This sentence, I haven't made any progress in hundreds of thousands of years, immediately made Luan Yao King feel a pain in his heart.

Although the Chaotic Demon King possesses the word Demon King, it is not a monster, but a strange one.

‘Demon’ in the narrow sense refers to the monsters in the wilderness, while ‘demon’ in the broad sense refers to all abnormal things.

If something is abnormal, it is a monster!

He is weird!

The strange thing is that it was born out of the laws of heaven and earth, and it was born to control the law of cause and effect. In terms of magical power, it can be regarded as the top of the world. However, it is extremely difficult to advance in practice. Every step forward requires paying a huge price.

It is difficult for acquired souls to practice, but for innate souls, it is almost impossible to break the shackles from the body.

Innate creatures are born with a very high starting point, but if they want to make breakthroughs, it is extremely difficult and almost impossible.

For hundreds of thousands of years, the Chaos Demon King had made no breakthrough, and the Ancestor Styx really stabbed his lungs with a knife.

You guys don't want to use your words. I haven't made a breakthrough in my cultivation for hundreds of thousands of years. How high can your cultivation be? How good can you be? It's not that the physical body has been destroyed, only Is the Blood God Son left to survive? Xuance spoke at this time, his voice full of ridicule.

Hearing this, Ming He's expression turned gloomy: Shuzi, you dare to use your words. Today, ancestor, I will make you suffer retribution.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ancestor Styx pointed his claw at the void. The next moment, infinite blood light gathered and turned into a long black sword.

Suffer death!

Ancestor Styx struck out with his sword and struck in the direction of Qingtian's fetal egg.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the thirty or so warriors of the Jinzhi realm of the Xuan family all turned around and used their magical powers to attack the sword struck down by the Ancestor Minghe.

Seeing this scene, Ancestor Styx frowned, these are all descendants of his own blood.

You are despicable!

Ancestor Styx cursed angrily, but still did not stop, and the sword light in his hand continued to slash down.

Although there is only one Blood God Son left in Styx, he still possesses the vision and divine power belonging to the Daluo realm. As the sword fell, the void could not help but twist for a while, and the next moment he saw the sword light displayed by everyone in the Xuan family. After being chopped into pieces by Ancestor Minghe, the blood-red sword energy kept moving, and in an instant it was already close. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen Xuan family bloodlines were turned into powder, and they could no longer die.

You are just an ant who plots against others. If you have the ability to fight with me with real swords and guns, how can you ask innocent people to die? Ancestor Styx's voice was full of anger.

After hearing the words of Ancestor Minghe, Xuance smiled and said: Whoever has the ability to win in this world is the winner. No wonder you are eliminated by the world with your old ideas.

Ancestor Styx was furious when he heard the words. The sword light in his hand was flying. The sword was pitch black, with innate Taoist charm flowing on it. A terrifying murderous intent was attached to it. A terrifying murderous intent spread from the sword and spread to all directions in the world. In the past, Cui Yu, who was watching the battle from a distance, cast his eyes on the sword light and felt as if his soul had been frozen.

The sword light was so terrifying, it could be said to be extremely terrifying.

Cui Yu looked at the black sword in the distance with his eyes, and there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes: What a powerful sword, just looking at it, my soul seemed to be split open by the light of the sword.

After hearing this, Chi You interjected: You don't know, that sword is called: Yuan Tu. It is an innate killing sword, and its power is still higher than the Four Swords of Zhu Xian. The reason why the Four Swords of Zhu Xian are powerful is Because the Four Swords Formation of Zhuxian can be formed, and the reason why Yuan Tu is powerful is because of Yuan Tu itself. The Yuan Tu Sword you see now is not the Yuan Tu Sword itself, it is just a wisp of the origin of the Yuan Tu Sword manifested at the moment That’s all. In that battle in the past, the Yuan Tu Sword was shattered by Pangu Banner. It’s really a pity for that sword.”

Yuantu? Cui Yu couldn't help but froze when he heard the name, his eyes filled with surprise.

Of course he had heard of the two innate swords of the famous Yuantu Abi, but this was the first time he actually saw them.

So Cui Yu stared at the sword in that scene with his eyes: Such power is just an origin, not the sword itself. I can't believe how incredibly powerful the sword itself is. I always feel that Master Jian is Compared with that Yuan Tu, he’s not even worthy of carrying shoes!”

You are a novice and you are blaming me! The sword master in Cui Yu's spiritual world was immediately unhappy: Can the same innate spiritual treasure have the same power in the hands of Daluo Jinxian as in the hands of you, a monk who has not yet achieved immortality? ? Besides, my ancestor, I also suffered heavy injuries, and my injuries have not recovered for a long time. Of course, it is difficult to show my original glory.

Master Jian's voice was full of dissatisfaction.

This kid looks down on others, how can he be so bad?

Cui Yu smiled and said nothing, and did not argue with Master Jian. In fact, he also wanted to stimulate this old guy. He just watched the excitement all day long without doing anything. Although he had mastered the sword skills passed down by the leader Tongtian and could master the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, there were two different things between forcibly controlling the old guy and asking the other person to willingly contribute to him. .

A smile appeared in Cui Yu's eyes, and his eyes were full of joy. Looking at Master Jian's performance, his provoking method seemed to be very useful.

You can't believe it if you say it. It takes two steps to find out if it's really that powerful. Cui Yu said carelessly.

Master Jian snorted angrily when he heard this: When you meet a powerful enemy in the future, you will know how powerful I am, ancestor.

Is the enemy in front of me considered a formidable enemy? Cui Yu asked.

Master Jian did not speak and fell into silence.

Just as Cui Yu and Master Jian were bickering, the situation in the distance had begun to change. They saw that the ancestor of the Ming River had killed all the thirty or so Jinchi realm warriors of the Xuan family, and blood flowed into the field for a while. , but the Styx Ancestor still has the same style, his body is not stained with dust, and it seems that he has never made a move.

It's your turn! It seems that your plan today is going to fail. Ancestor Minghe raised the sword in his hand and pointed his eyes at Xuance in the distance, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

Wang Yanchun! You still haven't taken action!!! If I die, who will give you the parts of the other side of the sky boat!!! The Chaos Soul Demon King ignored the ancestor of the Styx River's Blood God Son incarnation, but controlled Xuan Ye to speak, A pair of eyes looked at the three-talent formation operating under the distant sky.

Over there, Wang Yanchun was running the Three Talents Formation to fight against the power of the Eight Views Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty. Hearing Xuan Ye's words, he hesitated for a moment, but after all, the core of the other shore Tianzhou was more important, and the next moment he collected the three The Taikoo Sacred Mountain's body was distorted for a while, and when it reappeared, it was already in the field.

Kill him for me, and I will give you the core of the Tianzhou on the other side. Xuan Ye looked at Wang Yanchun with his eyes.

Wang Yanchun did not look at Styx, but looked at Xuan Ye, with a hint of anger in his eyes: Your original condition was that I would trap the enemies outside for you, and you would give me the parts of the other side of the sky boat. How can you do it now? Going back on your word? This is different from what we said before. Besides, how powerful this ancestor is, how can I fight against it? You look down on me too much! Now you give me the parts of the other side of the sky boat, and our deal has been completed finished.

If you want parts of the Heavenly Boat on the other side, you won't get the parts unless you kill him for me. Or you can just ask him to kill me. Then we'll see if you can still get the parts of the Heavenly Boat on the other side. Xuan Ye scratched his neck, looking like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water.

Wang Yanchun's body trembled with anger: You are also a majestic king, how could you do such an unreasonable thing?

He was simply furious!

Hearing Wang Yanchun's words, the Blood God Son of Ancestor Styx said coldly: No one can save you today. Even if the King of Heaven comes, you have to die!

A red light flashed out from the Yuan Tu Sword in Ancestor Minghe's hand, and the next moment the sword light cut through the void and suppressed Xuan Ye.

Facing the sword light of Ancestor Minghe, Xuan Ye did not dodge, closed his eyes, and seemed to want to wait for the killing. However, Wang Yanchun beside him could not stand. If Xuan Ye died, who would he find? Parts of the Tianzhou on the other side?

Ancestor, wait a minute, this person cannot die! Wang Yanchun formed a seal in his hand and turned it into a seal that looked like a small mountain. He took one step forward and stood in front of Ming He. Then the next moment, he formed a seal in his hand and blocked it. In front of Patriarch Styx.

The mantis is blocking the car! Ancestor Styx showed a hint of contempt in his eyes: You are an ant who cannot reach the realm of earthly immortals, how can you block my attack?

The light of Styx's sword hadn't stopped yet, and it seemed like it was going to kill Wang Yanchun with one blow.

However, when the Yuan Tu Sword landed on the hill in front of Wang Yanchun's chest, there was a clang sound. Wang Yanchun stood as steady as a mountain, while Ancestor Ming He was shocked and took three steps back.

The power of the ancient sacred mountain! You actually moved an ancient sacred mountain! Ancestor Styx looked at Wang Yanchun with his eyes filled with disbelief and shock. He simply couldn't believe his own eyes.

Are you going to be my enemy? Ancestor Styx stabilized his figure and looked at Wang Yanchun with a pair of eyes. There was a trace of murderous intent in his eyes. Wang Yanchun's scalp exploded in shock. It seemed that there was a great fear coming from somewhere. Wang Yanchun wanted to run away immediately.

But Wang Yanchun cannot run away because his goal has not been completed yet.

Ancestor! Wang Yanchun stared at the Ancestor Styx with a pair of humble eyes: I have no intention to be an enemy of the Ancestor, but this person and I have a cause and effect that has not been completed. Before the cause and effect is completed, no one can kill him.

Everyone can be killed by the ancestors, but he cannot die! Wang Yanchun said respectfully: When the agreement is fulfilled, whether this person is dead or alive has nothing to do with me anymore. I will let the ancestors kill him when the time comes.

Hearing this, the corners of Styx's mouth turned up, revealing a strange arc:

Do you think he is still Xuan Ye?

What? Wang Yanchun was stunned.

He is no longer Xuan Ye. His body has been controlled by the Chaotic Soul Demon King. Do you think the conditions he promised you can still be fulfilled? Ancestor Minghe said unhurriedly.

Wang Yanchun was shocked when he heard this and turned to look at Xuan Ye. Before, he was focused on presiding over the big formation, and he really didn't know what was going on in the field.

Don't listen to his nonsense. He just wants to kill me and trick you away. He's just making random excuses. Xuan Ye over there quickly explained: As long as you block him and help me survive today's disaster, I will give you the boat on the other side of the world.

Wang Yanchun was stunned when he heard this. He was a little hesitant for a while, not knowing which one was right and which one was wrong.

Idiot, I'm afraid you have been deceived. There is no way he can give you the so-called core of the Heavenly Boat on the other side. No one in this world knows the Xuan family better than me. The Xuan family's Eight Scenery Formation of the Supreme Purity is imprinted there. The protective formation on the core of the other shore Tianzhou. If you want to take away the core of the other shore Tianzhou, you must take away the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty. The Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Scenery and the core of the other shore Tianzhou are imprinted together. If we can't separate, do you think you will have a chance to separate from the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty? Or is it that the Xuan family no longer wants their own innate formation, and they want you to resist the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Sect together?

What??? Wang Yanchun was shocked when he heard this, and turned to look at Xuan Ye: Your Majesty, is what this ancestor said true?

Although his tone was questioning, he had already decided in his heart that this was the case.

He must not have run away!

This person is so majestic and holy from ancient times, possessing infinite power to gather himself, how could he deceive himself because of such a trivial matter?

In other words, I was fooled!

I was fooled!

Wang Yanchun's eyes showed a sharp edge, full of aggressive luster.

Don't listen to his nonsense. This person is simply deceiving the public with his evil words, and his crime deserves to be punished! Xuan Ye's voice was full of anger: Do you believe what the enemy says? Why is the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing engraved on the sky boat on the other side? Are you listening to nonsense? This is an innate formation, created by nature from heaven and earth. How can it be imprinted by human power?

At this time, Wang Yanchun's eyes showed a dangerous luster.

As long as I kill these ants, ancestor, I can make the decision and package the Heavenly Boat on the Other Side and the Eight Views Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty together for you. Since I have been resurrected, what do I want from this innate array? The Xuan family should stand upright, so there is no need to hide in a corner.

Ancestor Styx looked at Wang Yanchun with his eyes.

To be honest, he is not afraid of Wang Yanchun. He even knows that although Wang Yanchun has the power of the ancient sacred mountain, his lack of divine power is his biggest flaw. As long as the fight between the two sides delays for a little time, when Wang Yanchun's divine power is exhausted, he will definitely die. Burial place.

But now he can't afford to waste any time. The Soul Demon King has some evil ways. God knows what terrifying power the Soul Demon King has, and whether he will use the Qingtian embryo as a puppet in the next second.

For Ancestor Styx, even the dead embryo of Qingtian is still of great use, and he must not take advantage of the Soul Demon King.

Wang Yanchun couldn't help but take a breath when he heard Ming He's words, his eyes were full of shock. This condition was not unreasonable.

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