No matter how bad the Twelve Capital Gods Formation is, it is still the most terrifying formation in the world and one of the top three formations.

That's right, if the formations between heaven and earth are divided into levels, then the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation, the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation are tied for first place. No matter what the formation is, facing these three formations , all have to lean back.

The second sequence is the Jiejiao's Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, the Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation, etc.

Some people may say that what the author said is biased, but if you look at it, the level of the spiritual treasure that suppresses the formation will be clear.

The Zhoutian Starry Formation uses the innate treasure Donghuang Bell, and then assists the Luoshu River Tu to operate the Zhoutian Starry Formation. The twelve gods of the Witch Clan summoned the power of Pangu and evolved Pangu's true body. Although the Witch Clan did not use innate spiritual treasures, look at the Twelve Ancestral Witches, twelve quasi-sages with Pangu's bloodline. , a quasi-sage who practices and proves the Tao through strength, personally uses himself as the eye of the formation to suppress the entire formation, which shows the terror of these two formations.

As for the Four Swords of Killing Immortals, it takes four saints to defeat them, which shows how powerful they are.

Although the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation is powerful, it is still inferior to these three great formations.

Although Cui Yu's Twelve Capitals Divine Evil Formation is still relatively weak, it is blessed by the strange obsession of the Twelve Ancestral Witches. It has been able to mobilize the evil energy and has the prototype of the momentum that a top formation should have.

Cui Yu looked at the great formation in front of him with his eyes full of expectation. This was the great formation of the gods.

As the Twelve Capitals' Divine Evil Formation came into contact with the Eight Views of the Shangqing Dynasty, the turbid evil energy in the Twelve Capitals' Divine Evil Formation seemed to come alive, turning into a terrifying monster, moving towards the Shangqing Dynasty. The barriers of the Eight Views Formation were attached.

Then the next moment, the divine power was seen flowing in the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, and it began to fight against the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation. The two formations collided, and energy fluctuations began to spread.

Thanks to the true fire of the sun constantly attacking the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty at this time, the energy of the collision was covered up.

It’s just that the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty at its peak was too powerful. Even if Cui Yu had the Twelve Heavenly Divine Evil Formation to mobilize the turbid evil energy to attack the barriers of the Eight Scenery Scenery Formation, facing the Eight Scenery Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, However, the formation is still eroding extremely slowly.

At this rate, it won't take more than a thousand years to break through the world barrier of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty. Chi You stared at the two colliding formations in front of him for a while before giving his own judgment.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard this, his eyes fixed on the formation in front of him: But I don't have that much time to waste, and Yu Ji can't survive that long either.

How about you mobilize the terrifying obsession of the Twelve Ancestral Witches? Chi You turned to look at Cui Yu, his big dog eyes were clear in black and white, and he looked very concerned.

Cui Yu was silent after hearing this, and then said something after a long while: Once the gods of the Twelve Ancestral Witches swallow up the entire creation of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, what if it gets out of control?

Actually, it's not that difficult to break the formation. The reason why the Eight Scenery Formation is so powerful is because it is a flawless existence. The entire Eight Scenery Formation is a whole without any flaws. If I Defeat the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty and create a flaw in the formation. When the perfection of the Eight Scenery Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty is broken, won't I have an opportunity? Cui Yu replied.

Chi You was stunned when he heard this: But the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty is a whole. How do you defeat the Eight Scenery Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty?

Chi You was also stunned and looked at Cui Yu blankly.

Cui Yu smiled proudly when he heard this, with a hint of pride in his eyes. The next moment, he took a step forward and reached the interior of the Twelve Capital Gods Formation.

Although in the outside world, the Twelve Capitals' Divine Evil Formation is only about a meter in size, inside the Twelve Capitals' Heavenly Divine Evil Formation, it is an endless space.

However, this space was filled with terrifying turbid evil energy. The mighty turbid evil energy charged towards the Eight Scenery Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty. Every collision caused the area bordering the Eight Scenery Scenery Scenery Formation to dim for a while, but soon Soon more power came from all directions of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, and the dim barrier returned to its original state in an instant.

Cui Yu slowly came to the junction of the two large formation barriers, and then observed carefully with a pair of eyes. He saw the turbid evil energy launching a second charge. Cui Yu followed the turbid evil energy and moved up, using the power of destruction in his hands. , followed by the evil energy, they hit the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty.


The collision of the turbid and evil energy dimmed the light of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, and Cui Yu's eyes lit up at this moment: It's now.

The next moment, Cui Yu's power of destruction pressed against the dim barrier, and then he saw the power of destruction collide with the barrier, and the energy disappeared silently.

But at this time, more energy from the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty soon came from all directions and poured into the formation, hoping to repair the barrier of the formation and exclude Cui Yu.

Cui Yu's face did not change. He only saw a vertical eye in the palm of his hand open. There was a deep and dark world in the vertical eye. The endless power of destruction rushed out from the eye of destruction, constantly confronting the Eight Scenery of the Shangqing Dynasty. The energy gathered by the array.

The energy of the Eight Views of the Shangqing Dynasty is too huge, so how weak is Cui Yu's power of destruction? Compared with the energy of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, it is simply a drop in the ocean.

Although Cui Yu's power of destruction has a world, the 'mouth' is too small, like the difference between a spring and a big river.

Seeing that Cui Yu could no longer hold on and was about to be 'squeezed out' by the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, the second impact of the turbid and evil energy from the Twelve Capital Heavenly Evil Formation came.


With a violent impact, the barrier's luster dimmed again.

The opportunity has come!

Cui Yu mobilized the power of destruction and continued to move forward.

Then came the correction power of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty. The endless mighty power gathered from all directions of the world and squeezed towards Cui Yu.

There was a hint of seriousness in Cui Yu's eyes. Because Cui Yu was standing in front of him, the waves of turbid evil energy from the Twelve Heavenly Divine Evil Formation soon surged forward again, constantly hitting the barrier of the formation.

After Cui Yu advanced three times, the twelve gods and evil formations suddenly rose up from the ground, directly passing through the energy channel opened by Cui Yu, and reopened the twelve gods and evil formations at the energy passage.

If you look at it from the outside, you can see at this time that the twelve gods and evil formations have been embedded in the eight sceneries of the Shangqing. The torrent of energy rolls up from the twelve gods and evil formations, forcing the upper The barriers of the Eight Views of the Qing Dynasty were squeezed open.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu was overjoyed. His method really worked. As long as he opened the way in front and tore a hole in the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, he would be able to bring in the twelve gods and evil spirits.

Seeing that his guess worked, Cui Yu's eyes showed a look of seriousness, and the power of destruction in his body continued to flow, and he drilled deeper into the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty.

Cui Yu's power of destruction is terrifying and can counteract all energy in the world. Cui Yu sometimes wonders: If one day he can burst out boundless negative energy, will he directly 'disappear' the entire world? Lose?

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's heart, but he knew that this goal was too far away from him.

Cui Yu is like a drill bit, constantly breaking through the wall in front of him. Behind him is the Twelve Capital Gods Formation, which is like a shelf, supporting the squeeze of the entire Shangqing Eight Scenery Formation, ensuring that the entire Shangqing The Eight Scenery Formation will not fall.

After three full days, Cui Yu didn't know how many miles he had traveled. Finally, the barrier in front of him disappeared and he reached the core level of the formation.

Not within the formation, but at the core level of the formation.

Cui Yu left the world barrier and entered the core space within the formation. He saw the overwhelming sky fire sweeping in, burning towards Cui Yu, and seemed to burn Cui Yu to death.

The sky fire is endless, and it seems to be a world of flames. Although this sky fire is not as good as the true fire of the sun, it is also the supreme sky fire that can rival the three flavors of true fire.

Cui Yu did not dare to be careless. His innate golden body had not been repaired yet, but it could not withstand the calcining of the innate true fire. It would be unsightly if the injury worsened.

Then he saw the formation of the Twelve Capital Gods and Gods being propped up. Facing the oppression of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, Cui Yu's formation of the Twelve City Gods and Gods was deployed, and it was only the size of a meter.

However, after all, the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation was the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation. At this time, it actually supported the oppression of the Eight Sceneries of the Shangqing Dynasty. Then the evil energy circulated and began to draw the power of the Eight Sceneries of the Shangqing Dynasty. Strengthen yourself.

I saw the phantom evolution of the twelve ancestral witches, standing in twelve directions, and then suddenly opened their mouths, swallowing the power of the heavenly fire between heaven and earth, and swallowing the energy of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty.

As the energy was poured into the Twelve Capital Gods' Formation, all the energy was decomposed and extracted by the Twelve Heavenly Gods, and poured into the bodies of the twelve ancestral shamans in the Twelve Capitals' Formation.

With the blessing and nourishment of energy, the shadows of the twelve ancestral witches continued to solidify and expand, and the formation of the twelve capital gods also began to expand and grow.

Virtuous cycle. Cui Yu grinned when he saw this scene.

The more energy the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation swallows, the weaker the Shangqing Eight Views Formation becomes, and the stronger Cui Yu's Twelve Capitals Heavenly Gods Formation becomes.

The Twelve Capital Heavenly Divine Evil Formation is like a parasite, devouring the flesh and blood of the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty.

Of course, there is a premise for this, which is not to let the Xuan family find out.

The current eight sceneries of the Shangqing Dynasty are just operating instinctively to resist Cui Yu's formation. However, if the Xuan family discovers it, the Xuan family will preside over the entire eight sceneries of the Shangqing Dynasty to destroy Cui Yu's twelve capital gods. , Cui Yu's Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation cannot withstand it.

But now the real sun fire outside gave Cui Yu a chance. The real fire and the energy barrier kept colliding, causing the entire Shangqing Eight Scenery Formation to operate abnormally, but it gave Cui Yu a chance.

The innate formation hosted by someone and the innate formation hosted by no one are completely two different powers.

One is to consciously target and go all out to destroy you. One is an unconscious instinctive confrontation, and the gap between the two sides can be imagined.

I have now arrived at the core layer of the Eight Views of the Shangqing Dynasty. What I should consider now is how to get through the core layer and enter the Xuan family to see the details of the Xuan family. Cui Yu muttered.

How much do you know about the Eight Innate Sceneries Formation? Cui Yu asked.

I only know that the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty corresponds to the innate Bagua: it is Qiankun that determines the north and south, Kanli determines the east and west, and it is the order of heaven, south and earth. The top is Qian, the bottom is Kun, the left is east, and the right is west. It is Kan. Therefore, the innate Bagua numbers are: Qian 1, Dui 2, Li 3, Zhen 4, Xun 5, Kan 6, Gen 7, and Kun 8.

Chi You said: The two rituals of one yin and one yang each give birth to the image of one yin and one yang, that is, they are divided into two and give rise to four images. The four images are Shaoyang, Laoyang, Shaoyin, and Laoyin. That is It is said that two rites give birth to four images. The four images then each generate yin and yang (divided into two), giving birth to the Bagua. That is, the four images give birth to the Bagua, that is to say, among the four shaoyang, laoyang, shaoyin and laoyin On the image, add a Yang Yao or Yin Yao respectively, stack them into three, that is, eight new symbols will be produced. For example, adding a Yang Yao to Shaoyin will form a Li Gua; adding a Yin Yao to it will form a hexagram. , the generation is called Zhen Gua, and by analogy, this order of arrangement of the Bagua and its hexagram number are the number of the innate Bagua, from left to right, called the innate Bagua horizontal diagram. The generation of the innate number is due to the chaotic Tai Chi, invisible and intangible The image also has no position, it is just that one Qi generates each other, yin and yang are added sequentially, and nature creates numbers from one to eight, so it is called innate.

Cui Yu frowned when he heard this: Speak in human terms.

He couldn't understand a word Chi You said.

That is to say, in the Eight Scenery Formation of the Shangqing Dynasty, there are a total of eight kinds of scenery, which have evolved into eight spaces respectively, representing eight kinds of innate power. These eight kinds of innate power usually suppress the world and all directions without interfering with each other. However, once the innate power is When the Eight Diagrams Formation is in operation, the eight forces will intertwine, combine, and evolve to form various energies between heaven and earth, which can be used to suppress opponents. For example, fate, loss of control, heavenly water, heavenly fire, yin and yang, and even the evolution of a world. Chi You looked at Cui Yu and said:

These eight kinds of energy are called the Eight Scenes of the Shangqing Dynasty. If you want to pass through the formation of the Eight Sceneries of the Shangqing Dynasty, you must resist the strangulation of these eight kinds of energy. When Chi You said this, he paused briefly: In my incomplete memory , seems to remember that the treasure at the core of the Suppression of the Eight Views of the Shangqing Scenery is called: the Eight Views of the Shangqing Scenery Lantern.

The Eight Scenery Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty? Cui Yu was stunned.

Yes, the Eight Scenery Lanterns of Shangqing can coordinate the energy of the entire formation and are the core of the entire formation. If you want to break the formation, you must take away the Eight Scenery Lanterns of Shangqing. There was some hesitation in Chi You's voice:

It's just that my memory is a bit incomplete. I don't know if my memory is complete, so I don't dare to confirm.

The Eight Scenery Lanterns of the Shangqing Dynasty? Cui Yu's eyes showed a burning light.

But there is one thing you have to remember. Now that the earth has changed, the innate formation has also undergone strange changes. The innate formation at this time must not be viewed with the old eyes of the prehistoric world, otherwise you may die without knowing it. How did you die? Chi You lamented: The old ways are outdated.

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