In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 932 The cause and effect of Wuzhuang Temple

The Chaotic Soul Demon King cursed, feeling really angry.

He was a big shot before countless tribulations, and countless quasi-sages died in his hands, but now he was being chased by a demigod ant in Cui Yu District. How could he not be angry?

What is a demigod?

In ancient times, when demigods worked as slaves for him, he thought they were an eyesore.

The Chaotic Soul Demon King knew that he would definitely not be able to defeat that little pervert. God knows how such a monster could appear after countless calamities. Even his own law of cause and effect could be resolved.

Previously, in the Xiantian Formation, he wanted to use the law of cause and effect to invade Cui Yu, but unexpectedly, he failed at the critical moment.

Cui Yu looked at the direction in which the Chaotic Soul Demon King was escaping, and said unhurriedly: Why do you have to leave in such a hurry, ancestor? Why don't you sit down and chat with me?

A ghost is talking to you. The Chaotic Soul Demon King replied with a curse as he ran away.

Cui Yu shook his head: After all, we are old acquaintances, so how can we treat guests like this? Well, since the ancestor refuses to see me, then I will go see the ancestor.

After saying the words, Cui Yu threw his hand, and the dragon-binding rope flew out and bound it towards the soul-stirring demon king. Unexpectedly, the soul-stirring demon king was clever and grabbed a little rabbit from the roadside and threw it over. He got on the dragon-binding rope and was entangled by the dragon-binding rope.

The Chaos Soul Demon King took the opportunity to continue to escape, but Cui Yu put away the dragon-binding rope and looked thoughtfully at the direction in which the Chaos Soul Demon King was escaping. In an instant, the world in his sleeves opened up: I want to see where you are escaping.

As Cui Yu opened the Qiankun in his sleeves, although the Chaotic Soul Demon King was a master in the Jinzhi realm, he was unable to resist the power of the Qiankun in his sleeves.

On the one hand, he does not have the innate spiritual treasure to resist the sucking power of Qiankun in his sleeves, and on the other hand, his magical powers are really lacking.

It sounds like he was helpless. The law of cause and effect was so overbearing that all the magical powers in his body were removed. He could only use the law of cause and effect to plot against people secretly.

The Chaotic Soul Demon King screamed, and flew back. Within a few breaths, he landed in Cui Yu's sleeve Qiankun. The next moment, the dragon-binding rope fell into the Xiuli Qiankun, trapping the Chaos Soul Demon King. .

Cui Yuxiu released the Qiankun in his sleeves and placed the Chaotic Soul Demon King on the ground: Ancestor, we have met again, why do you have to run away again?

The Chaotic Soul Demon King looked at Cui Yu angrily: You come to trouble me, and I have no means to deal with you. What else can I do if I don't run away?

Although the Chaotic Soul Demon King was captured by Cui Yu, he did not panic: Boy, I am immortal, ancestor. Even if you kill me now, one day in the future, I will still come from time and space. You cannot kill me. Once I am resurrected, your relatives, friends, and disciples will be in great misfortune. If you understand me, let me go quickly. If not, Shi Xiang…just kill me.”

When did I say to kill the ancestor? Cui Yu asked.

The Chaotic Soul Demon King was stunned and looked at Cui Yu with confused eyes: You won't kill me?

Why should I kill you? Cui Yu was puzzled.

Why did you come to arrest me if you didn't kill me? Are you full? Or do you have nothing to do? The Soul Demon King looked at Cui Yu with a speechless face. He was really speechless now.

Cui Yu looked at the angry Demon King, and suddenly realized that this guy was not afraid of death. If he was afraid of death, he wouldn't be able to say such strong words.

I'm just interested in the ancestor's law of cause and effect. I want to borrow the ancestor's law of cause and effect to study. Cui Yu looked at the Chaos Soul Demon King with a smile in his eyes.

My law of cause and effect is innate. You'd better stop thinking about it and go to bed early. The Chaotic Soul Demon King said angrily.

Although he was at a disadvantage at this time, he was not afraid of Cui Yu.

Because he is immortal, he is not afraid.

Cui Yu knelt down and looked at the Soul King, who was only the size of a soybean, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. It was hard to imagine that the famous Soul King was only this big.

Cui Yu stepped forward and asked, How do you master the law of cause and effect?

I was originally the incarnation of the laws of heaven and earth, but the condensed law of cause and effect. Later, the heaven and earth changed, and I gained the strange power in the legal world, which made the evolution of my law of cause and effect evolve into the law of cause and effect. Pair of the Chaotic Soul Demon King Looking at Cui Yu, his eyes were full of emotion.

Cui Yu looked at the Soul Demon King with his eyes, thinking about the truth or falsehood of what the Soul Demon King said.

According to what the Chaotic Soul Demon King said, he was an innate creature born according to the law of cause and effect. However, one day, the heaven and earth changed suddenly, causing his conception to fail. However, he also obtained the creation of the Dharma Realm and a certain item in the Dharma Realm. The weird objects merged into one, and his law of cause and effect turned into the law of cause and effect. Cui Yu thought about the words of the Soul Demon King in his heart, and carefully considered the correctness of the words of the Soul Demon King.

At this moment, Cui Yu fell into silence, and for a while it was difficult to tell whether what the Soul Demon King said was true or false.

How did you resolve my law of cause and effect? The Soul Demon King looked at Cui Yu curiously: I have controlled countless powerful men, and you are the only one who can resolve my law of cause and effect.

Cui Yu did not answer the words of the Soul Demon King, but looked at him with burning eyes: Tell me how I can refine you into a magic weapon, or take your body away. Can I master the power of the law of cause and effect?

The power of the law of cause and effect is too tempting! Cui Yu doesn’t want to give up!

Cui Yu must obtain this kind of power that ignores realms, magical powers, and laws. In the future, if a certain saint is resurrected, or the true spirit fragments of those with great magical powers are resurrected, and he turns them into puppets, then the entire prehistoric world Are they all crawling at their feet?

The Chaotic Soul Demon King looked at Cui Yu in horror: What are you going to do? Don't mess around! You can't kill me, and you can't refine me into an innate spiritual treasure.

Cui Yu looked at the Chaotic Soul Demon King with his eyes: Accept me as your master.

You're dreaming! Don't even think about it! I'd rather die than admit my master. The Soul Demon King said firmly: You might as well kill me with one knife.

Kill you with one knife? You must know that there are many things in this world, but they are more terrifying than death. Cui Yu said angrily, while speaking, the energy of creation in his hand was flowing, and soon a restraining curse appeared in his hand.

In fact, the forbidden curse is just a golden thread, not the one in Journey to the West.

What is that? The Chaotic Soul Demon King looked at the golden hoop in Cui Yu's hand, with a hint of horror in his eyes, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

Cui Yu didn't explain, and directly put the golden hoop on the Soul Demon King. Then he saw the golden hoop fall off the flesh and take root, and it merged with the Soul Demon King in an instant.

Then Cui Yu recited the mantra, and heard the screams of the Chaotic Soul Demon King resounding across the world. It was truly thrilling, and the hearts of those who heard it were filled with horror.

But Cui Yu was indifferent and just silently recited the incantation, only to hear the Chaotic Soul Demon King scream, and finally fainted, but still did not surrender.

What a strong will. No matter what, this Chaos Soul Demon King cannot let him go back alive, otherwise once he takes revenge, he will definitely cause a big mess. Cui Yu was thinking in his heart, when suddenly a sword light flashed through the void in the distance, He slashed towards Cui Yu's neck.

The sword light came very quickly, three points faster than the thunder. When Cui Yu reacted, he suddenly felt that the world was spinning and the corpses had been separated.

Am I dead? My head was cut off with a sword? Cui Yu's head was spinning in the air, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes. The sword light was too weird, as if it came out of thin air. Cui Yu No precautions at all.

Fortunately, Cui Yu was not an ordinary monk. The heart of the Dharma Realm shook slightly. When he was about to resurrect, he was temporarily suppressed by Cui Yu. He wanted to see who dared to plot against him secretly.

The next moment, the sword light condensed in the void and turned into a middle-aged figure, standing on the ground looking at Cui Yu's body, his eyes full of arrogance: Bold traitor, you dare to steal my Wuzhuang Guan Zhibao Qiankun in the Sleeve, today I was about to make you suffer a disaster. But it was my good fortune that I unexpectedly obtained such a supreme treasure. It is a great achievement for me to be able to find the universe in my sleeves.

The middle-aged man came to Cui Yu's head and kicked Cui Yu's head. He was startled after seeing Cui Yu's face clearly: Isn't it that traitor Shi Long? No matter who it is, who stole the most precious treasure of my Wuzhuang Temple, they deserve to be punished. Ten thousand deaths.”

As he spoke, the man lowered his head, stretched out his hands to touch Cui Yu's sleeves, and was about to take away the universe in Cui Yu's sleeves. But at this moment, the universe in Cui Yu's sleeves suddenly opened. Unexpectedly, Cui Yu's body could activate magical powers, and his whole body was directly loaded into Qiankun in his sleeves.

The head was sufficient, and the body was intact in an instant. Cui Yu looked at the man in Qiankun in his sleeves, his eyes full of coldness: It turns out it was Shilong's cause and effect.

Who are you? Why did you harm me? Cui Yu asked.

Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding! The Qi practitioner fell into Xiuli Qiankun, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly explained:

I'm watching Qi practitioner Tan Taiming in Wuzhuang. A few days ago, I felt an earth-shattering Qi rising into the sky in the wilderness, so I came to check. I saw you overturning mountains and seas to capture the demon king before, and it turned out to be The Universe in the Sleeve of my Wuzhuang Temple is on display, so I came here to recover it. The Universe in the Sleeve is the most precious treasure of our Wuzhuang Temple town. Please hand over the Universe in the Sleeve, so as not to cause any big trouble.

Wuzhuang Temple? Cui Yu frowned. Of course he was familiar with the name of Wuzhuang Temple. It was one of the three holy places for Qi practitioners in the world.

But he never imagined that the universe he obtained from Shi Long was actually related to Wuzhuang Temple. Moreover, he also obtained the Qi training formula of Wuzhuang Temple in the past year, but the formula was of little use. So he didn't practice.

Misunderstanding? You chopped off my head and you came to tell me about the misunderstanding? Cui Yu smiled coldly. If he hadn't mastered the art of hiding his mind, he might have died.

Moreover, this person is only at the level of White Emperor, but his sword skills are such that even a demigod like himself cannot react, which shows the ability of Wuzhuangguan.

I only thought you were Shi Long, that traitor who changed his face, but now I know that you are definitely not Shi Long, because Shi Long never has the ability to bring back the dead like you. Since you have not died, our hatred can be resolved. , As long as you hand over the secret in your sleeves and reveal the whereabouts of Shilong, we will never hold you accountable. The middle-aged man vowed.

Upon hearing this, Cui Yu glanced at the Wuzhuang Temple monk:

Let's not talk about resolving grudges for the moment. Tell me about the Wuzhuang Temple, and then talk about the Qiankun and Shilong in the sleeves. You must make me understand the cause and effect.

That's the truth. When the man saw Cui Yu's voice and attitude softening, he thought things had turned around, so he quickly told everything over again like he was pouring beans:

A sixty-year ago, I, Wuzhuangguan, accidentally excavated a large tomb under the mountain gate. The ancestor of Wuzhuangguan entered the tomb, was plotted by the government, and was trapped in the ancient tomb. However, he entered the ancient tomb's door together with him. Following the order of the ancestor, he brought out three treasures. One is the treasure mirror of heaven and earth. The second is the universe in the sleeve, and the third is a secret book: the five elements smelting hand. Then enter the ancient tomb with the ancestor. , but the disciple who brought out the treasure is Shilong. The man's voice was full of emotion: The Shilong saw the profit and forgot his righteousness, and secretly murdered the ancestor in the ancient tomb, and returned with the three secret treasures. He was afraid that the ancestor was not dead. In the tomb, he took the opportunity to escape overnight and rebelled against Wuzhuangguan.

Because the Patriarch returned in time, the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror blocked Shilong's path, so he abandoned the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror to divert the Patriarch's attention. Then Shi Long took the opportunity to escape and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.

Hearing this, Cui Yu suddenly realized that the Five Zang Jin he saw back then must be the inheritance of Wuzhuang Temple.

However, Shi Long was also a ruthless person. Faced with this opportunity, he chose to bully his master and destroy his ancestors without hesitation. His character was shocking.

It's a pity that his qualifications are too poor. He may have the Five Elements Iron Smelter, but he has been unable to step into the avenue. In the end, he was tricked to death by himself. The Qiankun in the Sleeve and the Five Elements Iron Smelter both fulfilled him.

How many masters do you have in Wuzhuang Temple? How many people are enlightened? Cui Yu asked again: How many innate spiritual treasures are there?

He wanted to weigh it up to see if he could afford to offend him.

Hearing Cui Yu's question, the Wuzhuangguan monk also noticed something was wrong. Cui Yu asked so, how could he mean to let him go?

As long as you return the Universe in Your Sleeves and the Five Elements Iron Hand, I swear on behalf of Wuzhuang Temple that you will never be held accountable for your crimes. The man said quickly.

Cui Yu was dissatisfied when he heard this, and said in a cold voice: Guilty? What sin do I have? I also snatched the Qiankun in the Sleeve from Shi Long. I was able to snatch it away because of my ability. What sin do I have? Why? What do you mean I should give it back?

Cui Yu suddenly became unhappy.

The Wuzhuang Temple monk's face changed when he heard this: Fellow Taoist, although you have some abilities, the universe in your sleeves is closely related to the Five Elements Iron Smelting Hand. You may not be able to afford such a huge cause and effect.

Threaten me? Cui Yu snorted coldly: As long as I kill you, who knows that I have everything in my sleeve? And you killed my head before, how can I let you go?

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