Cui Yu was a little confused after hearing what Chi You said.

Something wrong?

What's wrong?

Isn’t it quite right?

So Cui Yu looked at the blue sky in the field and stared at the blue sky carefully. After looking at it for a long time, he didn't notice anything was wrong.

I have seen before that the Chaos Soul Demon King clearly controlled Qingtian's three hooves, but at this time, the Chaos Soul Demon King only showed two... Chi You's voice was full of gloom.

Hearing this, Cui Yu was horrified: Are you sure?

Very sure! Chi You said.

Cui Yu shuddered in his heart and his eyes were full of horror.

The Chaotic Soul Demon King has clearly controlled three hooves and claws, but at this time he only controls two. So what does the Chaotic Soul Demon King want to do?

Concealing the truth, concealing secrets, making false claims in the east and attacking in the west...

A series of nouns flashed through Cui Yu's mind. The manipulated hoof and claw mixed into Qingtian's hoof and claw must be for the purpose of seizing Qingtian's body.

However, Qingtian mistakenly thought that he had eliminated the hidden dangers in his body. If he calculated it mentally or unintentionally, Qingtian would definitely be defeated.

Qingtian must be turned into a puppet!

It's so insidious! It's simply too insidious! Cui Yu's voice was full of emotion: These old guys are really amazing, each one is so scheming, and they will be taken into the ditch if they are not careful.

At this moment, Cui Yu had the urge to yell, he was simply not a son of a man!

If Chi You hadn't noticed it, he might have been kept in the dark too.

Just as countless thoughts were circulating in Cui Yu's mind, another change occurred in the scene. He only heard a familiar laughter, and Qingtian's pupils changed, and traces of the ancestor of Styx were reflected in them: Hahaha ! Hahaha! Ancestor, I have returned successfully! Ancestor, I have succeeded! I finally obtained the body of Qingtian and gained supreme divine power!

I saw Qingtian's neck twisting, and a head actually appeared on the neck. That head was the head of the ancestor of Styx.

He succeeded! He actually used Qingtian's consciousness to occupy a place in Qingtian's body and gained partial control of his body. Now he has integrated into Qingtian, and he is equivalent to a part of Qingtian. Cui Yu looked at Ming Ming. Ancestor He's head showed a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

Qingtian has just been born, and the consciousness of Ancestor Styx will definitely affect Qingtian's consciousness. It can be said that the consciousness of Ancestor Styx is affecting Qingtian all the time, and is affecting Qingtian's cognition in a subtle way.

Yuan, you failed! You failed after all! I am the only winner! I am the only winner! You suppressed me for hundreds of thousands of years, and finally made me come back against heaven. I succeeded!

Ancestor Minghe raised his head and laughed wildly, but the words he spoke shocked Cui Yu and Chi You. Cui Yu doubted his belief and said: Primitive? Is it the primitive I know?

Apart from Yuanshi Tianzun, who else dares to call himself primitive. Chi You's voice was full of seriousness.

What's the matter with Yuanshi Tianzun? Does Ancestor Minghe have a grudge against Yuanshi Tianzun? Or is the death of Ancestor Minghe in the past related to Yuanshi Tianzun? Cui Yu felt puzzled.

Chi You was silent after hearing this, and after a long time he said: I don't remember! I don't remember it at all! I lost part of my memory. It should be stored in the body where I was suppressed in the ruins of the Xuan family. Unless I can Get back that part of the body.

Cui Yu fell silent when he heard this, and thousands of distracting thoughts emerged in his heart. Now the situation is becoming more and more interesting.

In the presence of Wang Yanchun, a feeling of uneasiness suddenly arose in his heart. He looked at Ancestor Styx with his eyes: Can the promise made by Ancestor be fulfilled?

He just wants the parts of the other side of Tianzhou.

After hearing Wang Yanchun's words, Ancestor Minghe turned to look at Wang Yanchun. The next moment he pinched the seal in his hand, and a twisted blood river emerged in the void. The blood river was turbulent and powerful, and it was thousands of feet wide. It didn't know where it started, and it ran through the past and the future. , I saw that the blood river absorbed all Qingtian's blood on the ground, and then melted it into Qingtian's body. When all the strange phenomena completely calmed down, the ancestor of Styx looked at Wang Yanchun: I am the ancient god and demon Netherworld. The leader of the cult, Patriarch Styx, controls the sea of ​​blood and is immortal. You are quite talented, are you willing to surrender to me?

When Wang Yanchun saw the leader of the Netherworld avoid answering, his heart suddenly sank, knowing that his heart might have been wrongly paid after all.

These ancient demon gods are all extremely hateful, and none of them are reliable at all. They are all treacherous people. It is better to expect a sow to climb a tree than to expect them to be honest.

I am a monk from Zhenwu Mountain, and I worship the founder of Zhenwu Mountain. How can I change my sect and betray my master? I cannot agree with what my ancestor said, please forgive me! Wang Yanchun bowed and said respectfully: I just want the other side. Please ask Ancestor to complete the parts of the Tianzhou.

Ancestor Styx laughed when he heard this: You are too naive. You have such terrifying power. If you are taught to grow up and develop enough divine power, wouldn't you be my great enemy in the future? Do you think if you don't surrender? Do I still have a chance to get out?

What do you mean, ancestor? You are an ancient demon god. Do you want to break your promise and go back on your word? Wang Yanchun suddenly changed his face at this time, his eyes filled with embarrassment.

The way of heaven has changed, who will abide by the covenant? Ancestor Minghe's voice was full of indifference, and then he turned his eyes and looked in the direction of Cui Yu: And that little insect, you have looked at it for long enough Right? If you haven’t come out yet, why don’t you ask me, ancestor, to ask you to come out?”

Cui Yu frowned when he heard this. The ancestor of Minghe now has the power of Qingtian, so it is normal for him to be able to detect his traces.

Cui Yu no longer concealed his traces, but appeared in the field in a flash. Then the next moment, Cui Yu was stunned and saw Wu Zhao's body blocked by the side of the altar.

The girl's body was completely pale, she no longer had any chance of breathing, and she couldn't die anymore.

Cui Yu was stunned, Qiankun in his sleeves put away Wu Zhao's body, and then raised his hand to salute the ancestor of Minghe: I, Cui Yu, can be regarded as a qi practitioner of the prehistoric lineage, and I am half a fellow villager with my ancestor. I am here. I have a grudge against the Xuan family. I originally wanted to find out the details of the Xuan family and take the opportunity to resolve Liang Zi. I had no intention of offending our ancestors.

Who would have thought that after Patriarch Minghe glanced at Cui Yu, he was stunned, and then laughed up to the sky, bursting into deafening laughter: Hahaha! Hahaha! God helps me! God helps me! God is waiting for me My Minghe is not thin, this means that I, Minghe, are expected to step into the Hunyuan realm and completely occupy Qingtian’s body.”

Looking at the laughing Ancestor Minghe, Cui Yu suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. He always felt that something bad was happening.

Sure enough, the next moment I heard Ancestor Styx say: You ant, you are just an acquired creature, how can you be worthy of being from the same hometown as me, Ancestor? This is simply ridiculous.

Cui Yu looked at Ancestor Minghe in surprise. He had no enmity with the other party, so why was the other party so hostile to him?

Ant, don't you recognize me? In the past, in the well of gods and demons, you were gathering wool day and night, and you tortured me, ancestor, so much. Ancestor Styx looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes.

Under the God and Demon Well? Gathering wool? The Blood Demon God? Cui Yu's brain went crazy and he stared at the Styx Ancestor in disbelief: Isn't that the Blood Demon God?

There is nothing wrong with being the Blood Demon God, but after the Blood Demon God successfully condensed into the Blood Sea, my ancestor, I, retrieved my memory. With the help of the power of the Blood Sea, I regained some of my past memories and awakened some of my true spirits. Styx. The ancestor stared at Cui Yu with his eyes: You ant, when you provoked me, ancestor, you were very lively and arrogant.

Cui Yu's mouth was bitter, and his eyes were staring at the ancestor of Styx, his eyes full of disbelief. He mastered the road of life and death, but at this time, he didn't realize that the ancestor of Styx was actually the Blood Demon God, and he didn't realize that the two came from the same source.

Cui Yu's pupils were filled with embarrassment. He knew that it would be difficult to be kind today and he would have to do something no matter what.

I just entered the world of spiritual practice in the past. I didn't know the power of my ancestor. Please don't blame me, and don't argue with me, an ant-like person. Cui Yu lowered his head and spoke in small words.

In fact, he is not too afraid of Ancestor Minghe. Ancestor Minghe refined his own blood into Qingtian's body and refined Qingtian's essence and blood, which was equivalent to giving Cui Yu a chance.

You must know that the innate mosquitoes were originally born in the Netherworld Blood Sea, which is the home of the innate mosquitoes. With the nourishment of the blood river, the innate mosquitoes spawn faster.

Moreover, there are also fetal eggs of innate mosquitoes flowing around Qingtian along with the power of the Netherworld Blood Sea, and the fetal eggs of the innate mosquitoes also fall into the Netherworld Blood Sea.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at the Qingtian Faxiang in the distance. There was something strange in his eyes: a Qingtian body, with several forces involved in the layout, it was really interesting to the extreme.

Blame? Are you worthy of my ancestor to blame you? Ancestor Minghe looked down at Cui Yu, with a burning and greedy look in his eyes: Boy, hand over the origin of the saint, ancestor, and I will spare your life. , otherwise today, ancestor, I can only refine you into the sea of ​​blood, and peel off the origin of the holy way in your body bit by bit.

Ancestor Minghe finally expressed his purpose at this time: Ancestor, my opportunity has arrived. As long as I obtain the origin of guiding the saint, I can become a saint immediately. Then I can use the power of dreams to trap Qingtian's true self. Realize that when the time comes, ancestor, I will be the Qingtian who is truly invincible in the world. Not a saint, but the Qingtian who is above the saints!

Hearing the words of Ancestor Minghe, Cui Yu's expression suddenly turned gloomy. He was not a fool. How could he not know at this time that things were definitely going to get worse at this point.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Minghe could see the origin of the holy way in his body at a glance, which made Cui Yu feel uneasy in his heart.

He wanted to know whether only Styx himself could see the origin of his holy way, or whether he could see the origin of the holy way as long as he reached a state like Styx.

If only Styx himself has some unique means that can reveal the origin of his body, then that's it!

If all strong men like the River Styx can see through the origin of the holy way in their bodies, I am afraid that they will never have peace in the future.

Big trouble!

But it is absolutely impossible for him to give up his origin of guiding saints.

Moreover, the origin of the saint Jieyin has been integrated with his innate golden body and Mahayana Buddhist fate. How can there be any chance to abandon it?

That is equivalent to killing Cui Yu!

His essence has been completely integrated with his inner body, and there is no chance for it to be separated.

How do you know that I have obtained the origin of attracting saints? Cui Yu did not deny it, but spoke calmly. Since the other party had already pointed it out, he had no reason to veto it.

Hearing Cui Yu's words, Ancestor Minghe raised his head and laughed: The aura of the Holy Path in your boy's body is as bright as the sun, constantly interacting with the laws of heaven and earth. Unless I am blind, how can I not see it?

You and Ancestor and I have formed a great cause and effect, so I will use your Saint Origin to resolve the cause and effect, okay? Hand over the Saint Origin, and I will spare your life, Ancestor! Styx's voice was full of majesty and domineeringness. , cannot be refused.

Hearing what Ming He said, Cui Yu's pupils shrank: I have a question, and I would like to ask the ancestor to answer it. If the ancestor can tell me honestly, it will be okay even if I hand over the origin of the saint.

What do you want to ask? Ancestor Minghe stared at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu heard this and said: I don't know what level of powerful people can see the origin of the holy way in me.

Cui Yu had to figure it out, otherwise he wouldn't be able to rest at ease for a day.

Ancestor Minghe smiled: As long as you step into the realm of Da Luo, you can see the magnificent and boundless aura in you. You are just refining Qi to become a god, and the origin of the holy way cannot be preserved in you. Sooner or later, someone will take it away, why not give it to me, ancestor, today, and let's resolve the cause and effect.

At this time, Ancestor Minghe dominated Qingtian's consciousness, and his mind was completely attracted by the origin of the holy way on Cui Yu. He did not notice at all that on the body of Ancestor Minghe, there was a tiny spider silk in one of the hoofs. Stretched out and landed on the rest of Qingtian's organs.

It was also Cui Yu's fault. The origin of the holy way was so tempting that even a strong man like Patriarch Styx lost his mind.

As long as he is not a saint, who will not be confused when facing the origin of the holy way?

Boy, tell me your choice. Ancestor, I will do it myself, or you will personally hand over the source of the holy way. Ancestor Styx's voice was full of seriousness.

Cui Yu's face darkened when he heard this, and he couldn't help but sigh: If I were an ancestor, I shouldn't think about the origin of the holy way. Instead, I should first think about establishing my own foothold, and then plan for other fortunes. Otherwise... …If we lose our base and are overturned against the wind, we will probably be in a desperate situation and there will be no room for recovery in the future.”

Cui Yu could clearly see that the spider silk had unknowingly contaminated most of Qingtian's organs, and half of the hoofs and claws had collapsed and been integrated into the spider silk.

Even Cui Yu had to admire that the Soul Demon King's abilities were indeed terrifying.

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