In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 903 Styx flipped the table!

Of course Cui Yu is not as simple as going to the Eight Scenery Formation of the Qing Dynasty? He wanted to completely swallow up the fortune accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years in the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, and use it to perfect his own Twelve Capital Heavenly God Formation.

If you can use the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty to conceive and raise the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation, the benefits to you will be immeasurable. You can even take the opportunity to strengthen the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation, and even evolve Pangu's true body, and use Pangu's true body to deal with Qingtian.

Cui Yu grasped the weakness of Ancestor Minghe at this time. Ancestor Minghe was now forced into a corner by the Chaotic Soul Demon King. If no one helped him, he would end up losing Qingtian's body sooner or later. Now Ancestor Minghe had no choice at all. room.

Ancestor Styx stared at Cui Yu with his eyes. He had the memory of the Blood Demon God, so of course he knew how evil the boy in front of him was.

If there is anyone who can lend a helping hand and save himself, it is probably the boy in front of him.

Ancestor Minghe knew that Cui Yu was very abnormal. He was most likely the reincarnation of a powerful man from the ancient world, or an ancient being who had awakened his true spirit.

He was worried that Cui Yu was deceiving him. After all, his previous appearance of being untrustworthy had already been seen by the other party.

At this time, Patriarch Styx wished he could give himself two 'big fights', why?

Why did I get so carried away before?

If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?

Ancestor Minghe had thousands of thoughts flashing in his heart, and a ray of blood-red light flashed in his eyes. After pondering for a long time, he said: You swear, swear with your own Taoist heart. As long as you, ancestor, I will tell you the mystery of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, You will find the true identity of the Demon King of Distant Souls for me, and kill the Demon King of Distant Souls.

I swear in the name of heaven... Cui Yu raised his hand.

Wait a minute! Heavenly Dao has collapsed. What's the use of swearing in the name of Heavenly Dao? Hurry up and swear to me with your own Taoist heart. Ancestor Minghe stared at Cui Yu with his eyes.

Cui Yu was speechless when he heard this. If Ancestor Minghe knew that his Taoist heart had turned into a will, swearing with his Taoist heart would really be less effective than asking Cui Yu to make a random curse.

The arrogant man has long been surrendered by Cui Yu's restraining curse, how can he still rebel?

So Cui Yu raised his hands without hesitation and began to swear in the void: Today, I, Cui Yu, swear that as long as Patriarch Minghe tells me the secrets of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, and the secret formula for controlling the Eight Scenery Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty. As for me, I am willing to help him kill the Soul Demon King.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, the ancestor of Minghe was temporarily relieved. In fact, he had no choice now. Everyone in the secret realm had been killed by Qingtian, even if Xuan Ye was still alive, and there were several hazy lights in the distance. I'm afraid I can't count on the hazy breath of life.

At this time, the atmosphere in the venue was solemn. Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves: Ancestor, I have made a vow. Please tell me the mystery of the Eight Views of the Shangqing Dynasty quickly.

Ancestor Minghe was not stingy when he heard what he said, and revealed all the details of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Sage: The Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Sage is the specialty formation of the Sage Shangqing. In the past, it was the Sage Sage's suppression of the dojo. The supreme formation uses the Eight Scenery Lanterns, an innate spiritual treasure, to suppress the entire formation, thus gaining incredible power.

Ancestor Minghe looked at Cui Yu with his eyes: However, the power of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty that covers the Xuan family is even more powerful than the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Palace in the Shangqing Palace, because the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty here has already It was refined into a formation diagram and engraved on the Heavenly Boat on the other side. The Heavenly Boat on the other side was a supreme secret treasure that was refined by ten saints led by Hongjun, the Taoist ancestor of the prehistoric times. Its quality is probably unmatched even by the legendary Pangu Ax. , Although the Heavenly Boat on the Other Side has decomposed, its quality and hardness are still among the best in the world.

Cui Yu's pupils shrank when he heard what Ancestor Ming He said. He knew the seriousness of the matter.

The grand formation and the formation diagram are not the same concept. Once the grand formation is refined into the formation diagram, the grand formation can be set up with a thought, and incredible power can be obtained instantly.

And once it is refined into a formation diagram, it will become an indivisible whole, possessing indescribable huge power, and its power will be increased at least ten times.

If you want to break through the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, there are two ways. The first way is to tear the formation diagram directly. But the formation diagram is now engraved on the other side of the sky boat, and even the saints can't do anything about it. The second way is to remove it. When you go to the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty, as long as you take off the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns, the formation will lose the suppression of the Innate Spiritual Treasure Shangqing Eight Scenery Lanterns. When the time comes, the power will weaken, and the key to scheduling suppression will be lost, and the power will be reduced to an extremely exaggerated level. . Ancestor Minghe explained to Cui Yu the key points of the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty while fighting with the Ten Thousand Soul Demon King.

Cui Yu listened quietly when he heard the words. What Ancestor Minghe said was very different from the information he knew. He was waiting for Ancestor Minghe to explain how to break the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, as well as the Eight Scenery Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty. method of control.

Cui Yu stared at Ancestor Minghe with a glint in his eyes. At this time, Ancestor Minghe didn't care about hiding things, and directly revealed all the details he knew: I want to destroy the Eight Scenic Spots of the Shangqing Dynasty. In the grand formation, you can only pick the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns. The Eight Scenery of the Shangqing Dynasty contains the Eight Scenery of the Shangqing Dynasty, which corresponds to the innate Bagua, and has the power to create the world. The power of the Bagua is intertwined within it, and there is endless Taoist rhyme in it. Derived. The Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty are hidden in the core part of the Eight Scenery Scenery Formation: the southern gate. The eight palace gates of the Eight Scenery Scenery Formation are constantly changing. You want to pick out the Eight Scenery Sceneries of the Shangqing Dynasty. For palace lanterns, you need to master the calculation rules of the innate Bagua, deduce the operating frequency of the Eight Sceneries of the Shangqing Dynasty, and then calculate the location of the Southern Limen. Inside the Southern Limen, there is Nanminglihuo, which is a piece of Nanminglihuo. The world can refine all the monsters in the world, and its terror is no weaker than the true fire of the sun. The Eight Scenery Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty are hidden in the Limen.

At this point, Ancestor Minghe's eyes flickered a bit: As for the formula for mastering the Eight Scenery Palace Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty, you have to refine it yourself. Ancestor, I am just a fragment of the true spirit now, and my memory is not complete. Then I don’t remember the formula either.”

Cui Yu glanced at Ancestor Minghe and felt that there was something different in what Ancestor Minghe said, but he did not delve into it. It would be weird if Ancestor Minghe was willing to tell him all the key points.

He simply didn't need the Styx Ancestor to tell him everything. He just needed to find a way to break the formation, and then he would naturally be able to think of a way to solve the formation.

Ancestor, are there any key things I've missed? Cui Yu asked.

Ancestor Styx shook his head: There is nothing missing.

Seeing this, Cui Yu said nothing more and turned to look at Wang Yanchun: Where are you going, Master Taoist? If you continue to stay here, you may be killed.

Wang Yanchun looked defeated: I would like to go with you to the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty to break the formation.

Cui Yu shook his head: The Taoist Priest has exhausted all his spiritual power. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you. You have seen the power of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty with your own eyes. I can survive it myself. If I have you again...

Cui Yu rejected Wang Yanchun's proposal.

Are you kidding me? Once the formation is broken, will the parts of the Tianzhou on the other side belong to Wang Yanchun, or will they belong to himself?

If Wang Yanchun asked for something from him, would he give it to him or not?

The parts of the Sky Boat on the Other Side are really precious, and they are related to the creation of leaving the world in the future to find a new unknown world, and Cui Yu doesn't want to give up.

Wang Yanchun stared at Cui Yu. He was not a fool. How could he not know Cui Yu's plan?

Besides, he is now exhausted and is indeed a burden. He can only smile bitterly and say: In this case, I will not hold back fellow Taoist. If fellow Taoist can really break through the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, then we may be able to do something. A deal.

Cui Yu did not refuse or agree, but used the Five Elements Escape Technique to rush towards the direction of the formation.

Zhuzi, where are we going?

At this moment, Xuan Ye, who was still alive on the side, took action, and the terrifying demigod sword energy rose into the air and struck Cui Yu.

Xuan Ye was controlled by the Chaos Soul Demon King. Now that Cui Yu wanted to kill his true body, how could the Chaos Soul Demon King just sit idly by?

Apart from the law of cause and effect, the Chaos Soul Demon King's supernatural powers are mediocre. Once Cui Yu finds his true body, he will be dead. How can he tolerate Cui Yu to find his true body?

Huh? Cui Yu frowned, looking at the sword light that was comparable to that of a master of the Golden Immortal. There was a hint of caution in his eyes, and the light of the Dinghai Divine Pearl in his sleeve was looming.

What about the combat power of the Golden Immortal Realm?

Facing the top innate spiritual treasure, there is still only one way to die.

Don't kill him! Leave him alive! His blood may have unexpected effects when you are refining the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty. Ming He sensed the innate Qi in Cui Yu's sleeves, A terrifying coercion filled the air, and he knew that Cui Yu was about to kill him, so he shouted quickly.

Cui Yu paused when he heard the words, and the next moment he collected the Dinghai Divine Pearl, and a six-foot-long golden body appeared behind him. He saw that the six-foot-long golden body pinched the seal in its hand, and the energy of the five elements between heaven and earth circulated, turning into a five-element mountain. He suppressed Xuan Ye.


Xuan Ye was directly thrown away, the sword light shattered into pieces, and the Five Elements Mountain twisted and turned into five steel rings of different colors. In an instant, they were put on Xuan Ye's wrists, ankles, and neck, and then the rings Shrinking suddenly, he controlled Xuan Ye and suppressed all the fluctuations of divine power in Xuan Ye's body.

This is a magical power that Cui Yu comprehended after comprehending and mastering the Five Elements. With the help of the power of the innate outer golden body, it has almost incredible effects.

Xuan Ye, who looked down at the Jinzhi realm, was suppressed in the face of Cui Yu's methods. How could it not be shocking?

A six-foot-long golden body!!! You have obtained the six-foot-long golden body that leads to the saint! Not only did you obtain the origin of the saint, but also the golden body of the saint? Ancestor Minghe's eyes were dead Staring at Cui Yu's six-foot-long golden body, his eyes turned green with envy.

That is the origin of a saint. After being refined by him, it is not difficult to directly step into the realm of a saint.

Fellow Taoist should be a smart man. Should you go with me, or should I carry you? Cui Yu looked at Xuan Ye.

Cui Yu said this to the Chaotic Soul Demon King.

His Five Elements Steel Ring looks ordinary, but it contains a hint of destructive power. This is Cui Yu's unique method.

Friend Taoist, I have magical powers. Thank you Taoist friend for helping me regain my clarity, so as not to be controlled by the demon king of chaotic souls. Unexpectedly, Xuan Ye suddenly spoke at this time, but Cui Yu was stunned by what he said.

This was not the tone of the Chaos Soul Demon King, it was clearly Xuan Ye's tone.

You...are you the Chaos Soul Demon King or Xuan Ye himself? Cui Yu was stunned.

This Xuan Ye is a bit evil. If Cui Yu remembers correctly, Xuan Ye once broke free from the control of the Chaotic Soul Demon King. Although the time was short, he did break away.

You must know that it is the law of cause and effect, but Xuan Ye actually broke away, how can it not be shocking?

How incredible is it to break the power of cause and effect?

I'm Xuan Ye. Xuan Ye raised his hand and saluted: I broke the shackles of ancestral blood. In the past, I accidentally smelted a mysterious treasure in the wilderness, causing the blood to mutate and gain incredible power. I have mastered it. By understanding part of the origin of the dark night and starry sky, we can evolve our own dark night.

Hearing this, Cui Yu understood that Xuan Ye's power came from the power of destruction, and of course it was also tainted with a trace of the characteristics of the power of destruction. This was also the key to Xuan Ye's ability to fight against the law of cause and effect.

Amazing! Cui Yu praised, but he did not relax his vigilance in his heart. The Soul Demon King is so cunning. Who knows if the Soul Demon King took the opportunity to dig a big hole for himself? Want to take the opportunity to plot against yourself?

Who is Cui Yu? There will never be any carelessness.

It's pitiful that millions of blood members of our Xuan family have suffered such a calamity. How innocent are our blood members? God is unfair! Xuan Ye looked at the desolate land with a trace of sadness in his eyes, and his voice couldn't help but choke up: It's all my fault. , I should have destroyed Qingtian’s embryo directly from the beginning, instead of thinking that I could control Qingtian.”

Cui Yu did not answer when he heard the words, but replied: I want to master the Xuan family's Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty now, so I ask fellow Taoists to cooperate with me.

Xuan Ye smiled bitterly: Do I have any choice?

Now that he has become a prisoner, where is the chance for him to choose?

Shuzi, if you dare to ruin my plan, ancestor, I will fight you until death! Ancestor Luanhun glared at Cui Yu with his eyes full of anger.

Cui Yu ignored the words of the Chaos Soul Demon King, but turned to look at the innate formation further away, and then used the Five Elements Escape Technique to roll up Xuan Ye and disappear from the place.

Do you think they can find my true body? I have thousands of puppets in the wilderness. I don't know how many there are. Do you think they can find me? Stop dreaming! You have no chance. Obediently give up your Qingtian body. Surrender to me, ancestor, and I can teach you how to make a crotch mount, otherwise you will die when I completely refine the entire sky into a puppet. The Chaos Soul Demon King stared at the opposite side with his eyes. Ancestor of Styx.

Ancestor Styx shook his head: Do you think I don't know that they have no chance of finding your true body?

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