In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 870 Zhang Tianshi’s Spell

Cui Yu didn't say anything after hearing his words, but looked at the city in the distance with his eyes, looking at the blue light pillars connecting the sky and the earth, with a hint of thinking in his eyes: You said, has this 'Sky' hatched?

Of course not! Chi You said directly without thinking: If the sky in Xuanjia City had hatched, it would not be like this now.

Having said this, Chi You paused: That day and the cave sky are born from the same root. When the cave sky breaks, the sky will be born. Just like when a chicken hatches and the eggshell is broken, the chicken will emerge from it. The only difference is that if the sky If the incubation fails, it will turn into an innate spiritual treasure and become a weapon to suppress Dongtian. If the incubation is successful...then it will be a big deal.

Chi You didn't say what would happen if the hatch was successful, but Cui Yu could imagine it.

In the same era, five heavens will be born, called the Five Directions and Five Heavens. The five directions and five heavens compete with each other for control of the way of heaven, and continue to devour each other. Eventually, the five elements merge into chaos and become the carrier of the way of heaven. The sky is not dead. Immortality is really terrible and must not be allowed to hatch. Chi You's voice was full of seriousness: Five thousand years ago, the female demon Zhan Tian joined forces with the Great Zhou Dynasty to destroy Qing Tian. I doubt what is happening in front of me. Heaven is the blue sky and nirvana.”

Nu Ba Zhan Tian? Didn't Nv Ba fight against you? Cui Yu was stunned.

Is the female demon capable of defeating a god?

Chi You's voice was a little confused: I can't remember! It seems that they were born among the human race due to the blessings of those powerful people in the ancient times. They wanted to use the blood of the human race to return against the sky and have the last battle with the heaven. Then the heaven fell into a deep sleep, and those innate All holiness is destroyed.

In the past, there was a prehistoric saint who dragged his broken body and survived the calamity, and then reincarnated into the human race, opened up the human race, expelled hundreds of races in the world, and occupied the land of China. After that, the way of heaven revived, and a generation of the human race The Holy War marched against the sky, and the final decisive battle broke out with the way of heaven. Since then, there has been no trace of the Holy One in the world. Most of them fell into a deep sleep like female demons, or disappeared directly between heaven and earth. I was the one who persisted to the end. ,such a pity……

Chi You seemed a little embarrassed when he mentioned the past.

Numerous doubts arose in Cui Yu's heart. If according to Chi You, everyone fights together, then the female demon and Chi You should be allies, then why did the female demon suppress Chi You?

This is the crux of the matter.

It's a pity that Chi You has lost part of his memory now, and even he himself can't figure out what happened.

First lurk in the main city, and then look for opportunities to enter the cave world. It would be best if we can take away 'Qingtian'. If we can't take away Qingtian, then destroy Qingtian. Cui Yu's voice was full of coldness.

He actually doesn't care much about Yitian, because he has Pangu's bloodline, and as long as he has a chance, he can condense Pangu's true body.

Once Pangu's true body is cultivated, everyone will be his younger brother to him.

The gods and demons are just things that can be slapped to death.

Cui Yu used his escape technique and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the city gate. Looking at the city gate from a distance, Cui Yu was thinking about 'Baiyun City'?

The name of the city is Baiyun City.

There are countless vendors and goons on the streets, and the faces of the people are still stained, and they look like they are caused by malnutrition and hunger.

Baiyun City is the city of the Xuan family, and the city is full of people from the Bai family. Will there be oppression in Baiyun City? Countless thoughts flashed in Cui Yu's heart.

Do your own people oppress your own people?

Very reasonable!

Nothing wrong!

After thousands of generations of blood, where is the family affection left?

It's simply impossible.

Baiyun City. Cui Yu muttered, and then walked into Baiyun City calmly.

Baiyun City has no walls, only a huge gate with a plaque hanging on it.

Come to think of it, under the rule of the direct descendants of the Xuan family, with the blessing of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, who can stop it?

Rebellion is impossible.

Cui Yu was walking on the street. The street was busy with traffic and there were countless vendors and foot soldiers.

Cui Yu looked at the street with a pair of eyes, and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes: Where should I start?

For a moment, Cui Yu felt like he didn't know how to start.

How about you just go in and have a decisive battle with the old guy from the Xuan family? Chi You joked beside him.

I'm not a fool. Before leaving, Tang Zhou said that the Xuan family is very likely to have the ancestors of the ancient gods and demons in the realm of sleeping. Those beings are at least terrifying beings in the Daluo realm. Although I have some strength now, if I dare Jumping out directly is seeking death. Cui Yu narrowed his eyes: For now, we will settle down in Baiyun City, and then we will find an opportunity to sneak into the Xuan family, find the control core of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, and move the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty to It was destroyed, but with the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing around, I always feel a little uneasy.

If the Xuan family really has ancestors who are in the Daluo realm, and those old people are resurrected to preside over the grand formation, I'm afraid it will be bad. Cui Yu didn't dare to belittle himself and say that he could dominate the world.

Can't do it!

Far from it!

The Xuan family can take root in a mysterious and unknown place, and its strength is by no means as simple as imagined.

I think the most important thing you should do is to rescue Yu Ji, and then plan for the Xuan family's treasures and fortune. Chi You said with a smile from the side.

I don't know the details of the Xuan family now, so it wouldn't be good to sneak into it rashly just in case I scare someone off. Cui Yu shook his head.

It's better to use the innate mosquito clone first to find out the details of the Xuan family. Cui Yu muttered.

Then, following Cui Yu's thoughts, countless mosquitoes spread in Baiyun City, and some mosquitoes even approached the cyan light pillar.

Then Cui Yu went straight to an inn to stay, waiting for feedback from his innate mosquito clone.

Cui Yu didn't let Cui Yu wait long, but his innate mosquito clone actually discovered Yu Ji's traces. He saw an inconspicuous innate mosquito flying in the void, and then the innate mosquito landed at the gap in the window of a certain room. , saw Yu Ji sleeping through the gap.

A bright yellow rune flashed on Yu Ji's forehead. Obviously Yu Ji's deep sleep was related to the bright yellow rune.

Inside the inn

There was a trace of thought in Cui Yu's eyes, and he put his hands in his sleeves: Yu Ji masters the sound escape technique. If I break the bright yellow rune, Yu Ji can use the sound escape technique to escape with some certainty. Already?

A trace of thought emerged in Cui Yu's heart, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind. Then he turned to look at Chi You's dog head: The mental ape is my inner demon, and the innate mosquito is my clone. In theory, the mental ape is also the innate mosquito. The mental ape, the innate mosquito can also summon the mental ape.

If Chi You is asked to swallow Yu Ji into his belly, and then take the opportunity to escape into the Dharma Realm, and then escape from the Dharma Realm to me, wouldn't that mean he has rescued Yu Ji? Cui Yu's mind flashed with thoughts: But the key point is It’s about whether Chi You is reliable or not!”

He was able to restrain Xin Yuan and Chi You all by virtue of the forbidden spell.

What if Chi You swallowed Yu Ji into his abdomen and used Yu Ji as a threat?

What should I do?

He had no choice but to be manipulated by Chi You.

But now is the best time and the safest way to rescue Yu Ji.

But once Yu Ji enters the dog's belly, she may be in big trouble.

If this bitch turns his back on me, who can I talk to to reason with him?

Cui Yu began to hesitate in his heart, and countless thoughts flashed in his heart.

Just as thousands of thoughts were circulating in Cui Yu's heart, the monkey on the side seemed to feel the irritability and dark thoughts in Cui Yu's heart, and his voice said in Cui Yu's heart: Don't forget, there is me! This Even though I have a body, I also have control!”

You are even less reliable. Cui Yu replied angrily.

I am your demonic thought, your obsession, and your desire. I am you, and you are me! Yu Ji is your obsession, and it is also my obsession. I was born in obsession, and How could you hurt Yu Ji?

Xin Yuan's voice was full of emotion: I am your obsession. All the things you think are important will give birth to obsessions, and all your obsessions have turned into me.

When Cui Yu heard this, he suddenly realized that this was the case.

The ape of mind is one's own desires, oneself!

Yu Ji also has her own obsession and is also one of the components of the mental ape. How could the mental ape violate her obsession and hurt Yu Ji?

Xin Yuan was born out of obsession and lived only to fulfill Cui Yu's obsession. The purpose of his birth was to fulfill Cui Yu's obsession. How could he hurt Cui Yu?

Cui Yu suddenly realized it at this time. In an instant, his thoughts communicated with Xin Yuan, and both parties understood their plans.

Then Cui Yu opened his eyes and looked at Chi You on the ground: Ancestor, can I believe you?

Chi You glanced at Cui Yu: Of course! You can always trust me. Now that I have merged with your will, where else can I run? I can only go to the end with you.

Having said this, Chi You cast a vague glance at Cui Yu's back. He didn't forget that there was a female demon watching covetously in the dark.

Well, I want to ask my ancestor to help me with something. Cui Yu said.

Having said this, Cui Yu whispered to Chi You.

Chi You was stunned when he heard this: I don't have any objection, but are you sure you can do it?

Cui Yu closed his eyes and sensed the mosquito, and the next moment he saw the shadow under the innate mosquito's feet twisting, and Chi You's dog head appeared in the room.

Chi You looked at Yu Ji, then opened his big mouth, and was about to swallow Yu Ji, but at the critical moment, a ray of light emitted from the talisman, blocking Chi You's swallowing power.

The moment the light spread, Cui Yu in the inn said to himself: Not good!

The next moment, the power of destruction was activated, directly destroying the innate mosquito clone through the air.

And Chi You also disappeared into the house.


Just when the talisman was emitting waves, a burst of yelling was heard, and the guard outside the door rushed in with agility.

Inside the inn

Cui Yu's heart was full of annoyance: You were careless! If I had known this, I should have taken action to use the innate mosquito clone to devour the talisman first. Now that I have alerted the enemy, I am afraid that the other party will take the opportunity to move.

That talisman is not an ordinary talisman. Only now do I remember why that talisman looks so familiar. It was a talisman drawn by Zhang Tianshi himself in the past. Chi You emerged from Cui Yu's shadow, his voice full of gloom: Zhang Tianshi studied under Saint Taiqing. The Xuan family has even obtained the origin of Saint Taiqing. It doesn't seem to be a big deal to obtain Zhang Tianshi's talisman.

I have erased all traces. I just hope that I don't alert the snake, and the Xuan family's guards are not suspicious. Cui Yu's voice was a little annoyed, and the next moment he sent a nearby innate mosquito to fly over.

Of course, Cui Yu sent more than one innate mosquito to the Xuan family. There were hundreds of innate mosquitoes hiding in the cracks of trees in the courtyard, hiding in front of the pool, hiding under the eaves, and hiding in the rockery.

Innate mosquitoes were lurking in the dark at this time, staring at the movements of the Xuan family guards.

In fact, the people of the Xuan family are too confident in themselves. Tens of thousands of years of comfortable life and enjoyment have long since smoothed the edges of the Xuan family.

There were only more than thirty Xuan family guards responsible for guarding. At this time, the Xuan family guards broke into the house and carefully looked at the room with pairs of eyes. They looked at Yu Ji who was suppressed by the spell. After looking for a long time, they did not notice anything unusual.

Boss, don't check. This is an unknown place. The entire Xuan family is protected by the innate formation. Who can break in? It seems that this spell has been old for a long time and has accidentally leaked a little bit of its power. One of the guards After looking around the room for a while, he spoke.

That's true when you think about it. This is the Xuan family. Who can break into my Xuan family's lair? The leader was convinced, his eyes full of confidence: Let's continue to go back and stand guard. I heard that my Xuan family has recently planned something. This huge thing, once the plan is successful, our Xuan family will soar into the sky and climb to a new level. No one in the world can stop the development of our Xuan family. In recent days, our ancestor has recovered from isolation and is constantly rectifying The Xuan family's chances of changing their past sloppiness are actually to prepare for leaving the ancestral land. This is an advance training! We just need to be good and don't hit the muzzle of the gun. As for the Xuan family who wants to cause trouble??? With that ability, even the innate formations from the outside world are enough for him to eat a pot.

While talking, everyone exited the house and stood guard under the eaves.

If you look carefully, you can see several guards standing under the eaves, but their eyes are loose at this time, and they are obviously distracted.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief: Arrogance and arrogance are probably a common problem among all great inherited families.

The Xuan family has been inherited for countless thousands of years, so of course it has its own arrogance.

The greatest pride comes from the innate formation and the countless legendary ancestors of the Xuan family.

No one noticed that in the dark night, mosquitoes flew across the courtyard inadvertently, then passed through the gaps in the windows and tiles of the house, and fell into the house.

Cui Yu took action again!

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