In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 961: Controversy in Ethical Education

Cui Yu, who was meditating, suddenly had a flash of light in his mind: If I use the innate vitality to practice, and the vitality of heaven and earth breathed out is the innate vitality, wouldn't the cultivated magic power be innate magic power? It is completely different from acquired magic power?

An inspiration emerged in Cui Yu's heart. Looking at Taotao's innate vitality in the Little Thousand World, Cui Yu felt a slight fluctuation in his heart.

The first step for a qi practitioner is to cultivate the qi in the body, and then practice the 12th level of qi to penetrate all the orifices around his body. When all the orifices around his body are penetrated, he can then draw in the innate qi to inhale and exhale. Wouldn't it be wonderful then? ?

After an ordinary qi practitioner reaches the twelfth level of heaven, he will absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars in the world, but that is acquired power after all, and the vitality of his own small world is incomparably pure innate vitality.

Cui Yu looked at the Little Thousand World with his eyes. After his Little Thousand World received the innate energy from the energy conversion of the Tianzhou on the other side, the entire world structure evolved crazily, causing Cui Yu's world to develop rapidly.

Especially the flat peach tree. Cui Yu's small world was born within his own ten-foot-long chaos. He doesn't know how to calculate the speed of time within it. In short, the peach tree is already full of fruits, but each one has enough fruit. The flat peach, which is the size of an adult's head, exudes an attractive pink luster and looks ripe and plump.

The opening of my own small world is still in the state of creation. There are unknown substances in it, and it also has inexplicable benefits for the innate spiritual roots. The entire innate peach tree not only grows, blooms, and bears fruit, but also gives rise to dozens of miles of peach blossoms. In the forest, countless peach seedlings sprouted from the ground.

It's a pity. Although the peaches are ripe, they are not needed for the time being.

Cui Yu looked at the peaches on the tree and didn't pay too much attention to them, because he didn't lack longevity.

As I thought about it, the cold air came, and the flat peach fell off the tree automatically. It was blown up by the wind and fell to the ground not far away, carrying the core and falling into the soil. Soon, a new flat peach tree broke out of its shell.

The Ten Miles of Peach Grove also evolved in this way.

Nowadays, immortality is locked up in the outside world, and countless old monsters are about to expire, frantically searching for all kinds of treasures that can extend their lifespan. However, Cui Yu's flat peaches have piled up on the ground and turned into mud, even stretching out for dozens of miles of peach blossom forest. , if those old monsters knew about Cui Yu's actions, they would probably kill him with a thousand knives.

But it’s the flat peach that can prolong life.

But Cui Yu didn't care. The Small Thousand World had just been opened. Not only was the Taoism between heaven and earth rich, but it was also undergoing crazy evolutions. The birth of Pantao didn't seem that precious to Cui Yu.

On the contrary, the World Tree stood upright from the sky at this moment, constantly attracting the energy of chaos and transforming it into innate energy to nourish the small world, which filled Cui Yu's heart with joy.

Tongtian Jianmu is the foundation. Only when more innate vitality is born from Tongtian Jianmu, can the consumption balance of Xiaoqian World be maintained and more miraculous power be born.

Cui Yu was deep in thought, and raised his head to look at the distant sky, with a hint of contemplation in his eyes: Perhaps I can practice this breathing method to an unprecedented height, an unprecedented level.

Then Cui Yu stood up and walked all the way to where Yuwen Junjie was, and saw that Yuwen Junjie was still comprehending the pure Yang Qi under the setting sun.

After seeing Cui Yu arrive, he didn't say much. He just handed the jade plate to Cui Yu and let Cui Yu understand it.

A quarter of an hour later, Cui Yu returned the jade plate, and Yuwen Junjie asked: Is there anything gained?

Cui Yu held the jade plate in his hand, thinking deeply in his heart. After such a long time, his creation skills still could not deduce the material structure of the jade plate.

Perhaps I can only use the art of creation to create another one, and then the fake one can be mistaken for the real thing. Cui Yu no longer has any hope of using the art of creation to decipher the material information of this jade tablet.

Facing the expectant gaze of Yuwen Hero, Cui Yu shook his head: The information was too scattered. The disciple just had an inexplicable connection with the jade plate. It seemed that the jade plate wanted to convey a message to the disciple, but the message was too It’s too obscure and difficult to understand, and my disciples won’t be able to understand it.”

Can you feel the message coming from the jade plate? Yuwen Junjie stared at Cui Yu with a look of ecstasy in his eyes.

How many years?

How many disciples has he experienced?

You must know that for hundreds of years, in order to decipher the secrets, he has searched all over the world for talented people. There are not a few who can memorize the eight hundred runes, but those who can sense the eight hundred runes like Cui Yu can receive them. It is still unique to send information to the jade board.

Cui Yu is the only one!

Cui Yu looked at Yuwen Junjie. Of course he had to stabilize Yuwen Junjie. Only by stabilizing Yuwen Junjie could he buy more time for himself and find a way to crack the jade plate.

The worst case scenario would be to develop an imitation version of the jade plate, and then use it to seduce Yuwen Hero.

For him, Yuwen Hero is still useful, and it is still of great use!

For example, the origin of this jade plate, and even the reason why I will find the jade plate in the future, I need Yu Wenhaojie as a guide.

The information on this jade board is too complicated and huge. I can't remember it at all. I even forgot the information I saw on the jade board in the blink of an eye. Cui Yu's voice was full of grievances and self-blame: It’s all because of the disciple’s fault, so please ask the master to punish you.”

Looking at Cui Yu, whose face was full of self-blame, Yu Wenhaojie sighed softly in his heart: He is a good boy, but it is a pity that he offended the person he shouldn't have offended.

Don't blame yourself. This is not your fault, but your cultivation is not enough to remember that huge information. Yuwen Junjie patted Cui Yu on the shoulder: You have done a good job. .”

Now that you can accept the information in the world, the next step is to analyze the information in the world. In the next time, you have to practice hard to strive for a strong soul and step into the realm of the soul. There may be hope. Decipher the information. Yuwen Hero's voice was full of gentleness and expectation: If you can really decode the information, my teacher will pass the entire Chunyang Peak to you, and you will be my new friend at Chunyang Peak in the future. At the helm.”

Yu Wen Junjie is a man who knows how to paint big cakes. If Cui Yu hadn't heard about the deal between Yu Wen Junjie and Liu Bang, he would have believed it.

But at this time, Cui Yu was also about to use Yuwen Hero. After all, only Yuwen Hero had been to the birthplace of this treasure in the past. He wanted to find this treasure, and Yuwen Hero might be of some use.

So Cui Yu didn't mind fooling Yu Wenhaojie: Master, don't worry, I will definitely try my best to decipher the message. I will never disappoint my master.

Cui Yu was acting very fanatical at this time, looking like a fanatic who respected his master and dedicated himself to his master till death.

Go on, go down the mountain to practice. Yu Wenhaojie said.

Cui Yu bowed respectfully again, and then walked down the mountain. At this time, Cui Yu's eyes showed a cold look: It's really hateful. This Yuwen hero is cunning and cunning, but he is cautious enough. I already said that I have accepted it. He read the confusing information on the jade tablet, but he still refused to let go and asked me to take the jade tablet to understand it. It is really hateful to the extreme.

It stands to reason that Yu Wenhaojie was eager to use the jade plate to find the mysterious place where he took refuge in the Dharma Realm in the past. At this time, he heard that Cui Yu had mastered the mysterious information flow on the jade plate. He should directly hand over the jade plate to Cui Yu to understand and win. It would be better to analyze the contents of the jade board as soon as possible, but at this time, Yuwen Haojie was just the opposite. The other party just sent Cui Yu away and had no intention of handing the jade board to Cui Yu.

But it doesn't matter. After Cui Yu touched the jade plate, he had already planted the fetal eggs of the three corpse insects on the jade plate. At this time, Yu Wen Haojie had the three corpse insects in his body. He could use the position of the three corpse insects to find Yu Wen Haojie and put the jade into the jade plate. The plate is hidden in that part of the body. What if Yu Wenhaojie also has a magic weapon similar to Qiankun in his sleeves?

Facts have proven that Cui Yu is indeed overthinking. After all, not everyone has treasures like the world in their sleeves.

I saw that the jade plate was directly stuffed into Yuwen Hero's arms, and then he continued to meditate and practice Qi, and comprehend the pure Yang Qi between heaven and earth.

Cui Yu frowned after positioning himself through the perspective of the innate mosquito and the perspective of the fetal egg: Yu Wenhaojie has been hiding on Zhenwu Mountain all day without sleeping. He has been meditating and practicing using his magical powers all day long. He wants to steal It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to get the jade plate, so the only way to get it now is to use the trick of stealing the sky and changing the sun.

It is difficult to steal the sky and change the sun. After all, the jade plate is very unique, and the runes on it are also alive and constantly changing and evolving. It is very difficult to hide it from Yu Wenhaojie.

It's difficult to steal, there's almost no chance. You can't replace it by taking the opportunity, there's very little chance. Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and thought about it all the way to Siguo Cliff.

Cui Yu came very early today, but there was no one on Siguo Cliff. There was only an old woman standing quietly on Siguo Cliff, her eyes looking at the inscription of the ancestor on the cliff stone without saying a word.

Cui Yu did not disturb the old woman, but picked up the broom and slowly cleaned up the fallen leaves on the ground. But at this time, the old woman turned around and stared at Cui Yu with her eyes.

Although she had seen Cui Yu's face through the silver mirror, when she saw it with her own eyes, the old woman still felt dizzy.

Cui Yu's appearance is 50% similar to Cui Huhu, and 50% similar to Qi Qing Shengnu. The old woman can tell Cui Yu's origin at a glance.

What a bastard of that bitch! If it weren't for Zhenwu Mountain's strange guardians, who are always monitoring Zhenwu Mountain's movements, I really wish I could slap him to death right now. The old woman stared at him with a pair of eyes. Looking at Cui Yu, his eyes were full of cold murderous intent.

Cui Yu had just been cleaning for a moment when he noticed something was wrong with the energy in the air. At this moment, he suddenly raised his head and saw that the old woman who had been watching the cliff carvings had her back to him. She didn't know when she turned around, her eyes were blank. Staring at himself emotionally.

Looking at the woman's old face and the vitality that was constantly passing out of her body, Cui Yu was startled: The vitality in her body is about to run out. Could it be that she is an old senior from Zhenwu Mountain?

Then I saw Cui Yu bowing respectfully: Old lady, what are you watching this disciple do?


When Chun'er heard Cui Yu's call, she couldn't help being shocked. The next moment her eyebrows were about to explode: 'Grandma? She is less than thirty years old! Grandma? ’

Grandma? Chun'er spoke, her voice hoarse with an aura of twilight, her eyes fixed on Cui Yu, she even had an illusion in a trance, Cui Yu in front of her turned into the appearance of the Seven Emotions Saint Aunt , sneering at himself.

If it hadn't been for Saint Qi Qing, how could he have ended up in this situation?

Bastard! Chun'er said secretly in her heart.

What's your name? Chuner asked.

Disciple Cui Yu, I would like to pay my respects to the old lady. Cui Yu replied.

Chun'er was very angry at Cui Yu's old lady's words, but she still suppressed her anger: Cui Yu, right? The young man is very hard-working, and I think highly of you.

After speaking, Chun'er walked down the mountain with staggering steps.

She confirmed that this was definitely the evil seed of Saint Qi Qing, and she could never continue to live.

The evil roots left by Saint Qi Qing must be eradicated.

Cui Yu frowned when he heard this. Looking at the old woman's hobbled steps, he couldn't help but frown. There was a strange look in his eyes: This old woman is so strange. As a senior, shouldn't she be given some opportunities? I asked. He ran away with just one sentence, how can he be considered a senior?

Cui Yu complained angrily, then picked up the broom and continued sweeping the floor.

lineage of ritual

Da Qi

Yan Qu was standing in front of a stone tablet, quietly looking at the carvings on the stone tablet without saying a word. This stone tablet is not simple. It is the words engraved by the sage of rites after he attained the status of sage of literature. The power of the sage circulates within it. For disciples of the lineage of rites, understanding the stone tablet has great blessings, and can Accelerate the realization of the awe-inspiring spirit.

At this moment, there was a sound of flapping wings of a sparrowhawk, and it flew straight towards Yan Qu.

Yan Qu woke up from his state of enlightenment and looked at the sparrow hawk coming towards him. He couldn't help but look surprised: Cui Yu's sparrow hawk? I haven't heard from him for a long time.

The sparrow eagle landed on Yan Qu's shoulder. Yan Qu took the document from the sparrow eagle's talons, opened it, read it briefly, and then became furious: How brave, you actually want to assassinate a disciple of my Li lineage. You really have never put my lineage of rites in your eyes.

Damn you bastard! Damn you bastard! You simply don't know life and death, and you don't know the heights of heaven and earth. I want to see how strong he is, who dares to assassinate a disciple of my Li lineage. Yan Qu's voice was full of coldness. : However, this matter concerns Cui Yu, but it should not be taken lightly. Full preparations need to be made.

There was a serious look in Yan Qu's eyes: This matter needs to be understood by a saint. Only a saint can take action to ensure everything is safe.

After Yan Qu finished speaking, he turned around and hurried towards the palace where Saint Li was staying.

Then Yan Qu came all the way to the residence of the sage, and said respectfully: Disciple pays homage to the sage.

Come in. The saint's voice came from inside the house.

The house where the saint lives is very simple. It is so simple that it looks like a thatched cottage in the countryside. It is inconspicuous and cannot be seen as the residence of the saint.

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