In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 882: Blood Sacrifice to Cave Heaven

Hearing this, Xuan Ye's eyes showed a smile: I actually want the girl to do me a big favor.

If you want to help, just ask the king, so why use such methods? Wu Zhao quickly showed a harmless smile.

Hearing this, Xuan Ye narrowed his eyes with a glint in his eyes: I know the girl's reputation and methods. The girl's bloodline is said to be the first direct bloodline of the Wu family. Although I have a higher cultivation level than you, I don't dare to Careless. My 'Dazzling Shackle Lock' is known as the No. 1 Lock in Heaven and Earth. It specializes in locking people's blood and essence. Once locked by my 'Dazzling Shackle Lock', it will surpass the Golden Imperial Order. A strong person in the realm can only be reduced to a mortal, and there is no way he can escape.

Xuan Ye's eyes were full of pride: I relied on this treasure to plot against my father, otherwise I would not be crowned the king.

Having said this, Xuan Ye looked at Wu Zhao: I want to borrow the girl's blood for use. Since the girl married into my Xuan family, your blood, body, and soul have all become members of my Xuan family, so Is there nothing wrong with me wanting to borrow the girl’s blood?”

After hearing Xuan Ye's words, Wu Zhao's face turned pale with fear: Your Majesty, do you want my life?

Wu Zhao was not a fool. At this time, she finally understood that she had fallen into a big net that had been opened against her since she was proposed for marriage by the Xuan family.

This is not the usual troublesome big network!

She was still wondering, even if the Xuan family wanted to marry the Wu family, they should marry the traitor's daughter. How could it be her turn?

It turns out that the other party came for the power of his bloodline!

There was a sparkle in Xuan Ye's eyes, and he put his hands in his sleeves: I'm not asking you to take your life, but I'm asking you to complete a great thing. This is such an honor, but it's a pity that I'm not qualified to participate. It's a pity. , it’s too late, otherwise your bloodline may have a way to be more refined, but now it can only be used carelessly.”

After Xuan Ye finished speaking, he walked towards the door: Miss Wu, come with me.

Wu Zhao followed Xuan Ye obediently, with no hint of perverseness or hostility in his eyes that he wanted to resist.

Xuanji followed Wu Zhao, looking at Wu Zhao's slender and plump back, with a look of helplessness in his eyes: What a pity!

It is indeed a pity that such a lively and beautiful woman should sacrifice her blood to ‘Heaven’. Isn’t it a pity?

Wu Zhao and Xuanji are somewhat familiar with each other. After all, Xuanji personally proposed marriage in the wilderness, how could she not be familiar with them? We talked for a while on the way here.

Xuanji felt very fond of the girl in front of him who had an outstanding temperament, was elegant but had a hint of handsomeness.

After hearing Wu Zhao's question, Xuanji couldn't bear to conceal the deception. What's the use of deceiving him now that things have come to this? The truth is about to be known.

Then I heard Xuanji say: Have you ever heard of the legendary sky, girl?

Heaven? Wu Zhao's pupils shrank when he heard this, his eyes were full of shock, and an electric current flashed through his mind: Heaven? The legendary sky?

Yes, our Xuan family has a Tian who is incubating, but this Tian and Huang Tian of Taiping Road were bred together in the secret realm of Da Zhou. The Tian of Da Zhou took away too many nutrients, so our two Tian The development is not complete, and it is always a little bit missing. So my ancestor of the Xuan family accepted the information from heaven and earth, and deduced that as long as we use the blood of the innate gods, or the blood of the descendants of the gods, we can make up for the heaven The origin of my Xuan family is vacant. The ancestors of my Xuan family have continuously selected the blood of the Xuan family and used the most pure blood descendants to personally feed the Heaven. By constantly feeding with the blood of my Xuan family, they can subtly change the Heaven. 'As soon as the bloodline of my Xuan family is incubated, I can get close to my Xuan family and be my envoy. But who knows that the world suddenly changes, the era of Qi practitioners comes, and those of blood become more and more popular. It was getting harder and harder to find the kind of pure bloodline. So the speed of hatching 'Tian' began to slow down, and my Xuan family's plan to hatch 'Tian' was also hindered.

Having said this, Xuanji looked at Wu Zhao with his eyes: But after the deduction and improvement of my ancestors of the Xuan family, I found a way to make up for it. It is the same with using the purity of the second generation bloodline to make up for the gaps.

It's just that the second-generation bloodline has begun to be saturated in the past few years, and the evolution of that day has reached its limit. There is only a small chance to break the fetal egg and hatch it out. No amount of second-generation bloodline can bring about critical changes in the world. I The ancestors of the Xuan family deduced that in order to complete the final transformation and break out of the carcass to hatch, we must have the purest generation of blood. Originally, we had already found a generation of pure blood outside, but who knew that something unexpected happened and it turned out to be... That generation of bloodline escaped. At this point, Xuanji smiled bitterly and said:

There is no other way, we can only focus on the girl. Originally we thought about letting the girl live for a while, and then our Xuan family took action to extract the girl's bloodline, making the girl's bloodline further, but who knew that the Xuan family Suddenly there was a rebellion, and now there are rebellions from all walks of life, and we have no time. Xuanji's voice was full of seriousness: My father decided to sacrifice the girl's blood in advance and make a big gamble. If the girl's blood makes the world 'If you break out of the shell, you can sweep across the world and wipe out all the rebels. If you fail, then you will destroy the sky and disturb the sleeping ancestors of the Xuan family, and then everyone will be finished together.

Xuanji's voice was full of emotion.

He felt that Wu Zhao was really unjust. If the bloodline person had not run away, how could things have happened today?

Wu Zhao is taking the blame for someone else!

There was a trace of bitterness in Wu Zhao's eyes, and he tried to mobilize his magical power, but the divine blood in his body seemed to have lost its sensitivity, and there was no more fluctuation.

As they walked along, the three of them arrived in front of the ancestral temple, and saw a green beam of light rising into the sky.

The range of the light pillar is very large, and it can be seen for several miles at a glance. Within the green light pillar, there is an altar with various ornaments placed on the altar.

The altar is very large and very high, with a radius of fifty meters and a height of more than thirty meters.

There are countless ancient patterns carved on the altar.

Wu Zhao's eyes looked at the altar, filled with strangeness.

What a strange altar! Wu Zhao's eyes were full of curiosity.

Don't look at it. I'll cut your blood vessels open later. When the blood fills these grooves, you'll know how powerful it is. Xuanji looked at Wu Zhao with a curious face, his eyes filled with helplessness.

This girl is so big-hearted that she is going to die, and she is still curious here.

What? Wu Zhao's scalp exploded when he heard this, and his eyes were full of horror: Use my blood to water the groove? I won't do it! This won't work! Absolutely not!

Wu Zhao's voice was filled with fear, and he kept shaking his head and waving his hands, his delicate little hands drawing traces in the sky.

After hearing this, Xuanji said angrily: Do you still have a choice now? It's not whether you are happy or not, but whether you have a choice.

I am your future wife, can you bear to watch other men harm me and ruin me? Wu Zhao looked at Xuanji with pitiful eyes.

When Xuanji heard this, his face suddenly darkened: The words he said were like tigers and wolves, they are simply unpalatable.

At this time, Xuan Ye was already standing on the altar, filling up the incense burner and sacrificial items that had been prepared long ago, and then placed them respectfully on the altar, and kowtowed respectfully to the altar to defeat,

If you let me go now, I will still have a chance to escape, so you will have a wife in the future. If you don't let me go, you will have no wife in the future! Look, who would sacrifice his wife to heaven? ? Wu Zhao's voice was full of yin and yang.

Xuanji's cheeks twitched when he heard this, and he turned away from looking at the girl who was full of arrogant words.

Xuan Ye's face on the stage was also twitching at this time, and his eyes were full of embarrassment. After listening to Wu Zhao's words, even the gods would shake their heads when they came down.

Get ready to start. Xuan Ye was not ready to talk nonsense, there was not much time left for him.

Although Wang Yanchun said he could withstand it for ten days, he was prepared to decide the outcome with one blow within three days.

The ten days are just to buy myself more and more leisurely time.

After hearing what Xuan Ye said, Wu Zhao suddenly raised his hand to stop: Wait! Wait! I have something to say, I have something to say!

Wu Zhao said quickly.

Xuan Ye paused: Do you have any last words?

You want to hatch 'Tian', but I'm afraid that my bloodline is not pure enough to meet your conditions. If Tian's process of breaking out of the fetus fails, wouldn't your plan be in vain? I know where there is a generation of blood ! As long as you let me go, I can take you to find a generation of blood. Wu Zhao said quickly.

Impossible. With the end of the world, it is simply impossible to give birth to a generation of blood. Xuan Ye did not believe it.

Wu Zhao suddenly became anxious when he heard this: I know! I really know!

Seeing that Wu Zhao's expression didn't look fake, Xuan Ye stopped. After all, he also wanted to increase the success rate: Tell me, where is the bloodline? If you really find a first-generation bloodline, we can't give you a way to survive. I, the king It’s not like you’re in trouble with a little girl.”

The third prince of the East China Sea Dragon Clan! The third prince of the East China Sea Dragon Clan must be of the first generation's blood, and he will definitely be able to meet the raw materials for hatching.

Hearing this, Xuan Ye frowned: I know the Third Prince Long you are talking about. Our Xuan family has also been secretly searching for the whereabouts of the Third Prince Long over the years, but there has never been any trace.

I know where Prince Long San is! I know! Wu Zhao was grasping at straws.

Huh? Where? Xuan Ye asked.

You have to agree to let me go first before I can hand over the clues about Prince Long San. Wu Zhao was not stupid either.

I'm not a fool. How do I know if what you say is true or false? You go ahead and tell me. As long as I tell you, I will let you go immediately if I can find Prince Long San. Xuan Ye's voice was full of solemnity.

After hearing this, Wu Zhao did not show off, and said with determination in his voice: Cui Yu! As long as you find Cui Yu, you can find Prince Long San. In the past, the opening of Dongting Lake Dragon Palace required the blood of Prince Long San. He The person who opened the Dragon Palace must know the whereabouts of the Third Prince Long.

Wu Zhao's voice was full of regret. She had also heard about Cui Yu, and she had traveled all over the world to find Cui Yu, and then asked Prince Long San to come over as her royal beast.

But who knew that before she could find Cui Yu, she herself would have been summoned back by her family. Then the Wu family suffered a sudden change, and her branch was seized from power. Although all the direct descendants were not exiled, they also lost their personal freedom, day and night. Being watched, there is no chance to find Cui Yu anymore.

Xuanji shook his head when he heard this: We have also heard of the Cui Yu you mentioned, and we have also looked for him. Unfortunately, it was too late, and Cui Yu was burned to death in the inn by the third prince Ji Wuxin.

Wu Zhao was stunned when he heard the words. Thinking of the young man in the mountain village, his heart suddenly twitched and his eyes were filled with sadness.

She didn't expect Cui Yu to be dead!

So the clue you mentioned has been broken! Xuanji's voice was full of regret.

If you can't come up with any other clues, I'm afraid I will have no choice but to take action. Xuan Ye looked at Wu Zhao with his eyes.

Don't do it, wait... let me think about it... let me think about it... The girl panicked and shouted quickly.

However, Xuan Ye ignored Wu Zhao's words and suddenly stretched out his hand, only to see Wu Zhao rising into the air and landing on the altar.

Then Xuan Ye stretched out his hand, Wu Zhao's wrists and ankles were cut open, and the next moment countless blood was drawn away from the altar by a mysterious force.

Then Wu Zhao's blood was seen flowing out, flowing along the limbs to the surrounding grooves.

Wai Wai Wai Wai, if you want to draw blood, just draw blood. Why don't you save my life? Wu Zhao's shouting voice sounded on the altar: Wai Wai Wai, drawing blood won't delay your life, right?

Looking at Wu Zhao with a lively face, Xuanji couldn't bear it: Father...

Impossible! After her blood is integrated into Tian's body, it will react with Tian. This is the sky of my Xuan family, and outsiders will never be allowed to get involved. Xuan Ye's voice was full of coldness.

There was a hint of seriousness in Xuan Ye's eyes, and he turned to look at Wu Zhao: Girl, don't blame us. We are all trying to survive and have a better future. You...just say whatever last words you have, If it’s not too much, I can help you do it when you rule the world in the future.”

There was a rare softness in Xuan Ye's voice.

Really? Wu Zhao's eyes lit up.

Of course it's true. If you have any last words, just say it. Xuan Ye said calmly. As he spoke, his eyes looked at the sky in the distance, his eyes full of seriousness: In the distant emperor, Outside the city, a terrifying wave of energy surged between the heaven and the earth, and it was obviously Wang Yanchun who took action.

I'm afraid only I know how strong the Xuan family is. I don't know if Wang Yanchun can withstand it! Xuan Ye muttered in his heart.

Wu Zhao turned his eyes and looked at Xuan Ye seriously: If you succeed, can you revive me again?

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