Chi You did not disappoint Cui Yu after all. Chi You opened his mouth wide and a figure spat out from Chi You's mouth.

It was none other than Yu Ji.

At this time, Yu Ji was still sleeping, unaware of what was happening in the outside world.

After Cui Yuxiu used Qiankun to put away Yu Ji, the seriousness in his eyes finally dissipated: Now, I finally have no scruples, and the last flaw has disappeared. I can do whatever I want next. Take action?

Now that he, Cui Yu, is in an invincible position, he will gain nothing at all. The Xuan family's plan is successful, and he, Cui Yu, will retreat without any loss.

Yu Ji is rescued, what are your plans next? Chi You looked at Cui Yu.

Wait. Cui Yu spit out one word: First understand the situation of the Xuan family. It is best to sneak into the Xuan family and find the core that controls the innate formation. First, destroy the innate formation.

Cui Yu was waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to sneak into the Xuan family.

However, Cui Yu didn't have to wait long, and the opportunity soon came.

On this day, Cui Yu was sitting at the inn window drinking tea. Suddenly, a familiar voice from downstairs sounded in Cui Yu's ears:

Boss, my young master is coming here for dinner today. The place is cleared today. Please clear everyone out of the restaurant quickly!

An extremely arrogant voice sounded from the first floor.

It's okay to have an arrogant voice. The key is that this arrogant voice is very familiar to Cui Yu. Ever since he got Pangu Chalcedony, Cui Yu's memory has not been very good. In an instant, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he had already remembered the owner of the voice: Song Fuyun. .

Song Fuyun of the Fuwei Escort Bureau was the unlucky guy who escorted the Golden Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations, and his entire family was silenced.

Impossible! This is the home of the Xuan family. How could Song Fuyun appear here? Song Fuyun should never appear here. Cui Yu muttered to himself.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard the humble voice of the boss downstairs: Uncle, everyone who comes is a guest, how can a villain drive people away...

Pa... Before he finished speaking, a slap came, and the arrogant voice sounded from the inn again: Asshole, do you know who my young master is? These low-blooded people are worthy of eating with my young master. You clear the place quickly now, if you are late, don’t blame us for being unethical and burning your inn down.

The voice was full of arrogance, arrogance to the extreme.

Then there was the boss's humble voice asking the guests to go out. The guests didn't want to get into trouble when they went out. They all cooperated after hearing that the shopkeeper waived the drink money.

Soon the shopkeeper went up to the second floor and began to lower his head and say nice things to the guests on the second floor. The guests on the second floor did not feel embarrassed and put down their bowls and chopsticks one by one and left.

Soon the shopkeeper came to Cui Yu. Cui Yu looked at the shopkeeper and saw that the shopkeeper's cheek was red and swollen, and a clear slap mark was imprinted on the left cheek.

Cui Yu's eyes were filled with surprise. This slap from the old shopkeeper was quite severe.

As if he saw something strange in Cui Yu's eyes, the shopkeeper gave a wry smile and lowered his voice and said: Sir, did you see it? It's not that I want to chase someone away, but

Hearing this, Cui Yu didn't feel embarrassed, but put down his chopsticks calmly: Since we are members of the royal family, of course we can't afford to offend him.

Hearing this, the shopkeeper spat carefully: A clan member? Oh my god! Although this guy is a clan relative of the royal family, because his mother's bloodline is impure, he is just a transparent person in the royal family, and he is not favored at all. Just pretending to be a royal family member.

Having said this, the shopkeeper shook his head and sighed, and bowed to Cui Yu: In this world, even an unfavored prince is not something we can provoke. We all have the same ancestor tens of thousands of years ago. Why should we be their grandsons and be controlled by others when they are domineering and domineering? It’s so damn unfair.”

The shopkeeper's voice was full of imbalance.

Cui Yu smiled when he heard this and ignored the shopkeeper's words. However, the shopkeeper's whisper was obviously heard by the people downstairs. However, he heard a rush of footsteps coming from downstairs, and the familiar voice shouted, While shouting, he rushed up: Bastard, what the hell are you talking about? You dare to slander His Highness the Prince, I'm afraid you are tired of living.

The voice was full of coldness and domineering, and then the stairs creaked, and a familiar figure, like a crab, rushed up from the bottom of the stairs domineeringly.

Old boy, are you tired of living? The visitor's voice suddenly stopped midway through his words, and then he stared at Cui Yu with his eyes, as if he had seen a ghost, as if he had been subjected to a immobilization spell. , standing there stiffly, staring at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes, full of disbelief, then stretched out his hands and rubbed his eyes vigorously: Impossible! Absolutely impossible! This is How could that evil star appear here in the Xuan family's cave?

The voice of the visitor was full of seriousness and disbelief. It seemed like a small animal that had sensed a natural enemy and was frightened to death. It stared at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes full of shock.

The visitor was shocked when he saw Cui Yu, but he didn't know that Cui Yu was also shocked when he saw the visitor. His eyes were full of disbelief and uncertainty: Song Fuyun?

Song Fuyun, the young master of Fuwei Escort Agency!

This is the territory of the Xuan family, why did Song Fuyun appear here?

Don't talk nonsense, I'm not! Song Fuyun was like a frightened little animal, suddenly turning around and running downstairs.

Stop! Cui Yu's voice was full of surprise: If you run away, I will kill you right now.

Song Fuyun paused, then turned to look at Cui Yu, with a look of horror in his eyes: You are... you are... you are Cui Yu? Why are you here?

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Song Fuyun did not dare to escape after all, and stared at Cui Yu with a hint of horror in his eyes.

I want to ask you, why did you appear here? Cui Yu asked.

Song Fuyun stared at Cui Yu with his eyes full of awkwardness, and finally came to Cui Yu's side: You go to the teahouse next door and wait for me. After I finish serving the prince, I will see you again. If you have any questions, I will talk to you later. Besides, our identities must not be exposed.

When Song Fuyun said this, he turned his eyes to look down the stairs and winked at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu didn't say much. He took a deep look at Song Fuyun, then patted Song Fuyun on the shoulder: I'll be waiting for you at the teahouse opposite. You must not think about escaping.

Cui Yu walked down the pavilion leisurely and saw a young man standing on the first floor. The young man was wearing a green python robe with a jade hairpin on his head. He looked elegant, well-dressed, and carried a good skin. .

Cui Yu didn't say much, and left in a hurry, went to the teahouse opposite, ordered a pot of tea, and drank it leisurely.

Discovering Song Fuyun was an unexpected surprise. For Cui Yu, maybe discovering Song Fuyun could give him an opportunity to break the situation.

Cui Yu tapped his fingers on the table, and drank pot after pot of tea on the table. Finally, when the sky was getting dark, the lamps were lit in the teahouse, and then he saw Song Fuyun hurriedly coming from the door and sitting down with his head shrinking. He stood opposite Cui Yu and said, I asked, why are you here? This is the ancestral land of the Xuan family, how could you come in? Could it be that you have good relations with the Xuan family and the Xuan family brought you in?

Song Fuyun stared at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes full of surprise. At the same time, he said to himself: We are in big trouble! Wherever this kid appears, nothing good will happen. What if this kid messes up and something goes wrong? Will my affairs be in big trouble then? This kid is simply a troublemaker, and whoever he encounters will be unlucky.

Cui Yu looked at Song Fuyun with strange eyes: Song Fuyun is not a simple boy.

Not only is it not simple, it is simply not simple to the extreme. He has rarely seen anyone more difficult to deal with than Song Fuyun, because Song Fuyun has mastered the art of cause and effect transfer. If he practices to a high level, he can master the past and future cause and effect, and even kill the past. Future Karma is definitely the top person in the world.

Moreover, Song Fuyun is a lucky star. Basically, wherever there are treasures, there will be traces of Song Fuyun.

If it hadn't been for Song Fuyun, how could Cui Yu have opened up the Small Thousand Worlds?

There was a hint of seriousness in Cui Yu's eyes, and he stared at Song Fuyun with his eyes, which made Song Fuyun a little creepy: Why are you staring at me like this?

Why did you appear here? Cui Yu asked.

I accidentally formed a karma with a disciple of the Xuan family in Haojing City in the past. Then when I was exploring a secret realm in the wilderness, I was killed by that secret realm. After being resurrected with the help of karma transfer, I was resurrected in Xuan. The children of our family. Song Fuyun's voice was full of weirdness: What about you? Why do you appear here?

Cui Yu looked at Song Fuyun with his eyes full of suspicion: You didn't lie? I always feel that you are lying.

Cui Yu had reason to believe that Song Fuyun didn't give the real reason.

But it is normal for Song Fuyun to hide the real reason. If Song Fuyun really told the real reason, Cui Yu would not believe it.

Cui Yu didn't dare to underestimate Song Fuyun, who mastered the art of cause and effect transfer. Song Fuyun's magical power definitely exceeded his expectations. Maybe this guy was an old monster who had awakened the immortal true spirit.

But Cui Yu thought about the whole prehistoric period, and he never thought that there was any great supernatural power master in the prehistoric era who had mastered the magical power of cause and effect.

Of course I came in lurking. Could it be that the Xuan family invited me in? Cui Yu looked at Song Fuyun with a smile: How long have you been coming to the ancestral land of the Xuan family?

Ever since we said goodbye, I have been in the Xuan family's small world. Song Fuyun said.

Cui Yu looked at Song Fuyun with his eyes full of seriousness: I said, you kid must not cause trouble and ruin my plan, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind.

Your plan? What are your plans for coming to the Xuan family world? Song Fuyun's voice was full of curiosity, and at the same time there was a hint of worry, fearing that he and Cui Yu's plans would conflict.

Anyone who has worked with Cui Yu is aware of Cui Yu's evil ways.

Song Fuyun really didn't want to be an enemy of this guy Cui Yu.

Cui Yu's lips curled up when he heard this: If I say that I am here to destroy the Xuan family's small world, what do you think?

Song Fuyun's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. If you say that, then I'll be in high spirits.

Don't be ridiculous. The Xuan family is so powerful. Although I admit that you have some abilities, it is simply impossible to destroy the Xuan family. Song Fuyun whispered.

After hearing Song Fuyun's words, Cui Yu picked up the tea cup and took a sip: Who is kidding you?

Song Fuyun stared at Cui Yu, looking at Cui Yu. After a long time, he saw Song Fuyun take a breath, and a thought flashed in his mind: If I pull Cui Yu into my camp, then Isn’t that plan almost certain?”

Of course, the premise is that the interests of both parties do not conflict.

Song Fuyun stared at Cui Yu, then looked at Cui Yu, and blurted out one word: Seriously?

Of course I take it seriously. Cui Yu said.

After hearing Cui Yu's words, Song Fuyun also looked serious, sat up straight and said: To be honest, I came here for a treasure.

I won't hide it from you, I also want a treasure. Cui Yu said with a smile.

What? Song Fuyun suddenly became nervous when he heard this. Cui Yu also wanted a treasure?

If his own purpose conflicts with Cui Yu's, I'm afraid he will be in trouble.

He had personally experienced Cui Yu's methods.

Are you after the Xuan family's treasure? Song Fuyun looked alert and was prepared to use his magical powers to escape if something went wrong.

Cui Yu smiled: I heard someone said that the Xuan family has an embryo of heaven. I am very interested in this thing, so I want to come and find out.

What the hell? Tian's embryo? Are you kidding me!!! Song Fuyun's eyes widened and he stared at Cui Yu with horror in his eyes.

At this time, Song Fuyun couldn't tell what kind of mood he was feeling. He was both happy and scared.

Fortunately, Cui Yu's goal was different from his own. He was only for the Xuan family's innate formation, but Cui Yu was actually for the Xuan family's heavenly embryo.

The most important thing is that there is an embryo of the sky in the Xuan family's cave!

Can you believe it?

If Cui Yu hadn't said it, he wouldn't have believed it no matter what.

What? You don't know? You don't know how deep the water in Xuan's house is, so you still dare to come to Xuan's house to wade in the muddy water? Cui Yu stared at Song Fuyun with his eyes, and suddenly felt that this boy was reckless and courageous. .

Isn't it funny that someone who doesn't know the Xuan family's background dares to come to the Xuan family to cause trouble?

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