.

Cui Yu's Taoist Mosquito clone held the Heavenly Measurement Ruler in his hand. After pouring his divine power into the Heavenly Measurement Ruler, he said thoughtfully: The Heavenly Measurement Ruler suffered heavy damage and many restrictions were dimmed. It was obviously during the war in the past. It has never recovered.”

But it's just so-so to open up the twenty-four heavens. I still have the World Tree as a supplement, which can temporarily make up for the shortcomings. The mosquito Taoist clone held the sky measuring ruler in his hand, and the incessant divine power in his body was directly irrigated in the next moment. Go in.

Although the Mosquito Taoist does not have Cui Yu's golden finger, there are countless mosquito clones devouring the power of heaven, so there is no lack of use of divine power.

Regardless of years in the chaos, it is not difficult for a mosquito Taoist to completely refine a damaged innate spiritual treasure.

Even the mosquito Taoist clone had the intention to activate the saint's mark, use the saint's power to refine the heaven measuring ruler, and speed up the refining of the heaven measuring ruler.

But when Cui Yu finished the ritual of measuring the heaven ruler and was about to open up the twenty-four heavens, he was suddenly confused.


Cui Yu looked at his own world, but he saw that his world had shrunk by one-tenth at some point.

How could it be? How could my little world shrink? Cui Yu looked confused, and then he quickly came to consciousness and inspected the whole world. Then Cui Yu suddenly realized in his heart: Damn it, the creation of the Jade Butterfly was so small. The power of the heavenly power of thousands of worlds is the driving force! Fortunately, I thought that the creation of the Jade Butterfly took the initiative to suppress the mysterious ancient battlefield because it supplemented part of its power, but who knew that it was actually drawing on the power of my small thousand worlds.

After Cui Yu realized the truth, he quickly put away the creation jade butterfly and sent it back to the Xiaoqian world.

Now that he knows that the operation of the Creation Jade Butterfly will consume the foundation and heritage of Xiaoqian World, he certainly does not want to continue to waste it in vain.

Following the creation of the Jade Butterfly back to the Little Thousand World, Cui Yu felt that some inexplicable transformation had occurred in his Little Thousand World; Increase.

The heaven and earth continue to become solid, the world barrier is thickening, and the countless laws between heaven and earth are derived and become more perfect.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu's eyes were full of seriousness, and there was a hint of thinking in his eyes: I have an intuition that there will be no bottlenecks when my small world is promoted to the middle world, even the so-called 'unique' 'Laws can never prevent my Small Thousand World from advancing. As for the bottleneck of the Great Thousand World? Maybe there will be bottlenecks in my Small Thousand World's promotion to the Great Thousand World, and it will be blocked by the unique law, but my world will definitely happen. The mutation has made my Zhongqian World so rich that I can rival the Great Thousand World with the Middle Thousand World, or even surpass the Great Thousand World, directly snatching away the opponent's fate. And the proof of all this is because of the creation of the Jade Butterfly.

Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of joy: Jiaozu Hongjun really left me a big gift package.

He could sense that as the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly merged into the Small Thousand World, countless rules and orders within the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly were released and slowly integrated into the Heavenly Way of the Small Thousand World.

The six laws of reincarnation are evolving, and the laws of heaven are being perfected.

It can be said that Cui Yu's small world is constantly evolving, broadening, and consolidating according to the standards of a perfect world, and it is constantly generating all kinds of mysterious powers.

If we add the twenty-four heavens, it can be said that my Little Thousand World can be said to be the most perfect Little Thousand World between heaven and earth. My Little Thousand World can even provide powerful power for the operation of the Jade Butterfly. . It can even supply the jade butterflies created by creation! Cui Yu's voice was full of ecstasy.

The next moment, Cui Yu began to simulate the process of opening up the twenty-four heavens in his mind. It was not difficult for Cui Yu to open up the twenty-four heavens. Who told him that he had the formula for the creation of the world by Pangu?

He has the ability to create heaven and earth, and also has the experience of opening up thousands of small worlds. For him, opening up the twenty-four heavens is just a matter of course.

However, it is easy to open up the twenty-four heavens, but if the twenty-four heavens and the Small Thousand Worlds are perfectly integrated into a whole, it will be a certain degree of difficulty.

At this moment, Pangu's blood was flowing in Cui Yu's body, a drop of Pangu's blood evaporated directly, and then the mark of Saint Tongtian was activated again.

Cui Yu's Yuan Shen and that mosquito Taoist's Yuan Shen have the same origin. Mosquito Taoist's Yuan Shen is the clone of Cui Yu's Yuan Shen. Of course, things that Cui Yu's Yuan Shen can master can be mastered by the mosquito Taoist's clone.

Although the two are divided into two souls, they rely on the mystery of the dream world to closely unite the two souls, and the two share the same consciousness space.

Cui Yu can mobilize the saint's mark, and of course the clones of Taoist Mosquito can also be mobilized. Except for the golden finger, all of Cui Yu's magical powers can be mobilized by Taoist Mosquito.

It is even more effective for the Mosquito Taoist to mobilize the Saint Mark than Cui Yu to mobilize the Saint Seal, because the Mosquito Taoist and the Twelve Capitals Tianshensha Formation merge into one, and the human formation is infinitely close to the combat power of the Great Luo Immortal. The Twelve Capitals The Heavenly Evil Formation can refine the energy of heaven and earth and provide endless energy for the Mosquito Taoist clone. Coupled with the blessing of Pangu Chalcedony, it can be said that the Mosquito Taoist does not have much pressure to mobilize the saint's mark.

This is why it is so important for the Mosquito Taoist clone to suppress the stone tablet.

As the Twelve Capital Heavenly Divine Evil Formation was operating within the body of Taoist Mosquito, countless mysterious powers from the surrounding ancient battlefields were mobilized, refined by the Twelve Capital Heavenly Divine Evil Formation, and then poured into Pangu Chalcedony, giving birth to The mighty divine blood came out to bless the mosquito Taoist.

The great formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods enveloped a thousand miles in radius, and the energy of the heaven and earth within a thousand miles in radius was absorbed, making it extremely huge.

The next moment, Master Mosquito raised his hand, and the Heavenly Measurement Ruler collided with the thirty-six Dinghai Divine Pearls. The Heavenly Measurement Ruler and the Dinghai Divine Pearls had an inexplicable reaction and merged into a ball of transparent light.

Cui Yu stood aside and saw clearly that the ball of light was similar to the mountain and river embryo he had obtained, but it was different from Cui Yu's mountain and river embryo.

It's interesting. Cui Yu muttered secretly.

With Cui Yu's current state, he certainly couldn't understand the power of the saint.

I saw Taoist Mosquito push his palm, and the ball of light fell into Cui Yu's Little Thousand World. Then the next moment, Cui Yu's Little Thousand World shook, and countless golden chains shot out from the void. Come, it was directly inserted into the transparent embryo. In an instant, countless chains of order were twisted and intertwined in the embryo. A loud noise was heard, and then the embryo was shaken and split into twenty-four pieces. share.

At this time, twenty-four groups of light rolled up between heaven and earth and fell into the embryos of the twenty-four small worlds.

Cui Yu himself looked on with cold eyes. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but be surprised: Is that the Book of Life and Death? Did you actually fall into one of the small worlds?

I saw that the small world integrated into the thin film of life and death sank rapidly at this time, entering the deepest part of the small thousand world, and began to swallow the death energy and souls in the small thousand world.

Could it be that the underworld evolved into the underworld? Cui Yu was curious.

There is also a small world, which is directly integrated into it by the created jade butterfly and disappears between heaven and earth.

Could that be derived from heaven? Cui Yu was stunned, his eyes full of curiosity.

Just as countless thoughts were circulating in Cui Yu's heart, before he could see clearly, the twenty-four rays of light had fallen into all directions of the Little Thousand World, integrated into the Little Thousand World, and completely integrated with the Little Thousand World. One body.

However, at this time, the effect of the twenty-four heavens was revealed. The twenty-four heavens were seen shaking, beginning to swallow the energy in the chaos, and pulling the energy in the chaos down.

Chaos energy surges, and the speed at which each small heaven absorbs chaos energy is no worse than that of the Tongtian Jianmu.

In an instant, Cui Yu's small world seemed to have twenty-four tall trees.

Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of surprise when he saw this: Incredible!

For Cui Yu, it was indeed incredible.

The amount of chaotic energy absorbed is related to the speed of the evolution of the Little Thousand World. The infinite innate energy begins to spread between the heaven and the earth. Cui Yu's Little Thousand World has ushered in earth-shaking changes. In Cui Yu's eyes, the Little Thousand World is now It is constantly expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the jade butterflies of creation continue to fly out in orderly chains and merge into the small world.

Cui Yu himself looked at the changes in the Small Thousand World, with a rare sense of caution in his eyes: With these twenty-four heavens absorbing energy, my Small Thousand World can even be promoted to the Middle Thousand World within a thousand years, and it will still be the world. The strongest Zhongqian World in the world. Even this energy can bless my dream world.

Making a fortune! This time I really made a fortune. Cui Yu's voice was full of caution.

Even my creation, the Jade Butterfly, is not impossible to mobilize. Nowadays, the evolution of my small thousand worlds is accelerating, and the innate energy of birth cannot be used up. It is simply arrogant! Cui Yu muttered to himself.

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