In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 934: Overthrowing the Law of Causality

Countless information streams passed through Cui Yu's mind, but he saw the page twisting and flickering, and all the puppet power in Cui Yu's body was refined by the golden finger.

Goldfinger is indeed a goldfinger. Even the great god Pangu can usurp the power. As expected, Cui Yu was not disappointed.

There was a trace of lingering fear in Cui Yu's eyes. He looked at the golden finger in front of him with a strange look in his eyes: Not bad! Very good! I made the right bet!

Cui Yu saw the page flashing in front of his eyes, and the information flow was updated in time:

[If the usurpation is successful, you will obtain the Law of Causality - Puppet]

[Price: You will lose all magical powers in your body and become a big spider. 】

[Note 1: The price can be exempted. 】

[Note 2: Be aware that your cultivation will be compromised]

Cui Yu scanned the information flow in front of him and saw that as the information flow was distorted and updated, more fonts appeared in front of Cui Yu's eyes:

[In the past, a supremely powerful person came from the ancient times and descended on this world. A shocking war broke out, causing the laws of this world to become chaotic and distorted. The laws of cause and effect were distorted and gave birth to a strange thing called: Sky Spider. . This spider has cause and effect as its body and destiny as its soul. It has the power of immortality as soon as it is born. At this time, a shocking war broke out, the world barrier was smashed, and as the energy of chaos rolled, an object from outside the sky fell into the world and smashed into the body of the Sky Spider. The object was called the 'Heart of Chaos'. It is a strange statue related to puppets. This thing combines with the origin of the Sky Spider to form the Chaotic Soul Demon King. 】

Then the golden finger page in front of Cui Yu was refreshed again:

[The usurpation is successful, the rules are being reorganized. 】

[The price has been waived]

[You have obtained the Law of Cause and Effect: Puppetry]

[Note 1: The host will use the power of the soul to condense spider threads. The condensation of each spider thread will consume a lot of the host's soul power, which will cause the host's soul to be extremely weak and even cause the realm of cultivation to regress. All monks who are one level higher than the host will be controlled by the host as long as they are touched by the spider thread formed by the law of cause and effect. 】

Huh? Cui Yu looked at the information page in front of him and couldn't help but froze: What the hell? Can you only control monks at a level higher than yourself? Are you kidding me? The law of cause and effect of the Chaos Soul Demon King is even A saint can be controlled even if he touches it, why on earth are you going to create a castrated version for me?

Faced with Cui Yu's slander, the information on the system page was refreshed, answering Cui Yu's doubts:

[Extreme strength will definitely give birth to extreme weakness. The law of cause and effect of the Chaos Soul Demon King is indeed invincible. As long as it is touched by the spider silk, it will be turned into a puppet. However, the law of cause and effect of the Chaos Soul Demon King is too short, and its spider silk is just an ordinary spider silk. When one has reached the realm of Daluo, three flowers gathered together and five qi came to cover the whole body. Even ordinary magical powers could not break it, let alone the ordinary spider silk. How could one have the chance to get close to such a supreme powerhouse? The host's law of cause and effect has the concept of success. As long as the host uses magical powers and his cultivation level is one level higher than that of the host, the opponent's magical powers and secret techniques will be ignored. 】

As long as the opponent's cultivation level is higher than mine, my law of cause and effect will definitely hit? Is it true or false? Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

[Of course it is a sure hit, but the premise is that there is no innate spiritual treasure to block it. The innate spirit is the condensed essence of the laws of heaven and earth. It is the same substance as the law of cause and effect, and has the effect of resisting the law of cause and effect. However, the opponent's magical powers and secret methods will be ignored by the law of cause and effect. 】

Cui Yu looked at the page introduced by Gold Finger and was speechless for a while, his eyes full of helplessness: What kind of law of cause and effect is this? What kind of conceptual weapon is this?

Cui Yu said angrily. After all his efforts, he managed to get a mutilated version.

He suspected that his golden finger had reached its limit and could not figure out the true law of cause and effect.

And I remember that the Chaotic Soul Demon King once killed strong men in the quasi-sage realm in ancient times. Cui Yu's eyes were full of suspicion.

[In ancient times, when there were great battles, saints were like ants. A quasi-sage was seriously injured and fainted, and his protective divine light was scattered, giving the Chaos Soul Demon King an opportunity to take advantage of. Although the law of cause and effect of the Chaotic Soul Demon King is theoretically close to invincibility, the premise is that the spider thread must touch the opponent. If the spider thread cannot touch the opponent and the trigger of 'cause' cannot be completed, of course the 'effect' will have no effect. Chance. That ordinary spider silk can be blown away by a gust of wind and burned clean by a common fire. What is there to show off? 】

Cui Yu was dissatisfied: But he controlled the eight demon kings to sneak attack on me, which is my personal experience. If his law of cause and effect is so unreliable, why can he control the eight demon kings?

[As long as you control one demon king, and then use one demon king to infiltrate the other demon kings, is it difficult? 】

Cui Yu was speechless for a moment when he heard this. He felt that what his Gold Finger said made sense, so he turned to look at his own Gold Finger page and studied his own law of cause and effect: I said Gold Finger, you are too useless. ? Can I only control monks who are one level higher than me? Can’t I control monks who are lower than me?

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Cui Yu's Golden Finger expressed dissatisfaction, and a message popped up on the information page: [What's the use of controlling someone whose cultivation level is lower than yours? Those whose cultivation is equal to yours are not your opponents. Of course, it is not easy to refine the host's natal spider silk. If you want to waste it on ants whose cultivation level is lower than yourself, it is not impossible. The upper limit of this law of cause and effect is one level higher than the host, and the lower limit is none. 】

Cui Yu looked at the law of cause and effect. After staring at the law of cause and effect he had obtained for a long time, he narrowed his eyes and said, My law of cause and effect is actually not weak anymore.

Imagine that one day you will become a quasi-sage, wouldn't you have the opportunity to control the saint?

When I become a saint, will I have the opportunity to directly enslave the way of heaven? Become the master of the entire world?

The most critical thing is the two characteristics of his own law of cause and effect: First, it is bound to hit (if it is blocked by the opponent's innate spiritual treasure, it will count). Second, ignore the opponent's magical power to protect the body.

In other words, if the opponent is strong and does not use the innate spiritual treasure to resist, then he can easily control it.

This magical power is incredible!

In fact, it is quite unbelievable.

The most important thing is that the fatal flaws like the Soul Demon King have been made up for now.

The law of cause and effect of the Chaotic Soul Demon King is indeed strong, but that is at the cost of removing all his magical powers. Then the spider silk is just an ordinary spider silk and cannot touch others. What's the use of being strong?

There is no use at all.

What else is there to be dissatisfied about? You can't be too greedy. When I break through to the quasi-sage realm, as long as I control a saint, I will have a backing by then. Cui Yu muttered unhurriedly Finished sentence.

As Cui Yu's thoughts moved, he saw that the usurped supernatural power was accepted by him and turned into a unique silk net, imprinted on the deepest part of Cui Yu's soul.

The silk web was exactly the same as a spider web, but it was covered with all kinds of complex information, and countless strange symbols that Cui Yu had never seen flashed on the runes.

If you want to refine the spider silk that you control, you have to sacrifice your life source. At the cost of your original cultivation level, is it very likely that you will fall into a realm? If the source is not enough, you can only use the realm to make up? Countless thoughts were circulating in Cui Yu's heart .

If you want to refine the natal spider silk, you must draw your own origin. This origin is close to the innate origin brought by life, with the power of the great road attached to it. Once the refined spider silk has insufficient origin, you can only use Come to the realm of cultivation.

Why can the state of cultivation be equal to the power of the great road?

Because the fruition attained through cultivation is composed of and contains the power of the Great Dao.

At this time, Cui Yu also knew the background of the Chaos Soul Demon King: With nine puppet threads, the maximum number of puppets the Chaos Soul Demon King can control is nine. No wonder the Chaos Soul Demon King does not dominate the wilderness. It is indeed restricted.

And Cui Yu thought that although his law of cause and effect was unrestricted, it was extremely difficult to refine it.

But how bright is Cui Yu's brain now? He suddenly came up with an idea. If he controlled the Soul Demon King, could he use the ordinary spider silk of the Soul Demon King to control the strongest person in this world?

Cui Yu discovered a buff. As long as he mastered the Soul Demon King, and then unknowingly attached the spider silk of the Soul Demon King when fighting with others, wouldn't he be able to do it very quickly? Sweeping the world?

Cui Yu's heart was pounding, but before Cui Yu could take action, Golden Finger quickly poured cold water on Cui Yu: [The law of cause and effect of the same origin has the power of immunity against the law of cause and effect of the same origin, your Golden Finger It comes from the same source as the Golden Finger of the Chaotic Soul Demon King, so your golden finger is ineffective against the Golden Finger of the Chaos Soul Demon King. 】

(The emphasis is on cause and effect of the same origin, such as cause and effect, time and space and time and space.)

outside world

The Chaotic Soul Demon King stared at Cui Yu with his eyes. After seeing his own spider silk touching Cui Yu, he couldn't help but laugh wildly: Hahaha! Hahaha! Sure enough, evil people will have their own trials, and good and evil will be rewarded in the end. You kid has lost the power of destruction, and now you can only become the prisoner of my ancestor. In the future, you can be an obedient mount for me.

The Chaotic Soul Demon King's laughter was full of excitement. Cui Yu's strength had been seen with his own eyes. Even if he were to resurrect the previous eight demon kings, he would never replace them.

But the next moment, the Chaotic Soul Demon King's laughter was stuck in his throat, like a duck being strangled by the neck, and his eyes stared at Cui Yu, his eyes full of shock: Impossible! Why have I lost my sense of the law of cause and effect?

The Chaotic Soul Demon King panicked and went to sense, and found that his law of cause and effect had indeed lost its sense.

Do you still have the power of destruction in your body? The Chaotic Soul Demon King stared at Cui Yu with his eyes. It seemed that he had only this explanation.

When Cui Yu heard this, he opened his eyes and glanced at the Chaotic Soul Demon King. The next moment, the Tengu appeared in the shadow, suddenly opened his mouth, and the Eye of Destruction returned to the palm of Cui Yu's hand.

Seeing this scene, the Chaotic Soul Demon King was a little dizzy, his eyes were full of confusion, and he didn't know what was happening in front of him.

Cui Yu looked at the Soul Demon King, but did not speak. Instead, he was thinking about how to deal with the Soul Demon King.

He also wanted to use the Chaos Soul Demon King to guard his dream world, and even use the Chaos Soul Demon King's ability to remove the hidden dangers in his dream world. However, he did not expect that the Chaos Soul Demon King would not give in. It's quite troublesome.

Can I refine the Soul Demon King into an external incarnation? A thought came to Cui Yu's mind.

If you can refine the Chaotic Soul Demon King into an incarnation, you will have a lot of room for manipulation.

But the law of cause and effect is integrated with the other party's soul origin. If I want to master the other party's law of cause and effect, I must master the other party's soul origin. Cui Yu's mind flashed with messy thoughts.

As both masters of the law of cause and effect, Cui Yu knew in his heart that the law of cause and effect lies in the origin of the other party's soul, not his body.

There is no use in mastering the opponent's body. There is no way to obtain the law of cause and effect. Only by mastering the opponent's complete soul can Cui Yu master the power of the law of cause and effect.

Cui Yu stared at the Chaotic Soul Demon King with his eyes, countless thoughts flashed in his heart, and he began to make rapid deductions.

Cui Yu's emotionless gaze made the Soul Demon King's heart tremble. His eyes were full of anxiety, but they seemed extremely tough: What do you want to do? Ancestor, I tell you, I'm not afraid of you. Whatever means you have, you can use them on me. If I am afraid of you, ancestor, I will not deserve to live for hundreds of thousands of years.

After Cui Yu stared at the Chaotic Soul Demon King for a long time, he came up with the only solution: Heart Ape.

He is the master of the mental ape. If he uses the mental ape to control the other party, the matter will not be without improvement.

But this man has lived for hundreds of thousands of years and practiced for countless kalpas. His heart is like the eternal sun. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to shake.

But it's just more difficult, not without opportunities.

Especially when the other party is now in his hands and there is great terror between life and death, Cui Yu doesn't believe that the other party is not afraid.

As long as you find a way to break the opponent's mind, the monkey mind can take advantage of the opportunity.

Are you really unwilling to surrender to me? Surrender to me and you can survive. If you continue to be stubborn, I'm afraid you will be poisoned in an instant. Cui Yu stared at the Soul Demon King with a pair of eyes. Full of seriousness.

To be honest, not even the restraining curse could make the other party surrender, and Cui Yu no longer had much hope in his heart.

Shi Ke can't be humiliated. If you are a hero, please give me a happy life. The Chaotic Soul Demon King stared at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu was thinking about his thoughts in his heart, and the voice of the monkey over there suddenly sounded in Cui Yu's heart: Maybe we still have a chance.

Huh? Cui Yu's heart moved when he heard this.

Your restraining curse is specifically designed to restrain the power of the Heart Monkey. He is a great demon. Of course, the restraining curse on him is not as strong as mine. But don't forget, I obtained a black lotus in the past. , The flowers have bloomed to the sixth level so far. Xin Yuan said in Cui Yu's heart, his voice full of pride.

It doesn't matter if your Golden Finger Law of Causality is unreliable, but as long as you master the Chaos Soul Demon King, you can obtain the Chaos Soul Demon King's Law of Cause and Effect.

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