In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 958: Going with the flow

Cui Yu looked at Song Zhi with his eyes. After listening to Song Zhi's words, Cui Yu suddenly realized something: Did this guy misunderstand something?

He came to the Zhenwu Mountain Cabinet just to find the clues left by the Patriarch and to find out the truth about the loss of the Dao Enlightenment Dharma in the ninth volume of the dream. He did not come to Zhenwu Mountain to replace Cui Cancan and become the future master of Zhenwu Mountain.

Is the headmaster of Zhenwu Mountain very attractive?

With Cui Yu's current level of cultivation, he really looked down upon him.

Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, showing an expression of I have seen through everything, then walked past the bookshelf, took out a few books from the bookshelf, and handed them to Cui Yu: Everything you want to read They have all been recorded here. The first of these three volumes is the biography of my Zhenwu Mountain Patriarch, recording the life and daily life of my Zhenwu Mountain Patriarch, and the second is my Zhenwu Mountain Genealogy, recording the history of the headmaster of Zhenwu Mountain. Rotate. The third book records the great and small deeds of my Zhenwu Mountain, which can be regarded as the historical record of my Zhenwu Mountain. For thousands of years, all the big and small things on my Zhenwu Mountain are recorded in it.

None of the three books looked very thick, but Cui Yu knew that all the books in the library were made of magic weapons. Although each book looked very thin, the content recorded in it was enough to compare. Millions of books.

There was a strange look in Cui Yu's eyes. Instead of rejecting Song Zhi, he chose to accept the three books.

Song Zhi glanced at the Sutra Pavilion, and then said to Cui Yu, Follow me.

The two left the Sutra Pavilion and walked all the way to the foot of the mountain, looking for a remote pavilion. Song Zhicai turned to look at Cui Yu: I know your plan. If you want to seize Zhenwu Mountain's direct lineage, I can help you. You lend a hand.”

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Song Zhi in surprise, his eyes full of astonishment. Song Zhi smiled and said: Are you surprised by what I said? I have seven branches of the Taoist lineage in Zhenwu Mountain. Naturally, there are relatives, distances, and distributions. The interests are also different.”

Cui Yu looked at Song Zhi with strange eyes. A little inspiration arose in his heart, and he thought of how to make Cui Laohu bow his head.

Zhenwu Mountain is the Cui family's Zhenwu Mountain, and it is Cui Laohu's heart. If he takes away the inheritance of Zhenwu Mountain and digs out Cui Laohu's heart, will Cui Laohu feel distressed at that time?

Do you know what trouble you will cause once your identity is exposed? Cui Huhu's evil woman will definitely not allow you to stay on Zhenwu Mountain. She will definitely eradicate you at all costs. Song Zhi said in a pair He looked at Cui Yu with a hint of wisdom in his eyes, as if he had already seen through everything.

Isn't Cui Cancan's mother dead? Hearing Song Zhi's words, Cui Yu was stunned and his eyes were filled with astonishment.

What kind of existence is the ancestor of Zhenwu Mountain? Cui Cancan's mother just faked her death. Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu quietly with his eyes.

Cui Yu fell into silence after hearing this. Now he finally knew why Cui Huhu was completely unmoved by Qiqing Saint Aunt, because Cui Huhu already had the woman he loved most.

If a Qi practitioner wants to go further, he must compete for more resources, and the belief in incense is the top priority. For a Qi practitioner, the belief in incense can cover the body's aura from being discovered by monsters in the legal world, and it can also When usurping strange things, he can use the power of incense to maintain his Taoist heart and provide himself with a steady stream of power to deal with monsters. He can even use the power of incense to attack monsters, and use the will of all people in the incense to attack monsters. Spiritual wisdom causes a blow. Cui Yu was a little excited. If he could be blessed by the incense of Zhenwu Mountain, it would be an unexpected gain.

Why do you want to help me? Cui Yu asked, expressing his doubts.

Helping him seize the position of orthodoxy does not seem to be of any benefit to Song Zhi, right?

Unexpectedly, Song Zhi burst out laughing when he heard this, and the laughter was full of weirdness: Hahaha! Hahaha! I won't hide it from you. What I practice is a unique technique. If I want to achieve great success in usurping the weirdness, I need a Only unique substances can restrain the strangeness, and only the leader's lineage has the right to mobilize that unique substance.

Then why don't you just apply directly to the headmaster? Why go to all the trouble to find me? Cui Yu's voice was full of astonishment.

Now the world is undergoing great changes, and the vitality between heaven and earth is getting worse day by day. The source of the unique substance that gave birth to me in Zhenwu Mountain has dried up, and Cui Cancan also needs that substance, so do you think it will be my turn? What's more, , this is half the reason why I did not go into seclusion to practice, but came here to teach my disciples. Song Zhi's voice was full of helplessness.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard the words, secretly thinking about the truth and falsehood of the other party's words.

The technique that Song Zhi practiced was very strange. He could feel that there seemed to be a unique force gathering in Song Zhi's body, and that force was full of ominous premonitions.

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Cui Yu's mind: Buddhism! Perhaps the power of Buddhism can suppress the strangeness in Song Zhi's body.

What does Zhenwu Mountain have to say about Buddhism?

It must be the ninth volume of the Enlightenment Dafa in the dream. This thing was obtained by Master Tian from the Holy Land of Lingshan. It contains endless mysterious power. Song Zhi may need the power of Buddhism to suppress the weirdness in his body. to complete the final transformation.

But how important is the ninth volume of the Heavenly Book?

Moreover, the Heavenly Master said that the ninth volume of supreme scriptures in Zhenwu Mountain has been lost. Will Song Zhi believe it?

Cui Yu felt that he was very intelligent, and he actually deduced some clues based on the situation inside Song Zhi's body.

How about it? Song Zhi looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Do you want to cooperate?

Yes. Cui Yu said without hesitation.

Song Zhi heard this and smiled: You are a smart man. You should know that even if you don't fight for some things yourself, the people on Zhenwu Mountain will not let you go. As far as I know, Liu Bang has begun to secretly plan to form a plan for you. Even the hero Yuwen has been bribed by Liu Bang. Once you lose your use value, you will die in a miserable way. I once saw with my own eyes that those teenagers who recited the eight hundred symbols were dead after a year. How did he die after being sucked dry by that jade plate?

Cui Yu looked at Liu Bang with his eyes, and felt something strange in his heart. He felt quite curious. Unexpectedly, Song Zhi knew everything about what happened on Chunyang Peak.

It seems that Song Zhi is indeed a thoughtful person.

Sir, you want to help me seize the Zhenwu Mountain inheritance. Do you have a plan? Cui Yu asked.

Song Zhi heard this and had already made up his mind: This matter is easy to say. The first thing you have to do is to work hard to improve your cultivation. There will be a Zhenwu Mountain Competition in three years. You just have to compete in the Zhenwu Mountain Competition. He became a blockbuster and became a core disciple. If there is a chance to defeat Cui Cancan within a hundred years and become the number one of the younger generation in Zhenwu Mountain, the next thing will be easy to handle. We only need to secretly design Cui Cancan to commit an unforgivable crime. When the time comes, Naturally, it will ruin its reputation. At this time, Zhenwu Mountain has no successor. We secretly used means to make you happen to appear in front of the founder of Zhenwu Mountain. At the same time, the ancestor also knew your identity inadvertently. When the time comes, it will be a matter of course for you to be pushed to the forefront.”

Cui Yu was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Song Zhi was really evil and planned.

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