In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 885: Hard to guard against

The Supreme Emperor of the Xuan family still had two brushes. He looked at Wang Yanchun. The next moment, two lightsabers shot out from his pupils. Wang Yanchun screamed, his eyes shed blood and tears, and there were two streaks on the back of his head. Golden light shuttled out.

This magical power... is so damn hard to guard against! It's impossible to guard against and impossible to guard against! After Cui Yu saw the two lightsabers, a look of horror appeared in his eyes: Wang Yanchun is a real great monk. Unexpectedly He died like that? He died so cowardly? You really can’t look down on the people of the world.

Cui Yu was secretly shocked. The little bit of pride he felt in his heart disappeared in an instant.

There are so many weird magical powers in this world that it is almost impossible to guard against them.

Light is definitely the fastest speed in the world. It is so fast that it is impossible to prevent it. All magical methods cannot go faster than the speed of light.

The only thing in this world that can travel faster than light is thought.

Not to mention Wang Yanchun, any other person would have no choice but to kneel in front of the lightsaber.

No matter how advanced a person is in cultivating supernatural powers, he will never die if his head is pierced. Especially the sword light of Xuan Tong seems to be specifically aimed at the divine soul and has the effect of strangulating the divine soul.

Unless this magical power has an innate spiritual treasure to protect the body, or the cultivation level is Daluo, or one is prepared in advance, or one has achieved immortality, otherwise no matter who encounters the Xuan Tong, he will only be in bad luck. Chi You. The voice on the side was full of seriousness and said: In the past, the powerful people suffered disasters because of the incredible magical powers in this world. What kind of cultivation is the Xuan Tong? But if you master this magical power, even if you are a Daluo god, Even the slightest carelessness will result in physical destruction.

Hearing this, Cui Yushen thought that this was an incredible world, filled with all kinds of incredible powers.

At this moment, Xuan Tong looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: Hahaha, you are just relying on your magical power to be tyrannical. You dare to come to my Xuan family to wade in the muddy water and come to my Xuan family's small world to make trouble. But you don't know that there are people outside the mountain. The truth of the mountain. If you dare to go against the lonely king, the lonely king will kill you today.


Before Xuan Tong finished speaking, he saw a little golden man jumping out from Wang Yanchun's Tianling Baihui. He kept jumping nimbly in the void. Before the Xuan Tong on the opposite side could react, he had already fallen into the one behind him. Within the three talents formation.

The little golden man was no more than the size of a fist, lifelike and lifelike, no different from a living person. At this moment, he stood still in the formation, glaring at Xuantong with a pair of eyes, and his voice was full of anger: Xuantong, I think you are the king of this world. , to actually use such despicable magical powers is simply a shame for the king. As long as I am here today, you can never even think about stepping into the royal capital. I will force you to miss the throne today.

Yuan Shen! Wang Yanchun has actually cultivated the Yuan Shen unique to ancient monks! Chi You looked at the golden little man with surprise in his eyes.

Since Wang Yanchun has cultivated the unique soul of the ancient world, doesn't it mean that Zhenwu Mountain really has the supreme method of the ancient world?

Cui Yu is now more interested in the secret methods of Zhenwu Mountain.

Now I seem to have found a way to worship in Zhenwu Mountain. Cui Yu looked at the rapidly falling corpse in the sky, and the next moment he kicked Chi You's butt: Bring Wang Yanchun's corpse back, I have the technique to bring the dead back to life. I can help Wang Yanchun to resurrect. With such kindness, when the time comes, I will take advantage of the opportunity to offer to worship in Zhenwu Mountain, and Wang Yanchun will definitely not be able to refuse. Even if I broke his hatred back then, I can also resolve it.

Chi You did not retort and jumped directly into the space of the Dharma Realm. In a moment, he had locked the coordinates of Wang Yanchun's body through the void of the Dharma Realm. Then, before everyone could react, Chi You stretched out his dog's head and poked his head out of the Dharma Realm. Wang Yanchun's body was swallowed up.

Wang Yanchun's body was swallowed by Chi You's dog head. Before everyone could react, Chi You's dog head disappeared into the void.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the venue suddenly changed their colors. I don't know what it was, but it actually swallowed up Wang Yanchun's body. However, everyone was in a tense confrontation at this time and had no chance to follow Chi You's traces.

The most important thing is that there is no chance to track him at all. Chi You transforms into a tengu and can freely travel through the void, coming and going without a trace, leaving no time to track him.

Wang Yanchun stood in the formation, watching helplessly as his body was stolen. He was so angry that his eyes were filled with anger. But now that he had lost his body, he did not dare to go out at will, so he could only stand in the big formation. Jin Nai watched helplessly.

In the void, the Supreme Emperor Xuantong's eyes were full of horror, and his eyes were full of horror.


It's simply terrible!

Extremely scary!

What kind of monster is that? He appeared and disappeared suddenly. He was so close to the monster, but to his surprise, he didn't sense any trace of the monster.

Wang Yanchun, what other abilities do you have? Even if you show them, I'm afraid you are not worthy of becoming the head of the Xuan family. At this time, the voice of the Supreme Emperor Xuantong was full of pride.

After hearing this, Wang Yanchun stood in the formation and gritted his teeth: Thief, if you have the ability, come to my formation. Don't you want to retake the country? As long as I am here, you will never get what you want. . As long as I don’t die, you want to attack Shangjing City!”

I, Wang Yanchun, said that you have no chance to be king. Even if you escape from house arrest, you will never have the chance to rule the world and ascend to the throne. Wang Yanchun's voice was full of unforgettable hatred.

Once the physical body is destroyed, the cultivation level will be permanently fixed and will never make any progress!

He was in the disaster state, and the path to immortality had just begun. His future was over, everything was destroyed.

Wang Yanchun's voice was full of annoyance, and countless emotions retaliated, making him gnash his teeth with hatred.

You want to stop me? Just you? The Emperor's Xuantong was also poked in the painful spot by Wang Yanchun, and his face was filled with anger: Your body is destroyed now. Although I don't know why your soul can still exist, but How much more power can you exert in this three-talent formation?

The voice of the Supreme Emperor Xuantong resounded throughout the world: Everyone, the lonely king has destroyed this person's body. He only has his soul left. How much strength is left? Now we are all blocked in this big city. Outside the formation, if we cannot break through the formation, we will all be punished when the false king comes to his senses. If everyone has any means, stop hiding it and quickly join forces to break the formation.

Xuantong looked at the Xuanqi camp, Xuancao camp and Xuanli camp with his eyes, waiting for both sides to send experts to break the formation. This three-talent formation was really powerful. Even if Wang Yanchun's body was destroyed, he would not dare to touch it easily.

Hahaha! Hahaha! At this moment, a laugh came from the distance, and a figure was seen coming from the sky and falling in front of the formation: I am very interested in this formation, and I am willing to Go and give it a try.”

The visitor stood in the void, wearing a blood-red armor, his eyes were full of energy, and a powerful wave spread between the heaven and the earth, making him look particularly majestic.

The king of the mountain—Wang Xuance!

Wang Xuance was now wearing white armor and holding a silver spear, looking very elegant and elegant.

After seeing the Supreme Emperor Xuantong, he clasped his hands and saluted: Greetings to the king! I heard that the king escaped from the trap and wanted to wipe out the rebels. I am here to help the king.

Ai Qing is interested. If the lonely king can ascend to the throne, I will allow you to be the king and govern yourself. You will listen to the instructions but not the announcement. The Supreme Emperor Xuantong said.

Of course Xuan Tong would not listen to the lies of King Zhenshan. Why would he want to help him and not just want to take advantage of the chaos?

He is also a sensible person. He knows very well what Wang Xuance wants. If he wants Wang Xuance to work hard, how can he not give him any sweeteners?

If he couldn't give Wang Xuance what he wanted, he might turn around and help Xuan Ye eradicate the rebel party.

He is a sensible person who knows what is important and what can be slowed down.

For him, regaining power in the world is the most important thing.

As for settling the scores in the future? That will have to wait until he ascends the throne. No one can escape.

After hearing Xuantong's words, Wang Xuance rolled his eyes and his voice was full of excitement: Thank you so much, Your Majesty! I just ask Your Majesty to write down the imperial edict for canonization first, so that I can have a better understanding.

Looking at Wang Xuance, who looked respectful but was actually not inferior, there was a hint of coldness in Xuantong's eyes, but it was instantly covered by him: It's easy to talk about this.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the army: Xuan Zi, I made a plan for the emperor, and decreed that the king of Zhenshan, Xuance, should be made a hereditary prince, and he would cede territory and govern himself. He would obey the orders but not the announcements.

The situation was stronger than the others, so Xuan Zi didn't dare to say anything. He quickly drafted the edict, then put the seal on it and threw the imperial edict across the void and landed in Xantong's hand.

Xuantong glanced at the imperial edict in his hand, and then looked at Xuance, who had a glaring gaze across from him: Xuance accepts the seal.

Xuance's body was as straight as a javelin. He had no intention of kneeling down. He just said: I, Xuance, please forgive me. I am wearing armor, so I cannot perform this great ceremony.

But he didn't even want to do anything to save face.

He is a demigod, why should he kneel down to others?

There was a hint of aggrievedness in Xuantong's eyes, but he didn't say anything more. He just spread out the imperial edict: The Emperor Xuantong of Daxuan issued an edict, and the King of Zhenshan, Xuance, obeyed the title. You are allowed to establish yourself as a king and inherit the hereditary will forever. If you don't obey the orders, Xuan, you are so proud.

I accept the edict. Xuance was overjoyed when he heard this. He quickly took the edict and carefully stuffed it into his sleeve.

Regardless of whether the Supreme Emperor Xuantong wins or today's emperor Xuanye wins, his status is definitely stable.

He has the imperial edict of the Supreme Emperor. Even if Xuan Ye wins in the future, if Xuan Ye dares to force himself, he is seeking death. At that time, he will have sufficient reasons to obey the imperial edict and retaliate.

And judging from the situation, Xuan Ye seems to have no room for improvement.

Cui Yu's eyes from further away showed a hint of thoughtfulness, and he put his hands in his sleeves: These guys are all human beings, and they are all masters who will not see rabbits or let hawks fly. It can be seen that Xuan Tong is feeling aggrieved at this time. .”

At this time, everyone in the field looked at me and others, their eyes filled with a sense of frustration.

Hahaha, Your Majesty is brave, and I, Xuanchi, are here to help Your Majesty. Xuanchi, who had run away, ran back.

Seeing that Wang Yanchun's body was destroyed, and it seemed that he could take advantage of it, Xuan Chi ran back with a smile on his face.

If Wang Yanchun is killed, the remnants of this ancient sacred mountain may be able to be distributed.

Xuan Tong looked at Xuan Chi and couldn't help but feel comforted: Okay, okay! It has to be you! Don't worry, if the lonely king can successfully pacify the world, the lonely king will definitely not treat you badly in the future.

As the two powerful demigods stood up, more than thirty Jinzhi realm combatants appeared in the main camp of each party. At this time, they rose into the sky and landed in front of the Sancai formation.

Cui Yu put his hands in his sleeves and couldn't help laughing at this moment. Looking at the thirty or so strong men in the world whose bloodline combat power had reached the Jinzhi realm, his eyes couldn't help but be filled with envy: What the fuck? Is this the heritage of the ancient clan?”

The combat power of more than thirty golden emperors!

No wonder the Qi practitioner has been unable to make his mark.

As long as you keep your bloodline pure, as long as you reach adulthood, you can have the combat power of the Golden Imperial Realm. This is a unique blessing that no one can envy. Chi You looked at the figures in the sky with serious eyes:

Of course, bloodline users always have a fatal flaw. They can never surpass their ancestors, and the bloodline inheritance will weaken from generation to generation. Each generation is inferior to the last!

Cui Yu's voice was full of seriousness: This is scary enough! The combat power of the thirty golden emperors is only a part of this world.

The Xuan family is a special case. The Xuan family is covered by the innate formation. The people of the Xuan family are nourished by the innate formation, which can slow down the decay of their bloodline. They can even use the innate formation to capture the spirituality between heaven and earth. Chi You said.

According to you, as long as it is a cave or a blessed land, it should have this effect? Cui Yu asked.

The cave sky is the product of the stillbirth of the heavenly fetus, and the blessed land is the place enveloped by the innate formation.

If we follow Chi You's words, wouldn't it mean that the caves and blessed lands of the Great Wilderness Monster Clan are terrifying?

You are wrong. The Cave Heaven Paradise is all occupied by the demon clan. Where can the ancestors of the demon clan have the blood of the innate gods? The so-called delaying the aging of blood is just a bloodline characteristic of the human race. Of course, the demon clan is not without the blood of the heaven-defying people, but The bloodline of the demon clan seems to have no nourishing and nurturing effect on the innate formation. Chi You said: If the cave heaven and bloodline of the demon clan had the function of nourishing the bloodline, wouldn't the human race have been breached long ago? You must not It is not that simple to underestimate the human bloodline, the first bloodline in the world, which gathers the ancient divine creation and inherits the ancient divine will. It is the power from the perfect world.

As he was talking, another change occurred in the field. Two demigods were seen leading more than thirty strong men, rushing directly towards the three talents formation.

As for the Supreme Emperor Xuantong, he was still standing outside the innate formation, just standing aside and watching coldly, with no intention of rushing in.

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