In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 924: Boy, that’s my innate golden body!

Cui Yu led everyone all the way to the next level of the Tianzhou on the other side and to the entrance and exit of the last level.

Fo Lao watched Cui Yu's familiarity with the road, and he could not help but feel moved. He understood the restrictions on the other side of the sky boat. After all, he was also the leader who personally participated in refining the other side of the sky boat. one of those.

This kid seems to have mastered some of the components of the Sky Boat on the Other Side. A thought flashed in the Buddha's mind: I started early enough, but it's a pity that I came late, otherwise the Sky Boat on the Other Side will definitely fall into my hands. In the past, Hongjun In order to suppress the Tiandao body, the patriarch had to dismantle the Heavenly Boat on the other side and use the parts of the Heavenly Boat on the other side to suppress the Tiandao body.

He thought about it in his heart, but he didn't want to fight for it, because five thousand years was enough time for him to regain his peak state. And what if Cui Yu masters the parts of the other side of the sky boat? He alone can't completely mobilize the other side of Tianzhou. When the time comes, won't he still have to ask for it on himself and others? Join forces with yourself and others?

We're here! At this moment, Cui Yu came to the underground entrance, stopped and said to everyone, and then the next moment the divine power in his body began to brew, controlling the sky boat on the other side to open the restriction and reveal the passage.

Cui Yu walked into it first, followed by Fo Lao and others, and then everyone saw the arm suspended in the magma.

The arms are flawless, as if they were created by the Creator without any flaws.

At this time, the black chain on the arm was almost completely broken.

It is indeed a branch of the way of heaven. There was a solemn look in the Buddha's eyes.

Everyone, we don't have much time left. Once he recovers completely, I'm afraid the other side of the sky will not be able to suppress him. Cui Yu replied.

Miao Shan nodded when he heard the words: In that case, let's join forces and weigh the weight of this heavenly arm.

I'll go first! Zhang Jiao knew that Tiandao's arm was difficult to handle, so he could only be the main force, with the rest assisting.

If the Tiandao Arm is asked to suppress the other strong men, he may not be able to suppress the Tiandao Arm by himself.

The next moment, Zhang Jiao was seen worshiping in the void with a respectful expression: Disciple Zhang Jiao, please bow down to the teacher to give you divine power.

After Zhang Jiao finished worshiping, the next moment the jade scroll of the Book of Heaven in his hand turned into a khaki light, pouring into Zhang Jiao's body. Then the next moment Zhang Jiao's body twisted and turned into a lion head and an elephant body, with four pairs of eyes. Hooves, a monster with eight pairs of arms.

The Yellow Sky has arrived. The Buddha couldn't help but shrink his pupils as he looked at the Dharma image, with a solemn look in his eyes.

At this time, Huang Tian's body was full of energy, which was no worse than that of a saint. His eyes looked greedily at the white arm: Tiandao arm? What a great blessing! As long as I devour the Heavenly Dao arm, I can break the shackles and covet the origin of Heavenly Dao. To the point of swallowing up the way of heaven and replacing it.”

The next moment, Huang Tian swung out a palm and struck towards the white arm.

In order to kill Tiandao's arm, Huang Tian showed no signs of clumsiness. The power of Taotao Saint circulated, and with a palm shot, infinite momentum followed. Countless momentum vaguely gathered into a big mountain, and that mountain contained a kind of power. To suppress the general trend, we must suppress that white arm.

By the way, I have a doubt. When the five directions and five heavens come together to reverse chaos, they can become the carrier of Heaven's Dao. Logically speaking, they should be the younger brothers of Heaven's Dao. Why are they killing Heaven's Dao now? It's okay if they don't help. How can... ...How can you be...more active than us? Cui Yu's voice was full of doubts.

The old Buddha on the side explained with a smile: Actually, it is quite simple. You only need to regard the five directions and five heavens as generals, and the consciousness of heaven is the king. Although the king tells the minister to die, the minister must die, but which general has not been Where is the emperor's heart? When the Five Directions and Five Heavens were created, they were born to be shackled by the way of heaven, and their strength was shackled. The origin of the way of heaven is the key to breaking the shackles. Once Huang Tian swallows the origin of the way of heaven, he can break his shackles. , there is hope that he can seek to usurp the throne and become the supreme monarch.

Cui Yu's pupils shrank when he heard this, but he was even more puzzled: In this case, doesn't it mean that he killed Tiandao's arm and cultivated a more powerful enemy? If Huang Tian is asked to break through the shackles, we will still be the unlucky ones.

Cui Yu didn't believe that the people in power in this world would let him and others go.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, the Buddha smiled softly: There are still five thousand years before the end of heaven and earth comes. Do you think Huang Tian still has a chance to defeat Tiandao and liquidate us? Although Tiandao suffered heavy losses and fell into a deep sleep, he was born with the ability to control the laws of heaven and earth. Orthodoxy is not so easily overthrown.”

Cui Yu felt a little uneasy when he heard this. Although five thousand years is not a long time, five thousand years is definitely not a short time.

Just as they were talking, the arms of Huang Tian and Tiandao clashed. The seal in the hand of Tiandao's arm changed and turned into a strange handprint. It was packed with indescribable power and hit the mountain. In an instant, both sides had magical powers. They collided together, and it was hard to see the outcome for a while. A terrifying aftermath swept across, making Cui Yu's figure begin to shake.

Fortunately, Miaoshan was standing with Cui Yu at this time, and saw the Buddha's light flowing in Miaoshan's hand, fixing Cui Yu's figure.


The next moment, the mountain shattered into pieces, and Tiandao's arm evolved a terrifying edge, slashing towards Huang Tian.

Huang Tian was not to be outdone, and endless yellow sand evolved around his body, forming a strange domain force field that enveloped the sword light. The yellow sand in the sky rolled up, constantly hitting the sword light, and constantly breaking down the edge of the sword light.

Seeing this, Tiandao's arm was unhurried, only to see that the seals in his hands were changing, and the space began to be manipulated and twisted. Huang Tian was wrapped in the twisted space, and was exiled in the void. But who knew what would happen in Huang Tian's hands at the next moment? A big mountain appeared. That big mountain had the meaning of being the top of the sky and the earth. It seemed that it was the arrival of ancient times, traveling down through time and space, and actually crushing the twisted space. Then the big mountain continued to move forward and suppressed the arm of the way of heaven.

You rebel against the party, how dare you do the following? Gu Jing Wubo's words came from within his arm. The next moment, time around his arm began to become chaotic, and time began to flow backwards. In an instant, Huang Tian was knocked back to the mountain before he could use his magical powers. Disappeared into thin air.

At this moment, Tiandao's arm took the opportunity to move forward and slapped Huang Tian on the chest. The shock caused Huang Tian to spit out a mouthful of blood.

The two sides fought, and Huang Tian was temporarily at a disadvantage.

Huang Tian's power has already stepped onto the holy path. This world is simply unreasonable and really overpowering. How could there be such a terrifying monster as Tian? Miao Shan's voice was filled with emotion.

Huang Tian has the realm of a saint, but what about his arms? Cui Yu asked.

That arm is even more amazing. It controls all the laws of heaven and earth. It is no longer measurable by realm. Although it is only in the realm of a saint, it can control all laws of heaven and earth. It can be said to be omniscient and omnipotent, immeasurable. Unless there is It is an innate treasure, otherwise we may not be able to take it. There was some worry in the Buddha's voice: I wonder if you can master the parts of the other side of the sky boat? If the power of the other side of the sky boat can be released in this section, I am afraid it will be no less than the innate... A treasure.

Cui Yu heard this and said: I can master it, but the time I can master it is very small. I'm afraid it only takes a few breaths.

Cui Yu now has the opportunity to display the Heavenly Avatar and has mastered the core of the Heavenly Boat on the other side. Now he has a slight chance.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Mr. Fo looked at Cui Yu in surprise: It's not simple.

He knew that Cui Yu was not simple, but he didn't expect that Cui Yu could exert some of the peak power of Bianan Tianzhou at critical moments. That was something that only a quasi-sage could do.

The fear of Cui Yu in his heart became even more serious.

While the two sides were talking, Cui Yu's eyes showed a look of seriousness. He stared at the fight in the field with his eyes and suddenly said: It seems something is not good.

Why do you say that?

I saw the laws around Qingtian and Tiandao changing. Huang Tian was in charge of the laws related to earth, and all the magical powers he displayed were of the 'earth' nature, but that was not the case with his arm. Various laws came to him at his fingertips, like an antelope hanging its horns, as if they were made in nature. Sometimes the laws of space change, cutting the space and banishing Huang Tian to the dimensional world, and sometimes a magical power of time makes Huang Tian miserable.

Fellow Taoists, please help me quickly. After Huang Tian and Qing Tian exchanged hundreds of moves, they gradually fell into a disadvantage. Finally they couldn't hold on any longer and began to call for reinforcements.

Cui Yu's pupils shrank when he heard this: It's unbelievable. Huang Tian is now in a complete state, and the Dao of Heaven is just an arm. I really don't know how powerful the Dao of Heaven would be if it were in a complete state. No wonder even Dao Ancestor Hongjun has all fallen.

The Buddha did not answer Cui Yu's words, but the Buddha's light was flowing around him at the next moment: The past and the future connect the three lives, borrowing the power of the past.

The next moment, a long river of time appeared around the Buddha. At that time, the chaotic air on the long river was hazy. I didn't know where it came from, and I didn't know where it went. I saw the mighty waves of the river, and the monk holding the colorful light in one hand. At this time Going down the long river of time, lotuses grew everywhere step by step. In an instant, they walked from the ancient past to the present and fell into the body of the Buddha.

The next moment, the old Buddha stretched out his palm, a ball of colorful light flashed, and the whole body exuded the mighty majesty of the saint, and it moved towards the arm of the heaven to suppress.

Feeling the majesty of a saint around the Buddha, Cui Yu was shocked: How come the Buddha has the power of a saint?

Cui Yu's eyes were full of disbelief.

Too strong!

The Buddha and the Elder are only in the Golden Imperial Realm. Because the shackles of heaven and earth have come, the Buddha and the Elder cannot theoretically break the shackles of the heaven and the earth. Even if the shackles of heaven and earth are broken, should we break through to the Taiyi realm like the monkey demon great sage?

Why do you suddenly have the fighting power of a saint?

Miao Shan looked at Cui Yu when he heard the words: My Buddhist methods are mysterious and unpredictable. I can ask for divine methods to make the strong people of ancient Buddhism give me strength and borrow the power of ancient Buddhism. And the Buddha has mastered the avenue of cause and effect, and is related to a certain person. The Buddha in the past time and space in the unknown was born and induced, attracting the other party's power to bless him.

Cui Yu's heart suddenly thought: A Buddhist saint? Jieyin? Zhunti?

Looking at the colorful Buddha light, it seems to be a small branch, which seems very strange.

There was something strange in Cui Yu's eyes: Could it be that Elder Buddha used the power of cause and effect to borrow the power of Saint Zhunti? Then will the fragments of Saint Zhunti's true spirit be resurrected by the opportunity?

Strange thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart.

After Tiandao's arm felt the breath of the Buddha, a feeling of disgust came: It's such a familiar breath. It seems that it was a puppet that was buried deep in time and space, and now it has appeared again.

I was able to suppress you in time and space back then, and I can also send you back now. Tiandao pointed his arm at the Buddha and said, Eternity is rushing, and time is going back!

He wanted to use the power of time to break up the borrowed power of Buddha and reuse the power of time to send Buddha back to the borrowed power from the past.

Who is the Chunti Saint? He is a true saint. From practicing in the prehistoric world to the Great Tribulation of the End of the Law, and experiencing countless years of hard training in the chaos, his cultivation has long reached a mysterious and unpredictable state. Facing the power of turning back time, Buddha murmured softly: It's not on this shore, it's not on the other shore.

After the words fell, the figure of the Buddha began to become illusory. The mighty river of time passed through the body of the Buddha, rolling up turbulent waves, but the Buddha was like an illusory mirage on the river of time.

At the same time, the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree appeared and suppressed the arm: My fellow Taoist is no longer as good as before. The world here is destined to be destroyed. Why do you, my fellow Taoist, have to resist in this corner?

Facing the attacks of the two saints Qibao Miaoshu and Huang Tian, ​​Tiandao's arm was finally suppressed, and now he gradually fell into a disadvantage.

However, the way of heaven controls all the laws of heaven and earth, and all kinds of magical powers and laws can be mobilized at your fingertips. Although you are at a disadvantage, you are still undefeated.

It's time for us to take action. A karma body appeared behind Miao Shan's head. As soon as the karma body appeared, it unleashed a mighty pressure. It already had the appearance of a great Luo god, but Miao Shan pulled out a hollow willow in his hand and pointed towards it. That day Dao killed him.

Although Miaoshan only restored the power of Daluo Immortal, the flow of the laws of the Holy Path in his actions was no worse than that of Fo Lao and Huang Tian.

Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian! The Buddha looked at Miao Shan's methods and couldn't help but sigh softly: I didn't expect that you could find the realm of your previous life, and the speed was faster than me. It's incredible.

Three hours! With the power of my current Great Luo Jinxian, I can only support the power of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian for three hours. Miao Shan did not have any ease or self-confidence. After measuring calamities and spending countless years in chaos, shouldn’t it be normal to comprehend the mystery of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian?

Nothing to be proud of!

After the three Hunyuan-level powers were suppressed, Tiandao's arms began to feel a little clumsy and couldn't cope for a while.

It's really difficult to deal with. Tiandao sighed faintly, then gently shook his arm and turned into a young man in white. The young man was male and female, and his arms turned into thirty-six pairs. Each one formed a magic seal to continuously control the world. According to the laws of time, he came to suppress everyone.

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