In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 937: Corpse Ancestor’s Methods

This is your own spiritual world. Since the other party has shown signs, there is nothing to worry about.

No one can defeat himself in his own spiritual world.

Do you want to kill me and form a complete feud with me? Facing Cui Yu's words, I heard Future Buddha's voice full of seriousness.

Your Majesty has hidden evil intentions in my spiritual world. Now you come to ask me if I have a deadly feud. Isn't it a bit ridiculous? Cui Yu asked.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Future Buddha suddenly turned serious: I have integrated into your spirit and energy. You are me and I am you. If you can't kill me, don't waste your efforts.

Since Cui Yu refused to leave him a way to survive, of course he would not continue to compromise.

After hearing what the future Buddha said, Cui Yu also smiled and said: Really? I can't kill you? You think too highly of yourself, and you underestimate me, Cui Yu. What I hate the most is that you old guys are looking at you all day long. They are inferior! They are all really annoying!

As he spoke, Cui Yu activated the dream world and turned it into chains of order, suppressing them towards the future Buddha in nothingness.

Future Buddha knows that the dream world is dominated by Cui Yu, and he cannot compete with him. If he had the ability to fight Cui Yu in the dream world, he would have killed Cui Yu directly.

Therefore, the Future Buddha did not hesitate to use his magical powers and fled directly to avoid a head-on conflict with Cui Yu.

Leave? Can you leave? Cui Yu smiled coldly. The next moment, countless spider threads and chains of order merged into one, overwhelmingly suppressing the future Buddha.

At this time, the void around the Future Buddha's body is blocked by spider silk, and a dragnet has been formed here, making it impossible to escape.

If it were just a simple chain of order formed in the dream world, he would certainly not be afraid, but the spider thread formed by the chain of order was definitely not something that the future Buddha could withstand.

Cui Yu raised his head and looked at the spiritual light that was constantly struggling, scurrying around like a headless fly. The next moment, the future Buddha was directly pierced by the spider silk, and then it was like a sculpture, motionless.

This is Cui Yu's dream world. The opponent is just a remnant soul. Cui Yu has absolute suppressive power.

Cui Yu looked at the remnant soul of the future Buddha with his eyes, a look of contemplation in his eyes, carefully sensing the mystery of the puppetry.

Cui Yu could feel that there was an invisible thread connecting him and the puppet. As long as he grasped the thread, he could control the puppet's thoughts.

This puppet technique is a bit interesting. Cui Yu said secretly in his heart. The next moment, a force of destruction circulated in the dream world, directly annihilating the remaining soul of the opponent.

The world in the dream has so many stakes, even if the other party is made into a puppet, Cui Yu feels uneasy, with an inexplicable fear lingering in his heart.

Feeling the mystery of the spider silk and the disappearing spirit of the future Buddha, Cui Yu's eyes were full of seriousness and he put his hands in his sleeves: It's interesting.

With his spirit returning, Cui Yu opened his eyes, scanned the mountains and rivers between heaven and earth, and then used his escape technique to fly out of the small world and once again entered the wilderness.

The demon king of chaotic souls has been solved, and the weirdness hidden in the dream world has also been solved. The next step is Chi You's body.

Cui Yu felt that Chi You's body was still very important to him. If Chi You could regain some of his strength, it would be very helpful to him.

It's been such a long time. It stands to reason that those strong men from all walks of life should have dispersed, right? Cui Yu turned into a dodge and returned to the Xuan family battlefield again. Looking from a distance, the land thousands of miles away was still in a molten state and had not yet been repaired.

Cui Yu looked into the distance with his eyes full of surprise. There were still terrifying qi forces reverberating between heaven and earth, spreading towards Cui Yu's body.

It seems that there are still many powerful monsters who are secretly coveting. Cui Yu grabbed the Western Yanfu flame lantern in his sleeve and secretly guarded it. He raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance, with a hint of thought in his eyes:

These old guys are smart enough to detect where Chi You's body is.

Although Cui Yu took away the treasures from the Tianzhou on the other side, Chi You's body was still suppressed at a lower level.

As for how Chi You was suppressed, Cui Yu didn't know.

That is the Heavenly Boat on the other side. It is not an ordinary method to suppress the Heavenly Boat on the other side as an object of suppression.

Cui Yu raised his head and scanned the obscure figures in the world, then turned to look at his own shadow: Maybe the ancestor knows where his true body is suppressed?

Follow me. After speaking, Chi You dived directly into the sand, and Cui Yu followed closely behind him using his escape technique.

The two of them were sneaking towards the depths of the earth. Suddenly, the void in front of them distorted, and there seemed to be an invisible barrier flickering. The next moment, they saw Chi You tearing apart the barrier in front of them, and then they saw Cui Yu and Chi You directly entering the cave world.

This is a world that is only a hundred miles in size. There is no vitality in the hundred-mile world. Terrifying qi flows between heaven and earth, and the power of gods and demons is turbulent and wandering between heaven and earth.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at the distant sky, with a serious look in his eyes: This small world... seems to be full of death.

Follow me. Chi You didn't say anything, he just moved his limbs and ran away into the distance, his eyes full of anticipation.

However, after walking for fifty miles, the void in front of him suddenly became distorted. Chi You's figure suddenly stopped, and his eyes stared blankly ahead.

Cui Yu looked in the direction of Chi You and was stunned. It was a familiar altar.

The altar decorations are exactly the same as when Chi You’s head was born!

The most important thing is that there is a figure familiar to Cui Yu standing on the altar. The ancestor of the Qi practitioner who survived from the ancient times in Dongting Lake is also the person who was possessed by the Corpse Ancestor - Donghuang Taiyi. Gravekeeper.

To be precise, the person in front of him is the incarnation of the Corpse Ancestor, and Chi You's head has been refined by this person.

Looking at that figure, Cui Yu felt suddenly. If the other party really used Chi You to do something evil, how could he not do it now that something like this happened?

There’s no way she won’t come!

Cui Yu looked at the figure with serious eyes: I'm afraid a fierce battle is inevitable.

The Corpse Ancestor has been throughout Cui Yu's life since Cui Yu practiced Qi, and has formed an indissoluble bond with Cui Yu.

Hey, old acquaintance. The figure on the high platform turned around and looked at the bodies of Cui Yu and Chi You.

It's an old acquaintance, an old acquaintance who is so familiar. Chi You turned into a human form at this time, and the devouring power circulated around his body, seeming to be able to swallow up everything in the world. At this time, a pair of eyes stared at the corpse ancestor: In the past, I treated you well, why did you want to murder me?

Really? The reason why I took refuge with you back then was just to create a greater catastrophe and collect more corpses. There was a hint of contempt in the eyes of Corpse Ancestor: I am the direct descendant of the ancestor of the prehistoric era. Grandmaster Hongjun is both a teacher and a friend. Even Grandmaster Hongjun is half of my disciple. How dare you, a mere reckless man like you, dare to ask me to surrender?

Corpse Ancestor's voice was full of ridicule.

When Cui Yu heard this, his pupils couldn't help but shrink, and his eyes were full of disbelief: This bullshit is so big, I dare say that the ancestor is also half of his disciples, so he is not afraid of being struck by lightning.

Of course Cui Yu knew that there was another possibility. If what the other party said was true, then the other party's background might be very scary.

Chi You was so angry that he couldn't speak. He gritted his teeth and said, Even if you are the King of Heaven, I still have to give my body back to me! You thief, give me my body back!

The voice was filled with annoyance.

The Corpse Ancestor smiled when he heard this: Your body? It's simply childish. Just call him and see if he agrees.

Shameless! Chi You was furious. He stretched out his palm and saw the tiger soul sword radiating with cold light in his hand. Without saying a word, he suddenly jumped up, with fierce murderous intent flowing around him, and ran towards the corpse ancestor, about to kill the corpse ancestor. Beheaded.

Facing Chi You's attack, Corpse Ancestor did not dodge and directly faced his head: This is your head. I won't feel bad if it is chopped off. At worst, I will just replace it with another head.

Corpse Ancestor's voice was filled with pride.

After hearing what the Corpse Ancestor said, Chi You was so angry that he quickly sheathed his knife, and then slapped the Corpse Ancestor's head with the back of the knife. This was his head. Who wouldn't feel bad if it was broken?

Who wouldn’t feel bad if I replaced him?

I feel so distressed!


The back of Chi You's tiger soul sword hit the corpse ancestor's head, but sparks were seen flying. The corpse ancestor remained motionless and looked at Chi You with a smile: Little guy, accept your fate! The fate between you and your head is over, and I and I The fate of your head has arrived.”

You are shameless! Chi You was furious, his voice was full of anger, the tiger soul sword in his hand was radiating with light, and he continuously attacked the corpse ancestor's abdomen. In an instant, the cold light connected into one, covering all the orifices of the corpse ancestor.

Seeing this, Corpse Ancestor did not dare to be careless. No one in this world dared to underestimate Chi You's power. Corpse Ancestor took out a silver-white ruler directly from his sleeve. There was a cold light on the ruler. At this time, it was twisting and suppressing from the void. He went down and faced the Tiger Soul Saber.

I saw Corpse Ancestor's Heaven Measuring Ruler colliding with the Tiger Soul Saber in Chi You's hand. I saw that Chi You's Tiger Soul Saber was unable to touch the Heaven Measuring Ruler. As Corpse Ancestor's palm lightly crossed the scale in front of the Sky Measuring Ruler, the next moment Corpse Master Zu's strength surged, his body size also surged dozens of times, and he stepped on Chi You.

Facing the strong and domineering kick from the Corpse Ancestor, Chi You clearly felt the pressure. His whole body was shaken, and he was actually kicked out by the Corpse Ancestor.

What? Chi You steadied himself in the air, looked down at the footprints on his chest, and stared at the Corpse Ancestor with his eyes filled with disbelief: When did you have such ability?

He couldn't believe that the Corpse Ancestor actually had such strength. He remembered that although the Corpse Ancestor had some strength back then, he was inconspicuous among the seventy-two demon gods.

Idiot, do you think I was helping you in the war back then? It's just that you took refuge in the way of heaven in this world, and I used your hands to collect the corpses of the powerful people in this world. It's just that I read the information about this world on my body. Corpse Ancestor's voice was full of disdain when he heard this.

No! No! You helped me bite the female demon back then. Without your help, how could I have defeated Emperor Xuanyuan? Chi You's voice was full of disbelief.

The Corpse Ancestor heard this and shook his head: You are thinking too much. I only have a grudge against Huangdi Xuanyuan. It is purely a personal grudge against Emperor Xuanyuan.

As for the personal grudge between Corpse Ancestor and Xuanyuan Huangdi, Corpse Ancestor did not say anything, but just stared at Chi You as if looking at a funny man.

Boy, help me capture him. Chi You's voice was full of resentment: Today I must take back my body and let him know how powerful I am, ancestor.

After hearing Chi You's words, Cui Yu looked at Corpse Ancestor: Ancestor, do you recognize me?

Of course I recognize you. I was about to find you, but I never thought you would come to my door. The moment Corpse Ancestor saw Cui Yu, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Cui Yu stretched out his palm and held six pure bamboos in his hand: Today I am going to learn the master's trick from my ancestor.

The moment Corpse Ancestor saw the six pure bamboos in Cui Yu's hand, he immediately gathered his energy and his eyes were full of alertness. The next moment he held the ruler in his hand and hit Cui Yu directly: Boy, I feel it in your body. Is the mark of the seal the reason why you continue to plunder my ancestor’s power?”

Cui Yu used the six pure bamboos in his hand to parry, and while the law of power was running, he was able to keep up with the zombie ancestor as he came and went.

The qi energy around the corpse ancestor is getting stronger and stronger, and a mighty Taiyi qi energy rises. At this time, with the cover of the small world, the corpse ancestor can unscrupulously display the strength of the Taiyi realm.

As the Corpse Ancestor upgraded to the Taiyi realm, Cui Yu felt a little unable to cope. The Heavenly Measurement Ruler in the Corpse Ancestor's hand was used to attack the enemy with every movement, specifically looking for Cui Yu's loopholes to attack. Yu was at a loss for a moment, possessing a powerful law of force. However, facing the cunning attack of the Corpse Ancestor, he could only parry but had no chance to fight back.

Is this the Taiyi realm? Cui Yu kept blocking and retreating in the face of Corpse Ancestor's attack.

If you know three things and avoid five, you are Taiyi. After practicing to the Taiyi realm, you can already grasp the weaknesses of the opponent in the dark, and specialize in cutting the opponent's fate and flaws. Under Taiyi, everyone is an ant. Corpse Ancestor weighed it in his hands. The sky ruler suddenly grew larger and smaller, and moved back and forth from left to right, constantly suppressing Cui Yu.

Cui Yu was aggrieved by being beaten by the Corpse Ancestor and wanted to use the Gonggong True Body, but the small world in front of him simply couldn't withstand the power of the quasi-sage realm, so Cui Yu gave up his intention to use the Gonggong True Body and then went down. At a moment, the chaos bell within the chaos ten feet above Cui Yu's head rang loudly, penetrating time and space and suppressing it. The energy of chaos boiled and enveloped Cui Yu's whole body.

Bang~ The sound wave of the Chaos Bell came out, and the Corpse Ancestor flew out directly, smashing into a mountain.

Chaos Clock! Is this the Chaos Clock of Donghuang Taiyi? Corpse Ancestor climbed up from the soil and stared at Cui Yu with his eyes full of disbelief, and his eyes were full of shock.

This is definitely the power of Donghuang Bell!

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