In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 950 Zhenwushan’s surname is Cui

Colorful lights lingered on the Moya font, and there was a rhyme flowing through it. Even Cui Yu couldn't see through the words after the rhyme.

Seeing this, two tourists came up and said, It is said that in the past, the Patriarch came to Zhenwu Mountain. After opening a Taoist temple in Zhenwu Mountain, he studied the Heavenly Book on the cliff stone carvings. However, who knew that the Heavenly Book was lost inexplicably. The Patriarch cursed the thief. I accidentally spit out the mantra and it was engraved on the rocks. Every day at noon, the rhyme will fade away, giving me and other disciples a chance to see the authenticity of the mantra and the magical laws contained in it.

Cui Yu was surprised when he heard this: I see, but our Patriarch has already participated in creation, who could steal the Supreme Heavenly Book in his hands? Since it is the Supreme Heavenly Book, the Patriarch will definitely take good care of it, so how could it be lost? ?”

Cui Yu was a little worried. It seemed that the ninth volume of the Heavenly Book of Enlightenment in Dreams was lost in Zhenwu Mountain. It seemed to be true.

If Zhenwu Mountain does not have the ninth volume of Enlightenment in Dreams, why would you come to Zhenwu Mountain? Isn't it a waste of time?

Seemingly seeing Cui Yu's doubts, Er You said: There are countless weird things and inexplicable magical powers in the world. Who has the chance to guard against all magical means? Even the ancestors can't be comprehensive.

Cui Yu suddenly felt enlightened when he heard this. Eryou patted Cui Yu on the shoulder: Let's go, let's find a place to stay. You will work here in the future.

As they were talking, two figures suddenly came from a distance, and Cui Yu was startled because one of the figures was quite familiar to Cui Yu. It was Fan Zeng who escaped from Daliang City in the past.

It was precisely because of Fan Zeng that he had conflicts with Liu Bang and Cui Cancan.

Behind Fan Zeng was Liu Xiu, who was showing off his power at the foot of the mountain. At this time, Fan Zeng put his hands on his back and walked in front of him unhurriedly: Junior brother Liu Xiu, look at this, I have thought about crossing the cliff, but I am really a great place in Wushan Mountain. , is a place that all the handyman disciples dream of, and it is a great job. If you had not been favored by Master Cui Chen, I would never have brought you here. Please note that serving here, getting this job, there is no chance. I'm afraid we can't even think about gold. But since Uncle Cui Chen values ​​you, we will be a family in the future, so of course we will leave the best errands to you. As for the money or not, it doesn't matter to us, as long as you I can assist Senior Brother Cui Cancan well...

At this point, Liu Bang paused, his pupils tightened, and he stared at Cui Yu opposite him as if facing a formidable enemy.

Senior brother, what's wrong? Liu Xiu followed Fan Zeng and saw a look of surprise in his eyes.

Senior Brother Fan Zeng's status in Zhenwu Mountain is not low. He is favored by Senior Brother Cui Cancan and Liu Bang. His status is higher than that of other disciples, and even the elders do not dare to offend him rashly.

I saw a deadly enemy! Fan Zeng stared at Cui Yu with his eyes. Back then, he was almost beaten to death by Cui Yu's Gonggong real body. He was extremely afraid of Cui Yu, and his hatred for Cui Yu was also extremely extreme. If there was a chance to kill Cui Yu, Fan Zeng would never mind killing Cui Yu directly.

Hey, isn't this the little grasshopper? Why did you hide in Zhenwu Mountain? Cui Yu also saw Fan Zeng at this time, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Hearing Cui Yu's unkind tone, Eryou glanced at Fan Zeng in surprise, and then said to Cui Yu, Do you know each other?

This kid fought against me when we were at the foot of the mountain, and I almost slapped him to death. Cui Yu said with a smile.

Since he came to Zhenwu Mountain, he was ready to meet Cui Cancan and Liu Bang. Of course he could use the art of creation to worship in Zhenwu Mountain anonymously, but how could he know the past events if he remained anonymous? Even if he didn't mind the truth of the past and didn't want to know it, he still had to find out for Cui Li and Cui Lu.

The path of spiritual practice has reached the final level. If you cannot find out clearly, your inner demon will come and you will definitely fail to achieve enlightenment.

Cui Yu maintains his own cultivation and does not really take Zhenwu Mountain in his eyes. He has seen the ancestors of Zhenwu Mountain, so how can he put Zhenwu Mountain in his eyes?

Fan Zeng glanced at Cui Yu, then looked at Eryou, and then ignored Cui Yu, but came to Eryou and bowed to Eryou: I have seen Senior Brother Eryou. Senior Brother Cui Cancan ordered this person to come. Siguoya is on duty, my younger brother brought him here to find out the way.

Huh? Eryou frowned when he heard this: You are late. This place has been assigned to Junior Brother Cui Yu by Patriarch Yuwen. You can take him to another place.

He was still very afraid of Cui Cancan's name, and did not want to be an enemy of Cui Cancan, but this matter involved his master's orders, and he did not dare to give in.

Fan Zeng was stunned when he heard this. He raised his head and glanced at Cui Yu, and then looked at Eryou: Brother, don't tease me. This matter was assigned by Senior Brother Cui Cancan himself. You need to think twice. Do you want to talk to Cui Cancan? Can senior brother be our enemy?

When Eryou heard that the other party was using Cui Cancan to pressure him, he couldn't help but frown even deeper: You don't have to use Cui Cancan to pressure me. This matter was handled by Ancestor Yu Wenhaoji personally. If you are not convinced, just go and confront Ancestor Yuwen Haojie.

Hearing this, Fan Zeng straightened his back gradually, and stared at Eryou with a pair of eyes: What kind of person is Yuwen Hero, ancestor, how can he care about such trivial matters? Don't use ancestor to pressure me, you really think I am an idiot. No? What's so good about this kid that he deserves to be protected like this by you? Do you know what trouble this kid got into in the past? If you insist on protecting him, it won't be me who comes to you next time, but Liu Bang Senior Brother and Senior Brother Cui Cancan.”

Eryou's face turned ugly when he heard this: Who are you, and you dare to talk to me like this? Do you believe I can break your legs?

Although he didn't want to go against Cui Cancan, but Fan Zeng, who was not Cui Cancan himself, dared to challenge his majesty? It’s so funny!

Are you determined to go against Senior Brother Cui Cancan? Fan Zeng stared at Eryou with his eyes.

Go down the mountain, otherwise you will go guard the Demon Locking Tower. Eryou's voice was full of coldness.

Fan Zeng's pupils shrank when he heard this, and he did not dare to contradict Eryou anymore, but his eyes fell on Cui Yu: What a lucky boy, he just came to Zhenwu Mountain and hugged the deacon's lap, you still You really know how to exploit the situation. But Zhenwu Mountain is our territory. Since you have come to Zhenwu Mountain, we will do our best to entertain you well.

After speaking, Fan Zeng glanced at Er You, then turned and left without saying a word.

Liu Xiu followed closely behind Fan Zeng. After walking a certain distance, Liu Xiucai lowered his voice and said, Brother, do you have a grudge against that Cui Yu?

Hateful hatred! Fight to death! Fan Zeng gritted his teeth, clenched his fists in his sleeves, and his eyes were full of coldness: But now that he has come to Zhenwu Mountain, with our means, we have many ways to kill him.

Fan Zeng's memory of Cui Yu still remains at the time when he discussed Taoism in Daliang City. Only a few years have passed from then to now. How can Cui Yu improve?

Therefore, Cui Yu was not taken seriously.

The only thing that is worth fearing about that guy is the power of his bloodline, but this is Zhenwu Mountain. Once he turns to Qi Shi training, if he wants to achieve success, he must abolish the power of his bloodline. There will be many ways to defeat him. .

Liu Xiu looked happy when he heard this, but said calmly: I'm afraid it won't be easy to deal with that kid.

Fan Zeng looked at Liu Xiu in surprise when he heard this: What do you say?

During the assessment at the foot of the mountain, Patriarch Yuwen Hero came down personally and took him into the mountain. Liu Xiu looked at Fan Zeng with his eyes.

He actually wanted to conceal this experience to prevent Fan Zeng from being scared away by Yu Wenhaojie, but he thought that if the incident happened later, he would not be able to benefit from it, which would be a bit outweighed by the gain.

Hearing this, Fan Zeng was stunned, with a look of surprise in his eyes: Tell me in detail.

Liu Xiu did not dare to hide anything and told everything that had happened. Fan Zeng fell into silence after hearing the words: I have also heard people say that the ancestor Yu Wenhaojie obtained a strange thing from the Dharma Realm. I didn't expect that he had such a strange thing. Shit luck fell into the eyes of Patriarch Yuwen Hero. But what kind of identity is Senior Brother Cui Cancan? As long as he finds a suitable excuse, even if Patriarch Yuwen Hero protects him, he can be killed directly, and it will not be too much. Too afraid of that Yuwen hero.

Let's go investigate Cui Yu and Yuwen Junjie's affairs first, and then report to Senior Brother Cui Cancan. Fan Zeng pondered briefly and hurried down the mountain.

He wanted to find out how much Cui Yu was favored by Yu Wenhaojie, and then he could take advantage of it.

Fan Zeng was able to survive the catastrophe in Daliang City in the past, not because of force, but because of the wisdom in his head.

mountain top

Eryou glanced at Fan Zeng's back, then turned to look at Cui Yu: Do you have a grudge against him?

Cui Yu nodded: deep hatred.

Trouble, I'm afraid your days in Zhenwu Mountain will not stop. Even if there is a master to protect you, if the other party keeps making unsightly tricks, it will wear you to death, and even the master can't do anything. Eryou's voice was full of seriousness: The status of Cui Cancan is too high, I'm afraid I can't protect you. Even the master has to be wary when facing Cui Cancan.

What is Cui Cancan's identity? Cui Yu looked curious.

He knew that Cui Laohu was the seventh son of Zhenwu Mountain, and Cui Cancan was Cui Laohu's son. However, Cui Yu was still a little unbelievable because Cui Cancan was just Cui Laohu's son and Yu Wenhaojie was afraid of him.

Did you know that Cui Cancan is the son of Cui Laohu, one of the seven sons of Zhenwu Mountain? Eryou said.

Cui Yu nodded: Of course I know.

But you must not know that Cui Laohu is a direct blood descendant of the founder of the Zhenwu Mountain sect, and Cui Cancan is the only bloodline of the Zhenwu Mountain lineage. Zhenwu Mountain belongs to the founder of the sect, and the founder of the sect is from the Cui family. Cui Cancan is the only child of the Cui family... Eryou looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: So do you know the seriousness of the matter?

Hiss~ Cui Yu took a breath when he heard this. This was the first time he heard this news.

If we follow what Eryou said, wouldn't Cui Cancan be the future young master of Zhenwu Mountain? Does the entire Zhenwu Mountain belong to Cui Cancan?

He never expected that there would be such a key point in it.

Cui Yu was shocked.

Now he suddenly understood why Cui Laohu did not hesitate to kill Saint Qiqing!

Even if that woman gave birth to three children for him.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this. The situation in Zhenwu Mountain was complicated and beyond his expectation.

Don't worry too much. As long as you can remain useful to the master, the master will not give up on you. With the master taking care of you, it will be difficult for Cui Cancan to touch you. He can only use some unscrupulous means. As long as you follow your job honestly and work hard to improve your strength, you will one day be able to compete with Cui Cancan. It is true that Zhenwu Mountain cannot accommodate you. If you are successful in your cultivation in the future, you can just go down the mountain to escape. Er You looked at it with a pair of eyes. Xiang Cui Yu, his eyes were full of sympathy.

Anyone who offends the big devil Cui Cancan in Zhenwu Mountain will have a sad face, right?

Junior brother, don't worry. You are still protected by your master, so you are not afraid of Cui Cancan for the time being. Eryou saw Cui Yu deep in thought and quickly stepped forward to comfort him.

After hearing Eryou's words, Cui Yu shook his head. He was not worried about Cui Cancan. He was thinking about his own identity and bloodline.

If we follow what Eryou said, should Zhenwu Mountain have half of him?

He is also a direct bloodline of Zhenwu Mountain.

Let's go get some clothes and find a place to stay. Eryou led the way.

Cui Yu looked at Eryou in front of him and couldn't help but frown. Although Eryou was still the same Eryou, and even his attitude in speaking didn't change much, Cui Yu could sense Eryou's alienation from him.

It can be seen from the fact that the opponent's steps are three steps faster than his own, and he is far away from himself. You must know that Eryou has always been on the same level as him before.

However, Cui Yu was not a child and did not accuse Er You of being snobbish. It was his own choice that Er You did not want to provoke Cui Cancan.

It seems that there are still some twists and turns if you want to stay on Zhenwu Mountain. Cui Yu was thoughtful.

I don't know how Runan is doing, whether he has passed the seven levels and entered the mountain gate. Cui Yu's thoughts were flowing in his mind.

He felt that with Runan's qualifications, it was not difficult to pass the seven levels. What was difficult was whether he would be implicated.

Senior brother, I have a female companion who came with me... Cui Yu looked at the second you in front of him: I don't know if she will be implicated.

Of course they will be implicated. Liu Bang and Fan Zeng have a notorious reputation in Zhenwu Mountain, and they can be said to be the ones who are bound to retaliate. Everyone who is involved with you will probably be retaliated against. That girl's life will be miserable. Eryou said something, but he had no intention of helping.

Cui Yu fell into silence after hearing this. He saw that Eryou's attitude was very different from before, and he was afraid that even if he spoke now, he would be in trouble.

Cui Yu simply did not speak, but followed Eryou to climb over the mountains and came to a large hall. After receiving clothes and cleaning tools, he came to the back mountain area.

There is a suspended waterfall in the back mountain. The waterfall divides the mountain into two, making it very spectacular and magnificent.

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