Master Jian was wondering, where did Cui Yu get the little sun?

You must know that there is no sun in the Small Thousand World. The sun in the Small Thousand World is a projection of the sun in a higher dimension. Even the Middle Thousand World just gave birth to an ordinary sun.

Only in the vast world, the sun conceived has already possessed divine power and possesses all kinds of incredible powers.

Although Cui Yu only gave birth to the prototype of a sun, it was not the sun of the small world, nor the sun of the middle world, but the prototype of the sun of the large world.

The true sun fire has been bred in the sun of the world, and the innate divine laws are imprinted in it, and it possesses all kinds of incredible powers.

Although it is only the core prototype of a sun, it already possesses part of the power of the sun's law, and has endless divine power blessing it. Its power will never be worse than the innate spiritual treasure.

Cui Yu looked at Saint Taiqing opposite, but saw Saint Taiqing frowning at this moment: The core of the sun has disappeared? Where did you hide the core of the sun? I can't feel the breath of the core of the sun.

Of course the core of the sun has gone where it should go. Cui Yu's voice was full of seriousness: I have no enmity with the saint. Does the saint really want to form a cause and effect with me?

You have no grievances against me? The essence of heaven and earth accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years in the Eight Views of the Shangqing Dynasty was originally used by my ancestor for rebirth, but who knew that it was robbed by you? Do you think there is anything between us? Cause and effect. Saint Taiqing stared at Cui Yu with his eyes: Hand over the core of the sun.

After hearing the words of Saint Taiqing, Cui Yu knew in his heart that such cause and effect could no longer be resolved.

The next moment, Cui Yu jumped into the air, used the Five Elements Escape Technique, and fled in the direction of the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation.

Escape? Can you escape? Saint Taiqing looked at Cui Yu's escape, his eyes full of coldness: Don't forget, the entire formation is my territory.

Saint Taiqing suddenly slapped his hand, and in an instant it turned into a palm that covered the sky and hit Cui Yu's escape fiercely and domineeringly.

The space was distorted under that palm. Although Cui Yu's escape was very fast, it was not as fast as the palm of Saint Taiqing that distorted the space.

Looking at Saint Taiqing's palm smashed down, Cui Yu's Five Elements Escape Technique seemed to be frozen at this time, and his figure was forced to appear from the void.

Want to kill me? Even if you are the remnant soul of a saint, do you think I will capture you without any help? Cui Yu stretched out his palm, and a jade-colored bamboo slipped from his sleeve, but he saw strange innate secrets flashing on the bamboo. It is the six pure bamboos with innate spiritual roots.

The power of ten thousand drops of divine blood exploded and was poured into the six pure bamboos. The power of reversing yin and yang spread on the bamboo poles. The next moment, the bamboo in Cui Yu's hand lit up, and the world turned into black and white, as if it was an exaggerated picture.

When the palm that covered the sky fell into Cui Yu's black and white scroll, it was actually held in place by the power of yin and yang between heaven and earth.

Then the next moment, the black and white picture was suddenly shattered and turned upside down, and all things and laws of the world began to become chaotic and confused. The palm that controlled the heaven and earth was also shattered by Cui Yu's inversion of yin and yang and the chaotic laws of heaven and earth.

After Cui Yu blocked Saint Taiqing's attack, he continued to run away without saying a word, showing no intention of gaining the upper hand and continuing to fight.

He knows the terror of saints. All saints are ants, and it is not as simple as just talking.

Although he had the upper hand, it was because Saint Taiqing did not react. If Saint Taiqing did, he would never be able to cope with it.

It is not an exaggeration to be extremely careful when facing a saint.

Saint Taiqing looked at Cui Yushi's reversed yin and yang, and couldn't help but be stunned: Thirty-six Heavenly Gang's reversed yin and yang? And it has been practiced to the level of perfection?

It's just that I, ancestor, have mastered the Tai Chi Diagram, the innate treasure, and used it to reverse the yin and yang in front of me. It's just a trick, and it's like playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong. A strange light appeared in the eyes of Taiqing Saint, and he looked at the world where yin and yang were reversed. I saw a ray of Taiqing divine thunder bursting out. In an instant, the divine thunder passed through the void that reversed Yin and Yang. The divine thunder seemed to have a power of 'order', which could order all things in the world, suppress all abnormal movements in the world, and straighten out the laws of heaven and earth. the power of.

I saw that with the arrival of the power of order from the Taiqing Divine Thunder, ripples were rippled in the void, and Cui Yu's power of reversing yin and yang had been wiped out.

Can you run away? When Taiqing Saint saw Cui Yu escaping for dozens of miles, he was not in a hurry to take action. Instead, he waved the eight-view palace lantern in his hand. The next moment, countless thunder lights flickered in the void in front of Cui Yu, blocking the way. In front of Cui Yu.

Fellow Taoist, since you have fallen into my formation, how can I allow you to escape? It's better to die obediently. Taiqing Saint leisurely chased after him with the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern.

Cui Yu's escape was forced to stop again by the thunder and lightning in the sky. He frowned and said: The saint's method is indeed extraordinary.

Cui Yu didn't want to get entangled with Saint Taiqing, so he used six pure bamboos to defend himself. Standing on the edge of the thunder sea, he turned to look at Saint Taiqing walking from a distance: Is it necessary to do this? Is there no way to resolve it?

Yes! Your life! Saint Taiqing stared at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu's expression calmed down and he no longer wasted words with Saint Taiqing. The matter had reached this point and there was no need to ease up.

Six pure bamboos? You are good at luck, but the spiritual objects of the West fell into your hands? If I can obtain six pure bamboos, I will definitely be able to speed up the restoration of the origin of the holy way, and even use the six pure bamboos to repair the soul and restore more souls. The true spirit fragments were resurrected from the depths of time and space. There was a burning look in Saint Taiqing's eyes.

Now that six pure bamboos have been discovered, it is even more impossible to let Cui Yu go.

Cui Yu's body was upright, and there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes: If you want to keep me, you have to see if the saint has the means. Although you are a saint, you are just a destiny, a remnant soul, and a broken soul. It’s just the fragments of the true spirit of destruction that are manifested. Although I am not as good as you, I am a complete body. I will have to compete to find out who is higher and who is lower.

Cui Yu held six pure bamboo strands diagonally in his right hand and held them upside down behind his wrist. With his left hand, he pulled out the jade hairpin on his head. Three thousand hair strands were scattered along the shoulders and behind his head, making him look like a god or demon.

Seeing Cui Yu's hosta, Saint Taiqing was startled and couldn't help but exclaimed: The most precious treasure of creation from the Queen Mother of the West!

The laws of creation were operating, and thousands of drops of divine blood were poured into the hosta in Cui Yu's hand. The next moment, Cui Yu struck the Taiqing Saint.

Try your best!

Facing the saint, Cui Yu chose to try his best.

As Cui Yu's jade hairpin moved, the thunder sea in front of him condensed into earth and rocks, and then he saw the power of the jade hairpin, and everything in its path turned into stones.

An illusory Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram flickered around Saint Taiqing, but it still did not block the power of the hosta. In an instant, Xuan Ye's body was turned into the form of earth and stone.

Saints are not invincible!

Cui Yu couldn't help being stunned when he saw Saint Taiqing being turned into stone as soon as he met him. He didn't expect Saint Taiqing to be so weak. However, before Cui Yu could figure it out, the next moment the void in his chest twisted, and suddenly a hand appeared out of thin air in front of him, pressing on Cui Yu's chest.

It's over! I've been struggling like an ant for a long time! Saint Taiqing's voice sounded in Cui Yu's ears.


Cui Yu's whole body shimmered with golden light, Cui Yu's innate golden body was moving, and the power of his inner golden body blocked the fatal force coming from the palm.

Cui Yu was knocked back by the impact of that force. Feeling the impact, he couldn't help but be surprised: The power of Saint Taiqing is only equivalent to the Taiyi realm, but his every move is followed by an indescribable general trend. , that general trend has turned into an unrivaled force in the dark, and even if the legendary Daluo God comes, I am afraid it will not be able to stop it.

Steel will always be steel, and tofu will always be tofu.

Cui Yu stabilized his body, spit out a mouthful of golden blood, lowered his head to look at his chest, and saw a clear slap mark on Cui Yu's chest.

At this time, Saint Taiqing had woken up from his petrified state and returned to his physical state. He stared at Cui Yu's golden body with his eyes straight: Connect to the innate golden body of the saint! You actually connected to the saint's body. I have an innate golden body, and I will never let you go no matter what happens today. With your golden body, my cultivation will definitely go further.

Damn it, the innate golden body has never been repaired in the first place, and now it is slapped by Saint Taiqing, and the injury is even more serious. Cui Yu looked ugly and turned around and ran away without saying a word.

If you don't run now, when will you wait?

Seeing Cui Yu running away, Saint Taiqing raised his eyebrows: You bastard! Leave my innate golden body behind.

Saint Taiqing has regarded the innate golden body as his own.

The more he fought with Cui Yu, the more excited Sage Taiqing became. The surprise the other party brought to him was so great that he couldn't bear it.

Where to go? Saint Taiqing took a step forward and activated the eight-view palace lantern to connect with the innate formation. Then he saw endless drowning water coming from the void and surrounding Cui Yu.

It seems that I really can't defeat you if I don't use my true skills. Cui Yu was blocked by drowning. He knew that the drowning in front of him was an evolution of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty. It has the true power of innate drowning. If he is not careful, If you fall into it, you will die.

The next moment, Cui Yu's body rolled with divine power, and then his body twisted and transformed into the true form of Gonggong.

Turning to look at Saint Taiqing, Cui Yu's voice was full of anger: Old man, you are bullying others too much! Even if you are Saint Taiqing, you cannot bully others like this.

The next moment Cui Yu activated Gonggong's demonic blood, and the drowning behind him was instantly controlled by Cui Yu. He suddenly wrapped his palm with the power of the drowning and shot it out, suppressing it towards the Taiqing Saint.

The real body of Gonggong? The real body of Gonggong at his peak? Saint Taiqing looked at Cui Yu's photo of Gonggong's devil's palm, with a look of astonishment in his eyes, full of shock: Are you the reincarnation of the water god Gonggong?

Saint Taiqing did not dare to be careless, and quickly raised the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern, and at the same time mobilized the Innate Eight Scenery Formation to suppress Cui Yu's power.


Facing Gonggong at his peak, Saint Taiqing finally stepped back, staggered, and half of his body exploded into blood mist.

Even with the innate spiritual treasure Eight Scenery Palace Lantern, Saint Taiqing could not block Gonggong's full blow.

It’s not that the Taiqing Sage is not good, but part of the power of the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern must be used to mobilize the Eight Scenery Formation, and the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern is a treasure that is mainly used for attack and killing, and it is not good at defense.

Cui Yu succeeded with one blow, but did not continue to pester him, but turned around and ran away without saying a word.

He knows how difficult it is to deal with saints. Now that the true spirit has been resurrected, how can he give up so easily?

Moreover, with Gonggong's real body present, Cui Yu fled very quickly at this time. In just a few breaths, he had arrived at the place where the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods were scheduled to ambush.

As Cui Yu expected, Saint Taiqing had already repaired his physical body and caught up again.

At this time, Cui Yu retreated from Gonggong's real body and turned into his true self. He stared at Saint Taiqing with his eyes: Ancestor, do you have to be like this?

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Saint Taiqing stared at Cui Yu, frowned and thought: I'm actually very strange in my heart, who are you? The saint of introduction? The saint of Zhunti? Or the ancestral witch Gonggong? Or maybe the prehistoric one? An old friend from among them?

Cui Yu looked at Saint Taiqing with his eyes, pursed his lips and did not answer. His voice was full of seriousness and he asked again: Then what? If we are old friends from prehistoric times, can the ancestor stop?

He really doesn't want to have a big karma with a saint

Sage Taiqing shook his head when he heard this: No matter who you are, I will determine your destiny. Hand over your destiny, ancestor, and I may be able to teach you about reincarnation.

Cui Yu laughed out loud at the Taiqing Saint. The Saint was really aloof and did not take all living beings into consideration.

At this time, Cui Yu secretly resented that his cultivation level was not enough and he could not activate the mark of Taoist Hongjun, otherwise he would have to let Saint Taiqing know why the flowers were so red!

Is there no room for relief? Cui Yu asked.

This was his last question.

Saint Taiqing shook his head: What do you think?

Cui Yu didn't say much after hearing this, but said: In that case, I just hope you won't regret it.

The next moment, the turbid and evil energy rolled in the void, and the phantoms of twelve demon gods appeared in the field, surrounding Cui Yu and Saint Taiqing.

Then the twelve demon gods roared, and the twelve capital gods and evil formations moved, cutting off the connection between the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns and the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty.

The Great Formation of the Twelve Capital Gods? Saint Taiqing looked at the phantoms of the twelve demon gods, with a look of shock in his eyes. His eyes were full of astonishment: Are you from the Wu Clan? Are you Gonggong? Stealing? Did you steal the creation of Saint Jieyin? Steal the innate golden body of Saint Jieyin?

There was surprise and weirdness in Saint Taiqing's eyes, but there was no fear or trepidation. It seemed that the formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods in front of him was just ordinary to Saint Taiqing.

I am not a witch clan, but I have mastered the Twelve Heavenly Divine Evil Formations. Saint Taiqing, your death is imminent now! Cui Yu said.

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