In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 965 Mysterious Summoning

As the laws of heaven and earth were reorganized, Cui Yu looked around and saw that the laws of heaven and earth in the small world were pulled by mysterious symbols. Countless laws were intertwined and nurtured, turning into a mysterious thing.

A very mysterious object.

The object flew from the depths of time and space, passed directly through the barrier of the world, passed through the barrier of the legal world and the material world, and appeared in front of Cui Yu.

Cui Yu couldn't help but be stunned when he looked at the mysterious object.

It was a disc the size of a basketball.

The entire disk is in an illusory state, looking like a holographic projection. Only a 'jade plate' in the middle of the disk is extremely solid. There is a golden silk thread flowing on it, and it follows some mysterious method on the jade plate. Turn regularly.

Take a closer look at the golden thread. Where is the thread? It is clearly a golden symbol rune, a rune composed of countless symbols.

Looking at the entire disk, Cui Yu was stunned: So is this the truth? The jade plate I obtained in Zhenwu Mountain is actually just a broken piece. The whole thing should be a big disk?

Cui Yu looked at the disc in front of him, and countless information flows passed through his heart. Then Cui Yu's face was moved: The rules are engraved on this disc to guide the movement of the laws between heaven and earth. This disc can organize the laws of heaven and earth. Perfect the operation of heaven and earth and speed up the evolution of the world. And most importantly, can this disk usurp the authority of heaven? Whether it is the heaven of the big world or the heaven of the small world, it can usurp everything?

Cui Yu was horrified, his eyes full of shock: Usurping the power of heaven? Isn't that a supreme divine weapon? Its power surpasses the innate spiritual treasure?

Cui Yu stroked the illusory disk and suddenly had some enlightenment in his heart. There are two ways to repair the broken disc. The first way is to find the fragments of the disc and continue to reorganize and repair it. Then the disc can be repaired again. The second way is to send the disc into the world. Within, use the origin of the world to re-gestate.

But the minimum condition for the second method is also the Small Thousand Worlds, and Cui Yu happens to have a Small Thousand Worlds. You call it a coincidence.

Cui Yu looked at the jade plate. At this time, there were bursts of mysterious colors flickering on the jade plate. Cui Yu could sense that there was a mysterious power summoning the disc in his hand across time and space.

It should be the fragments of the disc that are summoning. A thought flashed through Cui Yu's mind, and at the same time, he was also shocked: 'What kind of incredible battle was it to break such a heaven-defying treasure into pieces. ’

Even a saint can suppress such a treasure, right? Cui Yu looked at the roulette wheel suspended in front of him with a cautious look in his eyes.

Pangu's blood was flowing, and he tried to activate the roulette wheel. A ray of Pangu's blood was poured in, but the roulette wheel did not move at all. The second ray of Pangu's blood was poured in, but there was still no response: the third ray...the fourth ray...half a drop. Blood... As Pangu's blood in Cui Yu's body continued to pour in, a drop of blood was poured into it, and a whole drop of blood was poured into it, and the roulette wheel finally started to move.

The roulette wheel is moving!

At that moment, Cui Yu had a wonderful feeling. The area three feet around him was his master. He was the god three feet around him. He could change all the rules, make all the rules, and establish all orders. He had incredible power. strength.

However, after thirty breaths, that feeling disappeared. Cui Yu stood in front of the cliff with a sense of loss, with a touch of emotion in his eyes: What a powerful magic weapon, so powerful that it doesn't look like a human artifact at all.

There was a hint of caution in Cui Yu's eyes, and he raised his head to look at the distant sky. Just when a drop of Pangu's blood was completely poured into the disc, Cui Yu could feel a summons coming from somewhere in the Dharma Realm. Come.

The Dharma Realm is too mysterious and unpredictable. There are great dangers inside, and there is no suppression from heaven. It is not something I can enter. Cui Yu shook his head and temporarily gave up his plan to enter the Dharma Realm to look for jade pieces.

When my cultivation reaches a higher level in the future, it wouldn't hurt to take a trip before leaving this world.

However, the plan cannot keep up with the changes. Will Cui Yu's plan really come true?

Cui Yu used his escape technique to return to the thatched hut, beat the body back to its original shape, then sat cross-legged in the thatched hut to practice for a while, then took out Zilu's body and began to detoxify Zilu.

The magical power of reluctance in Zilu is of great use to me. Even resurrecting Zilu at all costs is worth it. Cui Yu looked at the large amount of poisonous gas dissipated from Zilu's body, and a relieved smile appeared on his lips.

He Cui Yu is not a good person, but he is a person who must avenge his enemies and repay his kindness.

The days seemed to have calmed down, but Yu Wenhaojie's daily urging to Cui Yu seemed to have become more urgent.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye, and Cui Yu has completed the twelve levels of Qi training. The next step is to attract the Qi of heaven and earth and truly embark on the path of cultivation.

Inside the thatched cottage

Cui Yu sat cross-legged, holding seals in his hands and pondering the Qigong method.

The qi training formulas in this world are different from the qi training formulas in the prehistoric world. The qi training formulas in the primordial world draw on the essence of heaven and earth, the power of the sun, moon and stars, while the qi training formulas in this world are based on the skills they cultivate. The method is different, what is swallowed is the qi emanating from the weirdness, replacing the qi of heaven and earth with the weird qi, and then eventually transforms into the weirdness, swallowing up the original weirdness. Cui Yu looked at the strangeness in front of him. Kung Fu, showing a thoughtful expression.

Just like the canopy transformation, what is swallowed is the opportunity emanating from the ancient canopy. In the end, the Qi practitioner transforms into the canopy, usurping the real canopy destiny and replacing it.

The canopy is an ancient and strange thing. It possesses mysterious and unpredictable power. It controls the law of water between heaven and earth. It is not an exaggeration to call it the water god. The ancient canopy can be regarded as the incarnation of the water god. The power of the water god Permeating the heaven and earth, as long as the Qi practitioners practice the Canopy Transformation, they can naturally harvest it in the dark.

This is actually a trap for Weird's cultivating supplements, or perhaps those old guys from the prehistoric world have secretly usurped Weird's destiny, deliberately passed it on to future generations, waited for future generations of disciples to practice, and then took the opportunity to resurrect.

Cui Yu muttered.

In the past few days, he had also seen several irrelevant exercises in the Sutra Pavilion, and thus surmised the fundamental reason for the cultivation of exercises in this world.

I don't know who created this technique. It actually broke the iron laws of this world and bypassed the weirdness of heaven and earth to harvest the energy of heaven and earth. Cui Yu's eyes showed a touch of shock.

You know, Qi practitioners take the essence of heaven and earth, the inspiration of the sun and the moon, but all the spiritual substances in this world have been transformed into strange things. Are you swallowing the energy of mountains and rivers? Sorry, the mountains and rivers have been transformed into strange things. If you swallow the energy of the mountains and rivers, you are asking for death, waiting for the strange things to take over.

Breathing in the energy of the sun and the moon?

Sorry, the sun and moon have been turned into weird gods. As long as you dare to swallow, you will be invaded by weirdness and become the puppet of sun and moon.

The Great Thousand World has turned the table. This is completely denying Qi Practitioners a way to survive. As long as Qi Practitioners dare to swallow the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, it is equivalent to actively letting the weird and parasitic parasitism take over. This is also a way for the Great Thousand World to contain the prehistoric world. This breathing technique is so powerful, it can avoid the strange invasion through a mysterious method, it is really incredible. The more Cui Yu looked at the technique, the more he felt that it was somewhat skillful.

When practicing this technique, it is not fixed which kind of energy of heaven and earth is swallowed. Any kind of energy of heaven and earth can be used. The reason why this technique can avoid weirdness is because the energy it swallows between heaven and earth is not It is directly drawn from the vast world, but filtered through the legal world, and the strange marks in the essence of heaven and earth are erased with the help of the legal world.

For example, if Cui Yu wants to practice the power of the Great Sun and absorb the power of the Great Sun, then Cui Yu will first fall into a wonderful state and draw the essence of the Great Sun into the Dharma Realm according to a certain secret method. As long as the essence of the Great Sun enters The mark of the strange brand will be washed away by the magical power in the Dharma Realm and turned into the most primitive essence of the sun.

Can I directly absorb the innate vitality? Cui Yu's voice revealed a trace of thought.

The top of your head is chaos, and your own small world is within chaos. You can just bring down your innate vitality. Why do you need to suck up the energy of this world?

The innate vitality of this world has faded and all has been converted into acquired energy. Cui Yu does not want to absorb acquired energy for cultivation.

Just do whatever you want. Cui Yu's eyes looked above his head. His gaze seemed to be through the void, looking towards the unkenned chaos. In the unkenned chaos, a little light flickered like a star in the night sky. That was Cui Yu's. Small world.

The next moment, in the small thousand world, a wisp of essence of innate energy fell down, cut through the chaos and broke through the void, followed the branches of the tall tree, and entered Cui Yu's body.

Xiaoqian World and Cui Yu are separated by the barriers of chaos, the legal world, and the material world. Of course, they cannot cross the barriers and fall into Cui Yu's body, because Cui Yu is not that capable.

If he could directly absorb the power within the Dharma Realm, he would be a powerful person.

But it doesn't matter, Cui Yu's body has the roots of Tongtian Jianmu, and the roots of Tongtian Jianmu can serve as a medium.

A ray of innate vitality entered Cui Yu's body, and the next moment Cui Yu could not react, he saw that Cui Yu's body was like a sieve, directly leaking out the innate vitality.

Cui Yu was stunned.

How could this happen? His eyes were full of confusion.

Boy, is it so easy to absorb innate vitality? If you want to absorb innate vitality, only innate beings can do it. Because innate beings have innate bodies, only innate bodies can lock the innate energy in the body. Chi You's voice sounded in Cui Yu's shadow, and he said with a mocking tone.

Hearing this, Cui Yu raised his eyebrows, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Chi You explained: It is natural for people to breathe air, but people cannot breathe water. Different sieve meshes can filter different substances. If you use the sieve mesh used to filter peanuts to filter millet, you are not kidding. ?

When Cui Yu heard this, he suddenly thought: So, am I mistaken?

Cui Yu let go of the magic formula and stood in the room, pondering: Can't an acquired creature be able to absorb the innate energy?

It's as difficult as climbing to heaven. Unless you transform into the body of an innate demon, it's probably impossible. Chi You replied.

Cui Yu was speechless after hearing the words, his little calculation failed, he was a little disappointed, and then he asked: How to cultivate the innate body?

Chi You shook his head when he heard this: The innate body is born from nature, and the acquired body is born from the day after tomorrow. How can they transform into each other? I heard that in the ancient times, the Empress Nuwa had the Qiankun Ding, and the Qiankun Ding can reverse the acquired things. It’s innate. Others have never heard of the process of transforming innate from acquired to innate.”

Cui Yu fell into silence after hearing this, and after a long time he said: It's true that humans are not as good as heaven. Since the innate energy cannot be absorbed, we can only start with the essence of the sun and the moon. The only spiritual energy in the world is The essence of the sun and moon is of the highest quality and can help people refine their soul and complete incredible transformations.

There was a touch of emotion in Cui Yu's voice, and he raised his head to look at the big sun in the sky: As of now, we can only start with the essence of the sun and the moon, and then seek innate changes in the future.

He has Pangu Chalcedony. In the future, his body will transform into Pangu's body. It is not impossible for him to absorb innate energy.

When the time comes, let alone the innate energy, even the energy of chaos can be breathed directly.

He somewhat understood the meaning of Chi You's words. The acquired creatures cannot absorb the innate energy, just like the innate creatures cannot absorb the energy of chaos.

There was a trace of thought in Cui Yu's eyes, and he looked at the big sun above his head. Then the next moment he pinched the seal in his hand, and a wisp of the essence of the sun was attracted from the void.

Cui Yu's body is strong enough, and he has Pangu's blood to suppress him, so he doesn't plan to take an ordinary path or practice in a regular way. He plans to directly swallow the essence of the sun and get there in one step.

Moreover, his soul has been baptized by the energy of the sun, so he can still withstand the energy of the sun.

The energy of the sun is the most domineering energy in the world. Cui Yu said to himself.

A palm-sized magnifying glass can ignite firewood under the sun. Isn't this an application of the power of the sun?

It should be noted that it is just a little bit of solar energy.

Although solar energy is invisible and formless, it is always present.

The opportunity rolled in Cui Yu's body, and as the energy of the sun fell between heaven and earth, Cui Yu swallowed it in one gulp, and then moved the energy in his body to meet it, and began to fight with the energy of the sun.

The so-called Qi training is actually the Qi of heaven and earth. To hone the Qi in one's body, so that the Qi in one's body is contaminated with the Qi of heaven and earth, and finally be able to replace it, replacing the Qi in the body with the Qi of heaven and earth.

Cui Yu's eyes showed a touch of relief. For many people, this step is the most difficult step. If you are not careful, you will be burned to death without a burial place. But for Cui Yu, it is just a matter of course.

As soon as a mouthful of Sun Qi fell into his belly, it was directly refined by Cui Yu and became the first ray of magic power.

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