In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 895 Ant, you are calling me!

Xuan Tong's voice was full of seriousness, solemnity, and grandeur. There was an inexplicable energy flowing between heaven and earth, connecting to some mysterious and unpredictable place.

Stop him!

Looking at the majestic scene during the Xuantong sacrifice, everyone in the scene couldn't help but change their colors, especially the soul-stirring demon king, who was born with weirdness and was even more sensitive to the energy in the void. At this time, a deadly The crisis came out of nothingness and surged in his heart.

Damn bastard! Break his barrier and prevent him from summoning that aura. Xuance's voice was full of anxiety.

Everyone took action together, and sword lights bombarded the barrier, but they could not shake the barrier at all.

It's interesting. Cui Yu raised his head and looked at the sky on the horizon. He saw that the sky was turned blood red, and the clouds were as red as blood. There seemed to be an inexplicable strangeness and ominousness shrouded in it.

An unspeakable fishy smell came from the blood-red clouds, and accompanied by gusts of black wind, an extremely evil energy burst out between the heaven and the earth.

Then the blood-red cloud turned into a whirlpool, and an ancient voice burst out from the whirlpool with overwhelming pressure: Who is calling me? Could it be that a new era of golden age has arrived?

Terrifying pressure came from the whirlpool, and everyone in the Xuan family below couldn't bear the terrifying pressure and fell to their knees one after another.

Da Luo! This is the pressure of the Da Luo realm! The ancestor of the Xuan family is actually a strong man in the Da Luo realm! Boy, the situation is not good, this water is too deep, we should withdraw quickly. Chi You felt Looking at the aura spreading between heaven and earth, there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes, and he turned to look at Cui Yu: A powerful Da Luo man, and then mastering the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, is not something we can handle. I admit that you have some strength, and I also admit that you have some strength. It's very evil, but this old guy is beyond the scope of our abilities. If you use the great magical power in the Taiyi realm, you can still move back the situation, but facing the Great Luo Immortal, cut off the existence that has jumped out of the long river of destiny in the past and future. We can't bear it. Chi You stared at Cui Yu with his eyes. He always felt that Cui Yu's grandson didn't know the limits of the world. If anything happened, he would be in big trouble.

Not so big!

Cui Yu stared at the distant sky, staring at the blood-red vortex, smelling the fishy smell in the air, and suddenly frowned: Do you feel that the scene in front of you looks familiar?

Looks familiar? Chi You was stunned for a moment, and then carefully watched the changes in the atmosphere between heaven and earth with a pair of dog eyes, with a look of surprise in his eyes: Why does this appearance look a bit similar to that guy from the Blood Demon God?

I can't say they are similar, they are exactly the same. Look at the aura leaking out of the sky. Is it the aura of the Netherworld and Sea of ​​Blood? Cui Yu was a little frightened.

Chi You was stunned, his head swaying from side to side, and after a long time he lowered his voice and said, No way? How could the Blood Demon God be related to the Xuan family?

Cui Yu also looked at the void above his head, his eyes full of shock: Does the Blood Demon God have such ability?

At this moment, the vortex in the sky is getting redder and redder, and the void begins to twist vaguely. The space is constantly being pulled and weakened. There seems to be an inexplicable force gestating between the heaven and the earth, surging away from the sky and the earth in all directions.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at the distant sky. His eyes were full of seriousness. If the Blood Demon God revived, he would not be able to do it again.

The grievances between the Blood Demon God and him can be traced back to Xiaoli Village, where the gods and demons were gathering wool from the well. If Cui Yu had not relied on the strange power of usurping the Blood Demon God at that time, Cui Yu would never have had the opportunity to develop. Martial arts practice goes so smoothly.

Hearing the call from the clouds, Xuan Tong quickly knelt down on the ground: I would like to inform my ancestors that the incompetence of our descendants has led to the failure of the blood sacrifice to Qingtian, and even the invasion of powerful enemies has put my Xuan family on the verge of extinction. Please revive me and come out to clean up the family. Qiankun, give back to my Xuan family the bright universe. This disciple is willing to dedicate his body and beg the ancestors to come.

Xuantong was also feeling bitter inside at this time!

What can he do?

He is also very helpless!

Why did the ancestors of the Xuan family secretly seal their ancestors from the seventh generation and put them into a deep sleep?

It’s because of the sacrifice!

The ancestors of the Xuan family would devour the pure blood of the Xuan family and the pure blood among the younger disciples to use it to recover from the injuries they suffered during the calamity.

What's more, avatars will appear in the blood of future generations, and they will take their bodies and walk between heaven and earth in their place.

How cruel is this to the descendants of the Xuan family?

Which parent can tolerate his children and grandchildren being devoured by their ancestors?

Which young man can tolerate being taken away from his ancestors?

It's simply impossible!

No one can tolerate this!

Once the bloodline has passed through five generations, where is the concept of ancestors? He is just a stranger, who can tolerate his fate being cut off by others.

So the Seventh Ancestor joined forces with other ancestors to seal the two original ancestors. Therefore, although the Xuan family has the legend of the ancestor, the ancestor has never appeared in the world, but outsiders do not know the reason and the key.

Xuan Tong was forced into a desperate situation by several people. Since several people refused to let him go, and the word death was on both sides, why not drag everyone to death together, and at the same time reverse the overall situation and momentum of the Xuan family.

This is the secret of the emperors of the Xuan family, and the secret of the direct line.

The reason why the direct line is a direct line is not only because it is a direct line by birth, but also because the direct line of the Xuan family has the mission of strengthening the seal.

Since the seal can be strengthened, of course it can also be torn.

The Xuan family is about to be destroyed, who can care so much.

Kill! Break the seal quickly and stop his movements! The Chaos Soul Demon King stared at the whirlpool in the sky with his eyes. A fatal crisis surged into his heart, and he felt that his soul was trembling.

An unspeakable horror surged into my heart.

It has to be said that the Chaos Soul Demon King was panicked at this time, and a tsunami-like panic rolled up in his heart like a wave.

This is a great terror originating from the soul. There is a voice from the underworld that sounds crazily in the heart of the Chaotic Soul Demon King: Stay away from him! Stay away from this place! The further you run, the better!

Even the Chaotic Soul Demon King felt the urge to run away and quickly retract his own thread.

But looking at Qingtian's body behind him, the Chaotic Soul Demon King showed a cold look in his eyes, his eyes were full of heat, and his greed overcame the fear in his heart.

If you say that once you escape, you will completely lose the opportunity to become the top powerhouse in the world.

This is Qingtian’s body!

Even if it is only in an embryonic state, if it is in his hands and cultivated using puppetry, it may not be able to transform into another life form, gain the opportunity to grow, and grow into a real god.

I must get this opportunity! I must not hesitate for a moment! The catastrophe of heaven and earth is about to come, and the end of the world is about to begin. If I can't get this embryo, why should I stand out? The voice of the Soul Demon King was full of unwillingness. .

At this moment, the atmosphere between heaven and earth was eerie and terrifying. The blood-red energy filled the air. The red mist slowly dropped from the clouds, drifted between heaven and earth, and fell on the mountains and rivers. However, the mountains and rivers, the vegetation withered in an instant, and everything The essence of life was swallowed up. It fell on the birds and beasts, and the birds and beasts turned into white bones, and then the bones turned into ashes. A wisp of red mist floated out from the bones, merged into the clouds between the sky and the earth, and gathered in the vortex.

With the feedback of the red mist, the red energy in the clouds became more and more powerful, and terrifying power spread between the heaven and the earth, and the twisted vortex became even larger.

The red mist was like Mount Tai, spreading in all directions from the sky. The red mist fell on the descendants of the Xuan family. It was seen that the descendants of the Xuan family had terrifying energy flowing in their bodies. Their bodies began to mutate, and their bloodlines began to change. As it continues to purify, the muscles and bones under the skin twist like little mice, causing the bloodline of the Xuan family's children to return to their ancestors. Runes flash under the skin, and then the face begins to mutate. The man turns into an extremely ugly appearance, and the woman looks ugly. Become unparalleled in beauty.

Asura! That's Asura! The bloodline of the Xuan family is actually the bloodline of Asura! Chi You looked at the people and subjects of the Xuan family who were constantly changing, with shock in his eyes:

Although it only has the name of Asura, but not the reality of Asura, it already has the foundation of Asura. The ancestor of the Xuan family is definitely not the Blood Demon God. How can the Blood Demon God have such ability to take away the vitality of all things? It’s impossible to change the Xuan family’s bloodline! It’s definitely not the Blood Demon God! In the past, the Blood Demon God was one of my subordinates, my ancestor. How could I not know the Blood Demon God’s heel?” Chi You’s voice was filled with shock. .

Looking at the falling mist in the sky, he put his hands in his sleeves and his eyes were filled with thoughts: It seems interesting.

It’s really interesting!

The bloody mist blended into Cui Yu's body. Cui Yu had mastered the road of life and death and knew the origin of life most clearly. The origin of this mist was exactly the same as the origin of the Blood Demon God.

This is the origin of the Blood Demon God!

He was certain that the ancestors of the Xuan family must be related to the Blood Demon God.

Run? It's too late if you don't run. Chi You's voice was full of horror: This is Daluo Jinxian. Its power is beyond your imagination. I can't even deal with it.

Wait a minute! Cui Yu said expressionlessly: Danger also comes with opportunities. The most dangerous thing now is the Demon King of Ten Thousand Souls. The Demon King of Ten Thousand Souls is the first to bear the brunt. He didn't even run away. Why should I run in a hurry?

There was a trace of thought in Cui Yu's voice, and he raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance: I can't watch the Demon King of Ten Thousand Souls die here.

The people left here by the Demon King of Ten Thousand Souls are all puppets. His real body has been hidden in no corner for a long time. How could a person like him come here and take risks? Chi You analyzed from the side.

After hearing what Chi You said, Cui Yu still chose to watch calmly: Maybe things will turn around.

The Demon King of Ten Thousand Souls is about whether he can figure out the weirdness in the origin of the dream world.

If you gain this kind of power, you will be able to suppress all hidden dangers in the future.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and raised his head to look at the distant sky, countless thoughts flashing through his heart.

At this time, a terrifying coercion came down from the bloody vortex in the sky, suppressing everyone in the field. However, more than thirty descendants of the Xuan family suddenly stopped and no longer helped Xuance, but fell to their knees one after another. , shouting loudly: Welcome the ancestors to come.

Get up, all of you! Get up, all of you! What kind of ancestor is this? It's clearly the Xuan Tong that attracts evil spirits from outside the world. Let's all work together to interrupt his magical means of sacrifice. Xuance scolded Wanhun at this moment. The demon king was simply going crazy.

Xuance, you are the Demon King of Ten Thousand Souls, have you been exposed now? As long as all the descendants of my Xuan family have the blood of my Xuan family, who can't relate to their ancestors? Xuan Tong, who was standing on the altar, had a face at this time. A smile full of sarcasm.

Cowards! They are all cowards! The Ten Thousand Soul Demon King below controlled Xuance's body and cursed loudly. He looked at the Xuan tube on the altar with cold eyes: Do you think there is nothing I can do about it? Your ancestor of the Xuan family wants to I’m afraid it will take some time for it to arrive.”

As soon as the words fell, countless spider threads shot out from the bodies of Xuance, Xuan Ye, Xuan Ji, and Xuan Chi. Before the Xuan family's Jinchi realm bloodline combat power could react, the spider threads had already pierced everyone's bodies. Inside.

Obstacle!!! How dare!!! How dare!!! Xuan Tong on the high platform saw this scene and his eyes were split with tears. In his helpless eyes, all the high-level combat power of the Xuan family was reduced. There is no strength to resist.

All the disciples of the Xuan family were busy offering sacrifices to their newly born ancestors. How could they have expected that such a thing would happen?

Xuan Tong stood on the high platform with eyes wide open and his teeth itching with hatred, but there was nothing he could do. There was nothing he could do.

Cui Yu looked at the distant sky with a smile in his eyes: It's interesting! The Ten Thousand Soul Demon King still refuses to give up. It seems that he wants to fight to the death with the ancestor of the Xuan family.

There was a trace of worry in Chi You's eyes: Such an opportunity has never happened before. If it were me, I would never give up like this. Think about it, that is an incarnation of heaven. Who can give it up?

Since he dares to stay, he probably has a way to deal with the Great Luo Jinxian. Cui Yu thought thoughtfully.

Chi You was speechless when he heard the words, but he also had some expectations in his heart.

You must know how powerful Daluo Jinxian is, and how difficult it is for Jinxian to counterattack, but it is not impossible!

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