Gonggong's true form was no match for the opponent. The terrifying existence in front of him was beyond Cui Yu's imagination.

Cui Yu's Gonggong real body has only power, but there is no law attached to it by the great god Gonggong.

The Ran Deng Dao in front of him was a quasi-sage during his life. After coming to this world, he betrayed the ancient world and underwent strange changes. His strength was even greater than that of a saint.

Cui Yu's true form of Gonggong could not tear apart the mutated southern flaming flag rising from the ground in front of him, but Cui Yu had a countermeasure in his mind and his eyes fell on the true mark of Saint Tongtian.

If you want to activate the mark of Saint Tongtian, you must cultivate a magic power of one hour, which means you must have 129,600 years of magic power to activate the mark of Saint Tongtian.

But Cui Yu had an idea. When he activated Gonggong's true body, he already had the power of a quasi-sage. What if he superimposed the mark of a saint on the basis of Gonggong's true body?

At this time, Cui Yu transformed into Gonggong's real body, and the waves of divine power in his body were already endless. As long as Cui Yu's basic mana was not exhausted, Gonggong's real body could be maintained forever.

This is also a buff, 40,000 drops of Gonggong's demonic blood, but it can activate the power of Gonggong's great god that can only be exerted by 129,600 drops of divine blood. What is this not a buff?

At present, the Ran Deng Taoist has displayed the southern flaming flag, and coupled with his own peak quasi-sage strength, he has even crossed the quasi-sage threshold and entered the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. He is by no means the true form of Gonggong. Can be broken.

The next moment Cui Yu activated Gonggong's real body, and then infinite Gonggong's divine power was poured into the mark of Saint Tongtian. Then the next moment Cui Yu's pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes were full of disbelief: Succeeded!

Ten thousand drops of Gonggong's demonic blood can move the true body of a breathing saint.

Cui Yu now has 40,000 drops of Gonggong's demonic blood in his body, which can theoretically activate the four-breathing Holy Seal of Tongtian. But don't forget, the Gonggong Demonic Blood in Cui Yu's body now has been contaminated with the characteristics of Pangu's blood, and is no longer the same as the real Gonggong Demonic Blood.

Moreover, Cui Yu has 50,000 drops of divine blood in his body, which can be continuously supplied to sustain him. Therefore, it is really not a conclusive figure as to how long Cui Yu can last.

As the mark of Saint Tongtian was activated, the mark of Saint Tongtian in Cui Yu's spiritual world turned into the appearance of Saint Tongtian. He took one step to merge with Cui Yu's physical body. In an instant, Cui Yu's Gonggong Dharma image was actually transformed into the image of Saint Tongtian. The laws of the holy way suppressed it.

At this time, Cui Yu's Pangu Chalcedony burst out with a mysterious energy, which actually coordinated the power of Saint Tongtian and the power of Gonggong, so that there was no conflict between the two.

What is a saint?

This was not the first time for Cui Yu to feel the power of a saint, but when the true destiny of the heaven-reaching saint was activated, Cui Yu was still shocked by the feeling that the general trend of heaven and earth was in me.

The laws of heaven and earth are trampled underfoot in a single thought, and the laws of heaven and earth are changed in a single movement. Everything in the world seems to be changed in a single thought.

Cui Yu didn't waste any time and casually took the Immortal Killing Sword in Cui Yu's hand.

Although Cui Yu only has the power of a saint and does not have the magical powers and laws of a saint, it is enough to deal with the beings under the saint.

In Cui Yu's sage Dharma eyes, the black shadow in front of him was full of flaws.

Where is the Randen Taoist who is full of great terror? It was clearly composed of a black shadow. The black shadow was made up of countless flames of extinction. Within the body of the black shadow, an ancient and vicissitudes of arm had undergone inexplicable changes and was invaded by the black flames.

I see!

Cui Yu now entered the realm of a saint, and he no longer had any secrets about many things.

Whose arm is that? Is it Chi You's arm? After the death of the ancestor of Ran Deng, he stole Chi You's arm and wanted to use Chi You's immortal demon body to reshape his body. But for Randeng Taoist, The terrifying and mighty vitality of heaven and earth on the other side of the sky boat is a great tonic for him. Unfortunately, I came too early. He has not yet been conceived and reborn, so he has no chance to escape. Cui Yu suddenly felt in his heart. He breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that he was just a lingering soul that had returned against the odds, not a quasi-sage in peak condition.

Saint!!! Ancestor Ran Deng over there noticed something was wrong. Feeling the sudden momentum gathering around Cui Yu, he suddenly exclaimed with disbelief in his eyes.

The Zhuxian Sword was shining brightly, and Master Jian felt the power of the saint pouring into his body. His voice was full of excitement: Master! Is it you! Is it you, master? Are you back again?

No!!! I am willing to surrender!!! Taoist Ran Deng shouted in panic.

But Cui Yu was ruthless, and the Immortal Killing Sword suddenly fell down. The next moment, a terrifying sword law passed through the world and struck the black mist.


Taoist Ran Deng screamed, and the next moment he saw a dark black light emerging. The light formed a protective shield, blocking Taoist Ran Deng's body.

The sword energy passed by, the lampshade shattered, and the black lamplight was extinguished by the Zhuxian sword energy, leaving shallow sword marks on the candlestick that held the light.

You and I are both strong men from ancient times and come from the same place. Why do we have to fight to the death? You must keep a side of yourself as a human being so that we can meet each other easily in the future... Although Taoist Ran Deng blocked the blow of the Zhuxian Sword, there was a look in his eyes. The panic never dissipated.

His current resurrection has not yet been completed, and he cannot resist the attack of Saint Tongtian. Even though he turned into something strange, and with the help of the Heavenly Dao in this world, his cultivation level reached the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, he still fell into the horrific catastrophe of the past and became cannon fodder.

After Cui Yu heard the words of Taoist Ran Deng, his movements did not pause at all. The terrifying Qi of the Zhuxian Sword in his hand gathered again, and the innate murderous intention gathered in Cui Yu's body, and he slashed at the opponent with great force.

Cui Yu had no choice. The divine blood in his body was being consumed rapidly. If he did not kill the opponent before the divine blood was consumed, he would be the one who would die if the opponent regretted his actions.

A Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in a state of remnant soul is nothing more than a chicken and a dog to Cui Yu.

You're going too far! Ancestor Ran Deng saw Cui Yu slashing down the Zhuxian Sword Qi again, with a hint of anger in his eyes. The next moment, the southern flaming flag lifted off the ground and stood in front of him.

Black flames flowed on the southern flaming flag, and Cui Yu's Immortal Killing Sword was deflected by the southern flaming flag.

Although it was resolved, Ancestor Ran Deng still felt uncomfortable. The runes on his arm vibrated and cracked apart, dissipating between heaven and earth.

No! Don't! Taoist Ran Deng looked at the broken runes, with a look of panic in his eyes and a desperate cry. The next moment, the arm seemed to have lost the control of the runes, exuding a pulling force. , directly swallowed the soul of the ancestor Ran Deng.

Cui Yu was startled. The saint who was about to mention Ju was also shocked. An inexplicable and terrifying energy spread between heaven and earth. Even if Cui Yu had the power of a saint at this time, he was still frightened and had a bad energy. A premonition came over me.

I remember! I remember! At this moment, Chi You's voice rang in Cui Yu's ears: Boy, you must not be careless. There is an arm of heaven suppressing you here! You must not be let down by it. Escape, and once you are escaped by him, all the great powers in our prehistoric world will completely lose hope of returning.

Cui Yu couldn't help but be shocked when he heard Chi You's words. He looked at the arm with disintegrated black runes in disbelief: Isn't that your arm?

When did I say that was my arm? Chi You asked Cui Yu.

Cui Yu's heart trembled. There was nothing simple that could be related to the way of heaven.

Why did Tiandao's arm appear here? How could Tiandao have a physical body? Cui Yu quickly asked.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Chi You said with an ugly face: In the past, the saints from the ancient times came and the world was created with five directions and five heavens. Then the five directions and five heavens merged into one to reverse the chaos and became the carrier of the way of heaven. Then the true form of the way of heaven came. Fight with the powerful ones such as the founder Hongjun.

This arm is the arm of the Heavenly Dao that was chopped off by the founder Hongjun. Because the Heavenly Dao is immortal, he immediately dismantled the Heavenly Boat on the other side and used the Heavenly Boat on the other side to suppress it. Ran Deng wants to steal the power of the Heavenly Dao and be reborn against the heavens. Who can I am really unlucky to have been broken by you. Chi You's voice was full of gloating: You know, in the past, Taoist Ran Deng was in charge of the power of annihilation, and the deaths of the saints were inextricably linked to him. You must know that. Unless Hongjun, the teaching ancestor, used the Three Treasures of Pangu to temporarily return to his origin and refine the Pangu Ax, I'm afraid it would be really difficult to kill the true form of Ran Deng and Tiandao.

Why is the Heavenly Dao sleeping? It's because the descending true body was severely injured by Pangu's axe, and part of the Heavenly Dao origin was suppressed and fell into an extremely weak state. Unfortunately, the ancestor Hongjun also had to die because of exhaustion. Unexpectedly, Ran Deng The ancestor actually set his sights on the incarnation of Tiandao, and he almost succeeded. If he is asked to refine the true body of Tiandao, and then reshape the body, it will be a small-scale Tiandao. Chi You's voice was full of horror.

As he spoke, Chi You turned to look at Cui Yu, his eyes full of weirdness. No matter what, he couldn't imagine how Cui Yu could have the power of a saint.

Unfortunately, now is not the time to ask, and even if you ask yourself, the other party will not tell you.

This is Cui Yu’s secret!

Cui Yu was a chicken thief, he had already learned a lesson.

Cui Yu didn't say much. The next moment he raised the Zhuxian Sword and slashed at the arm.

I saw that the arm was as white as jade, and seemed to be the most perfect carved ornament in the world. There was a Taoist rhyme flowing on it, and the white light shone on the palm, which seemed to be able to redeem all things in the world.

The laws are hanging down, and the will of heaven and earth is surrounding them.

And the black runes were branded on the white arms, forming ugly spots. At this time, with the flash of white light, the black runes collapsed and dissolved: I knew that you group of monks from outside the world... They are not worthy of trust and all of them have second thoughts.”

A chaotic voice came out from the arm. The voice sounded like a man but not a man, a woman but not a woman, an old man but not a young man.

The voice was indifferent, without any emotion.

At this time, Cui Yu's Zhuxian Sword was chopped down again. His arm gently raised his fingers to make a flower shape, and actually twisted the Zhuxian Sword that Cui Yu had chopped off with the power of the holy way.

Powerful man from ancient times, I remember your breath. You were killed by me in time and space back then. I didn't expect that you broke the time and space blockade and survived. Tiandao's voice came from his arm, and the next moment his arm released the Zhuxian Sword. , with a sudden flick, the Zhuxian Sword came out of his hand, and Cui Yu was knocked away.

Along with that terrifying shock force, the divine blood in Cui Yu's body bottomed out, and Tongtian Fate and Gonggong's real body were directly knocked back to their original forms.

Is this the power of heaven? Cui Yu's voice was full of horror. A gash was opened in his chest, and golden blood flowed out.

There is no doubt that the innate golden body saved his life again!

But there was a powerful force attached to the wound, which prevented Cui Yu's wound from healing. The scar was directly engraved into Cui Yu's spirit and spirit, severely damaging Cui Yu's spirit and spirit.

Quickly go! Heaven's way is higher than that of saints. You can't imagine his strength. Even if you only have one arm, you can't compete with him. Chi You's voice was full of anxiety.

Cui Yu spurted golden blood from his mouth, then jumped into the air without saying a word and escaped from the underground space.

What should I do? Cui Yu stood at the entrance, looking at the arm in the magma below, his eyes full of anxiety.

For the first time, he realized that things seemed to be beyond his control.

What should I do? How the hell do I know what to do? Chi You cursed and muttered, then looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: Now there are two news, one good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear first? ?”

Huh? Cui Yu frowned: Where's the bad news?

Once this arm escapes from the trap, the will of Heaven will have a carrier, and it may wake up directly from its deep sleep. Once this arm escapes, it will find ways to break the remaining restrictions and find the remaining bodies. By then, there will be no one left in the world. People can check and balance. After all, there will be no sect Hongjun and prehistoric saints in this world, and all of our prehistoric bloodlines will fall under the power of heaven. Chi You's voice was full of solemnity.

Where's the good news? Cui Yu asked.

The good news is that as long as you refine the heavenly arm in front of you, you will definitely be able to step into the realm of demigods, and even directly transform into an innate god. It is not without a chance. The arm is currently being suppressed by the other side of the sky, and it cannot escape for a moment. He cannot come out, but he has absorbed the power of annihilation from Taoist Ran Deng, and even the Tianzhou on the other side cannot stop him for three to five months. In other words, after three to five months, the will of that Tao will definitely come out again. Speaking of this, Chi You said: I used to wonder why the ancestor of Styx hatched Qingtian here. I'm afraid he had the idea of ​​​​devouring the arm of the Dao after hatching Qingtian. Once he succeeds, everyone will They’re all in big trouble.”

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