In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 919 The mysterious figure

As the Third Prince Long was refined into her body, a transparent Qi machine appeared around the girl's body. The Qi machine continued to vibrate and flicker, and in an instant it transformed into a transparent divine dragon, which looked exactly like the Third Prince.

After the dragon circled around Wu Zhao, it suddenly showed a fierce look on its face, opened its bloody mouth and bit Cui Yu, as if it wanted to swallow Cui Yu.

You evil beast, don't be so presumptuous! But when Wu Zhao yelled angrily, the dragon that rushed towards Cui Yu was suddenly frozen in the void, and then was pulled by an invisible force. It penetrated through the Baihui point on Wu Zhao's head and returned. within the body.

This evil beast is so clever that he almost lost control. It's not because I have the power of the blue sky to guard him, but I'm afraid it has already been bitten by him. Wu Zhao opened his eyes, with a glimmer of light in his eyes, and looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes. Full of joy.

Cui Yu heard this and said: The Third Prince Long is the reincarnation of an existence from the ancient times. He is most likely the incarnation of the ancestor of the Dragon Clan. You must be more careful when practicing secret arts in the future.

Cui Yu looked at Wu Zhao. He could feel that there was a huge force gathering in Wu Zhao's body. Wu Zhao's Qi was rising rapidly, and the divine blood in his body was being continuously refined. It was obviously a great benefit.

Cui Yu, I have to thank you very much this time. Wu Zhao looked at Cui Yu with his eyes filled with little stars: Don't worry, you are so kind to me and helped me find Prince Long San. I will definitely do it. To repay you, you will be the first of my three thousand male favorites in the harem in the future. You will lead the harem for me, and I will give you endless glory and wealth.

Hearing Wu Zhao's words, Cui Yu smiled bitterly. She was a nice girl, but she had a long mouth.

What are your plans for the future? Cui Yu looked at Wu Zhao.

Return to the Wu family and take back everything I have. I want to reintegrate the Wu family and face the coming chaos! Wu Zhao's voice was full of seriousness: It has been five thousand years, and I, the Yulong clan, should also strive for hegemony in the world. Let’s compete for the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth.”

Hearing this, Cui Yu nodded: You have the fate of Qingtian. If you can fight for hegemony in the world, gather the world's faith, and help Qingtian's reorganization and resurrection, it will be a road to heaven for you.

What about you? What are your plans for the future? Wu Zhao looked at Cui Yu with his bright eyes and beautiful teeth. His eyes were full of expectation: Why don't you follow me back to the Yulong clan? You are my warrior. When you return to the Yulong clan, why don't you come with me? After the Long family, I will never treat you badly, and I will definitely make you a prince and king in the future.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this, and flicked his finger against Wu Zhao's smooth forehead: Let's wait until you can take back the power of the Wu family.

Wu Zhao couldn't dodge, so he could only be hit hard by Cui Yu. His forehead was red and swollen. He stared at Cui Yu and said aggrievedly: I am your master, you are my warrior, and you bully me. How can I The samurai and the master are so presumptuous!

Wu Zhao was about to cry, and Cui Yu didn't bother to pay attention to the drama queen: Are you going out now, or are you waiting for me to finish handling the things here, and then we go out together?

Cui Yu now has some control over the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty.

After hearing what Cui Yu said, Wu Zhao said angrily: Send me away like this? The Xuan family must have a lot of good things accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years. I'm going to search for the Xuan family's secrets. You can handle your own affairs. Bar.

After Wu Zhao finished speaking, he rushed towards the ruins with great interest.

Looking at Wu Zhao, Cui Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head. This girl's personality is the same as that of a little girl.

Cui Yu also wanted to look for the formation map of the Eight Views of the Shangqing Dynasty and find the components of the Heavenly Boat on the other side. For him, the components of the Heavenly Boat on the other side must not be given up.

Fortunately, Cui Yu now has some control over the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty. Following the context of the Eight Scenery Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, Cui Yu escaped directly to the ground and reached the deepest part of the earth along the way, only to see in the center of the earth There is a big mountain, made of white jade, with endless Taoist rhymes flowing and intertwining inside it. There are countless palaces on it. It can really be said to be a beautiful palace and a jade palace, as if it is the residence of gods.

And those countless palaces, arranged according to a certain pattern, formed the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty in the outside world.

Be careful, this Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty was refined by the saint himself, and with the blessing of the Heavenly Boat on the other side, its power is much more terrifying than the real innate formation. Chi You carefully followed Cui Yu's shadow. He got out of it and looked at the Tianzhou on the other side with his eyes:

I can feel that half of my body is pressed under the other side of the sky boat. As long as you refine the other side of the sky boat, I can take back part of my body.

Your body was pressed under the sky boat on the other side? Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this.

How could Chi You's body be pressed under the heavenly boat on the other side?

You know, the innate formation of Tianzhou on the other side has been operating for countless thousands of years, and Chi You was dismembered five thousand years ago?

How did Chi You's body end up under the sky boat on the other side? Could it be the fault of that old guy Zhi Zu? Cui Yu felt wary at this time.

The Tianzhou on the other side is very big, like a huge mountain range. There are divine lights flowing in the countless jade buildings above it, leading to the huge vitality between heaven and earth. The infinite power of the earth surges in and pours into the sky boat on the other side. At the same time, there are stars twinkling in the sky, and the infinite starlight actually crosses directly. Time and space, like the falling of the Milky Way, were brought in by the sky boat on the other side, fell into the innate formation, and became the energy supplying the operation of the innate formation.

I don't remember why my body appeared under the sky boat on the other side. Chi You's eyes were full of confusion.

Cui Yu was silent for a moment, and then said: No matter what, we have to face it after all. You said, if the other side of the sky boat is refined into my twelve capitals of the gods, my twelve capitals of the gods will be destroyed. How high will the power increase?

You are mistaken. The Heavenly Boat on the other side was refined by Dao Ancestor Hongjun himself. How can you destroy it? And even if it wants to be refined into your Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation, there are not more than a dozen Huiyuan. Don't even think about time. When the heaven and the earth are destroyed and destroyed, how can you become enlightened? When the sky collapses and the earth collapses, all saints will perish. Moreover, the Twelve Capital Gods and Evil Formation cannot replace the Tianzhou on the other side after all. Do you think If you want to cross the chaos to find a new world, you can't do it without a boat on the other side. Chi You's voice was very firm.

Cui Yu did not refute, because he also felt that what Chi You said made sense.

He has already obtained the core of the Heavenly Boat on the Other Side in the Holy Land of Lingshan. If he can refine the part in front of him, he will be able to have two Heavenly Boats on the Other Side by then.

Do you think there are any treasures left by great supernatural powers in those ancient buildings and jade buildings? Cui Yu asked.

Don't think about it. The great supernatural powers in the prehistoric period did not cross the chaos in the physical body at all. When the immeasurable calamity comes, those powerful people in the prehistoric era use the list of gods to refine their true spirits into the heavenly boat on the other side to maintain their own strength. In the immortal state, the true spirit relies on the heavenly boat on the other side to live forever. The creatures in the world are simply not suitable to survive in chaos, and those strong ones buried all their bodies in the primitive land. Later, in the long and chaotic time , everyone relied on the energy of Chaos to shape the body of the Innate Demon God and evolved into the Chaos Demon God. Chi You's voice was full of seriousness.

Hearing Chi You's words, Cui Yu was startled: Abandoned your body in the wilderness?

That's right, the physical body of the creatures in the world cannot withstand the erosion of chaos. In this case, it is better to re-give birth to the body of the Chaos Demon God in the chaos. Chi You replied.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard the words, with thoughts circulating in his heart. Then he suppressed his thoughts for the time being, his eyes fell on the innate formation, and he used his escape skills to approach the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, but Cui Yu had just As he got closer, a barrier appeared in the void. There were terrifying purple electric lights flowing on the barrier. Cui Yu was so shocked that he stopped escaping the light and stood in front of the barrier.

Zixiao Divine Thunder! That is Zixiao Divine Thunder! This is the method of teaching ancestor Hongjun. You must not touch it head-on, otherwise you will be turned into ashes with just one encounter. Although your innate inner golden body is powerful, but Without the blessing of the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, facing the Zixiao Divine Thunder would be like paper. Chi You's voice was full of horror.

Cui Yu's face was calm and calm when he heard this. He was not a fool. Of course he could feel that the purple thunder light contained a unique law fluctuation. That law fluctuation was even higher than that of a saint and was not something Cui Yu could touch. .

But if he wanted to enter the core of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, Cui Yu had long been prepared. As Cui Yu's thoughts moved in his mind, he saw the formation of the Twelve Capital Gods turning, like a screw, stuck into the most Among the precision parts, the moving parts are stopped.

At this opportunity, the barrier in front of Cui Yu disappeared, and then Cui Yu used True Water Phaseless Movement to reach inside the core.

Cui Yucai had just arrived inside the formation, and the next moment the barrier behind him was restored again, but at this time he was shocked by the scene in front of him:

This is……

Cui Yu looked at the world in front of him and was stunned for a moment, with disbelief in his eyes.

This is...this is...

Cui Yu was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

The vitality between heaven and earth was so thick that it almost turned into a liquid. The thick vitality of heaven and earth made Cui Yu's breathing quicken, and he couldn't help but want to cough and spit it out.


The vitality between heaven and earth is too terrifying!

The essence of the sun and moon gathered here will condense into mist. Chi You also opened his eyes wide, and then lost his voice: No way! No way! Is this part the energy supply part of the other side of the sky boat?

Cui Yu was stunned when he heard this. Chi You was afraid that Cui Yu wouldn't understand, so he quickly explained: In the past, when the ancestors refined the Heavenly Boat on the other side, it was of course necessary to consider the power of the Heavenly Boat on the other side, so the ancestors refined a spirit-gathering array. The spiritual formation can draw all the energy between heaven and earth to provide power for the Heavenly Boat on the other side. Even the energy of chaos can be decomposed into innate energy by the Heavenly Boat on the other side, and then drive the Heavenly Boat on the other side.

Cui Yu looked shocked when he heard this. If what Chi You said was true, he would have made a lot of money. Send the energy components of the other shore Tianzhou into the Small Thousand World, and then the evolution of the Small Thousand World into the Middle Thousand World will be a matter of course, right?

How huge would it be if it could provide energy for the heavenly boat on the other side? What a vast collection of parts?

There was a hint of surprise in Cui Yu's eyes. He never expected that there would be such an unexpected gain. If this treasure were embedded in the barrier of one's own world, it would be like a heifer standing on its head - so awesome that it would reach the sky!

Cui Yu looked ecstatic, while Chi You was more direct and transformed into the form of a tengu. The crazy whale swallowed the terrifying energy between heaven and earth to use it as food for his own practice.

Cui Yu ignored Chi You, but looked at the palace in the distance. The next moment, it turned into a stream of light and flew towards the palace: The control core of the energy components of the Tianzhou on the other side must be in that palace.

Cui Yuji has refined the core components of the Heavenly Boat on the other side and has some understanding of the components of the Heavenly Boat on the other side.

The palaces at the entrance are rolling up and down. There are probably tens of thousands of palaces. Cui Yu is also familiar with the layout of the palaces. They are arranged according to the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty.

The most important thing is that at this time, Cui Yu got closer and discovered that each palace was a small formation of the Eight Scenes of the Shangqing Dynasty, and then the countless palaces were combined to form a large formation of the Eight Scenes of the Shangqing Dynasty.

Such a superposition of power is indeed the work of a saint, which has increased the power of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty by countless times, far exceeding the scope of the Innate Formation.

Cui Yu looked at the Eight Scenes of the Shangqing Scenery with his eyes, and after a moment of reflection, he said: The Eight Scenery of the Shangqing Scenery is just the defensive formation of the Heavenly Boat on the other side. The formation that controls the energy core of the Tianzhou on the other side should not be the Eight Scenery of the Shangqing Scenery. However, with so many palaces, I don’t know if any of the great powers left behind any good fortune.”

After Cui Yu pondered for a moment, he ignored the groups of palaces and chose to look for the control restrictions of the Tianzhou on the other side. As long as I refine these parts of the Heavenly Boat on the Other Side, am I still afraid that I won't be able to take those palaces into my hands?

If there is a treasure in this palace by then, it must be in his pocket.

Cui Yuhua made a flying light and kept running in the void. Relying on his experience in refining the core of the Tianzhou on the other side, he quickly locked onto an extremely inconspicuous hill.

The hills are covered with luxuriant grass, and there are high mountains and flowing water. Waterfalls flow from the hills, nourishing all living beings in the world.

Next to the waterfall, there is a stone platform. The stone platform is three meters long and one meter high. It does not look strange, but under the stone platform, there are steps. There are wonderful runes engraved on the steps. Look. It looks very strange.

Cui Yu landed in front of the stone platform, with a look of shock in his eyes: What a strong innate Taoist charm! It seems that there is a Taoist Qi imprint in the air that cannot be dissipated.

The most important thing is that there is a figure sitting on the stone platform. The figure looks illusory and blurry, like a transparent person, but the three feet of void around him seems to have opened up a cosmic world on its own, with thousands of miles of purple energy and thousands of miles of gold in it. The vision of falling flowers is in it.

The great avenues condensed into runes in the void and were directly manifested. All laws in the world were no longer secret. .

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